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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1892, p. 6

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,of prSpevlYý1. looked quit. .bdlitWOO daownwwad before ho aw h. littO follow wh lpe,. SBach & vy lit9o fonir1 ý -14ainôt look more than six 7«M Oidsuma b.d clos e luatering Murl of faîr hair, and big bine .yes lke vore far to udentier, aud tb. low, gweot voice b.d an nncbildliko pathos i itls "No" adMr. )Meredith, Lfe.the' look. "Wol, yeéeIon maY 1" ho .dd- *d aiterwua8d. "Wba'ayour name2". ho péked prosentlî. "'George Scoit.' "H'am. ,Oirpban "No ar. -. Mter ie living, but ah. s1iWed nte e &bout Ivo veehe age anàbrke ïrarmn. Bh. did not tbink Iasbig enongbh o work before thatt but she b.d W o t me try thoen.ion 't1 malco out very weon. Gentlemen think 1,m too tittie. But I eau zxake bootsý., shfle, oan't I1?" "You have Certainly made -,that on. shine," was the replY, while Mfr. Mere- dith thonght : "Hlere in SOmÉetbing rare, indeoci, a boot-black who takm correct Engliab. EHa8 ho Stepped Out of a novel ?" In a Moment lie spoke lâgain. t"What work did your mothor do ?" ho asked. "1Embýroider -for a faney store. 8h. couldn't work very fut, lbooaue Bilh. isn't very âtrong ; but vo don'tesat a great deal ; that's oee omfort." "iSorry comfort 1" muttered thée gentleman. %"Âny ,brothere or ait- "ldead, air. Mamie wae i.lit icept m nsed .<ied in-consumption. 8h. waù ixteea and holped maàmav 80w and keep the roome in Order. Oh, dear 1" 1h vas just a child's .1gb, coming fr-om a fu heart Wô answer the look of interest iad sympathy ini the gentle- man's face. "Do yeu lilce bleoking boots ?" was tbe naxt 4ueition. "No, airt" "wol& yen ie tWt mn errasnda 2 ,:1 think I should. &Iow mntsh ean you maie a day nowV, ' "sThe mroet I aeor made vau fôrty cents. Tis je my fint job to-day." 4"Can yen read ?2" "&Why yos, air. I am.n-ton yeaie ,,you corne ho-morrw- morning ho the addrels on t"i card, sud I will try you for an errand bey." Thon giving the lad a fitty:Cent piece and refuuing ho vaItU ntil ho vont WO get ehange for .il, , oe Meredith atrolied Ï9 toW hie' hôtel, ie e90itarY dinner sud bacheler' apartmonts. ,"Oddt 1 ho thongbt, "bow mnob that *boy remindo me of omre one, I ca't tbjnk rhy it le. Borene swbo b.d inik ohbig bine eyes, at once ahy a.nd fak1oo 0pig woat cf the time, but cai and truthfni, when tbey did meet your own. H'm; il là Very vague, but aomebody I onw, knev had jmst snob eyea. Poor -littie chap 1Ilr gir. hîm a docent suit cf clothesand pay hlmx enough Wo live on Until hie mnother g«ste a.1h., von't rmin me ?" And con&rmg thattheb. peako *ounted hisem ney »byr bundreda of thosada it4~edliklyhowbuld net. Tho lithie,e a d Wwho walkod laie ,the rloh Iavyer's offii. the. net y vasauiUFQOdediiçAw . the 6boc came o bleu bue, au vu' uer" e .nte dled, ber ha~4 daughtera consolei ber. ele u spss-" thhltyyem sCi wheu tiù" ýcb1 '1 thick, fÙ84,overwholtniag , Wo 1.l ren dieo etii.e m ~Of' a prevaIl-' ovor er hnban,ÎI olovathele lb.th Smrave Imai boeena siéen, en a moderato ealary, "a- thi e "»in bank wu,"; eai, -yet he 11* o* lookod at thi. IlWe-o eue l ber and strove o fe . ber fMure brbv.ly. Il wu tý fft tory'ho b. hboard, eery Thorskora fr'ina ouulry bouse te a ,oêv d .117, n lb. hpe of beùWu vorn sud vag.., proveda failur, sud i tii. air cf a orowded -tenoent house.1 dý wuaeand inunredtii. hildrçu, vho died ee by one, ti11 ouly ber babys Georc-Moredith Scott. vas left tW con- While ah. mused and wept over ti panorama cf ber 1f., iwoudering a littis thal smre lon0 pat morybI mmd. ber ame the byfoher old friend, nover heping Wo meet him &gain, Dr. Turner callai. Reexplainod very courtecualy that lit. Meredith bai requeatod him tW se. if hàa profiaoalservices would net help ber, sud exaind thie arm. .His direction& ver. brioZ.ani b. loftiber te wondler if îndeed ber élifiend vas h. -gentleman wh9 wuvashlping ber .boys and whoae cari lay between the leaves cf tho Bible. 