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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1892, p. 3

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_AU, disorders o>f thçp Throat and î Lungs is Ay.rs Ch'"wy etal Ibas -no equl asm a c6ough-cure. Bro~i'hUtIs "When 1 wàs a boy, 1 had a branchWa trouble of such a persistent,,Anl stub-, boni charaëter, thiat the di>ýt4r pro-, nounced it'incurable with ordinary emedies, but recornzended me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. For thelast fiftei yerIhave used tliis preparation with godeffect wbienever I take a bad cc'td, ndIkno'w of nuinbers of people %,%ho k1eep it in the house ail flie Urne, nc, considering it safe, to be without it. - J. C. Wodson, P.M#., Fcrest HI, W. Va. C«.ougnoeh twesnty-five years, I was a sufrerer from lung trouble, at- tended with cqpgliing s0 severe at Uirnes ate cause hernorrhage, the paroxysrns frequentily Iasting three oïr four, bours. CLy Centre, Kans. Lia Grippe 1,Last spling 1 was taken down withi, la grippe. At tîrnes I was completely. -prestrated, .and- so difficuit was iny breathing that my breast seemed asi côtifined in an iron càge. I procured a, bottle of Ayer's Cherry r>ectoral, and,ý no sooner hall 1 began takingz it thati.ý relief followed. 1 could mot beleve that the effeet-would be 80 rapid and the cure so cçimplete. "- W. H. Williams, ook City, S., Dak. AYER'8 CHERR PETORAL * Prerared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce.. LeweIL. Mass. Soldbhy aUDruggists. Prie $x; Sibotties.$S. Prompt t. act, çure to cure, About Oows. The practice of givîng the. firet milkl after calving (colo.tm> to the c0w la net général, but oc»Asonalyý Fi gSod dairyman does a o'ieêcti lato Harris Lewi proed sud adro- eated it, becaoige, as h. sald, it oper- Ated s a last'eon -thé. p0w, and waa thlus au aid in keep*tng, bier healthy. But-when tus topie wus m.ntioned Mt daixy meetîngs ho was sbarply rtes .d, thecritios thînking tiat th. praotie unzeemly to force the. 00w t10à sueli 0taff." eRe bd bat th 0' tookit vry ill' , ad it£ia lir -gqod. There ia no doubt- that the coloatruni acta s U Rte u xtvo. sfUd .21 mafroni yet froni 'mulk ha ~reaIer cunvmAI- smasw, 11 UOn pruper 5550 taon , In aummer il may b usl 1 f*ai" ber, ullowiug ber bspnd lbh. neti in Pasture, thuis pro elng froni files. In a Word the oow neàda lwayx tô b. comfortable and hblt o ie good mik. Vnitor-Well, TÉommy, what ane you goêg to be wheu ougZrowup f Tom- m-'pect l follow the. alderman bÏu risame au paw doe.. De Chappie-Aw, sonny, lie y ou a lifther. ? Store Bey (confidentiay- Yep. That tiiere big fellow wid r.d hair au' freckles insthe bouncer. Wat yer aellin' 1 1 . à Nural -Suppositin.-Mr. Tu1k- ingh.rn-Ther Las a v.ry fine pioture oQf Ou~r minister in to-day's paper. Mrs. TaulUnghern-Indeed 1 What bas ho ~been oured oet? Bertha-Grandana, is oor teof good 1 Orandra-Np, darling ; l'y. got none now, unforttunately. Bertha-Then l'il gir. oo mynuts te mind t1111 Icorne back. He-Why don't Misa Nubbles corne on dock and b. wooed by the. breezes, tooe? She-Her mother wouldn:t let 'le.She heard the captain samy this was a trade wind. Quit. the. Reverse.-Nobby-There goee WVaiîrnan kiting along like a deer ; I wonder if b. in training for a rian. ()d"e--No, on the. contrary, he la mun- ning.for a train. TW& Thoughtful Frlend -On the Hot'-Did you think Miss Morton andller inother diseovered -tha" I was tipsy bat night Tiie Othr-Oh, ne ;1 I expained to them that yeu were orszy, thoèught y for me." A ý-loeap Evrythig.-&«I neyer 'ere tiie sort of a mnsu te "Noi ; but you mea 1 go teal' 1p found it noces- "me one to leae carde ;Car Annoysuee-Firsî >epiug car>-Wtil' ia ýcougbing 'sel violentiy îxid wakeful-ff.s snob.- ýwu bis windipip., I pre- riàious.-Oholljo--Thirik bootutaker. Chai. T &.»aa W ,e am if l~sfra fit. ttay tb Mesliuui and xnsy ohher dissou of1 is -wori m. un bnmo tW #tla " Donetoh b m valble lor tuaeqêieut ý et thé. moot effloclous media ehes of tbe'tbruat andlà exersa i m% -- wè dirtal iif -oonsumption anel clbe dus and cheat. Itprenotaatri peotoratio, oheiutto diseam from th. stenit. After doing "ech damage Winnipeg the. l@s on the Red- ed up, wben-by was $tek, vo gave ber CasSoilà. When she was a QhiIdm he cried for Casterla Whoshbe esuwm isa, ah. clung ho CJ.*aria. Wbes i@hsdo bldren, ah. gave thSn COator'. Another lamge colouist Party frein tthe Marit.ime Province r.ached WinipegKOc-- day. For the puat year i bave been troubl#l 10 a very great exteut with Dandruif, &W a dulînenef cler ln say bair, sud throughhbe advîoe of afrien4 <(wbo spoke frein experien- ce) I tried your ýAnti-D&ndruif, whieb, upom tbetpplîcation o'f leu than a bouile o! your liquid 1 flîid mx' bead not onîx' tiirougbuy. clesud but a vast improvement in the. cule and gwowth. I bave suad de recormend Ua u Jaely beneictthéii profmsion aud publie gêner. alix' au a reathle aud velone inuevatio lu tie rernaies put forth fort public favor. Trours,&, ,WM. P. WOLF'B Advemtislg ÂgL, "Frank DaniehiVeY. Sesan 1890. A bit depouit !ofeô" bas fami niea"Qu' .&Ppeule. been struck on a umax» Ltiea. Lubrmm (Jardinai Ta~4eresu as oome mentaUx' unatrung. aszd te have Wà Dua8s,$huf aU sud winteu, 1 sufi edfromaomr*l> mafm» an sd ad tI buta medsalad v$e itheut a'vJl. I aIla thougiiIet.ryiei'B B. R, sd aftt us ose hotUS haie OIt &amy"hjub i medlcane. J. T. Dr, gHelip,*4 Beicve um ha iaI i.Ymes "Me Our T"01. e.. e e.. cci PAIN au. sol Aak 4Mu *ille E.L W. GILLZrT. Top for Imita. MVOflbitSk0UI5dJh~tOéIIl !reoemum&ftu.uapenIoe*sa~pesu heova tome." H~ A. Âusum.,ILI ,1t1 Se. O~4SS., &on~u, iuiiig~u £111M W - vluia..qmuaoh" 'I R~WINF. P*mus. N~D, o~~K~~bII7 I U~iup,~1*GhBWeeêsu4Tt&Â,,., ~~.Pagar3IOOIUIDIdBbEiIflUO~oetW~h. NewYoekOi*jy. Vu. Owàwm Oou.au, 1? Kuamêx Smu, Div T.n. the eper 1 it te portrat Who Ia neyer a patentmodi- >lt 1 over w a a= iol ueed medicine more tisaibho Pàmuo.-& 1ocegyman one ltk tas to. lut wl If nMy rd 1 ir5, oW

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