The good iuse wife si the middle of it* now. ý Tired 1 shouli say Bo.Ë- How wel they earn 1their night's reà t, these tilues. Wei the work will soon bel done, .ailexeept the Slverwarê with' its, browu wiuter -stai'à Whati are you going t6 do about that ? pLet us suggest thit yen 'get frein Barnard-a botule of Silver Cleanser'for au EASY SHINE Holiday Prosnt8 Easy kd ane *Chains Parlor Suies and Coaches, in l 1, Rami., petit Point, Sllk and Mohair Pi-ah Prnà h Taà - î pestry, Moquette sud QW»ik &teUe and 000i Walnut, Oak and M ehouanv'. Bamb>o Buelsand T~r 4. W. dlo the best eetuy. J'rmn-I ti PRIcES are as bow alm in ala18t t t an HOSK8T PROFIT. A Cali sud ses ima betore buying your c pres.,t W.'J. NOTrT, M'grV PORT P FRIDÂYO -MAY 20e 1892. isses Maison and Ruaeil toliglit. W. R., Neberry 'bas a splendid assort- ment of hoqse plants forsae Dest fally flour _$2.4o, Reliable $215, atJames Long's. Neward fi-uh, groceries arrivung daily at Houck & Aikmians. Fine édeir mlxred canuUes 10 cents per lb. at, Newberrryýa. Chancellor lloyd- boldo chancery court here to-day, 'iay Among others an. Io- portant actzion Masso.v*sh à awa wiflcome Uf - sait is weil kno<ai th* case la a au t brought'by Mr. Masson to remoet $2,ooo and accrued infterest, bel'g' part ofthe amaoint of the bonus ot b Cý aato the M*non worbs. The higbest place umÙong ait Dmdruft Remedies belong to W. H. Newberry. See if you don't i when yocoensid. er howit is aold to yotR-guaraznteed. No other remn.dy of the kliid ÃœLa& If 1* ever faila to-beu.dit <*c at -ybavé youS money la*. Y: -OS <1S. by maiL. To bbts V+tn W..ew- berry. Oie of our towflni i.iean botancai piuulta wo the other day n taboè&, be-Uwhug varietv of wild Aê#i i niE dOt son.. on the h the S ina iekeepers.- We ýhave just re-ý wa the NQvaScotia pai nt- works asigmient-of mixerj paints of ail lhest qualitY. Wnu. Br'a *gd à nd-3Ã"tb mant., wil b. huld meetiing~ or convention of ýrOll:riedsuinthe brickMéeot- çabout tniée miles west of On the a8th, at 7,30P. im., -wil tèmperance meeting in the: sane' we take this musa of îllvlting à mce workers and.those nterest- =s~e to attend. Tfiatshâts been a gteat week fon bur- docks and the CaitoNICLEP S Cgaveyard loks firstrM', almost top beaut Iute b. the lait teahlng Place cf delinquent sub- scxibers. There are lots of plats- to spart, and -ny parties who hav flot enough bu4* growing roiýnd their places ahould, coghe and get a 'few to setout. Those.WJWbave flot yet p aid their subý. aclptlae had betier look out, for it la maoney,o6r blood with us., ~Gaeette (now uder petticoat mfint) finds faut because that giýe W-IITEY CURONIcLB"Y did a#e any reference to Mr. Win. avote on bindér Wime. It was *g oversight tnnle, and if the Tom cd,.Harry combization who wirite emis edîtorials wif kindly send -us subjects to deal witb each week bing wlll not occur agaiti. la' thej me. we aight remark that we shalli ibappy to take the suba.ipto. sur ebî,style of paper prouces ac me kt with our cotemp's, and, will *e to sho>wten naines te its onu, or t0 do so will buly everytbung tbat is % The public would 'thÃea- dia- .Circulation 1,31," whlch anonces every Weuk, s1t aout a0 a amatter of tact. umtîned meeting was held ln St. Vos -turch,, on Tuesday.nlgt, of rls4 Endeavor aocietiesof the Uerad and the Presby- chu object of thdi nion wa<t~>stalihbarmony 'and Up in '.b!Aa work, and the at- ce filled.ÃœW! seating of the thurcb. Glltray Upîed theébcair. A ane wâ , cfa veïy interest- ci entettJtalg nature, la which ra . f the &j$-rent socleties 'took nd beide 4naddress ef welcoue, addresees were ýyMm a ie; . Misa Bukbder and Vbtr jW' the co1llge, Mesars. 1,1 MOithad F. Faruieli, of tbe ,cle, a .'-ll Miss Laura Gordon 'v.John oif St! Audrews, tees guving a syn9psis of and a uet by Misa DAVIS and cheon, Rv.R.Cadeand ?Mn. Hfenny led_-1,Vyer, ad sentence were- 4eýy ineiners of the Sociey. 