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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1892, p. 6

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"4WoeI-,,e.cime, of lr"'T Y68, I fomd mys. M&o of* 'Mith my 1andso*pes fr4sqie moment that the Ieft.'I ïWdýzYse1f an idiot: -aud trled te shake myseli mb reoIit aud comrn ownuset but it WUs cf »i use. That sweet, pathetie littie face hauut.d met andi I was iu a fever of impatience ýtoý cee ber again. Well, abbout nUoon cf thi) neut day the came, as lWeore, with ber dog by ber aide. It was more like a dream than i-èaity, sh. wa sos littie 11k. other girls. 111 amn glad that yen have coma,I said quîetly, "And I amn going to ask you W unbrid your bair and let il fai over .your ehoulders ;wilI yoti 2?' Without reply the untied the ribcu, slowly unbraided and sbook loose her wouderful hair. t fell around lier like a shadowy miel, sud 80 ethereaized ber that I began to doubt whether ah. were indeed a mer. hurnu u bild or I the victini of a mental halluciation. I began teo otline my picture, but de. cided, as much as I love a good dog, te leave'hors out and make an after studY of bîm te please bis littbe mistrese for 1 wanted that face, with ils pensive lipp aud wenderful veil cf'hair, W o wbat il ba s ince becote-a mountain dream. Sbe carne, day aftor day, ai waye gliding in aud loosening bier hair withonl further request from me ; and se glided as silently imb my heart. In ten ds.ys' lime 1 knew that I loved ber better than my 0Wn life ; that I would protoat and defend bier witb th. luet drop of my blood. W. hafi talked but litIle ail this time. I had asked her if suie wue missed at home, aud eh.e aid that ber father waa away and that Maunella had soune Mexicans viiting her ; 6and 1 think thare glad- te have me away," ah. t "but they quarrel terribly, aud al- thongh I eau't uuderstand ail they say 1 think they are talking' about me." 1 take ? Should I ask thia ohiid te fly with me ? Neyer1 Better death for boîli of us than dishonor for herý The consonions world would neyer have be. lieved thal I wouid haye died te kcep my Dr.amn, as I ealled ber in my thonglite, pure and innocent, until the time came when se couic! "iay her sweet bande in mine- and -truît te me." Should I go te the nest of Kexiesà cuttbroatsanau boldly declare myseif ber lever, claiming the right Wo protect lier sud trust W fate ? Most likeiy the recuit of cucli a stop wonld be death for me aud worse than deate for ber.' No, I must take care of myseif for lier cake. To go te ber fathor was impos- sible. Ele wls a fugitive froni justice -peahaps cwinginq frorni somei- promptu gallows in gorge or canyon. 1 had n no înde in al lbh great nortli.. west to aid me. I muast act alone- but how ? The picture wus ncérly finisbed. You have ceeu il, Jim-the sweet pathos of the. face, týe- mysticeoyee, the cloud Of shadowY haïr,,th. form half vcilod in mist, the background a faint vision of the. mountainu . I was catie foc!. Il must have bee» an inspira- tion ; it was tb. inspiration cf love- for W esave My immoral seul I could ne more paint sncb a pioture uow than I coulaic rig the dead te bile. She look- ed upon itas a miracle, and upon me as 1h. followers cf Christ may have looked upon Him. 4Al -thie time ne Word cf lo6ve had -passed My lips. I must se. my way olearly belone. I spke, and I waited aud pondered.. Did Ît neyer coeur te me tat , mglit liefllowed and meittellue, lei ws t daned I& *as *i1e MY uni idws vuin this litae 0e. love $id auity that 1 i ie.is .4 lier piture.. Blie looki at yen firom the cauasjiil-s ah. looked t amie- moilrnfl end tender as a 1 voun4ed - Assnuexcuse for father vi t ld lier tt I m"ai ov i"t a nort otf vMeroared for aud 1h. ikng o 1 orawled lie omy eMà1li, Iow ohan4 uzider th. roof, ýtee tired even to reàtý-1 CIIA.PTER I But letusecomne baok to 'the mouu - tains. Ren e wbac! nkon. of' ibut instead tb. indeçoribale olore of the greal range, the golden epleudor et the, Bun Shining throUgh an hlmojSPhere like aruber wine. 1 breatbed baleamie odors. 