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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1892, p. 6

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01ied th oua6* ad A: t"My dRIQghtewb 'very ill. Dàso m other ioraR- wa mikliofl. (b. "E~L TASVOL My dishtke of ber g.~togr 1 had noer met lire.Tro, hglf ber nae~5S amiliar to e i Atht o a WidoW cf large fortune and 19 b bhy uwetise" to >ugl, lu.-i sot.Ipstion, regiding with - ber ~betoabn fhmh ie daughter upon a' handsorne estâtO a Trev6r I1 eonld make nô destl W few miles of town. Itt was certa.ifly Ihe8 ,nul a 'sha8o "Of, very flattering that, -with the services af the most oelebrated epecialiBe at lier Meanti'e my inters in EdDI'I Tro- eomi'nd, she should -suinruon Me, a ,- h h i f bitoe wh ld worke4 vrgo $htmrRso e yoù«gj>racttoner wy a s eue whi h*àw- 0oïÜbum- bi _üfp freinpoverty and ob-,curitY. I ng her. tI~hIke n w ]But I was begiuning to be known, 1 re- secret, the. secret of- hie terrer and flected, as 1 prepe.red to start, and it, I Mteywjhct yhatl-a were te b. suoceseful in this ceue, iisryi@ic ot.I my ar eai a h&ê en. Trevor'à influence would. thlrow ê.teniybadsIsabe diglwyb0 to me the doors cf the fashionItble heietoavie.Iovd erCv wornd, where she was an aaknowledged e d.6r withthb-eiee rIith4rieyk leader, 1seul 1 And sbe-waa . presumpu 1 found lire. Treoen a state of the, UffupO di le eebngtun deepest anziety and distress. Ho her pl be zhasIatboîehr <aughten bad been iii for seine weeks sd ebe itîb.tudr ae aready, and was growing lowly and cudfo ke hlyeuCfui stesdily worse overy day. The dises..ol ntki woy utu l which seed te b. a strange, painlesai Que moitrniug, disurbed by a nigbt ef decline of etrength, witheut visible au ganit 1roe aj -d cause, had baffled the-iitmoat akili ansu td s sugairet, kinaro terly sud experieuce of the physicianh. Noue o ef gýnd uio nn h wlig them could ovengive it a namo, &and mve ugeds surrund&Hthe deingb. one after another they had retir4id, coul- aides myseif were istifl asleep ; but on feasing hem defeat. tur inÉ a noam i la distant Cernder, She had hoard of me, ghe said, in of the garden came suddeuly D'ion eonuePtion with smre remurkable Miss Misane, bending over a flower 'bed cures, and with teom in ber oyes she which eh.h seemed le b.e weeding. boeought me. lu s*ve her daeling. s h. vore tliiek gloves and cariied aI 1 promised to.do my beat. aml boxinber hand.fi I wu sbo*n ho Miss Treven's ro 811se seetned strangelyaW.t lat 1the She vas &bout 18, and, despite ber sigbî of me. 811.e droppodtii box and1 langour and paleneas, oeeof thle 111051atoogasing s4ý me *wi postive terrer1 beau 4u beings I had ever soen. 1 ue myselfvwhat it vas the, feared I bsUl l UPPosed te be shaned tO had diséovered ; but I was very careful the emotions of ordinary bumanity; te conceal My tbougbls. 