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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1892, p. 4

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THÂT One, bottie. of WILLIS'1 Oelebrated PU-LMONIO 3YRUP. WILL DO IT.' 25 ots. Per ]Bottie. MA.NUFAOTURED BY J. Et WIL LIS, Chemist cà Dru ggi8t, Medical Hall, Erock Street, Whitby. IL I FRI>DAY, APRIL 15, 1892. PoUtIoalNotes. There is to b. ne revision of the Domin- ion voters' lista this year. The by-clection for Welland, te fi11 the vacancy caused by the unseating of Mr. W. M. German, is to be held on Fridny, April 29th. Mr. James Loweil, Niagara Falls, and Mr. James Lawson, Thoraid, are the candidates for the Liberals and and Conservatives respectively. The imperial excbequer shows a surplus of over.$5,ooo,wO0. "lhis is uot-considered rnuch of a balance after spending $.45o,- 000,000 duning the year. The Gladstone people arc much pleased over it, as tbey anticipated a budget speech which would lielp theTocries during the coniing generai elections. nSof Bducatioa. This' board ld a long session. on Wed- neSday eveniug, ail the members being present except Dr. Batenian of Pickering. The fit business was te pals some se- counts, noue of wbicb aniouutcd te niuch. A stike on thep art of Curetuker Tasker of the model school vas repcrted, aniid mucb excitenient. The tic-up wiil take place at thc end of the present quarter. Mr. Tasker refuses te sîgu the new miles and regniations issued by the board (or tbe guidance cf caretakers. 'Wby le does se t is difficuit te sec as it is -asserted lIat se many duties were over1ooked in mak- ing the 'code of ules tbat a caretaker stands te make a geod deal now for extra duties Dxot laid do"u in bis agreement. The chcf niatter for discussion at this meeting was the settiement efthte question of Inspecter McBre'i's salary fer the past seven years.- The m atter is a_ very rom- plicated eue and difficitît both te under- stand and te deai with, but we shall îry toe eplain t as ciearly as possible. A *county inspecter when appeinted pteviou te 1891 did net becoeie nspecter fur tovu! unless the'towns saw fit to engage him. This town did pot appoint. Inspecter Mc- Brien te inspect its schools until u88o, and at' that time sgreê te givie hlm $Sîce-a year, for the Govemuttiçit and cennty dld hot then -pay- for npecting any town schools.- But le W.-s t inspect three tîmes a .ycur insteadoftwkc, lu 1885 îhe regulations cf the Eduxgtien departmcnt were s0 changed that the Governaient and coUuty undertcmnk te puy -fer lheie spec tien cf al sehools, bell lin rural Sections sud in tovus.. There are niùe -dtvisions in the 'Whitby tovu schçielssund since û8ý includinug that year, tue Govcruflent&bd county have cacdi patd Inspecter McRre annualU( $5 fer cuçh-of tle uaine divWaonu whlsuingte saine penodtcba bas kept on paing bhna the $rýoo p anuitias,*greec upn, thus Maklng - remnaion $igo pér annuta for 1=1~ scicolts at hree inspetions per auun Nov, sas ve havc tae&,lwi tLt plan exlsting previeus te 1885 - 'd tlb. evu iujpectors inu fnll, but le vil ebe1read îlivseenthat the, couaty ' strlki luts nilt »s.