1 walked over fna'gantl beds Of Pane needies, sud aiearchod -for the late t ocky mountain wiid fowrs.- nneqnalled l il Hb.heucrîbren wrld- Lnd I dreamed of - l'ove. No maller. what ber father t beb 1 remember. ed th at ber mother bac!. taugbt ber 'te pray,lsud believe me, Jun, il luis te mother who makes us what we are. My own moîber, who die& when I wau a cbild, was a pasaiouate lover cf beauty. 1 have seen ber lise the earlyý flewers Iliat I ueed te briug ber; I have ceeu lier tender bine eyea watch the sunset wiîh a lok -cf longing lu them as if ah. were sired of lber liard life sud would lie giad to go wbere bliere was rost. Had che been 1alive 1 wonld bave placed my love in ber motlierly arme s ad fbt that ae waa sale. But 1 bad ne ene. Whie itling in my cabin waiting for berîIwas etartled by a raeid stop, a rush of the dog sud in ahe came; peut ing sud white as death. "tWbat is il (Jael ? W-bat is it, chld ?" I cried springrng tovard ber. " Oh, ah. figbtened me se-ua=n. eUsa 1 8liefouud it' ont that I came here, sud ie.and Jose were salkiug lut night and tbey .14 that I mifat b. putou tof 1h. way1 Oh, 1Mr. Von. IUk where iilt tey would- put me ' £4They ahail not huam yen," Iasic!, ascalmyasaI oeuld, for 1 wisliea to~ quiet ber. 1 did net tale lier ià my arma, as 1 wisb that I hadt but ve mon are no t so badl as the erotie sehool of novelist paint us-at lesat omorn f us are net. 1 kncw that toe ueh stand-- ing thon. in ber heiplees, unpretected innocence ceerned se aacned lirat I feit il wonld b. profanation te iay my liande upen lier, even in th. tenderee love.' O'Tel me,(Carel,'* I said, "i, yen know wby tlioy vishtW put yen out of the way. Yen are sale nov ; don'î b. frigbtened, but try te think." "Oh, I knew," eh. saut, bursting iute tsars ; éthey have my mother's moneyi ber jewele-aUl that vas liera-sund they think that I wili va»t them, Tbey think that I viii tell corne eue who will tale thomn away." dailying was nov aI. aun end.' Here vas a case for tJie Viilates. Iwonld go aI once and iay th. mater belore them, aud I would ae go to tbe legal anîliorisies, if any couic! be found, sud have agpda appoiuted for my-love. Fool âtha bc!been, le ait demn over lier portrait when 'ber aveet lire wua a lae. d'Carol,"# said Ill't"Yeu yen day lie wnlbycour dog whlel1go t lHlera? Yon muet neyer go badli to your home, Yen ake My ltleSrl nov. and 1- nmua fic! another homne vher. ther. in morne gcod, -hic! woms u etake ut.e f Y&a. DamrIleave you? YhnaveKigh4 and y ou sev tore anre érog bot99 tbe deor ad Wiudow shutlera." 8h. gave me aslook tuat viiigo wlth me te my2 grave. -- Adoration and gr't- tilde.1 hee -r4-- Lier,-s -l-t oye., ?Tbat fa"e, lthelace of the pitutral seema e leat lu tb. 1gb. clouas' 4bout th. nir* utain's ceat, sund the siiv.ry miseswhich ro tbe b.voàley-éast a divine vdim.. ro und 14 making al chker wometu lseem esrthly bud eom- mounplac. I -bave- dedicated - My 111. and my vorà te lier memory,, sud vait feseîias my wedding day. Thal le lb. stezy cf 1h. iiclureJîm. What, aid main I crying. 1Uc oYeunenwu- MPU«pa oiflova have-hra.,#feal t's me u.The nighti la devilieli 9oolathongli yen may uolrelise it. 1u undeÏ hlai a demen Calf1~i blankaesasuc!