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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1892, p. 2

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WMl cure Yeu, is à true stAt.~eOV the action of AYEW$ arUa when takert for 4ise W ginating in impure bloo4 ; but, while this assertion ý.true 'of AYfER'S Sarsaparilla, as. i housands-canattest, it cannot be truth-1 fi Ilyapplied toother preparations, which titirincipled- dealers wiIl recommends anid try to impose upon you, as "idst as good as Ayers." Take AyWI' Sarsa- parilla and Ay r's onIY, if you need a blood,purifier and would be beneflted çermnently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years,. has enjoyed a reputation, anud made a record for cures, that has never been equalled by ether prepara- tiens. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eradicates the* taint of hereditary scrofula and thier blood diseases fromn the system,. aind it has, desservedly, the cOnfidence of the people. AYERifs Sarsaparil la «1I cannot forbear to express my je>' .t the relief 1 have obtained (rom- the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla. I was afficted with kidney troubles for about .%. iionths, suffering greatly with pains .n the srall of myback. In addition to this, my body was covered wth pimply cruptions. The remedies pretcribed tfailed to help me. 1 then be" te take AYERS Sarsatparilla, and, in a short timie, the pains ceased and the pimplms eiszptuired I advise every youing iman or waman, in case ef sickness resuling fror impure blood, nio, matter how Ion g stanvhlng the, case may be, te take AVERS s apr1l.-H. LJar- matin, 33Wl Jlaut. New York City. 'w11 ure YOU Preparco by DrJ. C. Ayer &C.,Lwcfl.Mmi. (QORRE8SPONDICNOEC. H-is legion of friands vii b. grieved te leare thati Mr. Beeton, the. highiiy respected ex-clerk cf tis township, 15 very 1ev et bis home in Whitevaie. Hie ed, iL in foared, is draving ne"r. The St. George's Churcit Guild, be- lieving jen Lbe principal cf beginning on inail things and afterwards te advance te grater undertakings, ane et verk: raising fueda te buy a supply of hyma and prayer bocks for the. use cf atrang- ers. Frank, son ef David Smniit,came nier beieg kilied ce Wcdnesday. As iL was betéu aspsmevitat b-ruised bensath the _ ihÜels ef e pasing 'rehicle. lied iot te drer, D. Bi Pugit atopped lte vehiolé aitheii.moment ha did, a&U va ûp *ith Frank. The Whiîthy sud Lindsay Baptiat As- sociation.- convened bero on Tueaday and Weduedy. Bach cf te open sessions vere lergeiy att.ended, notoniy by te bretitren cf thia village, but alise by tes.e frein neighborixtg circuits. The meetings vexe of,much opiriliual grood. The pestera efthLIe district wexe almost &ain, i.attendance.-Newi. Moera. petoraon & Coxzier have opsned a itranh office at Sullon, WOUt (Xïexgiua tovnsiip. Mx. Crezier bai gene Lilere foxrLb.hprusent. The inten- tion la, hevever, fe x aesn te attend tiisreat stated imes. Mui. in titis iecality soel tafrly beomîng. Durin Lb. Pr weeZthLb.Odd Fellows bad ix mentw ver. pux.btaed by Sonys, e baud la hbeing orgauisedb. MnQ teous, Cornet player nl u excc ve believe lant1h. Iemis ader. ÂBoss4 ,i Eq., ha& just rd frein a ten dia.trip tLe lai Waulugen, New, Yprk and, Phi hiâ Eü t vas u* rîây on$l u noonneotion ii gran us us The proapec~ jgbae rd e 7»-mya, are Dot ver lo be rmsent l'or- otlol. tOne a u at.1rriew Ler M te the conductel', whàoo qk tePs te ré- gain uspîcàcwln feUl upon Allan J Hogansi, a colored man whe had been actng seaote on the Grand Trwuk,, bu~t who-Wuvasfe duty at the tine and >on