1I addiusd but,às ibs naisod ber large, soit V" 1<> ber easily sud siqiloegly. a tllu mte 14>10811 asd 00fl80in1Myo1 "Yeun ae dVut.dgardener, I se04" a~~~~~~~~~ 1hilô tneuieadtyl y remarked, et the »aietise casting heart wliich vas.nov in my expotl- IMny eyes arenud' toe atoeb, if possible, once. sm igM of whst ah. had beuseng After a long and auxiffl oenarmia- i ed in. tien Il teo, vas eemieUled te aeoknew- "Ye"s> ledge my complete ignorance of lb.ei love fluorsz»-that id, lira. Treor isl nature of tb. malady from.- whieh eh" kind enougi te se- &part Ibis portion of wuasuaffeing. I could deteot ne foyer, he gardon for me, knuving my haste.»' Do organia losion, nothing but a slow, &"Ts-iai a very peeniar plant.»'! fatal uppiug of the. vital. forces. Thesiiid, pointing teo a lew,. odd-lookinst !ymptoeswere 50 strange sud centra- sbrub over wbîch .atoevas b.ndng. e»âhctory, thah 1 wus literally oonfeund- " bte isname 7 I -have neoer Bd. i6seeW bnthig11.à bl While I1vas questioiiing the ir', er anhîg iion lefre.d5 Ia" thero wu a cautions rap at the door, ipeeo i.pat an8 a voice enquired: Iyai' very' pecutiar, as yen: "May I corne in, dear Helen say. I t is a native of Java, I bdIievo. .What wus hbere in thec voice tlitaI 1 T.sodvsgen ebyafi vo fectedl me, disageeably ? I am ut, brou-îîiti freux the Est. Il la eaUed given to faucies, but something in ()<iu. h uk ln. thoeemooth, persuasive houes ehilled We hie ak e Pant.a"' Ib me 1k. a noteof warmng. I1 41 a te bu vrti ln x eu u t person wbho bad a oken - the imnpres. oued eut my band ho Iouch. il.t bh sion was deepeued. uttekleda supprossed exelammatiun and She vas a woman et 26 or 28, haill eerned about ho restrain auj atm _. snd lender of figure, pale of complex- "It is uusafeto h audi., It vitbeul ion, with veny light hair aud premîn- aleves," sghe said, in:au stéeansnu#- cnt featurea. Hen eyes 1-I b.d nover îbIe voice. -"It is sid tk> iguth ie seen sncb eyea in a burnan conten- sl. suce 1 Tbey were of a dull bine. se "IPoisonnus 2" I1 quark& d, dawng faint as te b. hardly discernible from back and looking at h br. the snrnouading whites'; sud vien ber "Oh. ne,", she replied qui*ekly, ,,Dot face wu im sbadow tbey seemed to dis- pln Ohe o, dér, no 1 OnIy irni. appear lu a sort cf a greenisi hase.taug The effeet vas not pleasant. This per. taWith my mînd full of a nov suapi son vas introduced 1to me as MisS eieo ahr iisn.dr. no Misane, a cousin of Mrs. Trevor'asu- 1eeiodosaphr ieîen a Ibv diretion sod baud. teodad Aos oe leaned oeor tb. ick girl's »urned oey stroil. hrs 00" es w her enter libe a seI, sttrî4 t -ber long, gautt ngora I had su ugly idea tbsî hboSe fnger8 veuld gIadly preso lb. eoftwhie-throat sud ,pros. the-frail Poùng lite<outlof!thie body. It vas an.absu ns nsd I bwaiabe tdeeod-ben Mmra.. Tren i" lt4me it ber boudoir. 11. Ing o e b.p o or ld' ospvithoul hoeding hon verds, ntlIfa u4u ly aroued frei- by reveils by suin- "If my-ppr girl a..Msar" Iur wi ieîtthevirois of Mr.-, Trewoi fortune." I atae'ed sdlook.d st lion vith a aango trougirt t@ûiaig spe in amy ammd.