Tegood hotillewifO i%-1 ý' the middle of if; 11w. Tire& 1 à hou-ld say 80. HEow, ýý they eanther night's -re these times.o Well the- W04 wl1 8001 be doue, a11 excoqi the Silverware lithfr4Ãt -browu winter stam. Whai are yon going to do abot that ? Let Us suggest thst yoi] get from- Barnard a bottie oi Bilver Cleauser for an EASY SHINE-A 'Rum. Ldge_ à ted tosop âre a cont am m of auv4 two daughters, Mîss EuaRS 8cb~U and otheïs. Miss-A. Lick, Osbawa, "tes 10 -state that Our zpotof the mesu f ine -arts at thIeOtaloLaes CfèUIeetMWs aead 'g sd filsto do&T« justice. ý=No= blgfamillarwlth th* departments as iaught we caunot qilte' underatand - wbtcretiom the yôung 1sdy desfre us' to make, and ber louer dos not nake it plain to us. The fanmUy Of'K. Cmssl, urresW=et Jewishb trder srrsved frc*n .Lapland lemt week, comprW1ngthroe cbiUdren besides bits wlfé.e -li i lict to ptéyent, bread stuBt fromn beiug e4*ported wa» cli- fOrc e mmgainut tl sa"she was moit evenpemltted to ccùry wtth ber &. ~Ine, à traci iitr-hc n pavý t0 rocure at yW sre m E. rouna 1sf -4 A11.Wool Carpets, 1, froun 12*00 per yar dd pwurds. Good assortmnent--ofO ,ont -auy width, from three to twelve Fin é ratwp'-nf Stâ drC -118W v -a'- Lace Ourtains fron Dg ,Carpets. and -Henip C -e p aftéru8'In Testry sand Dutob ,loths, aitwdts ls i and- to any desired length. tsfromi 15c. er yard: oa pak to $.00 r ex - 15,f.,