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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1892, p. 6

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tancy wlùoh *ver vjsited Ka& Kob Ws" a Lt wauiù thegood o!d aysbefore the sorooeb of the.iocootivêai4tunbed the Sabbath stLunew which broodeat day igisd +y out,, Ka Bob' corners, -and "Ion tiÏ20mail wag bronglit twieê' a week, by stage, fromi the neareat ra"à W&Y 8station, ten miles distant. Thé blaut cof the stage driver's, hem, the eresk of the tin peddieres wagon. aâd' the. ratlie cf tbols in the mendicant tinker'a tin c4çat were the. harshégt souna whiüh disturbed the day cdreauýs- of the early Ka Eobian8. New all ehanged. Inside the deep red deot a versatiie female flirte with the tole- graph key and -tihe agent and pass- ing "m!pr, The- tin peddler's bony beasta havé long aînéebîitèn the dusti, the cheerful ereak of-hils chariot is forever hnehed aud îLe weather-beat- on skeièton ia even tico di apidated te furni8h tbe , cbuidren a, hiditig pael their phi&y. oDirmii f th.peiet the church, nt a C" abb8'sjump"firom 'ihe grass grewn molla heré reet ,tltë venermble, bouge cf the tinker. 7cm; ail is greatly chanuged, 'but hardly ,Ior the bettâr. _¶0hete, wuSOMSnmthl pleasing aboit &he very 'de&bratIon and hesitancywhicb characterizod the. oeld time Ka Bob _and its people. But even deliberatiôn oan b. oarried to a Painful ez.Ireme; and nover was ii mûre succ.ssfully cdone than inith,& daily iwalk ad conversatiol 6famfi bas Htcliiu-B uteb', for sh~ort Inille r, who waa a typioal composite cf the combine hesitancy et the .ntfie comiunuity. The fact that ho had neoer manrqedý was accounted for by the village oracle aa foliows : "Barn'e ben a-keopin' company etidy with Abiga1 Smith for goin' on two years now," ezplained widow 13ock te the new preacher, "'an' befere that he'd begun te ahine 'round Clodine Stafford til ehe vent off te a female. seminary. But if eveiy womnin Ka Bob .hould stay ainâgle 7tilli thby're gray wuilug fer Barn' Hutoh' te pop ho equeîUO#u- ho neverd geL furtîir tïan.IWa>ýI new, ]Pi tellycV' Talkebôuwimm"' ein' fickie 1M coÏbinnod the wi4ow, asher oye dweolt teuderly on tii.wid#r. .1f men aiu't' lb. Most hesitatin' and kako salt-risiü7' bre4dt1-aun' if I do say it, I'm wiUi'te "Put My maitmn bremtd againçt auy in Ka Bob,"* The. Irido b's peint wua wUltený and uank, lik'e good maodjut h.é,ada 1erous cnuntenance of tthe bereav.d Preaqher-ap&itis1 0 ample jutiiop te thé' itâ6* ïb saybCI quan 'Itîty of hem aalt.iing bread, fiap-jokc *m-odgers 'Md other CULiuaycon- ciou~ s 0 f da ed Sqtnh.re ' £ theue e .sihllreo- tors, drov4 ap1te tii.mil on fil ay and Rs Barn' B7tch' came ont *ad BS uisted'in unIeading the. griÈt, the iquir.. Bau', we'vo hired Cie' Stàfë. t.