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Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1892, p. 2

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hdthe gt TuesdaY- ~.AA.W e o~ie througii ou streets thèse ds.It in bad enougli tu have a q.eod live horse, fuit of tif. and action, nibbte the. grass from theo ditches, but su-oh a care-worn- animal 1as tuis bay frame, should b. stiabled and wrapped in a -blanket to prevent' a collapse. Surely since the meastes have pre- sumed to attack adults they will soon exhausta thernselves. Yen know it takes a great many more spots to cover an aduit than ame required iii surround- ing a jiivenite. Our theory is that the" spots will soon become exhaustèd. W. rejoice in the fact that aithougli our measieB' siege has been complèe, it ham not been severe.' There are a number of young, boys around this place for -whom their parents have reason to feel a certain amount of conceru. Insteud cf- going to ach0Cl, whore they slinutd be, tii.y spend their hours in loiteriug sroud the streets, anad practising long range with their catapulta. Poasibty their parents are not sware of- their absence at achoot. The. truite.. should enquire into tbis matter and if necesssry apply the. truant ficer force if neede -b.. Monday's Gtobe asys:. ,Mr. H. W.. Charlesworth, who f r some ime han -been tnan&grng editer of Toronto Satur- day Night, ha. resigned bis position on1 that paper and taken another on Tii. World. Mr. Jouep T Clark,, I ately of The. World liassuceeeded Mr. Charleeworth in the editorial chair cf Saturday Night. Mr. Clark. l ias.t ready made himsetf well known by his contributions bc Saturday Night over the. pseudouiym 41Mack." Hie ha. for some time past edited the Pickering Nova witb, good judgment and sutl- Tii. annual meeting of our Mechan- * ls' Insttut. members wus hetd in Dale's HllI on Monday afternoon. Not uearly se many attended as was desir- ed, but the attendance was amply suffi- cient 0tc côduct the. important busi- ness. The. financial statement was read, snd the. finances found to b. in a fiourishing condition. The library had circulated well during the paut year, and the. membership had been on the increase. After the director's r.-1 -port hs.d been reoeived as welt as those frôm the. officers, the. meeting proceed- edto elect the officers for the. year now commenced. The election wus by bal- lot., and resulted as follows :-Prou., Dr. R. M. Bateman ; Vice-Pres., i. Wis.; Secretary, C. E. MarQ*1is; Treasurer, B. Bunting ; Boar- cf Directors, G S. Cowan, S. H. Jeffer, W. J. Dale, R. Miller, J. T. Richard- son, 1. Wise, J. Field, W. V. Richard- son., 0. B. Marquis.' A fulIl report cf the. meeting, with the annual- state- ment, will b. forwsrded t. the. Legisia. ture, and the Goverument grant may b. expected at any time in the. near future. One thing brougiit out by tii. report from thebrabrian wus the fact that tii. percentage cf works on fiction wus not nestrly a. large au ian allowed by tho. depsrtment. This siiould b. remedied, a. fiction in more sougiit siter than any other clam cf reading,t sud by ail means let us furnish our- selves withi as much of it a. is consist- ent with efflciency. Soen.few comn- plained at the, dissatiafaction caused througii the.