&0 1 oal béOff. Do yo& oku7, band-au ah. 'spoke, and letting ea s ola lp from h er .hoiléaaper ah a erll in ail the glotr ?si. of a delicioualy p1t O*&Ilfor hlm, and g1î S gown of ijmnieriD« white satin, once." shrouded lu lace sud-flmy chiffon."sLis ahie(av esabs. '0f ourse you do, darling, prettier' "Se I Rthered,*ih. seenisa ar6îta'i than eer" uly out Up. e "1That's'ý ail right. Now put my ",But wiy did iee ayouinstea4,' cloakonaan like a good bey. coming on to tel mes?$!- l, Thanks 1 A.ny messages for the Dola. dtWell, it ecems iil,%Vould have beeu ih more?"out of bis vay, wboreaa ho' muet Paue -4'Tell thern howr awfully sorry I arn the c'lub, and be.trusted:ýtoi ftnd some.- 5 that Foant dine with thern te night, body hé knnw ther-I wu thë ftcrn. but eyshalrtmat reaily read over aie man-and 80 lhe aaked me if t i thesaî brisfe and get up my opening would mind comiuoe on te, saythat on speech." -no a.count vers yjou to, wait 1 is o r.' . He gave the large bundies of papors turn, and I have 'promised te o main X lying bofore hirn an impatient pnsh. bere tilt there ia c&-,hance of hie «ot. y7 Shah yen le laie, Sylvia ?" - .g baok. Until half.past two, in tact. "Oh, ne 1" answered his vife, as ah. If ho la net inby thon, I 'am te kaow- b stooped to kics him. "But yen 1mev that ho is detained. Ye umeot ho ýs Mrs. Delamere al.ways has momie aftor îhought I coula cixpWsin matters botter _,t dihner, and geueraily askhe a fow Poeothn theo biter whieh 1 -undoraieod ho pie to corne 12, 80 don't -epect Me had lefi fer yen." muoli before twelve. However, if you *"Whaî louter ?" u are tired, o.Ànd you go to bcd ; I've got "The oee1 told you of. Ses, hore il My iatch-key with me. I've toMa the is I 'a-are Bay," hoe picked up an ad. servante te put oui the drinks aud net dressed envoepe on the chimney- tg te wait Up." And thon IMre. Seymour pieee, and handed ilte liher.y blew ber hueband a his and vanished Mrs - Seymour burst open t.he letter, n throngh the.door. saying, "1Yes ;«and hore je the tolegram t Hait past twelve vas booming ont1 cnolosod." l frein a neighboring steeple whon Mrs. Sh. road it aloud te her companion : t Seymour returned home te her honse "lCorne 94 ence. Liza serioueiy Mi. s in 1Beigravia. t Shd sprang igbtly from Am sending dog cariteto feieh yen asg lier haneom, paid the driver hie fare, tee Igte for trains. Sboutd -Liz& lin- and then leisnrely turned te mount the prove, will stop yen by meseuger on, : steps, feeling for ber latoli kay as she th rosa.-RoERT ]HUMTER" did se. She had ju inserted the hey Sylvia lot the pieco of pink- paper ini the door, shivering a litile the white, flotter to the floor, whilo she read the night wae ohilly, when she heard a ihrough lier hnaband's hastily-soribbl- t footete p close behind her. cd note- Thinking il vas the cabmian, sho DzÂREOT SYLVIA :-Ineloeaexe- erid et sarpy, I shail give yen, ne plaine itiolf. Of-couSenoI me o.I more. The fare le only a shilling, sud 1 amn stopped on the rosad by goodc Iý gave yen cighteen penceO. 