è corne lsok t'teach 1hi:wiutoa' 1 h only thbe amartest au' beet egicatefi -el in KaBob, bqtshp'sUys, tle pumb- jes i ouitMnes i 4i dptgt your longue l~br< u ut ueck and te li~M sWh~~es M 'AI now' 'i t1% 3 B~~~aI>a lngaedaengwitth l l fiaarid l. h6tbx etý>êiii tir, rea*'às (Uitine aiedown tÉé aýiel wi &ï 1 freni. oteei.jni As ho vas grpplig after words.'-in whih e'akb~ 'hme, avoice.at ",Why, how doJQu 1o, Ir uth rus2"ab i LAm'm~1 sai vir iug the. Widow Boc's ldest a= devel- ow tOrea*slo1.talea nt eas s oo able te caricature Iris 'téachOý aud *rates wthiIdiiecus è1ltrereu. Olodine teck mach inters*t in hie heure at hcr desk to-e .himepeci instructions. ;As the wnt er vere on iâto Ftbruadia K. UBÃ"b atrè auditene ly flaimea outont u'3grgoscoleolin, ef vllerangiug lÙ.styie frIn th~e lndiorypapn"y aicatures te d"ity bits ô6f- antimnt fraxned lu elaborately emuie4 aqd a orated ýpaper. Tii. thé émbryo cartenist and hé stu died them ee ry, but net more eaeuiy than ho di the cmiller'a couatenane. The. viletine-ideb had evideutly seiâdd, X t&,,t. amey âb t aîvividuées. Tlimaw. bt enp hbglclgb comnplet. lits preparaticu fer.a largo o.leratixi thte day. itUyastrange, freak offortune lut oe elack vas sup- pli-& M 1a4 Mi.séntuîhboni. ;4t was afleÏOe siidI ue-4haî come7ite hie teaher's d4olr'his oustoarypecmz Jilts pon drvig. H. hànpp'edte ,ospy an enelepe aditresed ituler band te "KJr- amaua1 q ~tcl44s."Somns litti. ime &afer i. widoIï>s eldeet -son hait departed from the sohool-rom hie teUchèi attemp>tedte£à& *0envetepe fortbo purOsé ei odug la e-y.ar invitation te Mm. HutohQnste acoci- PAAy berr inàa1- l6wiggpry fiodingiït, ah. addreaed no ber aud &rope it iintoe i.oafce. - va entine Mormlu, au Barnabag Hutchinu sanereit up te the Post of- fice, after the stage had corne ru, be vas in tiiroes cf depair. Il ha&4 nov becu. several mouth: inie. Olodine's etum»,' $44i h. hed net Oùly "sla'I hmwm. hait called lapon hem ne lesm thairi vit the distinct detoruùmto tde- clame hie love in thé Most iret-anMd sententioup words t of tehgille lan~uagesa eapab e. But on eVm,«y eue etf h .blisaful intgréva langa. a& ded hlm lii. w ditî0ni viien hie oyei lookei upen Olodîne and hmbis ialitcontempla- ted t 6~ops14 8ste , lon, estrangli"#rein ail forme et den"mt stat«'Mntlý airit thi eec«h vbeh h. hg»d .6nmrnite4te nimemoy, anMdhe hait Iwam4 hiieef 1flndéring lu lb. ditchof yese-iyeno Re alte for hm -mi. Wha? Couih. bliev.i .. li tèro by thei. mrne hum Oi Staffent I1 H.eosrsi) mr ipp0t M oe O eth11e ltutr. . ïï i -n7" and dr.v forth aaz iwï bLhrow<nV =POUvI hph *at - 'O lt ensd ad sonva au",, p4oIi- ,.dena ss* bodyhil. au of hieé anotlipr"eeit., 0 kmp of moke, varions faisOe ijiioù.tions, te vit: H;1rsreIrw hit.as bne,;. it YForgettinu 0 b ,130 @hr 1.tter -ho stroeoup lýA-wiàp.reeî pfat Wldow BoéWs sud 113. once *vome.4>i.l £1~ ~ h aéa.e iihb hait ne befere been gnl'y. Thé*ffiag. lefer, vatbed