-BUT, LIKE-THE IIBAUM1 'Clt às WAS Ci'pgCULIAL>'Q--oîWUÂik MORL iECT,.LKSSO IC fl v'X THEMIt Before His Houi<r Judgie Uurubaui o Monday afternoo l at, at the. court houée here, was heard thie case of Doble và Webb, arlsing out of a gambliug- tour- nament beld-in-UxbTldgeIastJulY. FraükJ Webb keepe the QtïeeW'8 lotel, tlzbridge, and is a horse-racer snd, gavqier -in ad- dition, for which latter amusement lie pro vides a retreat tinlits liceaM~d prMss From the evidence it *pper that. eatly ini july last wben the daywe?=hot, a mûeek consumptive, dying-tooinig man'=5t. Uxbridge, having gone out tmointoronto to get abreatb cf fresha r. He was coilar- ed by the 'bus 'mam and taken te Webb's liotel. The poor fellow baad an awful hectic, gasping cougli and s putzid, nause-' ous spit, suggestive of a daub ofgrse white his sUin was drawn so tightly ove bis boues as to keep one in dread that it would spltt along lisshapaquiline nose, and denude the boue of t'e bridge. Hé was very unwell, and souglit a stimulant at the bar at once upon arriving, te=lin the bar-tender that.lie was seektig heti and divertlng huiseif as best lie could.' He suggestedT the ideaq of a game of encIre wben time mught permit. The. bar-tender knowing Webb's penchant for carda, re- ported what hadbeefl said-, and Webb ne doubt deduced from' tis the pro- babiiity that lie and bis brother sharlis lad a victii, f9r less or more ; s0 after supper Sam Jackson, a butcher inciined to vice of thîs sort, and Charles Armstrong, a yon (armer of the sanie cnt, were on biand, and, were introduced to thýe poor sick zman. CaLrds were spoken of and tlie--p. s. ni. again suggested eucbre, but Webb said the boys around Uxbrndge knew how- to play nothing but poker. As' a resuit the. P. s, . n.ad to conforin to the unfortunate circunistances of the case, sund they sat down on a, fine Friday niglit to play fer oue another's ducats. By ten or eleven o'ciock the tliree Uxbrtdge fellows had- cleaned the p. s. ni. out of a himdred or so, and the gaine closed-, The winners feit triumphant, sud could hardly-sieep for tblnking wlat great players they were. Next Morning they were up with the lark, and spentthe forenoon walk- xng up nd down the town to b. admired, theirbellies in their conceit being podded ont, in front of then ibke cow-catcliers ; sud meanwhile the poor sick mani Itayed in bis rooni and cougbed away industujousiy 1at bis cougli sud spat away continually at bis lung corrupto?---sad and dejected. Wh ere tbe camron is there wili the crows b. aiso, saith the word, and in order that [prophecy '. miglit b. fuifiiled these lJi- bridg e ravet~ hovered round Webb's hotel that Sat& ay, stating to their friendi, boastingiy that "'if the poor b-gg-r didnYtî die and lit purse held out" tliey would be .able to biiy a fanm apiece off hua, before' fail-mohcartiessandud i weretlieyto -get àt the p.s. nm. agin:L7eLàceu;d ant Swait ntil the evening s ades ld ftted, .but gathered Iu and luvitedIta te0jQiu .theni betwceuthre and,!&ur luaiathe - rnoon. He meekly sud 'bumbly "u u jfor the sake of dvrsio ', and a long S.atur- day niglit gaine started. Thie fs. m was very weïk sud- quit. e c oa,-but sbhowas.Zte norly buietuP wtbstiu. i ants,-allu wa erd te ceusclousues swhenevcr \ie suvooneçL, Me was.weak, tvery weak, and qulte reciess. .'Once dnrig the gais litrst brealli after be- ring rendere couclous aftcr a fainttng aspeli vas used te raise 'the board 1ioo. He played on aud on, and the gaîne grew s bter and botter. Ail thigs, musat have nan end, and it will be suffi ul tetsay at ttis point of the story that ubes liat poor sick man retired to bis rmat on ltatBur .