- "Thre wf your bitsabmsafor- Àmude frei om ydow.u,,te mee lsVOw14 go ho her,-nteu a onsmflb." lb. wpt u 0exam1 lenvec Ae.loka sonueviat 1k. a -e .overed vitir voutii s pots. Hon.re & pouite pairs of tbe1 stroc ue nof tie*,i onuaod il io*tb vusoiilied "0 Lb. air. Il gotten »su - omp .ÉASL »rve tveiftý >years inthPODitetiàn7 gav &wY indr te éuliëncm t and ne- âud into, veakuesos id emscistielit consumtptWa .aslly fouuïd'humia subjeot for lm. reititueu atack. Re. waated Say, abeadily iu<spijtoof lb voil nisat eatiis, f andI sudblduesa01, the. bespitaloIs a. . cas. was pnonouncéd 'holpaleN , ih ne ex- pecsation- tiaI "eud -survive abotbLer uosequn tly noerst lu gueh cses' til beecfofmein ailler- ;y ibsudoned, oMeaoed ol n Oct& 4h aM atter s coullemeut ef four, yeam .Alexander Newman -as csrie<t frein the prison hespi-_ OCieb<. l"$ î end convoyed& te tlb. homse ef Ma relatives.le s heme.vemiug wuas uyhing buüjiY f ul. se bis new-feund liberty oeomed tdîoubel to be cutý shornt by the wonld'ogreat gleaner-deatbi -Boit bappily fears" gKrev grunudless-lifè7 wai biain t.glo>w" livig.r, sMd hope for the. hopleu eon wasrevived. Thre days sft.r se' !P -releam4e' a -frieild who, eq4enetn4 the re-markabk î"Ofee biler'. gisulsion ho sustain sud atrenghi u1f.,advwsd bis distr te procure a botte ef the re»Wey. Àuimated vith tbhe ! ieftat, wie thaï. la lite tirer. 14 brhP, âae pur. cb*as *-.bottlo 61 Mill.r's Ena Wo! f Ced yÀver 011. Pr<ui- tiei ltdoe takenthé pahloul leoked:fonvard vilb hep. viien it was fou-tbat, bii systona could nttin d gssimrlats tht. Pslatble pnspraties. His digustivq- ergasbad ba> u vah.was uabletsvriWnufficentfod- lu nom-nlah lit body', fmei that esum ie bad no waste awà à l vih ny12oud. The tome*àe Imdnfateneove fl.mapty ar-' rin iloo.udlepemyk earne vithraddf.h Alexuder NNewman îa- a Dow mauiodeed. W. tabou Jan.1 ian veighed con that da.145 puuudu. a gain &Uy 12 of ten ounces a day for sizty-siw dàaýs frein thes hl*m he bu4êrsê ilteIulai of Cod Liver Mi. We trua ttis very singu. 1er èecoveny viii unI bhavethe etet et osf- trning tire hand et naerey iWL-the. le.a.' f ckpisonem .Par hette-rif tliisresult-, =i Itiie case of Alexander Newman were tnt kiiowu publicly, butîisffl valu- > le ii. the interftt of püblie iresîlirtu be ovi&lcked. To venlfy, hie aie,. fita t he =etificat.e the pient I.sppede Kutcose, Jaauary 2n8, 189-I b.nely ce béy air bove bcing ewtlu eery tNurdny tif. ans 0 irm. MWI 1 t~ z..Expenlonce bas -prons ïMyrlê Kvy".rade £1,.-H. Shepierd Il ged 25, Qomn- iMlide -ut Petenboro by tkbig car - *ntot.b ly pii! l u do>itaile laCeIntan7flI Ot geafnt truxi e'y ~eehmovainents Of RUWMi >tmope QnrlBatk lu Pari. hu.gmesup lSabilities 24.000,00 francs, On. )r bas sufled, tvo have floid dnd eue or vitei nerit which 1, the. scikibaseforthe melSuccmo f Hoods Sraarla Cidren u Dow & XiCGILïVB.j Office in m&subisomn&eHavkenti encek 8.WhiibYb-ibtt Phyoluwgeen10 sudm, Âoe tacLe, 1 l. M. arqo'. 8,ileT ononT o G.nerp 'w b"-. P, ýÛGAITq bDetLOD V. IL IIGGS. .i h e r d w î leut cf 111 of, comn ttons Wei ie vaneaus ~n and BPI VERio AIMs'naoum

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