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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1892, p. 2

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spmwg~~~~~~ -opz~i &cde acims ébnabl i,;hbit cf, liat ro- gion ave xPeenea fr mny yers. StÃŽl -tey ýpethat s.eding will be throughm in esson Peo le who migrtals tbère lait Marei Cie the clinits Sua' outry Tery weii. On Bunday lIast a littie boy about- thre,7sr cldauo, son of Mr. Pierce liv ing in li. e-sîa part cf th. town, while renewing s bon lire, had bis olothes eaught iu the flamnes. Running towards lhe houe aud îoreamiug with pain calledl the attention cf th. pareuta who vent te bis relief, but net before th. littie fellow vas severely burned. Aid was at once mummoued and the little boy is now doing as *tell as eau be ex- Aperson goiug around towu would ho led to tue belief that mechanios, such as oarpenters, tinsmnitha, p*iters, aud others, are very bnsy. Stli, idlers and lo-afers are te b. found holding up 'tbree cf the four corners cf the towu in order to inorease the indigent f&nd. W. thiuk the Couneil sbould ses to them, aud instesak cf letting theni niake their living ;Lof the ee1rung cf others, strike thein off th. relif Pet. There fi Wi çN . of fanm bande at present. ana er mal. or fes- male there need no 3 I trouble in getting ernployment.* Bu bief objection is, they do not vaut We . town though their landlordu sud land- ladi-4s suifer by thein in varions ways. There is another claie who bave s differeutinode cf 'makiug thei living. Whether they are earniug fair wages or ne wages, they n iu debI wbere t'bey eau gel, credit, but nover int.ud payiuge if lhey eau get eut ef il. It mighl b. asked 1 what do they de with thei money ? The question is easily answer.d. Lt is ipeut in mok-uaks and recreation. Wheu they want " livery horse, a stage, -au omnibus or " train, there is ne îcsrcity cf mouey. They kuow liaI these items are caéh on thie neît cr-eise tbey are net allow- ed te use-them. Hcw mauy of suai people de w. se. everv day? Quito a number aud w. believe Oshawa has ber fult lim hr f them.-Refermer It is prelty veUl uuderileed that va are not likely to-get a uev station her. The re-ply cf the G. T. R. authonitie. ho -the petition proseuted te tieus, vile net exsoctly a fiat refusai, vas wiat may be regarded s-a polit. eue, sud meanu Ihat wo caunot expeet any impreve. mieut. wite lie Midlaud reomains iu the bauds cf the G. T. R. o. Frank-Webb, cf the Queeu's Hetel, bas. been baving cousiderabte ex- perien ce viti the visels et justice, ltl.On Thuriday lut h. appear- ed belon. Mayor Hamilton on lhe charge cf abusive language, prelemred by. Chartie -,Armtroug. Ho p1eaded. guilty aud *as tàcessed #1 aund cOetas. On F2jniday alteQrneou ho appeared be. fore Magistrate Chas. Gould on two charge-prvai ng gambliug lu bis bouse sud selling liquor during pro. hibited bourm. H. pleaded guilty ho, bofli charges, sud vas fiaed $50 sud coasoen theeirsî sud $40 sud cosma on tic latter charge (bis- second offeuce againît the sot). Tii. magîstrat. said that ho had mnadé 1h. fine ms ligit as possible on the. laitten offeucet but for -tie gam bting ofife h badl iniposed lb. beaviest finé, éllowed by lie set. He sdded ; &&The Englisi laugnage îs tee weak to expnias my contempt fera As. atreS 111ounshès In propo to teb riebusua- cf tha soi, se the -omais hedy Ibivo in amcedasos îh be hqualty' «> Il bloo. Heuce lbe ueoessnty of koeping t. vital fiaid ricb and pmn vith Ayer'. Sar.spa. iUs, the. but u4od medicine you eau fin& W. eruIi mamuig ul Mr. John Wandeu, sof et a W . H Woj> deu;-Eagq., contraoter &c., vhu litshp in« timuber for a larg baun about le b erecéd ou 1h. tari of