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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1892, p. 6

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jng, that tbh h pothq man loolugI Strier aohed wliih eavy pain, snd ré-1 apondod witli Uâm~be of agony me ahe . stabbe4 Ai again'sud e&gai vili lier1 words. Re leved lier deeply, and yet s. unhoelfishly, ilist ho was honeutly1 trr'nug A0 bhe èe would bc happy1 withçb4t, ibis,- aithougli hie life dregam 1 hud boèn to contribute to that happi- t6You are se unrseonable,' she pro-j tested, "1to tell me now that yon love I oepoto-day," the said, sad- l, you nigt Btil bc free to ohoosei your own future." "4Why, so 1 arn; but my grand- fstber'e choice for me ie- She hesi- tsted, snd thon, leavin Iersneo nnýfinished, rushed on, in rapid fuer- anoe: -"Fran k and I have known oaci other since vo were littie chidren, and you know I was always a mercnery1 littie wretch. "iWere yon ?" ho ssked, with a omilei more pitiful than tears. "4You know I was 1 Yon know I ueed to fondie grandpa, and coax and flatter him, jusi because lie vas ricli for lie was not very afféctionate. I vas planning for a legaoy, and I must bave one, even if I have to take Frank with it. sud Frank is good-natured aud fond of-me." ,And your grandfather leaves you notbing if yon do not marry Frank ?" "INothing 1 He can ref'iserne, but I cannot refuse him vithout forfeiting al share in grandfatber's rnoney. 1 call it sliabby, but there il i. 1 And 1 arn se tired of being poor. se tired of tur- ing- old dresses, patching -my boots, saving car tares tO buy glevOs. Oh, Bert!1 don't look as if yon vanted to cry. Yon are wefl rid of suai a seifieli little horror as I amn, yen are indeed 1" qI viii try te think se," lie said, pressing bis white Lips Wogether for a moment before upeaking. "I1 hope you will be verj4 very happy. But-if yon sliould find, on consideration, that-." "Now, plea8e 1" elle said, 1looking up at him with miîsty oye. & 1 only want to say, dear-I may ealu yen dear once-that life vitl me, sithugh net mnob a hife of iuxnry as yeur cousin Frank offers, wlt flot bo abgolute -poverty, while I have my strengîli te, work for y 'u.* "B.ut yen have o9y a salary, and not a large ene." "Very truc I Still, if yen eau lhink of me and my salary with, fsvor-with love, dear--one word,' 'Corne,' vill briug me to your side,. t- will Dot teaae yen any morei-to-4-a-v Goed-bye."t - o as, gone a moment later, aud the unreasenable littho lady Wss cryÎng lia baby. *T'm not worth lii. love 1," 8ie 'aobbed, tearing lier very best handkerohief witi hem nervons fwger; "I4'm oniy a nasty lîttleibunoli ofsavarioe an&selfmelin 1 But I am~ glad it je ovor, snd. now"-good-bye 10 poverty, musie les8ons, and make- shifwe I vil abcept Ant Jane's in- vitation V" Aunt Jane'a invitation had been te the offeet. tiai a&lier father had wisi- ad lier snon and lier niece te marry, s"ae tiought it, would be weil for said nieee, Eilsie Iieed, 10 make a visit te L- sud beceine sacm1med te ber -future homo. Se it vas only tiree heurs after lier Prting with Horbort Bedlew vvhen lie drove to thie depet ttakOta.lU. Bwae, lu lier nopv bomne. ee wss noertili. walkng, idia iing, gsdefsg it1iig jier. sud thre uni ÂuiJua miodel of repose, Zondr e01 Ïbe dia net 4r0P dovu Wlk actual b~o41n« y- ikéde*0 beiee 'I6bvà il eut W4t1ÙM'now .1! Iu pursuance of Mliich dosigu Elalui'è presented lierseif before ber botr'ohod,.' rousing iuufrem it