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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1892, p. 4

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TELY PUI AND FRESH GRO-UND.I J.r Er. WIL L18, Chomist if Dru ggistp M edical Hall, Brook Street, Whftby.1 FRIDAY, JUNE 3t 1892. NAmoi Tuse O@uaty.ý men of thla coutl log, tata firewocLIi ant -admitted .lie. ad loga and vas avlling1 Hionor observed tbati With the plaintiffs i were lot altogether fk had let the contrat 1 neglected and had tef the contractor falfilib co ntract by coUlectîul round the lake. H. clear case lie would g but pointed out that t wrongfully was a -crù seven years in the pe they miglitfilnd dilffcu a civil action ttntit tbe, a convictin.agaizit t the pelicy of the lai should be punîshec should be attacked-. Mickle & Co. are de against ail offep4êg, warning gIv= wvil protecting tiseir propei RSE ta #006d rHon. Mcasrs. Poster and Boweil havem gone ta Washington to discuss Canadian' ,interests with the British Minister there.> An electict t the Commons for Pontiac, Q~ue., viii1 take place on June 27th, ta fill lte vacsncy caused by u.nseatlng Thos. Murray, Liheral. Mr. Kirkpatrick's appointment as Lient. - Gov. of Ontario has made a vacancy la the House of Commons for Frontenac county, and the polling for a new election will take place on junie i7th. H on. G. A. Kirkpatrick, ex-speaker of the House of Commons, han been appoint- ed Lieut-Gov. of Ontario. His selection finds great favor ini Toronto, as his*wife is a daughter of Sir D. L. Macpherson, of that city. Michael Davitt, M. P., was injured on WVednesday in a fight between thc rival Home Rule factions of Ireland. These skull-cracking bees demnonstrate the utter unfitness of the Irish te indulge injHome Rute. Mr. Gladstone has taken the, stunip -ia England, preparing for the general élec- tions. The goveruiment, however, -la net favorable to dissolutiou at present, its majority being over one hundred ia divi- sions recently taken. Sir John Thotapson has been appointed by the British Goverument as one of its two arbitrators against the United States on the Behring Sea matter,-and Hon. C. H. Tupper is to prepare thec'British Gov- ernment's case for subinission te the, arbi- trators. Mr. Devlia, hM. P. for Ottawa county,_ %vill rnove a resolution- ln the Dominion House of Commons on Monday fkovring Home Rule for I1reland. 'Our Caaadisnq sometimes try te mank. thetaselves believe that they cari flt only ruie Canada but the whole Empire as well. .They fanCY the can send over 'F&inters te Salisbury andGladstone.4 Mr. Watsox,_ Liberal M. P. for Mar- quette, han resigned bis seat in thcHeuse of Cormons to accept a portfolio l the Provincial Government of Manîtoba,> snd Senator Bôulton,. Who recently. declded te oppose te trade policy of the. Domindort Govemament, viii leave te Sena ,tg te rua for Mr. Watson's place. He viii take on entirely freetrade platform..r The United States viilsean lose its monopoly of cottoa growiug. Qia"u Africa are talg it np. The tempemançe Inevemnent l is ung ~ strength. At the tinte of thecminlcipal election Pickering bad only 63 of a major- ity fer local option. -Akter suunthslhss 64. In a couple 'Or three huadred years thec thing viii le unnAnous. lu the ineantime parchedI ibroats miii have te thrive on water, p r go to, ante aiber tovu.., ship or tôwn for Itxicants. The Torento 1i1du KFair As odisifton is goint tao pipad $150e Mlà sztumo=',a making a-upw race track and giud/.tand 7 at the. exhlutfon 9=ndsý It la e.on ý théb model. of tbe gý' e' tllbitlon hedin Londoni ad apeaed by "the t4ord Mayor' May 3rd, x8qa, -Mesars W.G.' Duni & C., or-Croydou, LoiM,ôn; -and Hamltont Canada obtstued the': igli-, est. award for Baklng Powder, BrLaw Nao.' A'by4 1W toettbllsba road acroos the North. west ýcorner of Lot No. z. in the foui- tel, tb Concession of the Township of -tcla lieu Of the rosd novw edsting7 a4d leading (rota the Towuline betwieîea thp ovahpacGogius sud Bkçckta, taie Tovuebetween the TavnabPs Of ,B»& anud Thomui, sud 'O CIO"eu h lid nov e",sin road leadlng beiveen nid Tovnsh i àGeoriu n a*Thorh and -iv Satanmmin Johna jobuston of the sald Toushlp of GeorgiusO. Whoeess it is desirable for msYay mn tha: the nov existing rond,-extend ioa tue Towvuine between the Townships :rGeorgna and Brock ta the Towaine betveec tbeTo ships of Brock andnTorah, aSors theNrb west corner oC Lot No. ii, l in he-fouteeng concession of the snid .Townsbip Mof>~ sbould be closed up and vested iu loba lobus. ton of the snid Tonivý ofGeorkiius,'smis a new road establisbed toL North tbereol Su Whereas the snid John jobastonbS hsrecd to give the land hcr«uater describô4 for a public road, and accepÎi <ta utereof the nov existing ruad leadi enee= the TowaUW of Georgius snd mal4artheti. vest corner of Lot No. z, of the fonrteeuh concessiof the sid Township oC Brock, The Municipal Corporation of theTowmal4p of Brock. ensots as tonov8* mt.That s Public Roud sbaU -b. aud the samne la berey cstalisud acm-Lot ?No. 4, in the fourteentt crscsslm of the said Tovu- Ofl OClrcextmudig (rtea the TOwuné c te à(~sbpO Gerius. ud ochk .to the Tevuline btenthe 'Tovushipa of Brek- sud Thomb h, neu of(the mnov éidg road acwumid LoZ and.duhe ssoeelsdoe«Xlb.d as 1 - ednwhr hu as bem ante&, on beWet lwtot"dLot Ne, 1,aithe disuanceof lfty-ett.t cltns and- b îu n t the f ureu*Jio àlais O &W' ship of&ck, hnNrist.tns neyltkmmor oless, 'osa post jisutolo tic cut litait ofthe tavullue betth ie ijnit tvoa m, more or lest, to, edge otis.ý bleck of Lake Sinm Tbecce iong the edge of te bau& in a uu~wsuydroecJ ten eha".smor or leeto te westoen 1mit of thenid lot The -Sot Eau tva chains land fifty fla iauong Il.ssm ,western littthte plsce of b*Whnhn& and' ooauainUingeeand *e e quaftu*eof ad The averge widtkhdfthe bw&-of land ea -1 hain ma 7,5 -llfrou the top ofthe- bmaufiiid sutuforthin luthce Port et W. L Yuod s.'P .& , VA date the3rd dsy t y, laga.' bvg mud.That tbe 4nov f rod crii nLote# WI-LLý PROFIT INTS 2prsLace 2 -CurtmujPl'o .2 Dadn 1Bnr<1: &2 SATEE WVevé have opened un'imnie of popular new 'Shad and designs fresh from the, manufacturera..*- Quantities sitriotly new styles, showu for the first thue ,thig seasoi Randiomest patterns. Latest ideas. BREA»

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