Mr. Wm. Red- mas, sa &aCoidezstaiy outsa terrible gu i 1231 hio hu. ith au adze, vieai viii In a&l probabiliy lay thse unfortuus- ste Young an up for bme lime tb sonof I ter, upe aminatic vaPwit thiii usf I 4 oUiar reB3lation vua -' Dms. tjeiwu, h"t4l> s arkert m - %urigter, Oobura, kl~~ Am~ ~~~sItt u&U h~6 b. a 0c0mmittee th prépmb-, withotialthe èïýuîd&a nd Wd..;5-a delay acirciular lb 1he,prÃ"fesaii*, settl.t, t0y4 1,&eUshiit egnai igforth 1h. c5use, naturesu bopMI,,#0O<OOtQoo l h* ej e».d b h emAct-tlÏ haohtoter -of 1h. rmoiat ekr.aça relations now exiallug,, oeu1the iIhgo ieba f5dra r Medical cocunoil and thi e nerul.proIes-, n ie asstliïuh thi es~?, aïon, asu ac ther iatter and consid- 000,00 popl vcnld hav ->vis i eration as mnay be d..rned imporleut. jfuirto Maki the g i'lr esoih iThe Association i ini th. bandi ofsInen hare cositOff 1h. gru d i~ budiN>s.. who ane bound to win.-Standard. WeU, viiere aro 1hése 40,00i000. ta! coéfreinI sur.fr not trous tliu The OolumbÃœ e f aisory. ýuiStts o iut .1of utatal populâtioù *of -681000J060 the eslimate à ICARVE A n<vc "I)m-of 1 in u10 iwho ea" Or viiiattend the RUDE, USEDUCÂTE»1 D MAMAN fair1à phape; o high. "Bt'~gi Eugene Lawrence, writiug in IHarp- lia I00Am erc iigt er asMagazine, sava : TheColumbu.of Oison8%npy5 teoi history insoeeof ils lia.t pleasing I Oreven 1, Wse. , s'a- how, 1lieîs characters. Rie'*as evidently a ses- 1visere &Mre ô ther 30,000,000 or $5,-ý rover sud a buoaneer. ne sold hiaI00,000 »ti @crne ifr«nut -The. sas-- services tW Reoeoft&njou or Oharlea of s P nsooùI15i lthmttr& France indifforeutly. A rude, unedu- j Europe even if tisat many vers dis- cated8eamma, h. joined in the b. ar ;or abli. tecouléne or te ox eu _aa-iht of St. Vincent, ami aided 1i on. 3id. %eiem ot14 iu the massacre of heneat traders aud AmeriOS cen t b. .xpected W pU4 ovor. iteefu aimen. Time somewhat sof"eed' Vi& ami , as PIl500tb. his harsier traits, but lài early unpul-}f thle uorld, t s'viii b. ses neelhiui. He beosine tais'. p'emntà eeptb- liar vith 1h. siave-trade in Portugal, Sy, f .yp iii, and introduced it te the New Woelds.11 ntr h Jre trealt. enatives cf the nov lanor.t'? 0W -1$iffl, pitilesm severicy. fRe threw t.thea tus apenilln . I . 'u ea i ntme , cut off hheir handa sudta- feet 'r sold thein as Osunbuls W tpW Telodn neo miia.ry and death. HA robsbly us- Chcqo M dôfug1.pprc i vented the ficton ai he "b. ouI Fairinoaider teget înuey' destroy them. Las Osam. houwu laI Wàm al roecutets oke the judgment of hleaven haaaMen pPM-Paats' orI .ying upon 1he.-gale re- upen the merciless diàoovrer. Iai- omlt to metl thé paper on -Mmurily. most every trait of moral excellence M WeIthiflk 1 ha"e pointed 'out hôv the Spanish settiers lu Hisansiola ho,"eipts W hall covor the Original cosit, te vas ahated ty a acruel. usurper-s"Y uothing Of theÃŽimmensense Of go ther àoxic .ruuuihug tiseo hiegreal ho.iii.th fort witlli s owu bands and spurued 'a7 Of! settiement cornes sors.Ofthéb him as heýtffl. Es victima, hung hy ieemuetChcovi la.e tise uSehocked the. humauity of Ial t te .ba*& *udtkoula Bobadu". Il vas believed tis i., fr per, aud lien a mighty cus Columbus aýsd -habroliseraplanned a in 001 u 1h. Windy city. N, ir, nev empire ii he. Indies, and ieped ."u néeddit 1t11me liathieEpsto Wo throw o~ff the yoke of Spain ; in later viiibea4beusit W Ohicago." years COlumbus eongaged inf Aà TREAwSONA'BLE CeRuEsreNnuirCI- viti Gene.. Jus. ingratitude tW the Piuzena, hi 16~uta e Ba EndRa- que, is fal h4ls Iie lnc. burit et n age, heais »»»r.venRÎÊ4Isavild i ambition, nus p* t'rasuu, he analic fluth, eau noer, fcS.ten ; liey Lmay h. foHartb, fiere., severe, tis es cùf Columbus look dovnu up 0#n«otr ifigbt of four centuies, lie