lSglàol»ye auir tien te hie ufiq&I goutte court.eéy. "What were yen, thù*ig hsgof -as 1 eame dowu the walk 7' oe,'aikêd, abruptly. For a moment hoe leokel oconfnsed, but answered, very geliu1y.. - "iAman's thosghts are not always, ready for dresa, parade, FIlaie." ",Were yon tbiuking of me? "No t'" 441 ami glad ef thât. I siould'expeet te flud s doae of arsenic in my next Cup of tes, if yen libeen." "4Did I really look.. so murderons ? ho said, smiling as .11*.eoplie emile ai the vagaries of their oliddren. "Yen tooked-" thon sic pansol, and came nearer 10 hirnpu ntic ute seat. ",Frank," se.ssiI softly, sud witli oye. of womanly tenderness, giv. ing s nov beauty 10 lier wineome face,- "9wiii yen suswer my question tmutiful- ly ? Only oee1" For a moment ho heeitated, tien with a-long, deep broati, hoe braced hirnself as if to meet a blow, sud eaid: 'I vill 1t" "Did yen love eomebody else vian' grandfatheT died ?" "S8omobody olse ? -Besides me!1 Are yen keeping -the ternie of lie will becanse yen vill net thrust me eut of a sharo in grand- father'. vill? Are yen bmeakig your owu hear-" ,,Stop, Eluie!1 There are many questions "-Anewer my first eue, tien. Do yen love sornebody else botter than yow little cousiu 2" "Ves t"Vaswulie mnrmnred asuever. "O, 8odo1! so do 1Il-IL is ail a wretolied mistake 1 Oh, Frauk 1" in a passion of tears. Neyer bad lie been se lover liko as nov, vien h. reuounced her. He took ber iu hie arme, soothed4her, kias- ed ber, callihes pet names. "Don't Elsie, dou't sob se. My dear child lier. shall ho ne compulsion. I thougli yon vore ieart-wbcile." ",So I ougli to beh. I treated hlm sisrneluily. I bold him I wsnted money, mouey. Iota of moaey. I waï liatefui 1", Thon tiere wss a eobbing confession sud a eoueiely confidence; aud Auss Jane, seeing the pair coming arm, in arrn, thougt:_ "Why, dear me, thc dear ciuldren have cerne te au ukdcrstandiug, sud Frank viii forget Agnes after aU. I arn se glsd t" Thc summer. bal beesa long on. lu Herbert. Ré vorked bard, aludied lu tbe evenings, wearedhiusef lu maly ways, having muci efthle same 1rust- lessesa thtiad tormentsdFlas. H. tried te think lie ha&I ba s voderful escape sM lm'iDg hie. brmof lovue. ",Si. weutd have been ald»peie- oonteuted and unbappyh"lietbeugbt, «"and @sin i had, seMrs*airne r,onsry by lier ovn confes.ion. B 1 Il.ià ber 1 1 love lier 11 Uow 1 veualbsve workod for lier! utrn 1igsbv oonqneredt fortune, and giron orthe nies eh.o 0oeted. -,My tista. love 1, 8e pitiieut, s 80 dsfiosb teder, unitwi smone ho part U&, Unliappy thougib a6ôpot, tnd -leo iinprove health.- sma lu- Julflzi r aid' uraai 18Mpi-seusofl noving lieé aslovel B ut, AÂnnlj Ie sent lie visole lîous' mean le hie ne Ù' home. to -, sioliBert -teok lii. vif. e i1y in Soptember 'au lit Prak'às wýdîding lierevas net-a guest more -beýutituUy drossel, or more rs disutly iaýPY. Ïhth le "rneleenary. itilevretch' vho might liavessteel un the bride'e pipýe. FY*m Notes. Il inea greatýdeai more pleasure te wôrk witlià s sarp axe or spade or kuife or zaw Ian a dul eue, sund'al should be bright sud kept se. . Take red lead sud pure' boiled lin'. seed, oit sud mix tb proper ceusisîoncy, sud yen vliii nbit lie best iron roof paint lu the im'arket, as-lt vil neyer crack or pool. We cmistell more about lie outlook for vinter g9s1- if er the 6old drying vindu ef Ap are over. The guesuing bas begun, but liftie eau ho knovu aI lii early dati. The. fariner *ho lias bsy enougi te warrant him xii