1:30 SI - Noad spega 1 wu seeslo wMU* talte place at P 'tiid evenhsýg seWsos tO atV ision feew*Iibehagd-Lds iiivited toattend t'h. SecIetem. A. F. Rwdle D. G. M. P. of bMi. Canwell Division, Noý 382 Sous of Temperanoe visited Wbitby Divison lasi MondR>' evening, and ieçelved a cordial welcome., Messrs. A. R. Rowland and W. . Haflet let on Mondav for London as delegaites o ai- DeIlShed 47 DIngle1 4 Twa Hall 7 Maiority Bond's 71 Town Hall 63 School 49 183 tend the annual meeting of the Grand Lodg 1 aority of the Sons of angland benevolent socieiy be- ing beld in that city during this weelc Utica Division No. 34o. Sons of Temper. anoe was instted at Utica on the îôth inst.,' by W. H. Bewell, G. S., Whitby,. asssted by Myrtle and Greenbank Divisions. Ilhere was a large charter list and the division opens witb good prospects. The tlbowing officers were elected and installed for the current quarter. viz :-W. P.. Edwin A. Chrisie; W. A.. Miss Velle Brodeick ; R. S., Thos. Beare ; A. K. S.. Miss Mary Christie ; F. S._ Geo. Hao; Treas., l as. Claughton ; Chaplain. Rev. W. Lloyd; Con., Ed. A. Walker ; A. C.. Miss Annie MeKercher, I. S.,, Alex. Gal0. S, Arthur Crosier. Night of meetings. TIes. day. Prevlous to the institution of the Divi. sion a public meeting wa.s held dursng which members of Myrtie Division furnished a good musical and literary programme and short ad- dresses were made by Rev. Mr. ILloyd of E"psom and W. H. Bwe, G. S_ Whîtby. W. C. T. U. qots FOR GOD AND HOME ANDi NATIVE LAND. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. feel pleas- ed at the way the youths of the town are taking advantage of the Free Reading Room. Miss Stairr the superinterdent, keeps a strict record of therniembers who' pass in and out each night and reports as follows. During the month of Nov. 262 ; Dec. 348; Jan. 252- an average of 12 per nîght. Is it flot encouraging to know that these boys instead of obtaining a street education are 'rproving their minds ud- laying up knowledge that will we hope be of use t0 theni later in lfe ? WHISKEY DID IT. What caused that murder ? Xhiskey did it. What caused the suicide ? Whisky. did it. What caused that man to murder a member of his family and then taire bis own lfe ? Whiskey did it. What causeit that man ta get into a brawl and kilI bis friend ? Whiskey -di it. What catised thai family that lived together happily to be separated and a suit for divorce to be institurted ? Wbiskey did it. What broke the heart of that loving mother ? Whisky did it. Whisky did it, we hear frotniÀ to Z of the list of crimes and yeî wg license this tiquai- demon, maire men our ae"ts t0 craze men so that they will commit ail the crimes possiblefor humanity to com- mit. Let's dissjlve. thé partnership. We may flot be able to stop the use of it at once but we can vash aur hands of the iniquity and do ail we cÉtn toL prevent. ii>- ihen our duty is dont. As long as we sanction it we are accessary before. the fact, whth maires us çqually guaty with the parties whe conimit the offéaces. Lets stop the ravages 6i icensed whisky.- Let us outlaw if and we can soon 111the ifionster. Idtory ts The Ms sionary Reviewofithe Worid for March has for ifs leading article "The Story of the Salvation Army," by Fred- erick Perry Noble. He likrens General William Booth to Great-Heart in Buniyan's Pilgrims Progress, and fotlows the pro- gress of the 'gi-est religious-milîtary organizaion from'i ts fi-st beginning in 1861 to the present finie. Otiier timnely and interesing articles ini the Department of Literature of Missions" ai-e: <"London and Its Missions," by Arthur T. Pierson,' who is serviig Mr.