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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1892, p. 8

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Th' enire town aud surrc son. Dun-ng the next few weeks we have dao] Dress Goods, Clothing, Gents' Rats and Furi versation'je about the agin nSrn u "-w Mens' Q Wl Ready_ mM'ac Children s Rd You -ths Re ady - MadeSui ts. The erdct lwas lias been that we have cari4 hen found in auy other store in Whitby, but this season- we have siproad ourselves out. aUd why ný and equally a.9 well made for haif the money eau only b. acoounted for by the -tact that tney cordial- invitation to cai and iuspeet oar stock. CHIL-DRENS ) SUý 1TS. ýy goods, for ýy.oung men and ciy wfil, go- to the'high-*prioed tailors when they , unacquâinted with the nature of the, stock we ëi1r C HJLDREN The Ladies of Whitby bave long since concluded the epont that W. G. Walters cornes the ony "reainice" culer attention b as been paid 1avy Blue Suits, and the ages from fout to eleven years have been well reme mbered. invite them to call and look our stock over, as we guarantee prioes auda -fine assortmÉent to select from. Chidree'lohig- in the to We ask attextion of ladies 'y G-EIfTS' E~WISIII~TG- For the Spring and Summer of 1892 we have prepared --,aibèal nthsdprm them. It is a strong point with us to have everything ini thé Mens' F-urnishinge lino thaï We invite everybody in the town and-oountry during April to give our stock a cari A REMINDER.-We keep everything in the fine of Staple and Faney-Dry G.ods,- W . Go that, being y our wantfi from this tay be asked for. 1 sud oritied examination.- time forward ev4lJ Goode, Fancy Goode, Notions, etc. wALTERS& The T@wu Couacli 'Néldy.' Coun.'Ross read a report from the pro- perty committee recommeading that trees THE MAYOR AS A PLAYRIGHT-HE READS be planted in the athtetic grounds in order THE MANUSCRIPT OF HIS NEW "MEL- to shade a portion of it for a public parký. ODY."-IT CONTAINS DRAmATIc scENES The clairman stated in connection with OF ITENE INERETP ND IS.WELL bis report that some tine ago. the mbyor 0F ITENE INER SThad oiffred the town a quantity of foret, RECEVED.-NO CONSTABLE YET.-A trees for titis purpose and the committee pARk TO BE MADE AT THE ATHLET1C had now decided to avail itseif of this very (;ROUNDS. generous offer, Consderable discussion followed regarding trees and parks, and it Rumnors thatthe mayor's new "melody,'" was suggested to try and iàduce the pub- as the Gazette terms it, was to bc rehears- lic to taire a more lhveiy interest ini shade ed t te twnvounci lnM da even- trecs. The report passed. ed a th ton Mnd . Coun. Robsos brought in the report of ing, drewa ful bouse of expectant listen- the strcets coanmitteé, recommnendig pay- ers. That thetown council shouid imitate ment of some accounts for breakirg Stone, the churches in attempts to draw larger anid askzng aitthorlty to erse 0~rted audiencesý by the introduction of literary ors for hauling 300'"y'ards gravel. ÏThté-e- entertainanent, is quite an innovation, and port was adopt.ed. met with mnuch approbation on this oc- Coun. Annes môved fWr'authoity for TH PAR. the committee on manufactures'to adver- THE RAMAIC PRT.tise for tenders for a_ suital>le site for a DRAMATIC Govermcnt building fbr custoas, post The council sat at 8 o'clock. and, in- office, etc., and leave was granted to ýdo stead of waiting until business was over so. for the show, the mayor announced that it The council then adjourned. wou roceed at once, which action on V his part was Iiigbly satisfactory to those who wanted to hear the performance but did fot wish to sit out the regular busi- ness. We cannot give the ','melody" in full as it would f111 columns but give the iist of characters represented, and the plot, as follows ; DRAMÀTIS PERSONAE The Lord Mayor of Wbltby. The At- torney-generai of Whitby.- A Recuis. A Deputy. ý A lot of -aldermen. A man from Iigaeil.Twin Noodles-Newton and Svzosxs-The first s=et s laid in the town of Whithy. A newspaper itemn is read giwing currency to a rumor that tbtt lord iayor 'had been making detaumtory state- menus to one CarroUl, a lumborman, tgdn the town over -whlch ho raies, aadth lord mayor s caled -upoâ by an sidensaa Lu the cpmmon councli to expiais bis- laagiuBge. This he déciiestw do. and displayzs agaer anda defiance. The counili -adjourns amid proar., Tht nert scenes ila-paron-the street,àend ai- ways sonewhte. The lord mayor il-adavised by his fiiéndi attht maintter s a 9uor$ OS.050 and not W o b s tifed by *more ùW' wberenipon he is.stoicken wth &. mâna f& mIring and coilectilnZ statanaowyeclaratlns and rushes &about secriagtheta froa-wbom soever hbe'onu. -'Those'whq içp k>w auys'hlngi .,petaling"to thttaer are urgé o swubsceibej wo a dciaranona elUniza sUn itt fwbat they klaow ; thoso vin know ntbingl are askçd te declarea taL £"body -must docare some- * ting, and, to. orpedite this declaring the at- ao ney¶ ral o! the, town is'tauaae An wfnlof decmarsis l aba secured. The third andi last acene onm ô in the oSupol of the to*n. The lord aMîLçf imme4dMy tolana tt se bly-of tht cousait 1.and Mrs. jc4hMack, of Ottawa., left bo're for Detrot on ?Monday, after spending tome fne with Mr. Thos. Mc-. Catnn d famnily. - Mm. Mact.sa -Mr. Mc- Cann's second daiughter. Mr. Benj. Shiticif, a- Chicago, miliou- aire, 1s an unele --f our townsnm,,1Mr. Geo. Shuirttefl, ud 'madie bis sioney by purchasiug eighty acres- near thethten* Chicagoi 1851anad holding it for the in- crease ilu'vaae. Soute men see a. long way ahead. H l sa anative «'Ontario. SokheU note& The lite ra.! stitute-held i nesday aftcr chair. 'Thé rendered the coltegiate ini- aéeing on, Wed- 14amî1rin int*p i WALL, .APERS.8 can and Caiadian -OVER to select ýfioi BARGAINS N'B&BG4 to olear ont, just r(. cwed, also 5*e lot- of Leather itge and Valiffl ,Toy kets. The l"tmfinefn stationty,1 FRESH SOHOOL SUPPLIES Fashion Maazines. -Complote stocl to date alwayli on hand$ catalogues gr Speoial attention te OFFICE ,f Bookbindiu4g. subsoriptione -t&ken for auy pape? worla at pùblisher'e pricea. stock of Amnen- ïýLa tesi -les 50

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