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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1892, p. 8

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Th~entire townad ur -son. Durling the next few -weeks we have deci Dresw Goods, Clothing, Gents' Hate and Fnrn veratîi' leabout the Bargains in SprLfg andI (w Mens' Ready -Made,- Su its. Chidrens' YUthS' Read Ready .Mad e Suits. The verdict always lias be htwe have carried thé nobby od or young men and,,cat found in an-y other store in Whitby, but this season we have spread ourflvew out, dwhy men will g to the high-priedtioshnthyo and equally a.s w-ell made for haif the money eau only be acounted for byýthe fact that tneyare unacqualnted with the nature'of the stopk we cordial invitation to eaul and iuspect oar stock. CH-ILDREN S , SU*I'-T.S CHILDE The Ladies of Whitby have long sncnluded the point thali W.ý G., Walters carme the only "9real nioe"- Ohildren%' Clothing in the to-wn, cular attention bas been paid -Navy Blue Suits, andi the agea from four to 0leven yeaus have'been well remembered. We ask attention of ladisw invite them to eall and look our stock over, as we guarante rices an~d a fine assortmeut to select from. GENT S EAT S For the Spring and Summer of 1892 we have prepared so libeially ïutisdpatent, ht b- ~u wants froni th-s -them. It is a strong point withus to have everything lu the.-Mens' Furnshng ln that ybeiaskedor We invite everybody in the town a.ud country during Apri o ie u took a ourefi1 ana oritical examination. A REMINDER.-We keep everything in the liné of Staple and Fanoy Dry Gxds, Drels Goodes, Fanoy Goodse Notions, etc. lwi Go WALTRS- ti me forward e'v Odd--fÏ-,, saàt Wlisby COUBoil. Council met on April î6th, Mr. McKenzie1 was too ill to attend. A commiunication was read fromn Registrar-Geieral re regis- trations for 1891, and from J. F. Grierson,t barrister, with reference ta a complaint- made by Mr. Slieasopi of water lying near his house. Mr. Stocks înoved that the Reeve grant his order in favor of D. Lick for $3,oo being Fence Viewcrs fees-car- ried. Mr.- Grierson moved that the reeve1 grant lis order on the Treasurer in favor of John McGill for thre suin of $5.75 for e nginering-cjarrled. Ott motion the Couacil wet .ntQ committee of t.he whole on bylaw to a ýpolnt oversecxà,ý highways, etc.,- Mr. Mc<ïjregor la the chair. Coin- mittee arase and reported and by-law was1 read a third time and passed. Mr. Mc- Gregor moved for leave ta introduce and carnied through a by-Iaw to authorize and empower the reeve and treasurer ta borrow raoncys for bînuniçipal purposes, and the by-law wss read three turnes and passed. Mr. McGregor gave notice that he will at the nrxtosepion of this council move for leave to introduce s by-law to approprîate a certain sum of maney ta repair and build thec roads sud bridges af the municipality. Mr. Grieruon gave notice that at the uext meeting ai -titis council he wlll move for leave ta introduce a by-Iaw to appoint a collector of taxes for the year 1&)2. Mr. McGregar moveid that lte reeve grant his orderon the trarnrer lu favor af James Burns for the sum i ofe g salaty for asscssing this icunlpaity-crret. Mr. McGregor ptoved tbat reve grant bis order on the treasurer for *et foloewing accounts: Mrs. l3urgogne lad., $3-00; Mms Kerr, lad.1 $3. 50;*,as.Hfobbel Ind.,$3.o; May Mc- Caty, lMd.$, 3,00, Mrs. Secet, md, 0.O Wm. Hodgson, 2.00; B. J.Ro<YIU a T. Kirkpstick $2 15 -Mm. Slcaralefoôf W. Hd o $zý. . M ens B Lej; m 5c.0$j. Mr. Stocks moyad tbst thte coni onow adour n sd, stand ad- jcurncd until the finet Monday ilu>~ then to meet at onao'clo«,.p. m-a1 W. G.Watu'Lms Au imporat Waai. To thc Editot of DzR.ÂaSaa,-Tbe followmg pearpit. wbach reoently appeared in Uctegl eporu Otf the Tototoewspapes, tas of vitalimponaac to-tbe people of Canada:- Q.B. &ND e P. »TVISfOWS. Before $lT JT,1 FuLpoRD) v. HowL-Heylea Q C.. for the laintiff, George TyIIQr Fufford, ofthe town of BrckIlie., 'glu, moved for au, injunction rre nghedoidataS. 1L. Howe and W. * Hwp,<rMuîrllà-n-s là imitation o! thase $ou> b ae aattflunder the naune of 'I>r. -Wiuiw inm' k Mfor Pale People,'sMd *itbb iigig h Plaintes tWa. mar k xtih Pm&a gi r under t"'D sia whl4 ýtha plaiuftit 1lus by reaocanof<bis extaa# &v. "4v tisi à$ a kuavu tirougýiut Cuda udgmat gact- ed forsa perpetual[u~du An old adage bas &-dtat "mattio la IbM sinoerest flitery," biAthu cImituataket" theto fe* apaling àc upon the publi worihleas, pt"pp Pltivelybar<n<u drp. imitation aiaspopdarrediady, it là qUitmtinia the public -ta sroused tg amse cfab et aa iu donc theai 'bar l osha ipMlw reuiedy in Cae pioday aaà", oahs r Wldni ink Pilla Iit- osts sdcoeu&- denoewtb wbiclit is tmWdab , thePo-. pie. And juatly.as "h,rmdybau 1.1W cradit Caresla casam oves «M ha mm emaneut menl b mk c ais ~o had prSuouSed ia - ipu i oanemblo. These casmsbavaebas iomgbly lvastgat- cd 7 achloamg ovpaus as the Toecsto Globie. Hamiltonuas peaorsi a- and tarucç o* fo.Thus Dr. Wiiama' P"..PilabavaescbluvdkContinet. al repukx4 o.w» t se resat btat va ld deaknbavssa btusna-,dpossg pothe pu"blic by osulaj, Iithamas»&fx th , of exta uoit wnblalulstoes.Thas bal- WALL The Cheapost, Lar t a eau and Caua'1iwad~Wi Pap r OVE' 150 Pl to 4léa ou&toÂJt. - ivist reoiv1aiso 11n 'liot Of QI* Le ather Bage and VaIise, Toy. Tru ke&s The; aýst mi -fine statiouery, PRBEH 8Ç19 OOI7 SUP-PLIEB, Fahion. m gzue. ompIete stol to date alwsýý onuhand, ýo&talogues* SueciW a tnion to OFPIOI- 8usrl#o»s take world at publish.r's pni R.S.G, vrae stock of Âmeri- Shown lu towu. A n-nrni PLTTHIýVR NS' Bazar ina luthe papeor Omo9 ma l àml a" obi Mens' navy bitie'sauge Suits. ony $4.r =ù at W. G. Wiltea.' 'gni chmldrçns' Hslifax tweed salIs £1ex-. ha off ISpdlonMiy low prlces, at W. G. Waltemr s' sae! AII-woç>I delainas in dark and lghf umta lorsm, at *oc., 25C,, 4mC., SOL, par sdas a mu A*,tao saetbem, at-W.G. Walfer.' bmS a YatldSl reta only 9,5., ai W. G. Walters.1 E. H. Corset only 75c., at W. G.eul Wters.' Wslters.' Tlheyt obtoitt -Drasu gçds, dremsgoodoat*xceptloral- M4 ;y lowprcep, at W. G. WFvaiters. w i%ýe I IIIST C

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