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Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1892, p. 5

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$5 Setts, twelve iia sett, handsome box, warranted triple plate, razor steel1. We could't Bell them atý teprice if we lad not1 bought them so wellbùt we would rather have jour money than the knivesan 50o we w*lJ lot you hbave the BARNÂnr"D' 1891. -Holiday Pre88nt8. BuEasy maq airs oare nt. anadCoucheagibl ClhWâdhui., etit Point, 511k sud Moaiir PkuPxuuekn Taà- p.ry, Moutend81 rcle 8124 PAXOT i AED OA= AL K 8nt 0*6 IW Bamboo Wo do the -but Picture rrm- PERICES aes1ev s a ooaist vull as ONBTPROFIT. Ca- Mud us sbefore buykzg Ny=u W.. NOTTI gr. POUT flIrT. FRIDAY, MAX 11, 1892..ý LOOÂLT-LÂOONIO8. W. H. Ne*b"rry ba q1i1endd asset-1 nment of bonse plantsa for e.W B«faniily flour $2.4oi Reliale $t.z5, at James Lâong's. frs ndcaanrcrlssd teas At Houck & Âlkmas For the ùoyi. We ar%î,pàylng ýcash ýfo oid iron and boncs. Wm. Brysa Son. -19-tf. Auditor jas F. Ilolen, oftbte ChoCt*wI Con! & RaUwyCoe lai$beemade trnffic Managerlui dition to i him e duties. Ris he4qustps *111 ?u.Bain St Soqth UcAlester,I1.-Tr. Thot. Wilson, of Pickering, was befom P. M. Harper yestenls fior ssanllisg and threateffingThos. B. lartrlck, and wau fined $i and coai $.oIln L U.HCl alss parties iîve on the base ine. *Two of -pur caeepopdeita neW their ;etters tis week, by utistake no doubt faBth oldes f the postal authoritis -the matter was-q npeioed,-but wrters wi[1 please bear ma mmd t. have thefr letters unmmWd ueil contalnfiq smre- thiiig specWa, aad tIw*t put -on au ertra two-cent etamp, The biglant nika. ao aul poudre er hovItis soId'x No4 *ther rmnedy of.b W 1If I eser fails te bee 41 o101 oy moi berry. W. b iss Mo son, o1 Boston, the toiq 2«th. ( reseq hall e'pC store. Old p hundrtm atamps. mhents lu Our iaww Anl the fbouses t1 wa& The in duatry lbiet the da Gosry 1ef' UYs.S4t ta D5y. IapbIey Coffey vas arrested on, lajigbt by contables ýCalverley kefhrlous cdrlvln'.Coffey vWAS L *Ptb-'w g mtand utseting amuýpwltbthe llvery man, Mc- IpaM»Meaed. fut some dealeus m 'lhs," for. k'sInSoeread ILnticeof it, ona fW J* Ist s eg Ibfrs r t. bacce te aitproude Syar M.kon1y lait Ilil mtes u u- e Wftdbu up.uusa1ewdte &"W, ad conbe flned beaviy for àDetne ot sendi eblidren for C une treait. Um Maud Russe!! IMs <ud Masse.,of Emerson -oW- é rtory Bosten, vi = .apeamean Ieretai tii. tov alon Fis s«of0 May. General admiso Semt reserved ithout extara e. Platof hall vill ho opeu ou L7i« ut mat Hows's drug stor. 1msany acquaia«n i-thisViciait~ rjas. Caruegle, Port Perry,,:i .s*th mucb. regret of the deth by ming la Lake Scug ofhi eldestso soù Saturday lat Young Carnegie m*er young man naînedlaum ris, lest ther' lives near Washburn 1 wbllat paddling n camoe lu the bigb vboaai au dauglatesi fuaieral, a sou belug ora~icag do ffm Goodwln, wbo died he&on gbt, bas been a residest of r for nesrly flfty Yeur% u bed& luidgla esteem -I. Nu Lmbered thirten, twelve of lineght Sons sud five 0Wn f Staten lslad,on bat koeestead Uthe .othur LI on Kday morning vase Mt"or logtinie Join [en& i*$on an reson wmt afficte tentiomdu, the sdv. liW'.ohe the oujiyGr 1 .onty Attorney Farêe Ie Kansd LicmnseCona- e. The SIon Wtu. av 4»WU yuahetippt hIa'. 