-day ulgbt, or ratier Snnday . morning, Iii ylad safely enclosed tn bis wallet 1 the >,money beiougtng to the wliole Igang of Ssharks whc bad sat dewn to feedili Lvuitures on bis disese and itered~ 1. carcàss. The third dayr of the touromincut wa$ d -Snnday, and the card-playin< frateruity ol ba on eighboring t6wn bad gecured swc 1 mor _fuda îýbL e_ t &.~n, &At'M ouri ClrdHnrinettas are the. tiln ut.brew$ l and dld'npt Wuut lii lose h. ý'The- ýet wus leard jindaubers -on Ji, sund bis ito»ror-in ving judg- spoke of lte unreliabulity ~of the. W witnesses Ileard, declarligtltabe net belteve tIent aftcr 9s, many con-_ tions. Howeyer, theeilote w"althere ~k ?ndwhte e peak.'for Isef d carefulyprepaiïd sud buslness-Uike ti; sud lic muat give Judgmeut fer rfwtth coas. Paterson, Q. C., for FaneeilQ.Casd c"happle for. The spriung maimespened Tuesdaylastp Mr. JusticeRose presidhrtg. The nunaber of cases was limitcd, but some of tIent wcre lý'ong-wlnded. TIc bar vas -well rcprcsented by Messrs. O'Leary, (prosecutor), AYles- wortitLenut, Watseu, Ritchie, Patersoný sud Faeel Q. C'a., sudlBeultbe., Chapple, Noble Piurton, morpby, Mc- Gîluvray, Sait1. Dow, Rntledge aud others. 1). TUÉ GRAND JURY.' D. J. AMains, Port Perry, foreman,, suad C. Robinson, Wmn M. Real, jas. Buns, Jpo. Cameron,, Duncan Camupbell, R. H. Griersen, Chas.jiukin, Alez. Munroe, D. F. Ftckle C. Proctor, W. Q. Sailli, Win. Stewart, Wm. Shier, A. Sykes, -J. Stephenson, R. Pardon, T. Pencher, H. Amey, R. C. Brandon, R. Edwards, Thôs- Emàett, Wai. law, E. E. Sticknley.' Ris tordsbip, in addressitg the grand urdwclî t considerabie Iength *upon leeeSasily of lie connty canca dolng something te, modernize tic court rooni, whlicits nov but a relic of the, age cf ignorance a"d awkwardnes-. He re- marked upou tIe fàct tlàt the prcsWm tdi judge cWnd net ut present sec the regis,- trar at ail, sud vas hiddeu by vide iud uunecessary pillarz front many others sitt- iug Iu court. Nation "vs. Joues.-Action te reover $ffl, lie amount cf a docto bill. Dr. Nqation practises medicinuelit Uxbidge' a"d joues la a wealthy hardware juerchant -cet a town whe appears t0 bave a, taste for i -au* dýwhose Sauta Claus style of fae isl ecmîug quit. a funiliar one in the- courts. it appears tI"n« , es wUie v»a dducd tote i orphaie haWta such an erteut tat its use a wtl,* gbsolute fuecessityNot lavlng fa fidence lu bis wZèes eêfouys , -a, iert methodaueituv c eet h c iywiithe aite ~tt5 tst'l u888inserted advertîseuett in lU h the ,ND NOTE THEBE S-LIN ES You WILL. PROFIT 8V1 IT. PRIN TS 8 yrdsofTeazie.Cloth fo iysofVictri Lw .15 Yardsof haker 'lannef 10 yards; of Tweéed effeoet 101 rdofÂrtMoi8n lotf P isStauis' Blaok 10 yards-Niw PaýIteru 2 Ourtaiu F- oies and atta - 1891 & SATEENSU We. have opened an immense- une of popular -new s3had and designs fresh frein the manufacturer&. Qunntities st!ictly new styles shown for the first tiie this sea8c Haudsomest patterns. the same liai notics te ani Dr. Nation, iu sicisu. He Uice doctor ait vtfe, sud Nation adm, dector contan woman as b hism and cent knew Iow. Ji fili te atlec nicani jos vife's purclu puthmnal ~5Setts, aseitt, har R -warrante at_,-razoir s. if nthe1 let ey Dado Border Window Latest ideu. 1 ý f-ý

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