1-'ne Ws, I shaîl drive straight bock ta, Thon she became avare that the tall towu. If 1 have te gro, however, I well.dressed figure standing, that lu shail telegraph te youen h.fluaithing in hand, by lier elde, vas ne cemmen cabi- the morning. Do net watt up for -me, mon. She.drew back a lit le, at the sas my chances of reiurning are vory Bame trne giving the latch-key an im- light. Dogcart just azirived. luI patient jerk, in a vaink ondoavor te open groat haste. the front door more quiehly. "Pray de net be alarrned Mrs. Sey. Sîte handed the note te Mr.. Mésitor. tueur," said the strangor, bewing. "1It's awfully si , , " le said . kinýdly 'Although I have net tVie pleasure of seeing how distreased site looked. youe.acqnsintance, I arn an old friend. "But perliape you'll hear ' botter newe of your husband'a, aud il je the fact -of in the mernîiag." bcing cbarged with a message frein 'q hope se," se replicd with a lUtile hlm for yen that mahos me introduce sigli. Thon she roused horself, and -mysclf. My name à s Mositr-COyrit saiâ, more Oheerfuull., "But q»li bis Meesiter. Perliape yen have heard trne yen wil l bc hiing me .niel him mention me ? table. Wen't yeun zâe yoursejlf a Mrs. Seymour shooh her head donhi- drink? Everything îs ever there. fnlly, although et the emre tine a She uodded toward a Io* table, Mandt vague feeling crepi ever ber that ahe here are both ioaadciroo. had heard Jack sko!ao aprel.Which je it te leb? "Your husbanda ahed me t tell-1 "Thanu4s a eigWu. Will yeu permit yen-" began 1Mr. Meestr ; but MrÀ. me te give. yoh lauything Y", Seymour îuicrrnpted him. 4414o ; 1 itink no;t, thank you. Now Where have yen Suan My hnshand? Tay light upt and do taeo that »chair. 11 eDot at-h4me ?" . Ihuw ils'ail right, for ils myhuse- "Hoe iÃœt, sud thiét î What I arn ban da favorile, -heas h _tray us At coMmiaiond by hlm to expiain te your olbow." - y ou, thougli I fsnoy yen viii flnd à "No«7hat yen have 'o kindly Azed lettor from him inside ; but* pardon- me, me np, as thb. Yankees- wouluà ,say$ 'a it notiatber rsh "Of yen te stand won't yen do tho-regt-lhlng by your- bore on such a cola nlght, lu yonr self snd go tDe od?#V evening gevu sud thin satin ehoes? "Oertainly net. 1 am n nt one, utile "a nroaly, if Ihadiiot been afsai tbt tired,sand l'uoneug te uît up Mnd fuightling tlb. servants, who would tlk le ou.. WerAUa w.e gi-nI? havetabu m fo a urgarI sonl On ~an~n~ oolae#.he oieK. Mu Kemto, owngeu. er..thonI Araynsbudow~e, tee felowiug à Mx..Be'8Yimour athroiQton oomo dimly.lit hiuâ-. 1h. Iibruy-ai lbb aaeho 50 of dh. houe.. Ue.asbIsuuin r n~ceimeone mARA - rilan no, anuid '.. olutk J"Of -De.ȐOu u0I.Ia heu i .êjnr.,fth a~*avtmd mm&lwm» bb - liiinmo à iJob aIR vesuaeay, sny Dnanaslus mr. imeit4er. ndo oenknov I bolie K Ilamna iitl alepy ail &.Shall yen mmnd II shah miayeur aooiety, of Goum, nutas 1muet penilthe next heuw- or 1.0-ouse, I veutd raîher do sÃ" bers blan eut luhe. ra." geod sud yieli le lthe, inevitable. A.nd Qv,# perbape. youit, M ammke ,yen Dnothor drink beforo 1 go ?' "cThauh Wbiskey, p"lsue, sudnet' 100 strong. I miglul faitaiepbes yon kmev, and frigitten your houso- maidt*,keatit vien asecame dev bun tho tnerning. Good nigll, sud&- sloop jol. I sitailgaeJaek- tilltt111e -ftr ho, sud thon if ho dees net roturn I Rhal tek.e my departure.