u oJ f-hie cruel, re Columibsfou.d l4ntives oft- neTrlo fuit Of the p~~for goûL , Tise glitter~ng ~ forlbms irresistable sas lese a-0 ây et wbat a are Il4, .educaW.draces. Tbey searuhed in xvere sud ssuds for gold, and wh t4wby haît foiud it baung it Lu theié ma~sd s'osesi. Bore- times lh. more kizj1ly cultivatecl bea il into *laes am cstisey tsned around tiseir ueo&a. il aswu ehif sud almk eony orueulý,almosî their ouly dresa ; lie ued, toe,pun, feathers, sud strnugs of peais. Th universality of Ibis sirsuge j* sa obr the. ductile melîL nivified sud savage Mau insitiou&'An explau*lou;>.it natural. We ar bltO u at ir r Auto liai hesp .teget4<et lenu partiales of rîin o o il is thîr instinct.L In lumbius tis tw¶ed vii a violence aWdom CWOIL-lRe.dresmed of golden pdaace, ba« of treasure, admi uo teeng wrend isaseitis. Ris ory wv -ave e;for gold. -Ever!ýy mcm- tanoy bimasIf on tise biink cf' r~Ie Ihe w ure Un ut uiu 68M Mine olosu Kede i b h Ike rlke othe-King sud Queen, 'ïa in î6 e vend il ,ressues moula frein purpgSlo and sud omstissuste tihe hise MbucoPirae fl h us aluva ain Lu MY eudersmeaî cf Aui-Daa& esfs~sebeeisg1651 lm~ oenM t dressa, dainrm. iab 1i4 bave en Mmied vitieL eeeusa p lies, net o»e mUeImigbt t yr, 6 tallng et l b. i t cool dmb hu iako u delat baindrsmlnq *v luiga truof et is sas. Itý4 afiai hau ~A emu J. T. PONTÂ1NE, Pxoptor bar b so4Bamoa W. Rucasse, lbe Ha$itm taupe Msasinbeing .ued ton r G0dsq all "t-laitbi. D>taduru Park .. *u.-antvo b"of tNnhe mac ditres. le lb.r W soo e<uemtr hbt& . M m. Druggb*, ?"UseeFauo i dtu-: vegîii able»ove,7tyainmIffl, won sud la o d mt tle. mdon of laodebs em 1bd mmur dm= apesite md b proi- 1 do1 çpr -trnau10a Wei5*t a iieno, Iénstood lb. r.Ï,arkable power et 9pulsieii to UStaluanddstemgthen lidhà aiser Us procureasbottie of mly. Auiinsted viii th all aia aeei liete'lae.à, lab~se pur. hotU. oqf miU.r's Rin et ofod iL Prom lthe -irnt do. fan the eek.ed ferward villahope" venis w4 Ziai bu-aaytem icould rea. sud w" lii. " 0aaal preparaties.Us oran bdbeen noaei eàkiwus 1relta auiclut food i onrs frosi lia aewmb. had noale itaedIg~ueuoov« eKem aby Or. mm9madshsk. ~ nre over ài ne a -Word in mi~ tour lit was of cur rBleOd ia etter knýown -and more gnr Ied thnayother cathari- -caePurclY iregetable, ~elfrom mercuryor any other me ciie si the ideal Though prompt lergfetic in their -action, the, thýIepiis is- attended 'k -best resuits. Their effect treng-then anând r --'làe îhc -1çi-unctions, Ibeing- es Pl'~Iy nal. ineVarious er> ie of the :SoIýach, liver, - cm'leîs athièain(' ane'nd dby ail the la ngë ansp and druggitsreasethe 1 rompt ,s and e fective reeS ousess, naus, coýsiS er,. jaundice, drowsines, leîd, and sickliaa7h_;-t relievecold.s,- feversàne- and rheuýmatism. -They il :en w ith - g reat blnefit in -, -9 ithe diséasespe ij '0J rare th c best, and. should never be, oiniitted int-he outfit ,To presér-e;- -their medkcinal integ'yi i Clifate, thya-put up in botties' asvelas boxes. 1"Ihave usedýAyer's Pils in my family for-severaiyears, and alwýys. ,found themn to be a ýmild and excel- lent purgative,' -haviug a - good effeton lie iver. 'At is thec best Pil,üedr-'-Fr. Spillman, Sul- lau ines s s~ fr sxlv-sax days frein > Um b. begm in tase milleres Eluul, Coad Liver (iL .W. tçunthis very singu- removey iulnot havthe effctet ré.- duing th. baud of Mercy in the reesa. sic Prülsoenw.Far bitter if ibis nuuit-- liai tb.e e f Alexander Nwa re lfot kvsewu pnbliely, buit it istee valu- mioôked. Tn' vefflfy ithe.bov. hacta th. tsWcate o* tise patie-nti s appeud.d Keoffoir. January 2nd, IOP.-Thb.y, «lý_ o the. above bclung correct la soery, y fle. os'ý roth

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