- eavy fines irnposed for keeping bockss oi# longer than thei. reultions wsrrantéd. Tiie materi was ref.rred to tii, consideration of thei. directors,- and wîtl b. dealt with byc The license commissioners for Nor&u Ontario held their seond meetingi hm on MondayîTii. ticeuges cf A"e., Watson sunF Webb w-ra liited to' threemonths frein the fit cf May. An item isgoing round tu-the affect that tii. Gffd Truuk's tease of the. Midland liasnearty expiu-ed, sud ms i w-lIt net b. reuew-odthe Midlud wilIt preabty pue. into the Iinds sd tue C. PR . Iri.item is erroneouis lu tue unportagL particutars tuaitu.h lesse -bu- tiome tw-e Liy cdd years yeLt.u nn, sud a. the. G. T. R.Lihave made hbeavy ex- penditurea lu permanent wenks sudare prepariug for still hoavier oua Yi it is ,lt iy -iatithe radlwayisto paq ou oncf 'their iiands.-ýL*ndsay' Peut. Tiie Grand Trnnd's tisase cf iii, If'i sing insaid tu ,xpire l in emau no donbr t cL eassily b. renew-ed. Generat .regret is fei ai th - 0 tii-e lou# cf eue cf our béat <an 0 6 -citizen., Dr. J. Buscom, w-bp]iai giea us tu. nderstandist h- wfil woen h. about midnight. ItiîeW p ula# l Sad in the osa, of De~~,lrf4oL about tiree rmonths e tàt iiS b o.st>x$ son w** kitl.d bl a a- le. ! strekn prets a ve tthesympatbh 'of the. whôle vilflage. On.e vening ltsi eek James ffr- top, cf -Lii.6fiLli on. Boeacli, wiito - turning hoe from.n town, met wi h a miiap that came near ending hisiii. Upo'n reacing Weis pond h. ýdro;ve iii te soak he wagon *tieels andiher.by' tighten the tire% .wlheu ti.he hrgs stumbledie oa dep plmacesd Mr. H., getting bis foot Ca&ught in -One of the. wheetswua unable Ï0 hetp himstlf or the heoses. Tii. wagon rack fiosted aud b7 holding it lMr. Ho2rtep wua able tbkeephishéad above wster, but ho ee ompletely numbed, sud w-as &Scly sensble w-lioen Mr. Bob- Weir hkappened uieug asud succeeded iu get- tîLiug u ot. -At fés Bb hc;ied out s&pote t. hlm, but lie wuastocUn- com anaiossd w-ekt~o te.iL sud bis rescuer had thorefore te wad. in aud ketp or at(int carry lim out, The hors..Uatýt iime w-ere ptunging sud miring their feet on tue bottoin, unable. te gqt te uhoe. Mr. Weir eut .tueir. traces sud eventually tue w-lot- outfit- wua on dry land. Lt w-a. mosi provi. deutiat that Mr. Woir happ.ued t. b. passing just ai tueecriticat -moment. mis8 prompt action .arned tu. admira- tion cf the. oommunnty and ne doubt a recognition more substantiat frein the ~tef ul man whose tif. h. savd.- Not mÙ"y physiciana mal, gra thora- peuti. discoveries. For the imost paut tbey- content thenisevuw-liamiisein ef ciously what i. prsribed-lu the bocks. Te Dr. J. C. Ayor, however, in due tii. ouadft of discovenng that grateat of btood-puuifEwr Vie refreshing raina cf the puit few- <laya have started the crops nicély sud tue fielda are already begiuning t. teck green. Dwias *ate& cols W 6nlel-4 n ruesdh base,~~~ Laeli A 1. at conialu m but boom Donn t~btuatery w-os «<qe p', twomea.OM thatthe o-lltaioof the brick iud iOra mon aight incee4 On a a Misi an %en"d rertd's slow-1 triea a ninner ~eei seemned tegive me relief mj induc&I tfrytheold -relia Pilis-I bayetakn oly orne- feel like 'a, new man. I thin the Most - lasa ýanid easy - anrhingl beenK S'ugar-coated that eIven a-cii tbemn. I urge upon al who ar In fNeec cof a_âlaxtie"te try Ayeri' Boctiibay (Mge) R*gitér. "ýBetween the ages cf five a lýAwastrouble.withakindofsE or eruPtion,'-chifiy.onfinedtc ~aai eseciito the- bend of abve the cif. Bere, runs foined which --would scab, wonld break uimm.ditelyoei n 'egh My e th r ried . very cu'think cf, but ail was witl Although a child, 1 res4d in f aboût -tii,-beneficial effects' Lills, andpersuaded mny mot] me try tem With ne gre a the resaIt, ihe procured and I1 began te use tiien,~ notÏced an 'improvement. En o ut 'anc ImatL.