CdtPlug, 1 oc-jTb Plug,1loC. à *lb Plug,20r. EOWM&UVILLL Whîle taking a loadiot barrels to Mr. eremans Orah dî, 3sult., Mr. Thos Manning -waa severely injur.d b L the load upiettiig. Yoituf&ts17 nonesn *ore brokeii, but the oulikwg up b< 'the fali wua so violent that inedial ai had to be' auumonede anxd.tihe p&timt ii still u nable to movo around% Mr. William Rfleynélds,- Who roiid* north of Tyroile, ;16d a rrow. es"PO on Tuesday afrteincoi from auataining serious injIZTy in a ruaw»Yay sodnt, and w8a oonly avod by hi. impale and pluck. While u. as atadn hu ie waonr front of W. P. Powei'a &tore, ejggdiiinversa»tion, when one of hérns îlpped out of bis band, -fa11- ing to the grnd, and to oooverit it wa4 n«oeasia for him to stop dowii b.- *Tho. wat on Monday ,1890 Wh=n stables, at istroyed bl od ain powrOntu Mm a furioni ,Pace. *M thrown under thewa* hold of both Unes, an botwoon the wheels el trol the . figltened dragged at a terriblei Street am fox ans S the *ai - ansd help the icone exp-.oting woold b. kilietiWho, lo i, &,lie îuooedeý herses. Mr. R.yi, and- resuined his- Pl the wagon, -to tihe at nuinber of oftizeuis * scèeoof excitement ia itheir rasse of -Luit town, a ti.Me the woi 'M m. 1