selling a fev tons eau get good p*ce for it. A top dressing ou hoe movwiung fields viii impro6ve the outlook for a good hay crop next aum- mler. . Au Albany eouuty farmer placel eu oaci baie oet igy shipped thc informa- tien thati ileva grevu on grâïvelly loam sud vws fre. em idusti sud oisif, viti name sud adâroas, sud for Ibis got O1L50 abeve tise market price? Onions frein sets vili be ready for buuohing in about sixty days fromn plauing, sud ini about oe ulnudrel sud ten day. thse viole crop eau ho marketod. Tbis in presumlug tuat the soit in s varin les. sud vel fertilizel. Tii. ma*orit ofetheieoxpeimueulsin lssing thse Bord'eaux mixture ou pots-- tees te prevensî bligit sud -rothave heen favorablo-.particularty lu France sud Esglaub, vhero the expemussonta bave been vory carefully eonducted. W. boliove il vil psy touse the lBer- deaux nixturo ; aItihesainie tânsè vo thiuk out chemibes ill devise a 0"4>p or sud botter applicatio's. The roe.uin widcbsous. fr"eep'M tlh. evesin saoisg* ithrfaisor laféice tobmSoeo v ii Me a ummast odoert umm. ins.t thesieids4b mteke Ib.cMrtle Ntvy»" ad th" y vi i uit adifference l in, bs onwuhs!& in mesuably veatlaed, » with a rph At Iss=Issina, oDljIasi tsatot vii hb, feol. The pur4 &p sin e- quitlty o1te Ii fused la-the reasueofet lWt Ais ieuo, lu unsrzdeethtu nses t IMaW& isn skllhlg b«elssabaad. Ohe sustl. tated strythslaeïkfor -quinlaesemisul therta1sfyiiiO*Simotna., liedane of mkureod- ciu r TiAMAÜ' 1 ning tub, sud long s. I T .ss fil tei peeir,ý cheap, sud - cul. 55 Wl-lt. 'E QA ai. USSO This Soap does away witb Hard Rub. bing, Tired Backs, Hot Stearn, ad Soro Hiauds., h brings comfort to millions of horns, and will do so to yours if yen wiUl use1 Ramember the Name vM:T. SUXLIGST LEVER BROU.. uMICru MZtAB R UEMEKEAM TORONT" Ueu*veyauooe, oee -' UfiiIi the:Um sout ci ïh. POt Office lu momi»laa17 Blook, Brook Birool, WbIty. G. YOIJNG RSNlTJU. LL. B-, Barraier ~to, *o-Meuy leLoai. II suer -of MaragLleesOfiem1h' Blook "o -th-'of Market, Brook St., Whitbý- DoW &, XeGILIVRAY, Bârrissez, Sol oltônrs ID, Cbaucfy1f Biroo k81, W Sby outhi o Of 0BtA*ý1 La"e Beudon exil aiToront# lUeuezà~ uiffce houre-9 to Ila.il.$ 0 o4pmBd 109 P. M. office sma ReeidôlicXi mr et eulaa d udsSres WhîtI>y. P* G.oNELUIJFJI, m. D., Physliin, surgeon, aud -Âcecroeur. uffo. kours.-8 to1Oa s, ., $1. ,Msd 710o9 P. m. No* 8, "The Trnae.,"BIZea Strict, 'Whitby. D. ~ OAT L.LD~ Pui clan,. BurgeonadAcoo.r aud ae ne D u Sirat Ohuzoh, Dunda t.,. 1h9> IL4s Dentaliurgey in *11ilsbanhspcp C. â. meGs. SI vii adMùnstr the _L zed AIr" fre.wlth setiù- liforiher-,Boumc. B.s net of ê L ï Buher W.Co ne sop "49 w" iW A3u 8e.,Taen. ~sig workwou1d~do v.11 te utrobasissg. - usteel sud prie.; et-lb. J - ~a~s-- rva Lm5~ lin $1,850 000 ~.y. xl raies. zrofhilocus DIse-aýe ils, Eczeffi iLv4 isaeDyspepsi and Catatrh-shou that the sanie cour M1LL CURE YdU. A said of , the wende ted y te..user of ing the past fifty years - tri F applies to-day., It is, in e e,- The Superidir'- Mèdài curative propertieës, stren{ ct, and flaver are always Le; and for ,whàtîver bi ,ases AYER'S- Sarsaparilh Dn, they yield'to th-lis treatmi ýen you ask for 't be înduced to purciase' he worthess substitutes, wl mostly mixtures 6f the chi4 ingrèdients;, contain no sa- lia, have no uuiforin sta-nc ippearace, flavor, or efi unlous I [n auswer -lirod~' ;ut, ta , Yeu e Take- pfit in st parl c Lowe six bot 1-wili- aurn

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