- Once more, 900a nigbl."1 cyw tmessiter ùtood oreet unlil 4tue st ruelle of Mrs. Seymour'a eatin skirlu bail dioda &younlteiairas thon hoe ank jute the dcpthe of a, Iovny chair su ad siiug etrntemplated the dying flue. He stïtharo sileutly smoking sud uipping, tilî'theesalloeeof lb. nigbt vas brehen by-thé iron thugue of the ehureu slook bating out hait paut tvo. Theý gmadfabher'e lirne-pioceon 1he glaira whiWnd dgroaued sit strneh, while juat ahove hie boadte sharp ,eOhime« o! a ltte PFreûch édock suuartloh. waiber front bis reverie. Ho rose, tossed bis half-suoked cgrtte jute the grate, thon vent iu- tliehait sadlistenod. Nothurg but tho slow, hetvy llck freomtb.e ar"* clock on au upper landing aliuturbod te intense olliu. Thehoevs lSke a-grave, sud his footatepe, asehW veut devutae.mabie hait oe«hod clcarlYup lbe slaircaso. Wih a «hrpick lueopenedi t. front do«r. suMaI shrply aiaed, ilta ' agi.Jereturned l e b. Ibrary fSu suother 1uaIt-our,lteu with amo amüe playiug round the corners e'i mentit, ho tnrned ent lte «e., lit a candi. wbichtooden thoehall table, sud laigof i oots arept quiettj upulaire to bai, It vas puai nino olelob nert moun ingliaore-M é Sêjoeur rangfor h« tom snd letters. "H.your master ruugt biW&l-tW yet Y» sie akosit1he o 4~ aeed the hall. &-No ma'am. I dont thiuk my mnu "&Oh, y.. luehole..I1boe ihm eo'0M up atWirs st half-psst tuo *"i 1,i* oo te hie roomt sudsy I vialu le moi vwhatnevs elciWof Lady Hunte«. But the-nezI moinelt ý insi4 MUw back egalu. Mr. 8.ymowrs net lu hie roon 1aa. l 'e inkettmsudli "-Hev vryo I sluppose I1 nio have dr.smt.-tud Yet, .11ouldIbau sw0711 1h 1-vo, l"!, !meuMi --,t suad the -là eùO. ou an M.p 1COO analroady on ~abroad,. se ýif yeu n meas eas abtMn1u, yen v.-iii keep - ths, iud yonr oevu couneol, fer noither ryetar husfeband vwili over -flnid Le vas once, Fbura truly, CYRILmEIT" is on a par vith baying lots of rubbisby tp for littie mone. oor soaps are the- buughole " tht-ough ui timesud labor s-areasted, and by bicli the.clothes sud bands amr mmcd 'blcs o r& t.Keaui LJEIVItAY Ofc »mathieon kHaken' >w Brook St,, W hitby,-, I uth e C. E. MoGL* Yt, .A - (TORONTO UEIYRRM MY) Phaoa>SUrgeu and Àecoobai Laie R.sldant p claan'Turomso u * Uffl. huru4 leil . M., 2 le 4 p. ur 7to9 p.m. Officeand Besldenoe-1 Of Keet sunwdu Slreete, Whitby. P.G. ML»JRUM, N. PhsceSurgeen, sMd &400o00b Ufchonr..-8 té0 l" .2. te 7 te 9 P. m. SNe. "Te'TsTernes,» 1). P. EOGiÂET, £.D.,L.-1 h o*a 4ugo ud Âocoucheu ciB1su adence neit AIll (à lurh, Dundas St., 'Vhitby. Poetl urgorY lu ità ilbranch.es p lze MX frc wthe~ I - I I r r F i .1 O 5~I perties. is vonderfitl cleansiug povers spd 7cà purity. it BamsMine &Laboe'. bringi Cofulê mWoIoat v-hGuse it.