&abuNffo robe yen i il "sluse ,a top. jay yen write it ent in fulli?Yen; they bave the piture-let lhern have- the stery te sanetily it. MT.E«Ez»., Fum IyTing& Mr. Stulible (cf Squebunk-Ssy, Mister, wil yer tale the trevbers back ! They hev akruuk until -the'r tee, short Vit âoz der jeudlemnvau 1 î ie<iî c!r mngac balef brise ; dot lffers du tmnloeeeggagtly 1" Loiquorish drcps-G;oig ont betveen the, at.-Uinion standard. iLaugh, and th. world laughi wiih yenu," unIes. yen are Iaughiug nt yeur. ovin wntnosm-Puck.- me o.k that- mal., the Sgreateet air lu aociety la the welI-filIed pocletbool. -Texs IIu Arnissàsuot as oood aasanmile ina ..Ddemian rae, 41 ùelap is eneugh k -great many infant industries are ampyabet car for thezuselve. and the 1d folk& too. -Oma"s Wenld-Hr- Jagion aya bInai vomen- Who bave attained pA majorlty alwaya aeýem te b. in the mm*oty.-Elmiira Gaïelle. When the old gentleman cf-uinety tro ose te loilady of eigltyfve 4ij ii oaou"ef final resort.--Colu*n-, bus Post. Setiing a brolen nec isja great feat of surgeny.. Stül i Il doets >'qUit. tomse up te, putting a head on a ma-.ot ou Herald. Think of thizuga that aelive1 Irue. sud of good report, sua evu t ?avel to worry ac muoh about youru.ighbors. mused Ohappie's deg, tas le gazed at has master,- 'I vouder if lie ever thinka 1" The -dres. «mat may h. 1hhe proper thlg fr pproamal widdlng, but for suÎ ebopemtùthereilaothing- 111. à cutavay- -3 u Tanueipi duels 'havlg ben ee I4ung novila- yar su a1111erobbing hm,~ been det.ced m locunoil clnnibr.- OllaoTmes. Thetwo-lteuled boy m" net have me IMsuv0 ,ornainuonorticn tebIristl.. wvi oi ot team and &Wel Witou Wakiq Powdera - Wàthout fard Rubbing ~Without Sre Handa IEMAOVANTAQg AME O5TMNED' 5y USINQ »OA iih "2L? warded AP 7 od Medalr» for Poxity I ts UNEQUALLED QUAUTY bas giron it the largest sale in the world. You ca» use.« Sunlight " for al pur- poses, and in -ither hard or soft water. PDon't use~ wash ng-powders as with. other soaps. ' Sunlight"le i bettcr %ithont. rONZ P? U'QJDET àv= aREs., LlxTE=D NEN I" EUA TOBONto OEPOIIN CASB or RuN DOI A POU74D A »AY IN VitIE L" )LU. BEGUN TO TA""L .Lt= LUSII nRODUCER,ý nouth ci the' Pout ,Office, -in memmé Barrister, kg. ï &.-Money le o ». Ruer o! marziiieMLiesees. ffiqe 8à-" Dlock,-0oueg of Market, ~okt.W DOW & NIGILLIVRtAT; Barriuiers, Solitom inuOhaucery~ Office ii,>Llîm» w eu'ew $LIQ Brook U. Whitby, South, ci O' C. E. NgeGILLIVRtAY, K.Ai,. M. Phymsu, B urgeon, aud A ec4l~é Laie BeietPhysiciau Toronto * Uffie hours-9 toil1a. rn., 2 4-p.-». 7 to 9 p. M. Offie, sud B~due1o of KXuîsumd »uudas 8treema, W#ilby. P. eu,19N9L»I(UXEt M.D*, PhyieIuBureos sd AeouchetU Uffiehous-tolO, ta., s to'4d 7 tb 9 p.tu. NoSi,"The Tenac"» D. P.DOÂT .,LI. Ch"xe, Duadsa et.$ whibb. I Dmim #M*7 la u i ksbrausesPro B. . IJRG8. ,1l frahr olie-Buat set "of ;êtl Ilubber~ . Cà=* aoou a h.14 sood Wfo . agort ie .O DMU44 'Corulo. W.A 'WhItby. O0£« eoun s PieCo12 s. sid1frou l1.8Olpo P. M Ni*ue Terasme, Bpou 8et - Whitby Mark/e -WUrK8. MI MAfIS ON& HI0KVUI, I Ail eaU o Ail loves '17 IhMsbii keepin'track Girdner as-h. aroe.and Io -theý hall, "a1I las cuni te un dat abig elieecrofcolr aclely due tW Vaûity. I 11èe dur am nime' vanity race W de,,-aquar f ut da, people on, irth* Marîy dis club cum'te me w*id dei tribûlashuns, as lu- mne uec I kin-:tace d Ycause ba*k The. Prefildnt paumad à ing thast t.re . nue4: ce decaae-jof Eld H.El lad !a stés iLa lnmh.r.yard- ratec! p',int vh a tir breakfas, cents lut. de1,r T, miden- Va vine w. i A t

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