bis", vay te- Chicago. The conductor wired Mr. Buck, at Cobourg, te have a policeman on band, and Oonstale Pasgino vas sent for. - r. Paoaino boarded the train under the vey swêeping instrue- tiens frein blusbing Mr. Buck te "s9earch every paisenger on'the car." The constable seaxched Hogana firat, when the train vaà about Newtenvll. For some time' nothing vas foundl upon themm, but jfst es the officer vas on the point of giving up the seaxoh thie tvo rings vexe found coR oealed in bis aleeve. He vas then plaoed undex anret, and whon the train steamedl into tb. Toronto deo he vas, handed over te Deteàtivés Davis and Cuddy, who took hum te hieadqnartexs. tahine il mach." :1 Eaclt and poked arounmifornan neur ex no, but no babule avarded l bu. Jua, as ho vas giving. up -aimnaboy tappen- ed along,- picueîtod On' bis , te0s a ý0uPle of Limes, aud *ien eut of. pure- ouuseeat for vaut et a dlog or un- offeéuding est te kiokt, jet k - et a.ohunk otfsnovand ice at the bottom of the bottela <f tii. stepa, viien prestelterne- tiling flow in Mr. Diamente' dirOctiM4 mnd' stoeplng h. picked te lest ring eut of te nud. 8mall beys haye a distinct aphere ef ue 'ut tbard -Le locate iL t tms-o The. petitiCn to. the.Qrau4Trk%" Bailay ., for a new station hu.e g.tierally- mIned. Tii. uiov e Mr bett.r acconmôoaulain uly V"pr ofd e bye» lclaussEobom Q~te, indeu dy te prseunt building, and vvrbd domires te e o ie bùuidng replacie it. Tii. tovu has eut- growv the station. lIntact it bêleng te, tii, arroir guage su idi.e lhàve diappered long ngo. T.oin- Pany Adopt eb.broad guage tex theix txabks but seoev edeileked te un- et titis laIe date la te couxteousl- ne- mimd Lb. Company et theix eversight.- journal. ADOUBLE RELV.E etciry or a Lite Reotaimèd-A Prlso* fier Pardoned Beo«a Dylna of ConsumptIon le Rooalled to etreewtb. - _ Alezandar NewOmnvawu Mtmcd te erv e vuty ame years in lte PealtttiY ait Klgstom, Ont. Bis ydIa~l lystUa 6 i nuder lte c L'aién *d ré- omumpi M-eaily founil hiS a chsot for tis .ruaiwor "C.iuatak e u ea stssdfly l ints etfte 1"vel aut engi abli ûîd kimIdu tl te itoopitd 1-staff l osa. va Prooini bdewlth noe x- couhe, *tBc f 1 nyer acti ums laboàdàied. ralssed lm en Oct. *th bwlet, afler #àj cob »emi- 0 Àsoneviit mystenious au&se.d ease o! deahh frein exposnre occuxred lat' veek in te tovnsbip oHamÜitel. on Wedneelday, l6th.- uift.,8rahMrisn e domestie inuthe . mploy ef Mx. P. MoCalluin, wvaspîid ber vages, and left hon empélyment about 6.80 P. lM. te seme evening. she appeared in rether -a enb. uncommunicative mood, suddecuned te te. teasbeore ah. vent away. àfter a lapse ef a day or two, Mr. MoCaUiul notifled Lb. Polics that notliieg iad sino. been hear&of Lb. voman sud that ber tmunk had net been caied for. On- inquiries beuuug institoted, il vas leend uba vomeR had beenseen about 1 olclock on Thursday mexning in the barn-yard on a farin recently rented by a, Mr. Sieep, near Camborne. As accus ah. vas interrogated as te vwhat smii1 vas doing libere, aile rau off andvas seen ne more. On F'nday aternoon IL was aise leexned that a veinithsd been0 seen acting trsagey near Cold- sprInga, sud had bein seert vading îhrough Lbe deep smev in the. 8.18.. A this was the lesttr!ace eoflienthat eould b. found, it vas naturally thought that a searob miglt develep her wb.reaboute."' The tracits were fol- icwed througii Lbe fields and tbieusgh a busb, and at lait the bWdoft Lb. tintr- tunale-voman vas found tres aliMl a fence corner., Tba vas on "Fniey 25th. Tii. remains vexe tLkn charge of by Lb. ueiçiiborî4 aud as 4h. c oroner deemned man mquest :nneouey, b. body vas interred. Tii. vman vas evidently suffering trom tome dérange- ment of Lb. mmd, proa1""Y brughtt on ty a sevene attaqk oft1h. gripvic ste contracte<I soinsLim ag. 8h. vai about 44 ypars ef age and had heem empleyed at uMx. M.oetuImessiabot yeaxe, sud had alvaysberLe -a gondý character.