- Spurgeon's former congregation ;' PersecuWno of tbe Rus- sian Sfundists," bY James E. Mathieson; "'The Reflex Influence of Missions,"a paper rtad by Mrs. Ethan Curtis before tht New Yor-k State Braneh of the Women's Board of Missions lust May ; "~The Cuban Mission," by Rev. A. J. Diaz ; "Missionary Fellowsbip," by aev. Wiliam~n- H. Lisle; '-Tht Boy's Brigade andf the Missionary Cause," ly Rev. J. Q. Adamis, i1resident of the organistion ; "Go forward.>: by Rev. A. P. Hopper'. "'Tht Enthusiasmi of Jesus Christ,"' by Rev. A. C. Murray ; "Central American Missions," by Rev, Joshus ,H. Tobey, Tobey. Tht other departments are flot less tîmely. 1Publishe<I by the Funk & Wà glls Comipany, 18 and 2o Asisi- Place, Xe*w: York $2 per year ; 25 ceSnts for siniglé numbers. -In:clubs of ten, $1.50. DAsnnts -Af Whitby, on Sguday, *Feb.-A 215t, z892,, Samuel Daiiiels, in his 8&stî year. SOUTRW"LL-At Wbitby, ob ,Friday,1 Feb, î9th, z892, George Southwel1, aged 52 years and 8 montlss. ORaIsro.,.-AtÂ-at Whitby,',On Tues- day, Feb.,23rd, 1'892, Mary> Keith, eidest daughtér,ofMr. and iMrs. Jiio.'Orhuston, .aged, 15 yeas nd 3nMonths. A, PtIlmnan Tourist Sleeping Car il <i il t 69, 94 68 -57- 74 44 192 9 Utica 83 6o 87 56 Epsom 18 9 49 -loi Gregs25 6-o 34 74 Greenbank-93 54 91 64 Seagrave 73 67 73 68 Pr. Albert 48 'loi 122 Manchester 81 71 80 75 Maiy4.49 502 461 56o Maoiy53 99 EAST WHITBY. 554A 73 74 47 64 84 ï96 Cedard U L7 3 S. House ri2 Columibus 75 Raglan 47 400 Mlajority 88 Smlth's Deverell's, South Wrd Majority B1. Shop Brooklin Brooklln Ashburn 27 64 59 93 312 69 50 69 64 50 59 44 50 39 .58 55 1. 79 137 65 37 272 270 283 2 WEST WHITSY. 86 54 87 70 87 77 84 74 ý84 86 68 . , 93 72 90 70 S50 289 329 X»9 Majority 61 RECAflTiLAflOII. Oshawa 385 Pt. Perry 183 Reach 449 E.Wbitby 400 Wisitby 2-12 W.Whtby 35 'r - 2039 -nS7 MajoritY 32 442 192 502 312 270 289 2007 Ir5 478 l8î 196 461 56o,, 421 368, 283 34» 329 9 1610 W. 0. WUers LeaIu. New stock bard and soft bais ut W. G. Waluen'. New spring good arming dully at W. G. Walters'. JuM rec'd Ibm My~inhrdsd mt bai ai W. G. Wulliew. lum' mel1 50o "gdis tm s o selet fi-o. W. S.Wltr' DO you Wear collets? Read our -,i venhitisent s»d sec the priseswe oeil the lesding makes at. Read oui- pricelist, eut.it ont sud bm-ng it with yon and ask to sec anylhue mesn- *sed,ý, f you dont open your'ee amzget at the values we--are felg theti H w e'l .Suprised. House-dleaning wiil' Ioo= commence and you *iD necd SÙne nMW window shades. J=i take a look at those beauti- fui dado -bordet. wtndow shades that we are selling, two foi- fi. Do you want a shîltÎ? Hâve you a ruti- supply of socks? Are your collamn u11- right? Do you necd buces, accktioe,- cufisor-hazdkei-chiefs? b therelaytu g in gents' furnishinga tidaiyou need ? Ifno bearin mind thai we am- e slhng, new, fresir, nobby styles t lower prices tisai other houses obarge foi- Î, taleascilf- worn gooda. oVerpowreda If ing setenf s b cd river »d 2h* may Sgiaie o verv-Tà Fuas cesh, second $75 live 850, and mo . :oter valuabe pi ~L ~et Snepsr. N aire reoeivigday Spring. Goods, in Dresa- Cotto nades, -Tickin:gs, - riliings, Ties FAFgM- FOR SALE. $8900 Wiln1Ixzy 78& acres more c es let 8. reo-f uicoiou 5, emet lWhitb, Ontario County. iBuildinge ini good r-- pair; veli watered ; well feneed. Terme as.Will b. rented if not sold. For' parioulars mpply b JOHN Y. COLE, ?Ob. 9, 1892.-1O-am. Mnitn Rw. TR.AP 18O. OC9'2E~ 1e ,a . OaDtdaDD * Ade-F E NAX(ON BRSOI,-O MSABLISHE» z8e6 MÂ~ItJ~'ÂOTU 0F Coeliaingse B~rinrl 1 ,G *orBee&ers. feffickfm Breneb WaiehoUe.i- 1229-U 25 80 8 Pront 8treet, Torointo" and GOOD ÀeCTIV2 «ENTSWANITgD IN l Fa m.u e our o*rd Umvig TE N~ G. bo ns*, ~Gents' WAL SP-RING.D SACR I *1 &eW ings, ,soýft- 1 , WHITBY TOWN. 4- 4