1 t oaIsi but Jesui ar e e- - *à SudRightUI s»cb »» outelves mreUl etiai -ý AUMse--.. tas lmi ,b. coun suad thei t town. aigu ii o mussu au houer s shead. un fice Met os Dave DOen ay ;30Mw Be sure. and bear the eIo ition rtt&i the tou bhain ouFrlday Ievein, Ins., by 'Miss Maud RusowgsifM Maud Mason, Of Emerson Coilee ( Oratory, =ato. Plan ofjhl epen o th iii m.at Howsesdrug*t ýGenendu admisson 25 Cents. Ses re«vdwith- out extra charge. -The CHRONICLE »ni>iledges the Te-" celpt fra tka S.sSousCo., ,ther lateit isses. O "ter ppular- suiles-Sangs We Neyer 4,gel Ma-. vourneen Asthore" nte rtysont, snd waltz refrain la, Weuteh- poorwili le Slnging.11 A n por o eU- .i melodies froua D la ',cbarrnn opusa dThe BeggarSttudent, arrne byJ. &. Macy . and I"Prelty Little -B;ne Eyes 11 a valse brillante, bý Westhoff, are twopirnflo lfstrunet"tlol 1 saw a large.concourse d men golng u> te the gate ofheaven. Ampuog tbem vere smoke-staicks andtoacjml but the major portion of tbem vese adiceted to other habits more degrdingte hunmanity, which for pemdential raonI m*hall not enumerate-. The. vigilant officiais werel stanin pontherampaitsoftbe celestflal ciyCkysairitheïr approack These offic- iais intercepted their anrcib, saying : idDo not sdvauce further. Y<>u Iare armen of un- den habitsasd cannoLe éter the peari.,y zates of the cty." WhNen eeIzebnb -saw thatthhsy ere sut ent of heave,. he Sent, tp a trio of fiinds te 'hury theai dowu, te demon's grade to Ipindemonium. Their dootu vas sele4-T. Hunt's vision. The procession o 'f Oddfellows whicb anarcbed te churcbl on Sùndy afternoon last vas one vorth sent. The marcb was besded by Canton »ovmnnvllle, a well dnlled orps In-flue negai urple- plumed bats, sud vearIni 8w -S c4 a gandpagdenauraly ttactd good deim. of attention, sud thé cburch was fili- ed te, hear Rev. Robt. Ca4e's grand ser- mon on gTbeRaItad toje h.11 This rond vas a dataerousoù ap, bythieves and Mudtes sdtypi lsthe wvend, Christ beiug thetravler ~b had under- tnken thé trip sud ad benmaltreated. Special attention vas dra te tue.young lawyer's question "Whe o' ~My neigta)r? The answer te thl'questý la plainly' set out lu the parableotheeo ntn Our neighbor-ls My *eeouwbo la hindire need of out belp, any persün Wbo bau been, beset by vIcked a-rouu~r iwbse mis- fortunes bave welg=hle evlly upon bita. W. should succoi ail sncb. A' mam May have a goodly share of thl* wonld'svemi3b -bt be canutatke any pa#t ef It witb bina wben h. dieb. Hia neigbhbor ls au çafthly, being, sad bis efforts at rellevinmtis am co"ndto thla carta., Aiopfing dais maii the Oddféliows of the Province of Otitatie last year spent Mo in lu clalesmaistugwidowp and rhn and'biirylig dead brotreýL Re gab ta tesi 1For vu d'a tdt nu l=ayr reoi'eda imue of ecini ]IaoIrand Colored., ry, Corsets, FHandkerohiefisi etc., Ladies. Spring ig moi complote in P&rliiazindon, Unid1New, York styesà ti.s ini Trmniia kept ,41y assoMd by weekly'puirohages., cmp to the tinesý in Worsteds, SuitingeTees ea hoice lUne df shirts, Oollar,,Ou&f, Ties,GlvUoe c Bat thinge nXea Hats, Boys' Tweed, Hats and CR, INSEOT1OS 18 REBPECTFULLY SOLICPTD C arp:eits Alî-Wool froni 12*o. per yard I O. F. STEWJA2RT E5arpeis - Carpets I Carpets, Union Carpets, andl Hemp Cares and upwards. Âlso new pasttern in Tapestry- and- DutoliHmp Good assortment of :Oit Cloths, ail widths, also Linoleum,' out any width, from three to twelve foot ana to any desired longth. Fine range ýof Stairl. Carpets from -I5c. per'yard. . AI-So .a newý asoent cf Lace Ourtains froin ZOo. a pair toà $6.00 >1~ )LD- 1, mccx. dona or M, bu' biller braa4 of go' hm sevet eauà. adh anmee adpopunlaity la: the pi ofm vater Co waterîqg, gave thé vas bowgq r i j.

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