--Star. Bu ràc ~ et oi th 1 B iey n l 1ent to chic aid L~ra het'.was-politlodaligute,Ibut vas confined te niy hi ipai~ cftom ser on, ~ -Ume i vas there. Tu nJuIy IrT mt;;eOre tSo machiintereSted in DaywM la OIýuà,' uwuhv it LE, trenseot much buuinem uO WebycdsS SpaIl il tkna sucia"I'~' ihIeslce !II 'Butyoudida se mac."1 decided to try 1L. To MI grea 'But îàw sonIn ute sorts accu aecreased,,and 1 §Nai rýý better and In a S1ioàtiUre 1; &And euoe. man that yeu did «eM to e1 ! oor. ngtlued Iotq [e&tvo daya atter ho g IM .go > iSaparfila for about a year, whei &Ycs4, dx thatwvas unfoxtunate. I ebule 'é ~~, 4 eu reemexthtn -the. tnrp Ifrorthe dlseasêîtj lwe ut te ovlllt-su n Mde.a ýtenaixukO. Flnt & Walllng ?Cg. Co., snd 9s old-.eugh fèx tvo trip&. J HAVE NOT LOST Â vas ,W"the. tnp be. naccou tt o ikiesa.X bl "'tes, sf-. And On Lb. Ou. befexe tle Cpelledfrommy systein, la ktvus almoat as ortuniate. 1- an in goaIlI nia v s t 4 ecoSndftrip bfre" iarnnoW 7years of age:and en 6&0.six. Tiiosetwe aumd b. lait as any eue, ezeepî tibt eue'i luda&venge- ubsorter thata e-olze. ewlnt -W are tihkiug of the laut.trip, Mr.boesd I ora!reryc ~a. leas conineyourself te the Ta nîü rl"dàiiwtcveri mmuosu d I thinlt HoMd Ïnd when tii, traveling m ian fIna r à ku 0 nSdtt~ backed eut et the offilioe leoely00,9 .RalrsV . K Md himaefv ilat a record amounted1 ayaexct in thý e as feta H o litica. The . falure eutweigh- ' d ail previeUs suoceUse. mi d by Hoad'a -SansPsII," âMr. B. m JOue f Ain,Mima" uite tad ay, but-onougviag -BHd'a amaiU syste bosS tmmilj csartic. "ioý nooagembliug demi ksp bya Gar- *mIXi4 wuev Klts vs ded m M otresi 'te -Dëeeicial--reisults he1 trem a regular use-- of kW says: <'wasfee ingsik my atomiach, seeinéd ail out t.-ned anumber,-of' remed< *seeined te* give me. relief, induced t r h old refi -feel "Mle a -new .h=n. Ith ",elmost pleasant and eaàj an n g Yever, used, heu sugar-coated that even a ca themn. Iurge upon ail who of' a laxahive te try- Ayeil * :Boothbay (Ide.) - Regùter. «'BetýWeen the ages'offliï 1 was troubled with akind c opr en cbie hfly confined à nçl eipecially te the bend abiive. the ça1f Here, m formied -wlhich. would scit ige,, MWv mether.tried ev SlbyeIu C. c1.B~ 1001 bey et ýi -1 Qtob.r, 1E9'f ud B'"Urr abrtifsOnmd .doomed The alternate treezing sud thawlug bYt*10ven'. great glea during early spring vill be doubt ae-s.be$ fesa gmev sm vate many rocks on our highvays agmin o I1ev vatli ven vbicb are eiready tooeer Wv ami e som- cause a eoosidsrable invnsiie te te uidrbodthe "mii te travelling publie., Il therfore. U ~MeIra £u ào teémai hooves eux io"d ovemaens te bave aiUtal, advleed his aiter to tes. objectional libard heade" xeuiov- . rmndy iuated w ed fromein t inv-vays wklee 1h ils term lalifétoe grounnd lasofa in thL.e pxlug. - I a btdeofiUtra 'S. Lier OiLFrom te fi A conventiond tall tbop itrsted p&tlaut Ieoked forward in the matter oftL004Ond vilibe vu uad thst hIayL héld in DaleysbawL, iKý ou Pi. il~ slmfl5tta --itel Sday, Apnil M#l, at 2 oed1ok-., .te dlgsU.ve rgua lied b.' tae înté cnldrthelpotynM oréanmu o ubmi#ug i liqor lavw, buownu asLoal - 7Y te tevuishirot f _g, w ad tb. vllJeé vil. le. Dom'Inieî quained My infoS publie mi s"- ~ - - f vA* Mi i I/I 4 /1 't--

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