1ïë ,îïý& an auexe-, tabet aud' theA thlba iluesacieé- a arôund bno tokeu ,. Sholrt com j W11 cjurng UIC J47 SKI h ""ook. -' Whltby bas flive turnes ?à 90od, a merianica' insttte' hbraryin~ village, but hae Only 72 me, bers latter>sÃ20. Ti ere wmust be mn.t< - i scre* loose somewrerond IIWe sarmt a new story this week wbIkh ,will rn a montfi or soi, 4ThehIncarnatio, OU~ Krishna Mulvaney," by the lamoà s novelist Rudyard Kiphnt. 'Mii lathéfree- and ýeasy style, anad-tis story l-aboui Irishmen and coclneys ja Iodla, where ,Xipling spent some years, and about he writes -bis beit atonies. Read the story for yourselves. Cbeap ticket.-Ho for- England, ire-' land, Scotland, anywhere, everywbere, boat, rail or ocean choie Of ail rallway nd boat routes, and, xo beÉt steamship lines : Allan, Stale, Dominion, White Star, Ininan, Cunard, Anchor, Hamburg Awn'n Thingvale and Netherland ocean ines. For single round trip or prepaid tickets apply to " E. Stephenson"eps, tel, and tkt office,. (opposite Hatch, Bros.,) Whitby. Lovers of the country and 1onty flfe will be given an opportunity for enjoy- ment in the production -of " The1 County' Fair"' at the Grand opera House, Toruto, next week « The County Fair's 1 great success throughout the land la familiar to plaYgoers. It la essentlally a story of the 'country and of countryfolk, and the scent of clover and the sheen of yeflow corn permeates kt. . It la full of laughable episodes, and presets characters whose eontpe Iay be seen at any trne in - nd of New England. The mati- aturday. uedy Wdeda n The license commlssioners find that young Forsyth à f Claremont, whose.appli- cation for a tavenn licenae could not be en- tertained because of infornialities, lsaa long-winded ch*p. He- la backed by old John Barry, his grandfather, who say he- bas beén a first-iýate water Baptiatfo forty ,yea, and who oays he cant help i t if he 15 doing wrong iiryngto favorhia nigh- borhood with 4other groggeny -ai iL la bis head that la ro ng I n t î g n nothbishteait He ispepared to leave the churcb if ucssraftenlbty yeats- connection, ifte RaptAnsUcannot go-a hotel nun byaimeniber. Moreover, b. says bis wflaith- hîm in sacrlficing his churcb h bst Bacchus. Thus lieeled from a reilgkoS out of view, Youing For- syth applied for rhearing f bis frst ne- fusaI, but itw~ denmed ldm. Now he makes an attack upon Eue commissionets. from a newitqarter:> He' aski fora, beer, and wine liceuse, nd, beinga -bit o law- yer, dlaims no pçtition la necessary,.&o sucb an applicatio. Ms propose tavern à s at Claremont tain, -and would -bu a Miew one in that twwnsbip.HM laone ofý those chape whoeeft ethe argument that one who fizrnnlhes lk cannot livýe by kt and shoild bu ioenséd to liquidize the- public to make up theblance «, .FoT the third ltume Cbaiiman's ow la d rp r a t tapo nmeto Ieei ved a-fui ine o ecin rnaÃ"k and 0Colored. ry, Corsets - Hanïdkerehiefs,, etc. Ladies' Sprn i18 mot complte in P à risian, Lpnà 1nand ew Yo f.)tl~ tie inTrmmiga ep fulyassrted by weekly purchases. ute the- times ini Worsteds, Suitings5 -Tweeds. a hoice Une- of shirte,Ç ( Ollasdlif, Ties *.vs oe c estthigein en' Hts Bos'Tweed Hats -and- JR INSPECTION 15 1ýESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 0m STEW T I 1~~~ii~d~ci «I~3I~ Câ:rpeî Carpl AI-o0l Carpets,_ Union Carp.ets an'd Hemp.arpet, frinM l2ko. per YsTa dand upwards. ,A1o new pattemns -m* Tape8*iy andDutoh Hemp. Godassortment of Oil Cloths, ail widthýs, ale'o Linoleun,' euat ary width, from three 1to twelve feet and to any desired-]e1gth ~Fîne range of Siair Car-pets from 1I5c* "Per yard. Also asortment of Lace Curtam*ns from. 50c. a pair to -:$6i.00' VOLD )Iace. "smon sary to1 Say elu Cou,,. 1 '10 igno, Sto act .i * othe is nmtbelît . epmy mn la hL than it were a I o Eoter brà ,a4fj kJuli "ii1 ee fi )thinz Maoer Io