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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1892, p. 4

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WILLI 'Coui One bottle oc Celebrated P.ULM'ONIO SYRUPi WILL DO-IT. 25 ots pe Bottier. MANUFACTURED BY JE. W1L LfSi Chemi8t à Dru ggist Medical Hall, Brock Street, Whttby.1 III ~a J t-- îj~ fi-i J. j ,~ fr J- J i - J 'J. eIý r ving Mr. Oraniton visited Oshsawa km. joined bMati iu naking the. reply: WUîTwa', Apui Mess. Henderson &krissas. - - Proprietor Wiltby CasOxte Gentleauen-Iaarepila >01*54ý intsi.4, *M gwistesror nat tihe -eu eues oro ni anycôtier occasion. ofei part of tise papesta tise Mefora $.000, or any otiesm mnïd cons we oea swae liatno adired i fer w but on nue o0=5sion. ustprevicus u gon là. whîichs-Pr,, RiXe ankMr - W best- C NIlcI4 r athtitha n ioeO séIU rý speot, and it Ih lat4C yi , t1bhae, tê isarhor tow ou instant ume Ptempanume- mayhbave todo a dIaboobe and uIl-do" 'a«luteSd ta trest oune . m ment loger ibant canuot svodunder su* atbasisbcarge. Mat, clait coWad 1 bave ta thserespect of -hbumt sud ionoub m aiea e 1 u! thse uligitesde- geguiy4isaruged?. 1 have mdedokeep mads a*bâaui el Inalà iU business that bas bans càît upon =meMm.stb. emoved., My pesohmat elations_ vîtsyou. eatendlu avermany yiearsgir me, I fSt ~seit to as* at your bands econe jsao,aud ui mit for your coudmrtl.tif1 simpie, questions, auking <rouiyou a caeCn U swer ta eacb :g ua CR m ast. Was-tise support'of tise CasRtoNCLIg 'ever directly eaered ta you.aor tb ayane else iu yrrpunofor afluanciai or other cou- =cLd.Wuss s aMppcrtever in&dita- féred ? 3M. Were you sur led ta bieve tisat tise support of the paper v u purcbssable under its present proprietors for mny purpose visat- ever ? 4th. Did you ever hear anytig iagd by tdm editor di tishe CuRouicLx, or b>mysef that would léad yau to couclude tisat tis qp<ortof thepapercould be picred fat alincu cansidertlou? if,, anaItise abave questions be aasvered lu tise afmatieplease state particuimr. Await- imW you tep1> 1bave tise hona ta be A. G. JENDERSON. Tis letter brought, as was auticiPaied, a frank and complete refutatan af tise fmIse- isaod, in these words: WiuTBY, Apri1j ti, r89n. To A. G. Henderson, Wbftby. Dear Sir,-ln reply ta your letter of tise 5th- inst., *and questions tiserein ssked. I1niaysamy ta t the irst question, the -support af tise CHnotiêCLE was neyer iunas> preseuce directly, offered toa ayone for a financiW oasderation. In replying ta tise atier tisroe questions it is necessary to _tate smme curcumstsnes Previ<,us ta tise election af x887, I called- at tise ORj&ONTcLE office witb Dr. Rue, tise Re- foras candidate, wiseu you anud yoear partner were bath iliere. and as I recobiect Dr. Rie had sanie conversation vitIh Mr. Qrabama. as editor. about tise CàioNicLa iiippottlng bian durinX Uic' caning qiScion. visen Mr. Gra- bisn gave us ta understaùd tise paper wascon- ducted on inidependent finesand tisai if it was ta beconse a sta'ong party organ lie tisougisi. it wotild b. at a loss of at least $1.000. The statement appeared ta me absurd, a*d th&. amnount ruentianed so preposmerously large tisat I did not consider it as an offer. an« cn- cluded tise election oust be run witbout:tihe- assistance mand support of tise CItRoNicL Otisers uuay see in ibis a cavert o«fer., but 1 sd not. andi thouglit no more about t faim that tinsC -until tise pressai. Arid may naine bas been connected witis tiis mnatter lu tise public print witisout mv autharity or kuov- ledge. - Vaurs