-l "' ýNwl fltiMo the. artâwo!a imsu'nsZa#& i1i eeen "-rynaehaW -oe ci bg uasr Guub thii.d"taof f Sm, Mpa. I r OAnInaMoflaut week Cociterl' w-ho pr9mptly *y. r.sted bis isusud bréugbi > un té iewu, w-heni le appeared befere P. IL Deacon and4w-as rmaudeit tmxiiib.. morrow Slra..Tii. 0as. isje- citing conuaerabte juterait. Wm. Bell sud James Bary, the Iwo youha w-hol vr retdTnsa lasi ons~io n fhaigbroken lut. Mr. dan~ora's iquor store, the prfosev nsatolon Ave -bot- ofa f bae.tw-o boxai of cigaresd brougit Upk romand Tuaiéday c Iniat. OiiBell dMetllebw Iha ha iret ppeedLBell,'suat %pa soarobmg flnfou" a umber cf sIopi hi~i DranhuA med, snd had tàeeDxengene to bue. -4"ery stable w-hi Barri w-a employ.d sund tameit hm*vth theeuthonthe. zanti bW ln hîe ashow-n tii.bidiuglut of the stolen goodas. In touei bOf the. mamsd maakwlodaw &*Oàr nfL 1Lt ie a source, cf satisfactiod tuai the. snd ,Maglirate <YL.ry eu liceuse ccmmiiaiourshave in tueirthom eeh tb ona Yb"rlu ini.h ( wiedcni seen fit t. wituhetd s tavein prison. Bâýry. W-ho had beau î liese frein ourvilage. Lt is to e b.MuMvile Weons, board th.e. iop.d they Win never be iluc.d to with mdiffe*euoe, sud emarkid grant eue. .voe, a. 130 w-as leavingthé Mrs. Wilcockson, son, W-ho ha. bo.u ort tuai le h"d expe tot ailing for soinsw-ceks, died aithe rosi- dence of lie; sou Thomas, on Saurday. Tii. funeral took lace ou Tuaidàsj Ba. J. B. iuf liseui afternoon t. St. l'a 's bnrig grenu, &O9t b W-est Of the. villag. OW Frxday, tii. ct *1 av 22nd April, Mr*.Wm. Sooti,'Of theFor j0, " tovu lin. Darlingten, W-hohdbennryatInl>foous.smu< pro.trsied fer nom Lme, but w-a. toome c Uso aitéfin ntl 4 tiinglit, te b. improving, w-as isien _di.<ua.rnl Butli with heart faluro sudd <ied. Hi& rW o CSm9kW ,t t ha mains w-ere foltewed to the Union evr e oiL cemeiery on Mondey lut. A rovbci st w-uffdo* ad Mr. SLepheu Il eis impro - bIsa w0 Ol w e Modad v premises by tue addition of a wareirâon.d hi. frontdoor. Ifou fw ot bmouf t Mr. R. E. iUodgeon apem some Uij M~n~ laat week improving 'hic loi ascii ecg mb irMu S the, law-n upon w-hlch I. bas failed le uad NSiri4 h y.! ssa geL s catch. ef aeeds for 0ooeyear. - soi -icu4t, hmoraogil WOKT PVico=. ' 'd sbmw-iat Bam s, High -ehol luspeetor 9Hom dgaoa enda JOluétcu a 11s I& w-a Ilitd*fhthe w-cil bhàt w-as being don. sud w-lu e ti.arne ets Lis isted ahi"slsola cf the. wlxol threugýhQ OM ut.e d TwOo or tire.-of -thp loedl fri.ra* esOI lave joawd b" dtfbel. Md c arraupnlg for a-big dayan-doù4S i ué. hi hoenm bs Iàbsje..2f on DonidonDay. Tii. natureof cthe sdo. Ui.wo&rLâdmI;jÎ proceedinga have net y# .hMeim w-, uê i- decided 'uponi, but w. are assura&it a uwubuesoouuyiuw4 "S w Park, of! tien wl1 Cornersi,, Uine. ci his preux7' enlerprfas b2 dur- &Otto Mt #iv. *ed de Dia. ina-y ~ptIon. 1- A a poor w-oM 09 ped a. b Mil ouy pg ùlar - ieor ring ocre-, das145 poMMNud, a nm jsuu-,y. lut. the. tim ho te uae M ler's Bnutio Amr porson of Ood Liv.r .Welsuitiivo"yngu. a.aumW WI -mcn tbeh", o f7 morny in the rets... Wu.màx Eg of lck- pr=iao&Far better if thb rasult- toilas hure ed, that the. "W-s.of Alexauder' Newman w-or.t knewnpubliely,.but 1* i. toovalu- able it te- lter" of ealtfiite b. overtookeed T*o verify tihe abe.fcet eerti&mcte ôà2tlzepatient h ppmded Kmuiego, J*nUsry 2nd, 1O-I horeI oertiy te the %bcve boing corSn esvey dy& [had sul rbsuma ~~1i N4, Md bave ri tbs bitte,. as hait' ni" the. berne frein'-a ri says. i

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