if you ,neeédth help .of Spe~ee go to J.S Barnard, -Whitby, a üd get ac- curately fiited.- He has the best appl- ances fortesting the sight that can, be go-and a very larj variety of Frames' which to mout tl lenses.i Bi prýcl are low. Hoilidaypr - asI"»Ia.IN W* do lb* ou W. J. Xoi' W FRIDA! Socre OIrest esiy ai WtllIs e oaymoniluxnexi Ii>r 1. entertalumewt b .j...i rp1or th' dtes art you to tiesa s or stand up. crowded bue appar~ KspYrreyo teFiayA)l U.1iktt ~.Tcwrasilob haol ifeelia pemman" wli w6m Han- n ogthiesprit a caOxIcLZus cal bi odebd, prc ~eb'e- bu we a bd Wh .eela q 1 wm t heir own sud *fore the bour for er w111appesi- hA Frkday 1 1 hi le. Dy- h mul suppos tes l?--bus bem as tog#busbeen inMlive, sud we 1liai MMe b. foi oba.b 1 - -- M, HlundZedaof ter &Metoappre- lu the cits.arem ~reaha ofcom- MMP4 sim l pes- of pnwrom.L mm of money. k 1 gtboireyest reardba, if auy one SOupetiioq Toi-ota zse=uy q auuwerodt.. euse bsd iwo au- Ne publlsbm uat le ptaile stqitig ,- liU<ea.but sprisg lnds w i.1a l i l CoSb'sa good dealto i ~l r dirhig f t he 0< ti bluathe committee wllalsoà e a decWduI *a o whbeieror'no a rangement 9"ahbe ": of, t-2 %rOind. Tree could bemà o plan mSt . p e- .. go unie w" corJe19o10=to n %W *uaa" ile Mcm i op nffeSa mer la am tum.îuin»" os ii b is ckarl d ueeefor thelr enjymeut. 'Tf. & rutmore of sucb crltls had Motavt townspof_pte b i.OutarloLuaieýCl pie dgnce *frSo! ibui 6lm emitry to d elaborate matrpe eso;t-day, wbIdý Pade.wusk or a pacbMan my lutn to the. et et Mdarmim uèdad ces ftrouthmonj ti i.cvoiIad*w-Orb faMry -be conpsred 10 a beautfd POU aboupdkog la delke a ugery au4 LU tl ant of a lu-e v armnlectw v asutby tllueutaedby th, e dci *ÃŽkilcb i. KSesEck, 14; Morris Z Ueua Moore sopîeasingly eude juâge Daitnellhasremdered, a- wagzt 1udgmeuiin Rom, V&. Aunsa g i $m owcu eteIpo<tii.tobo tion of the ÃŽshdeupon b l u.Thorawî a balance ah due the cmotractor wbe n t eUd. mas inlshed, sud for titis agugm Borne patile. gaveoajoint note. One wa sud another tme nimber on the rote -lms éned «Wti Mesura Geo. A. Romu and E e. Grass badin psy the balance.- Afiar tlmne se »the slde t ake .up tu the~ fiie down 1Mr Annes .ledM tam*. LToÃ"uaINSPECTION EM) Tol ~du8ay4OFth' and 3 port the epfing -Seîïsoa with a- large and 1 idori and New.,York'MlieyPatra îeetdasaortment Of, Stapi. audFauoy,_I MSPEOýTIFULLY SOLICITED., .ntIy, occupied by MessrS'. Ra' wilI be pleased to meet. Our f in'..our new quarÈtexs,,.' A-1 the ToneV== . pait Rlewbr ra pa7tslg Metes Optýr 4 s ortntce ï BVerYbo>i boreaua tomeraae e The-foe ira la am «e Tcipsame a1 ïZato the tc Rememberl tertaiumeet bý ier imcls ,Fm"ayeyesb Hall open'à ai day morcng., The. sud