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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1892, p. 3

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troubleocf suth -a~ssetn tb born charactçr, it the doctor pr-o- t qounced it incurable with oriaryL remnedýes, -but recommended -me t6'ryia Ayer'sCbheçxy ?ectora.'1. did, aoi'àâd one bottie cu red rue.; For the last fifteen ,P years, I have uàed thi preparàtion with'- lu good effect wbenever 1 takea bail cold, 7ti and I know of nuxmbers, of people whp) keep it Wu the bouse all the -timeno., t coumidegitsfe-to be witbou't it. J. . WedàneP.M., Forest Rin ,Na.OF Cough itFor more than twenty..iv easI was a. suffeoer front lung trouble, at- ,tended with cougIting se usevere attim1es r8a ai to caisse hemoérrhage, theê paroxysmti frequeny lasting three or. four heurs. " I was-înducecite tr Ayer'sÇhri-Pec toral, and aftertalking four bottieswa thoroughly cured.'"- Franzuz fhiaTU -Clay Centre, Kans. i La Gripp e' Last sprlug. I inaâ-taken <Iown wfth la grippe. At timies 1 - was "comipletely prostrated, and so difflcult vwas - my .i1 breathing that my breast seeuied as if & confinedin an iron cage. I procured a i bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I begataking it tItan- reliefouaowed. I cou1ld not believe thatP the effect would be s$0raid anidthe' cure so coip lete.'"-W7KH.Willams, Cook Citye S. Uhir. AYERS8 CHERRY PEOTORAL , Pmpad by > . .C, L"04 .L â Slmd'WaUuglumia.' Prboesi ;mia bouWe,$e- Prompt to ao*, suar* 0ocure 'The foundation of a good road in the _ grade. Get Ibia the. beit'and Iben u--t 'ýprove the bed. - ib Pl nt opkins for autumn feedi g. 'r Fe rPu Y a.bettet pépeostage ong11 DeoItot 8Iov the. teains te plou hfo er q Treat the entvll and ftuii. n PnasoU are tryng te rim t*o to>ju P 811 heaeoand miake .wbat is left produce 'Moie titan tm 1 To prevent rutting the. oada Il b..1 been proumaêdto g akahe Èwn...î.. A writ for mianon June hiou' osaid , therearet,.thon. odidthoueand#in thei smepo- hlnatdrmilons of doliaa- 's~aspent ,ea ei~yar for- drink. ~t bumeý ne ielegitiniate, ban là-ottrade ; let -it boy food uid thé, and îl4o eupictu». .the. pro.ý IC'ou dellire a 'beauifful oOtplrlon. boutely free f rom Pimpis. anb ble". àfy pour bào.d-.by* tue us.eof Ayer'u mipâdnoIý Kemoe.tiie cause of tlhe» guremeýnts sud titi kin wiU ta&eCar ue. JBeiaUreoYou get Ayer's Samspar. Qarden Notes. bearinhg atrawberry hidsif i the 2d belveel te ro»a la bar., keep aruie lwysmellow vitht ei or (One inchi d.pXsand corer witii ýraw %bfrp the,*beîiee begin te - I mvlchudt me thimuci i .31tii bur. grundi toroughly. iL*ihýsoilland good pnteaand maa peat ascro f 1SUCO. ver, boue,. ual roel-gafted uleffl ae alvays superor te bud- %N*. e 24abeheo**Mabudded y]4UbVn. eeo..,iy 1* boer tIta Bat titer motheo f p on, ilui don., -vili give bus, loug$4hvedt fuilful trem .On her biàga, ortitueutrou may ro- »M.etb me-'ohod. Néver lbave Loes ofste it e nprryusan, if %n-spak4 the. slectieut yourèuLf isetee . nuch- int«eed trou for ple.a-d te tU ue rff macure oT'eeugIs, sole tb;Oât boarseneas, sud .au effetioni ofth u-in organs kidneytroubles, exeàsltion o aImeneseasd pbTsoial, pain. Wm. Latimer. a St. L-awmnce boatmaie1 bas been drowued off Grindston, lanmd. Patent 'ied sprlngs are now'beiog nacufac-e tured in BellevIlle If we weie howed to look in ttitief uturs. and seec the ataLotmseqnuceS.tbat foUlow a neglected eolde bow difféenetly would otur cours e b. ould vé reaizocur d& r ,hou speedily we *ouild se. a cure; btvit man It is 901Y wbui the mouater. diuema ba atudits tutponioui hmg thst v swaken ta ouï fol Y. WIIt foilova a nwe lecW dcld ? Xsit ot dasothtr" and lusis, brou"tis, aetbnia oooumption; and maay otiierdfl ofi>ike nature.fi àeves amtlwi maustô naglect a oold. Md it in fo47 Dot -ta ha,. somo good reeiedy avanbi.for thh. troquent oomplaiut. ot ot tii. meetefficain ielcluuifor al dw oeS. ef ýtue thinat Md lna aBei' asunimmptive 8yu. Tits iejenMl cmoeevsd et sevural cbbiohrt», whj*e met a mS onaderfal naffuoooe l ourlng, cOUsMpt mi other dieu*% e ft o ugi sud cet Itogotss tre lm asy"M ousty,1L. Tb~s great tesson forth. suoceas cf ~ood's 8ars~psxblia se fouud la Its positive ment. 1* cures Whezu other preparatieus fail. Twe typewriters bas been plaoed lu Klngs- tpn public acheols for uts pupils. WhIE4Bab vaalkw» gare bS ombStia. Wbe« abs w« a Cbld,sh@Welsd tor Outoti& Wïýèbsosn XlesIbo 004g%0 caisu lllSoOa U,, PatoEso.Urr 1Fat sveral y1 Ihave reeommended, ~j~adsbal a. yèontique t ICDM I iF.Pmnu.K u n e sW r o p " 1 2 5t h s treu t e, 00»wt 7 Ma"yftarNXW YoCitL sud Uleeru. ned M tfjoInbs LONDON, sand uthoyarm ajuriona

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