îbis MUA thonadq fiiA~or a rot4nDg rM Widow Bock caht st4gh t of #~ caledto tere atustie 2Thomas -the o s- ouuyIi~ se~th vy ~ati ~ t«-' r 4à p Ubis b*y viMi - clbb" IÏidJ;i bs '-bibît k guilty lob de "nHev e u E eqtaku ci anun-, measiralstatàent 9Ql'manifw,- haiSne bioy& togethçr ar- played iu ihinituot êd dliEgrt aoat eba-rn -"di dok,:pond, -1vot6M cotrit y witheut furtheiv--examînatiou." for meet ou his e haunchc sud l- net., New, ide way ï4aLw uz dct cd wau r:fsabbit hips-out-be- foré yen for. >dibnein'yerlf bai bait Iick.; but $4er. dinr y or mue' net ging nt hlm loem yer, ha b bat lnck. Nov dat abih ppd ut-I flung de "Ikuev,"- repliedtheii.jndge, "but iL ias lu 'hoa*toruoàn vheu you stmuck "Pafa f~t, '44, ~but heseri wuz'fdai de -boî vz se fur ýa*ay dat.it! tuck de club ail dat turne ter git tem "Ml.go teO jail. YenU have out- grovn tii. oit hemp ahirt yen use& te W.ar,' but yeum.ë'NWity for lyg strotcheawith deoiigyea»s - pe Rosdin wToaSifthig. Deelarâtion -et Independouce vas Wabinktoù 'Vas bemu Friitay. Quéen Victofia -was niarret Fïriday. asudAsoovret Flîïay. ewr landetii. ,Jôau cf Âmehs bumued tea .sake eatt'e cf Waanlee vas fought' Fmi-. da&y. Lipuol v arim .wusd Yrbeihi . ore A NBWBPAIPER Pol 'a r' MASÈSS TIruaiOîi ove '1000 o Tu Passi.tihe of noaSolon; punis neoirs;u éno anmneaiîtica te avenge. 2W.~~~X m.Icsralr Newlaer#0o lm ie. w Zr. 1 -1 1 .ý1 .1 TRI P»88s le A NATrexAI, NEWspPuzB.________________ (3hcap nows uJ garsensaand txacui flnd ne pli te l 1h.ehna csf Thire prcpa. Tr» Paz as 1'h. briglitoat Edlitodal tJ tit paelS~ew York. Ib sparkles with 42,ts.JOUX El F*RtEWELI, Q. C., lpic eInterut.Court House, Whitby. - w Pled t"mQh= d I rnwel and hata Tis * Pzso Wéeeky Edition centains ail theogod Iinga of ie Daily and Sunday editols. Fur thewbo mcnuot afford th. DaIL! or ar",reeulbed by* distance from early ro- co îngi, Tai s zLz la asplendid sub- AS AN ÂDVBTIMINO XzDmx Trlm Pniais ne suberor in New York. THE PRESS Wi*hi'-Me reack of ai. 7Te Besi and clpest NVewspaper in America. DailyatiSfuutay, o'eepar, - $5.00 fi -, f fi 6 menthe,- - 2.60 fi il i 1mouti, - A45 Daly, enly, eue year, - - 3.00 il-i 4 maonths,- - 1.00'. snndq, eue year, - - 2.00 WeWky Pros, eue year,- - 1.00 8«e41»r TOM Passe Qircular Sarple, fre.Agen*te vanted .very- vhere,' libmalcemiso -1 »WkBo, New York. Wbltby, Dg forà Banister, &a. _ iO0ffc ormerly' coupled ,by garcwell &Rutledge, nextI Royal) Hote1- Brook St." Whitby.ý DAVID OItxI8TON, a. A., itoDc-tLiw, 8eiito ù Ob1auery, Ceuêjacerilo: -Ommx-In thé Onfce Blok, Brook Stret,ehiLy, G. YOUNG,SmIT..LLO B. Barisir,»o.-t.-Moùéy to Los.-In suer of, Msxrr ie. Lases. Obie 'à th, Blmok, South ot iMarkot, BiocÏàSt. Whub' Office lu Mathiion à Hawke's ncw Brook St., Whitbyt soulh' cf B&nk C. E. NGILI (Tezea s-tf J

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