-ER, qQ È_ lo 51 tbe epidemic. Dut,'à býý ln a boat al th à *Ubýci- Who"" *bol IZ p mur MOMM4 on Wed 04 b 5 p ib 'Chattes Divideo -W IL L l 8 n: ýd&yeâ airs of Mr. D&ý'k' ý,-T- of tbe- acad, 9wtý hkowf 14:tbe am, whilt lea= hie Wu W, f« if D 1 . ý - papm Who are boomi njý the 10, y Cbiciýo-fWjýft1 afteir week at à rate of Ne', -aide ut Për hný havov'eryÃœWt to do.At'. ýan"WAÃ110à af Iceep bb lamuw that iftw *e unways or nd breffimr, he4dèm'výmhliwM=dduuity- Pl U_ Là le, we z1ecave weebziý, à bite - eüvdà pe fwi of, Iles'about ÙW èihîb»)ti bût kasté _ 1 _4 buket &eu the,ýcft",bf the-ýbc4&,ef -ÃYa bfm R. IL 15 yards and Tomto. At Meùn*là ,-.. Ttim 1RYtok, CciétiM 10 "d à te ifw Annië,uà cw le "Ir- to Jacm, Crawford O"OftheirýPI&Yûutmt$l.ftp. lhe y ti ln, Tmat(v.Buftalo;sâd.ýotha wrffl Suon loule 1 tà i,.Umbe, jMùmd- it lod& kiiwiié=ýand Mm; D. Manning »d"-'f=lly left lut 10 yards_ towýh1" - offi' Wbeà Î)1"ýC of«miý»d idght fôi Xdntreal to take e Sý& Pari- th 20 Yards, FJUDAyt SBP _âc ubdý,"r, A j John bèned mâd- -j. ir. re tùmod, iw-". chicuo On >_ý 'w u 'dËedsL-,'-,ýýof go ROM, t Wbat"er PýéOý may be, taken, -a od bolid --nan, s-, _n 'Gimium, _A" he Doù« tbe last ftW"td ékétion týëýý of tM gr«t &>Mi -é-rophëèeý "w « atýl."DËeëà thaf will .ý,Ètà r Demýcý à aded lu thdr'p1M-,ý bocýo w ïývwt» Fdday lait- 'two Ago thai- cbmë= *ôum-i faow grip, fié gtuoà - ifiù13ýý 1n ýw«t fSw cowxùlûq tift bôutlthst theyl" and It huýtiblaï of 'the à f«bcKlw à r &xoft&d bï t4 9iiý__ Ulm quSw - ln, It tmiM M goo ac, *S1ýffl of pn- _d pe IL- î»W Md %wwý-km, W " R"pk b -,âtm tbè or -ý 1. dons, am ïelmlv« fà i*ing thefr bo*ëb &m,,an- tdý by .Aý y :=wMauc to Son». Party New tbp-, declatm tbè ýiMÃt1u9 the éh" à f'1Ãà b%à ý It' = nvpwe Y«k. PeX_ L Çkir). Putt,'cf.ýCbk»to, bimëi1y a upm thýc rqmb 6trou iu«s, and bar&y'om' _,ýf tbm la ia ükový esSp« t*y, is spéïei Am*ngtbe-m ibem otUW. Gla&'tme-s »ttxck.ý_; Me ig'&Àng wtIl in tbe *èoit ïýà ,4i tabbiet wbe Imd to bc Éd«ýft& bir. ?4«- wU 0&»V kkà a. -the'- '-L - . ý The lem cSffl Ion e il P«W= mi muen9âge into the naptim fidth bu ne Mr. A. 0-, C4de, Iuulon, à ýn of R«.' _Who and w ,tbe Fremh paffl 900 ý-Th, an rtý Rot!L Ca&, la b«o apending a 17 axkyftm fe r", the fiStci âmn pbopký k«ýmg 'ùe wi* là , parem, baýà Uy,. He t«ý# UW lî ýgcm2x" cm" cba"b, bffl that tb" *w 0»4- ùùùoy ha" Igr. rtrteýAu bis- 1ýî _140alt tord, tboc J-4«d, pape- *éë. deoou=mtW*câmW,ïi&ýý -app«» ipýbèlwm ïwd j"Mè *à lb ïiott =tbe! lie id=ftý lit te' bis --cm Wednésday, cf. 0 Xe-,.On the protiam -W x bcýý ýwfb«* bit W* U*iéi" À Al ow, et, ru Ul let