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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1892, p. 5

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$5 Setts, twelve in a sett,' hanidsomei box, warranted triple, plate, razor'Étee1l. We con't seitemat the -pnioe if1 we had not Jbôug1ht them so well, but we '~would rather lave- your1 i oney than thmkives, ana >-o swe will let you have the bargain. BARN-ARD 'Holiday Pre8ent8- EasysudFano OhirsPalor Suits Mud Clouehes lu i 10111,t R6i, ji Point, Siik and Moitait Plush,PrniTa ~urMoquette sud8l s oate an& PINOT AND 0A1UD TABLBS in Walnut, Oak @&a M&bo~sy uae BuEselsasudTbe 00 We do the biUt PictlieTrm PRICES are am loy in lu4iM oniselwth au HRONBST PROMI. Cali and te, n belor1 buyfng your Presentu. JIBseO? FRITUEQ'. W.J. NOTT,,Wpr. rosTpWRL 1 'WÃŽbtbL, qtou it*" PRIDÂX, ÂPUIL22y 1892, LOCAL LÂOOICSO. Fine lesr ,ixed can"lcaoe cnts per lb. Mt Newb"er's. lase«Rlacresad crcket aremil 1* W. if. Newberry, bas a splradl ment ofbôme. plants forsue For te o"'. WearP5uubJ old hrm sud boues. Wm. & esô* IbOi1ttis. lé#15 teS. ptaY1iig 5YoWid ietrintable at lb. feund-hôuàe bhere Rural schOol teschers oni tt1oSkout f Monts ln theL, wy of simp1le d s ,f>4 - dialogue serko% te*t t- r Ibis wek atid:* ave been It0orus with six neef mubécrubers, which is quitë su unuàùi» sud pleasant thing aItits timé i c yeat., But lte accounts sent eut miust unt benR snd We $hall bave to keepon un- Oshawa Vindicator - The Whiîby town coiu4cil are now considering the appoint. ment of a Constable. Ttiey offer WÈM Caiýerley $i20 a year, but li will not ac- cept Use than $200. He would bee b btg Maui p oc<urable. His repulatio n as -High Cou1*tr Constable bas made bhiespIl e by titetough cdosa over tbe whole district. Muis. Maîhison & Hawken. are just now fiaishing a grand upecimen of art, in the 34Jpe of a monument, which îti tabe placed in the buriai plot oftIhe fitnRy of th1e laIe Geo. Hickingbottom lnuth. Asb- bura cemetery. It iw of Scotch (Peter*. head) granite, good site and handsomne de.; sign.- The whole work la turned. out witb ikili. aiidlasîe and will prove angther re- minder le, the resiclents of Ashburg and vdaÃŽlty Ibat the ashes of a man. of noble Charaer lie peaceully in their mitint. Thestreet-waîering carl is out Ibis week doini good service. A petition wa. pre- sentéd la the counicil on Monday nighî, *%ned by a number of business men ask- ing that the streets b. -watered as usual, .but as flot enougli have signed to permit ofan arrangement entailiig'a frentage tax Iapay a portion of the expense, it is- ltkely another will lie carricd round for -tbispurpose. This will have ta lie donc before a by-law cati le pse el frnage ax, and ta tal of týxînZ the whle copration for the street-watering ia out of the question. -In the 'tocantime of course the sprinkling will go on. Ç an inside page we give .morne re- marks from Iast week's- Uxbridge journal ou lte gambling case, but yresterday's issuqcornes ta hand, giving the CHRON- icz*lan awful overbauling far publiàhlng the d0ails of that pokev lournament. The Jouri* i mat is shocked at auir depravity lu veu«tlating this scandai;- but il bayet ta say the firsl word ilseif in condemna- lion oftbe Sunday poker business. Every Une inu-4 commeûita is toned te show ils desi! e~es h gambling fraterniîy and ms heir censure Ilh'1 Ter muat be abeftof tbem tn"Uxbridge or a paper woubd.1 MtIoiady ta them, in. -this way.. Our totent. uses lhree columina lasI week trying. te prove that white le black iu 'regard te aur complet. refutation of Its baselesu s ge-that lb. Influence et th. CaiQritia been offered te, Dr. Rae to ssist Id È.ltil candidature for $r,ooo. The. OushawaReformer apd Port Stand- ard, ~ >tdislaynay sense of nohrpu ing weekaller week scii Ia-rkarge ne;errctng it wheu, aI least sense enUgl t drp th - on-,lamt eekhMI a la potte î parti' es who -write, lh. a. ri from week te, week Inn-Ie"i'11011 let think tii. public.are s»-no nytblig. NotJiDg. Zpàd4tW* the. unfoÃŽnded anature The Dmi)strict imeetng I T. m la rs ef T e m p e z uc e- I e it yen OUTuesday,4cl. thywill give a -frst claus &çr,-Ih tewn bau.L Lt eve ont tuÈ4'outlt> bis, Conct. A silver. coletion , iÇfl be taken st fi duobrite pay e4penffeê7PyograMme tee of the Canadiaun motilitary ridê, le held in Torqn.t&Wedfesdy- nigI#ý thWass decided to-blhôidlb ve-matcbes"--on the' foliowing dates"*.M y8jthJne Lth, July 9th, JUly 23r , Aùg4It ho 6tii. Strength of teams and ranges -to' ýttnuàI same as last year. ÈE1ntries close b?45L7 15. The Grand Trunk' annuai. report ws issued -Tuesday tiust.The ^ repo*r e«. presses regret that tithe e ecat et o heavy traffic fÈ'ôm tbé abundanît eçst and the revival of 111e luniber traat had flot been more speedily realized, bt an unprovement bas commenced. it Je stat. ed that the utmnost ecoiomy muet beîtac-r tised, and especiallyls theecnm r- quired which may lie fsred by assimilat-, ing the smalier systèes with the parent line. the wbole systemin s to be incor- porated in one systetn Dcxt season, and thepresident will complete arrangements during bis next visit. T he system, *111 then b. worked as aunc wbole line, and many conomies wUI hereby be obtaned and greater efficiency .provided. The vetry meetings at Ail Saints and St. Johnis churches wre beld on -Monday night. At th. former the foiiowing oncers were elected fer Uc -nsig 1cr Peqple's churcli warden, W. H. Holland; reclor's cburcb warden, James Rulledge; vestry clerk, J. H. NiCholson ; sidesmen, G. E. Grogs, F. W. Billings, Rolt:Barnes, Fred. Mudge, J. P. Draper, and Josephi White- Lay delegates to the synod wiii b. aT ne at an adjourned meeting te b. hèld on May 9th. The offcersap POinted at St. Johns are : Cburch wer.. ens, Dr. Adama and E. R. Blow ; vestry clerk John Blow.; auditors, W. R. Howle' and ê. H. Hopkins ; $idesmen, Jno., Gale, Jne. Howden, Tbos. Atkinson and C. iL- Hopktns. An adjiurned meeting wiil be called at whidh 1h. l il lie complete.i The Presbylery of Whitby met Tues-'ý day In the new churtb aI Pickering, thol mioderatôe Rev.e R. D. Fraser, M. A. Iii the car. Interelin ad* noiaLn reports were ptesente on various depa4-. ments on the céhurch,ý Work. Rev. X .. P Mackay, B. A., wAs1týianùmeusly nomnui* bd for the positibof et laried s.crelary of. the Foreign MISSIeW nnàmmiti. westerà>' section.Rev. S. H. stu=anud Mr. A,? Henry vere appointed -te represent the. Presbytery on the synoe'S comttee ou bis iÀd evertures, ~its mela lnpeter- bore, ln May-Jev' Pmer pplau, McL=. sd1 hisdIasd'xsos.Bal- lagh,A4lieury, 1D. 9raisteuansd,;st, wee pplnedCýMmI t1oeus theý Ge.aAusmbly tel miet lu Monître j mui .Thi e abvteiy wilM t Juet reoei~ Knookobouts. afull' V«oult, -IN SPEOTION 15S )T~tLLy REMÃ"ED RMOV'l To the premisès receritlyoccupie y'esgrs. 'R. & j.ý bell, where we wil be pleasedtô .me.et- oui' frieud's in our nêw quarters. Ail the latest novelties in. -Dress Goo0dsDr innGoves, Ties,- Tweeds,-ini faot- everything fouud iawlaeotdT Stoe, t wllbe ur im o eepandatprices as low asthe lowest,- Intendin9' ersof Carpetst, Ou 'Olothe, Linoleums ilil do veil to see- our as'sortpient -in-.th( as t s mohsup'rortoanything heretofore kept iii towu. Remember the- Place -R. & J. Camphe11's. Old St', n t, meu repres. ubering -m WC any- claséli over a Upon1 tha" ti Blow'l everyl cause

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