voi; TBu 4U BRU. 0F T» >X suc Rie Aq has binkeepi -traok a good many y'arS put," a Gardner as he arose and 1( tii. hall, "an 1 ii,cu tot un dat a Ibig. sheeot. oourr sololy due to Yadity. I* lieve dar amn nip vaity l race to, de - quar f ut dsai r (ponairth. Many ia cub~ oum to me wid déi tribulauhuuej asu nine.ma The. Preaidout patte~d à ilt the thermeuetsee he oott*ued :, *4Take ýde case et Eider1 stéance. -He had a ffeidyj wéek in a lumberyard. dat elevated p'int miter ho. bacon f ur breakfast, -an v drop 10 cents into de claun hun box, an den'Vanity a wr.ok 1dm. HB'e "bought- paperoo»llmabaC»'iitin 5 Ice-cream fur Suuday -,b vit e to gev-a bigk tes onlit h.e ben dun rentéà a aP=' f lars permoath fur his pla ] on. Iu-j.st sixvoeea de ail know, vwas knocked ont to dia club to tend him mni dawg outo'o oL' The. eider viteoooupied Stooia, blew Mhoe cM a eyes snd evidbantly foit brn Brother (3îrduer vept on "1Take de mae èotSamuel body in dig wvend. hougi mighty glad to gét a aquar hie aunt dowu in Arkano *left him M uinb. -De i -un cum ober hiur e1 dom befe' de hoa ; h rentinr a box in the. possoff ed oberoutsu higli as » hîm to hide $27,W, u n aV got ober 'de Akod. but Vanity vouWldut'o plunged. He reckonod, b uy hait de aeh*i. H.go as atiff as a poker. aut - speak to arU tinunibers who dean' m'aiaIuitor il am B&uddér - SIn n wrecked him. B le saobo afley doah, crtuaked, b#e ssk Giveadm iJoute. .lm conté to Make * neo isti f3amuel"liung ie he.d- »"Iation, an= everal ume m if they ould like o Set ,£Waydown Boee,- ou =-zM -yre dis aaveuli ste -,osdasi asï he g -th pt tauay ocou dtidal Amshie vile, hieý cabin burned deit i ance 1? Wus h.e aied to Buffao b> de suddoun* vile e.ue asoontentedI, on 87 per week, a wite 1 dat he looked like Oicé Jackson, but ho 1.14t rud ed. He vent ig)* out real linen collis ad 06 an' sone IW.ar i.Dne~ . Snet dayhbe CV troand takia' in hiailed de in-Sye. sr' e con- m, aà ndi 'aboe.j for in- n pet t up to ggs an$ ecould w- Sosteat i.Un mon - m msw.W&YvUMa ne tuonas domentéd. - flkey r ~oeoli drnksb. used habit, -r "Those vho think that 'they re'.. *mà from time to ýtinite are in dïgr, from viticli tey eau es- îg b>' heroiSaly resolving to ~% rurne at Once là 2 AW A nAFoi--ou 1 A reoé tion roetl y gIVe"iiLn Dr. ýRiohardéoù «bute te the "T.era meia"In he bu l,)r iWod -the foloviwng aor in .- io eoue of. Dr. Richardsons am ce books: lu localdot; o te one of the zeading -rooumetook a bâook sud, aftor giancxing ïut-it > =ment or -tire, "hrw it demi., bbe-remark, 4That mau's a fWo.' dasys aften hocame in agai4,took wlbook, road -on a little fort.er, rdd, -That man' a fool-or 1 s&m.' ext tme ho came he read might 1h o the end, thoan looked: up tde ruel, W1, 'nthe f oot, ,ebt of gratitudethe wvend oves to m5 Mms A>'.r sd -Jetu-tbe lb. groat dlsco.ryvacontion, lue et bioodpain1a Whocm a bib, onuM - lbm.dimcvMnisabave I eoo (Oahaw/. M. P.t, eOfctum- "siY iii s seat ai ro days ago. Then, md. on t tuiêèea w much equanlu. ýve weigit of -his L dutOL- Nov, abler i 6artles incore; il the WB IKALL G<W he o o many obding icnt* tiw=t). ma" for Mid g ant mi of Pm mIswUIm. tleam ii le bb 1893 Tom cm9 fli estam t=be namo eofttheIadiur ,l* wina poblinhOd la coctiie- m hOr- ducing ctmwidnsa N Our taandC okesint à duayae aremi haiua oepanoo.b"edi c.~ted.4U Flle s ym4î verp mmd Bw eg dideston folow thes.'A&nto t co-xaf.w.* .wY- - mhdl* Wo aaaadctito the ubIir. PiUIsam msot paid. Wh= yo nuthiis ris, kix whchewgi i. Addrem PILLcOist W04 tTwsstu cOm ftr Bgaspm Âe< mukawtil fà u osuIM of at lut ws Mo-ý *es foc RTÂX~1I, I tGAdpraptly oenug andu