trul>., .D. ORMISTON. We niay oncç mort add aur amsertion tisa ýno offer, eltiser directof indirect, vu as aa to Dr. Rie, usr vas 1an'y lsugitage use ffrn wvithaiy iféfrence coulti bu dravi even inthsesligistest degree, - tiat tise in, fluence ai tise CHitoNiCLE vos- purbeis alte. Our price for tisé influence of titi journal is exactly thse value ve puai upcf tise business, and tise buye# aiay tisén un it ta suit biasseMf.Regar&ng tie sloo ve usay expliain tsat Our 0 . .n ltlat tIî business voulti decrease in bulk by fiOM a yeur if tise CaoNcLs' veto nmade 'Party organ, for thse resson tisat*tisete nov uotliing ta keep tise CtuaoxcL& ett ai every bouse, or, on tise otiser baud, i tura aay manfrout comiug tanu, vitit M favors. Thtis lu exaety thse sate explana tion an y otise businew muan wosald nLk if asketivisy be don't mlx 1luis- busine. withi part palitica, soeour'reasoos il! 1 readfiywsderstood. TbIs ài.flxactly hm ve stated tise, case ta Dr. Rae and Mr Ormaistan, anti if Dr. Rae h»beep looselj fs bs -e ayar about ta taire thée prelmilnàry Steps thptu ceed amWnstitsjsuzhl isern tse -coguna tise registry e p5co4a üm or flot vW tiUbr-,aaSipga billcf cému andi damagés fotri>eaelvés toay aeff a tale Udalde4 lý tsëlf - witi ; tu duunb. Titisl- sonflid, mercenay vretc visase jam e la glveniocptbe olamnre-f tb Gazetteas its publiabe ~titis libeler anc moral amn lalt su snmdhimnual ai at le Lit td i. Pro- .wôrk hjiýidé to )ERED a scanerel -Wvu-admimade nuassen baflffipro4,1 inlu orerté- bécomë lis uscape- gaiusdpuirveyar ýenfamy, vagld thike-ýfsucis a maligunt- idea as ta try and danige auat~r$scredit? ýThç peqpl>ôfWitby ae always held t-ma ljust coûteaapt flbr saune.unex-, ilaiable tssnprb bly f ripl; but là future tbey will be mle-to 'ut' propçr ratios tapon bis: eladers.*T.hty- vii -nov know tisat uothlng i eau ie tke frein tise mon, 'sud t-àtiseW et mailai vsoueeve wll. Sm ay hanse was. mi foollsb as ta tisrowsae. Tihis is easily explned. Tisotoi vile. etioug i elektbaèbraius ta wMite thse outragfes visiis ppa iseGte u the-lumpooners wb do i for hlm are na douit in tise ditS- as ta oywei lie-lias fortilied himself. lu future - wbe tiese gents know tisat Mr.- Newton us -eut of it, andtisattbey vill have to be found aut sud msade te pay tise damagm es, e vuU find lms.of them ta siare bis bert. ' - Thauý after being expased, thse Refarm party-viii for a single. day allait sucis au arga toasusume tiseir yause and set it- self up as tiseir motipuce, ta. expowsd their maraisand rendtliielong Liberalseout o.thse prty ut vill, lu a matter for tise brite cansider, and we doibt if au> Reformer visa -feels auy party respect or pide viii talerate thse Gazette'scouaectian Ïviti tise purty for a day. Tisere are ample reasonsvis> tise Gazette vas frozen ont cf tise Cnusçrative party ;o and tisese, tulcen togeliser ivithtie aboutexspose, sisoudrendrtise Mme of tise ma andbis wife's 8 er u Useiig ta tise taste af ail ien af any deea. Thtis isza matter iu icistise CHIONICLEIC s lot dèelY ton- çerued;ý but, if tise liseral pat oes nat atoute repudiate tise àMansd bis bailiff proofaOrgan, it may lie fairly assumed that ,tise Refermers cousîder -hlm a proper man (?) ta speak for tiss anad their cause. .OTHING w TRTDPÂT- wevethe fi»esl mn nWhithy for you tÃ" POURTHFAOT,- Our prices -areI, for badly out and -'dy i you makeý use of dur facili INTS' NIEW. AND NOBEJY STYLES@ id Tronsier. ofteu paid. ýDepartm-nent, FýU Wehave al Ournê Windsor an d Four-m-Hai 'we have them at al pri New Brýaces, Né*- l -Shits, Ne* Cambrie S1]i everything 11Gw hith G me the new styles. you- wep ofS oto> J-S Whitb'Y, an :.urately fiti i-a-s the bc inces fo.r t ýight that ,rOt, and av Tari aety Of I wrhich- to "iT lenses. U-.H l'e lo-w. Lrd4.now. -The 4ingy -prettyl New- White- Ràasn, faot i. ome,.anda obltuar7. >A. veaysad affliction came tapon family af Mr. Thos. Rice an Friday- utiedatiof bis daugister Olie s yeurs aid, who- a s eut off Ju that i lavable peri o ülier lhfe, viseflbse. just .buddiug itnýta ooabdS for a yeo.r pait au&red in a -terible t uer froas a diseuse lu er aras, viicis tabeampntated receutly. Thtis gav relief ad for somtuie past thse ai vas so intense orto deruoge thepaar mind. Deatti vu- ludeeýd a-tefý proved uthe isariager of a gremt abrro tise faetily We tender thean -ou,1b syaupatisy. In-thse dats et' mm Post OW lbel last tbe townsip« of Pickeýing last«o its anott evbl men, -p 1 e 4kntg mama every resideut of tise township. mhlîdenn*am vas Anne Q'Rielly, saci vas boratluntise conty >of Caven, Jrel la 1819. 4ecame to Canada li coapa> y h er sauit, visa *âÏla wurds IMri/SIUlIvaJn, o!D"uUsazon tu> i tsai FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1892. Following up a charge it has been pro- claiming lately, the Gazette of last week contained the following in an editorial : Now then, since tise- CHâRoNicS denies thse charge we are obliged to mention nantes to prove our case. Dr. Rae, af Oshawa. is the Reform candidate spoken of by us, and he, as ïs welI known, opposed Mr. Smith, whîle Mr. D. Orroîston, lawyer, of Whitby, is the friend who wflnt with Dr. Rae to the CHRONICLE Of- hce, and there found Mr. H-enderson and bis nominal pantner. whien $i,ooo was asked of Dr. Rae for the support of what was then cou- sidered- the Reform organ of the town. And vet Mr. Henderson loves bis party so dearly! Now, as a matter of fact. eier the CHRON- ICLE has told a deliberate lie or both Dr. Rae and Mr. Ormiston have done so. -Gazette. April i, 189-2. lmmediately upon reading this state- ment, the editor of t>k CHRONICLE visited Mr. Ormiston's office, and enquired if lie remembered any such conversation. That gentlemanisaid lie did not, aithotigi lie rernetbered visiting tise CstaONICLE office wlth Dr. Rae during the latter's eau- vass. lie »aid he remembered nothing being said on that occasion whlch woula hear an y sucli interpretation, and that he believed thse story nmust have arien frore something said by Dr. Rae. As far as lie was concerned himsqlf the use of lis name to any sucis statemeILa entirely unau- thorized. Later on, rifknowlng he lad Iýeen interviewed, Mr.. Henderson went ta see Mr. Ormiston and received substan- tîally thse same replies. -However, somne- thing had t.) lie done publicly ta refute thse 1us, so the following note was ad- dressed ta Mr. Ormiston : CHRONICLE Orrîcs, WITBY. Ar.4 '2 D. Ormiston,#Esq., B. A.. Soicitor. Dear Sir- fthe NWtby Gazette of last week ilnpugns aur IzoS as business men. by charging us witb havdng affered thse support of ,the paper ta thse Refonis party for Sz.ooo. As you au d Dr, Rie ire stated as being pré sent an tise acca",a re*rred ta. ve ask you whether ar'naêt tie edlitor af thse CaadmzciLs. cubher in Mr. Hendersans prmsece or on n other caccsIn twyaur knavietige, feedti support af thse CHEONiCLE thie, Reonis partynfor Sxaoo or any other consideratioq. Ry etilightenicg us-osto tbý meaning oa. tbuý editorial yau willg=etly oblie. Respecfuuy yuu, HENDERSON %T& GRARAM. 't., 4/j f i 1

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