610r. Tumner'e report W Mr.Moe ditb W",: .'"Delicate vemni, evidently a lady. Arm deing very well, but .gênerai bealtb at the lowesl ebb. Wants goci food, botter air, an&, above ail, mental quiet. -r.tting herseif t dW .' George -Merofith boing on. of thoso. rare phi1Mthropists wbose 1le* baud knew net tRie-good deeds cf bis ight- band, maie ne parade of hie, generes- ity. If -Mm .Scott guessod, oh. znover knew wbonce!cami an envelope viii a geonerous g&if bani notes. -ht.. suishi ed beenomaie Georgeuat, to audtd ber evu ecanty attire,-aud ho provide - tb. modicines and food Dr., Turner n longer hesiatasho order. In - the -ekmthat feflWd- George'e engagement ai ennui boy ho Mn. Meredli, 1h. boy von hit vay fan iuW the beart et hiahe " loi ,lawyr For yoare, alrbi Wjeto Y ne Welldou,'ho lbai liveda buty 1fif. hry- ing te fongot the pain of bis brcon love draam in hkm*mbihion. , A. an alvayoserved, j'a-= otb.lng for society, ho b.d giveu onte isold find's cbild lt.eue Ile' et bis lie, nover shnivmng tWreplace' lber -image la his boul, nover eookxjig o ad amily jey tê, bit echeme of lie. 1h vwoul4 ho tee much te say thale bad net reoovered luthe yoann that followed hie diwp -pointinent, fron - ls ing. ,Ai 110. rolloi on -ter. ver. 'ôften iui@ibs wben ho nover thoughh cf bisold love; aud when h. too e(*or. oot lithto hiteomploy, lier wigovsu ntrely buriei puderi he mid ilpeta ethie hreerbcf $!ofSlionl e hne q)sud inubie bout, i ovesiand ,gôiInàn 1 s v96 s * % uie. ti euld.w"han 1er tha se'vo Ieng "saaraea. ~sMet l lat. e lu vhas verdi hthey ezhanged of jadolitsud'alove, but, nlu Ir. ý#s beant thoe vas not one tbôuýht Swoldly gain that velid fouow ua"an sd Geoirg. Mereith ..hst fer love, and b7 love aloné, was von ah lait. aors Muay differ in opinion t6stte h of "ht feeling cf lauguor and fatiue bvalet intbe -spring;but an agree au' isittle b bt rewady fur xlii uely, gand effetualy reMovos Iat ime FOR1) DA» RouE A» NATIVE Là»i. It~ in sai that Jaumico gig ou .Oou4alumore alcohokthbau lsiey. mat Cue y te manciscoOCrispi the foremait slah- c f :tly ha. jil .e.'ji 7 dayý i3o drink, ne ins or bees de.. h. a moke hobasco. - muis eau stery bout Omeulai vne'rinkius ~to.She maxi:.-"I' vu -sont mince deebply ipesdb 'ou ah a fieni'. hou" n t lu is ,influeuced m" e . toi.a declded di. The sire.sance-auoê a cou. tio'n 1 overbeand beftvýen lv ugpeople. Thi o y gImm, ,va 1 da gam etine by, 1bis 1lai 4es,. vho, upon bit: refusa, urg@ý 1 ues, sud I aru'to ol etthougbhtless vanity Ignpor e <csan4xd h.1.--hes t:'Taie b sto-*lo&aee -" " oer! hmaappeix ungallmand wuv talnev wiugly be- the eama a top tio h t i n i a 'oor ' - m ?h o ee ption wMIi e [th m1 ipoor mamapaoifétoed ways Wmabnil% i c uela ndbard upen omen ot advancing ycamsto attome, ndzy Wrk. But wth tlb.enmd.- Mby toowlngthÏe impl edjreojjo amr kuuee, hot steam, or Urd ' trwa wfli atonish yen. sPS.uft JveUvm.Iume v .1 /.moKJy, nd won] ào:ýed 1f or ci reaftaly aseefrxx redlyit 011 t'ô* ide e bon

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