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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 8

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E ~ I s, PORT PEKET. (The editor will visit Port Perry -weekly ier-esfter on Tuesdsy evenings and Wed- nesday forenoons, te -sn-cure neWs items and other business.) Mr. Geo. Waite h beau il. Thse baacestejjring stock fair i's dated uedypl25tb.. Mr. Win. Elliott, oeeof our local butchers, bas secured a job at bis trade, blacksmitbing, la Craig'shop, Oshawa. Mr. Frank Lindsay. of. the Railroad Hotel, is very il,.and wiIllbave a hard time ptling tbrough. Hecaugit cold at the races. Two boys, sons of Mr. las. Carnegie, Of ihis place, -were playing witb a revolver one day asat, week. wben it was discharged by mc- * adent and a bail lodged in the neck of one. lis course bas net yet been explored.ý but the boy!is likely to be round in a few days. Rihard Souley, Pinedale' son-in-law of Mr. Luke, of thistewn, dîed very suddenly of beart fulure at Mr. Henry 'Sonley's north cof Wbtby town. Deeeased wss an up.îght. gebial-fellow; aud bad only reached tise-prinrt of life.' It is at very sad bereavement. 'Me people of Port Perry aie tnet very long inl gaiig an insighit into the cbaracteristics of * the Neltons, of the Standard. "They art -ai- ready seeking to do- the corporation 'o! about $50 on a makùahift plea. because their *tender for the village printing ai an exorbitant îfgure was not accepted. More about bis later._ DSÂATHS.-On the 2ndinsil, Francis BEaxker, * of 2nd con. of Reacli, agéd 24a- years.- OnI Christian, . Port Perry. aged 7 months. 'On1 Jan. i33, Rev. R. Monteith, Toronto. onc Presbyitran iniîstet at Prince Albert, aged 1 78 yCQf5. Ont. Peb. 4th, Mrs. Palmer, Port Perry, aged 78.yçalrso Lieut.-Col. Paterson's twe dogs make daily, trips. to the office lately' occupied by him. *Doubiess the animais look upon tbe colouel'si *-absence as temporary. and daill look for bisg raturn. Apparently they think of notbing èIse1 bunt tihe returu of their master, sud to vsstsug1 bis laie offices and watchngý for bis appear., ance tbey devote tbeir >whole lives. ne -h weekly confagration took place on Thursdaynight last. it being a 'baru on tbis occasion haf a imile south et the village. Thse occurrence uf a tire here now causes very littie * serius. comment, the thin.g baving passed in ~thse stage of sarcasrm and ridicule. A t mmercial travller remarked 'the other dayc th <e bail bcen bere so otten when 'ires oc- curred that he sometimes had miagivingast ..e be arraisted as a frebug. * At ibe firat meetingo.f the achool .board ahl the membars wera present. M Mesars Kennedy, * Ross,- Philp, Yarnold, .Curts, Brown' CIe- l mens, Davis,ý Magilr, Forman, Davis. Mr. Formans was alected chairmanà F. M. Yarnold secreararn sd J., H. Browu treasurer. Thse ..standing commttees were thenk named as fol-c * lows: ichool management-'ýRoss, McGill, Clemens;bousesud grounds_-Kennedy, Da-, i. vis, Parish ; finance-Curta, Nichols, Philp. The bouse and grounds com. reported that Mr. Crawle he appointed caretaker ar a salaryt of $200, and giving Alex. Stewart a contract to SUpply 29Ã" cords of ýingie wood et ..9 per cord. Thse finance -committce recommeuded't payment of a number of smali act. T. H. philp $4841, Jno. Powers $5ô -c., T*A.. Wal- -.tOit 9.75., Mr.-Emerson $665,1 J. Hf, Brown, expensas o! himsel! sud 1>. McBnde'to attend côuntydouncil $7 On motion thç board ad- journedl tili the firât Wednethay iu March. * Soîne years ago Port*Perry bad a mechanic'. j - institute, sud thse writer, who wae at tisat ime engaged in farmingla. g'ood way nortb o! here, * . offered to psy tise annunal dues sud advance j pstage if allowed te bave books by mail. This, request was refused, andt tough partial -to pleasure in our mmnd wben an institution run la. inch a narrow grpoVe was sold out for debt. 1N4w anotber bas been started, sud. we trust *w~Nif any poor. merta cai be accerpmodated tise ma aemenswi:lfind satisfaction iu »doing &ao* ddim if at some trouble. President, 0. ?Mc- îBrid e ; treasurer.- A. M. Rae i secretary. 1. L. Forman ; directors, Rev. Mr. Fletcher,. Dr. Sangater, l o#n Rolpi E. H. Purdy,\ Mrs., J. -W.. Allison, Mns. *.M. Davis. au 'd-M*Is.- John Wakely,;. lbraLrian, J. Ensigu. The vacant store iu the Hariugtouh ock has-been secured for the library and ireading, room. The reati- ing rootu *sad book delivery commenced iast FrIiday eveing. The Standard says - that unwortisy journal,' thse CH 1 ONIcLx, boasts-,tisat it. bas, as many -subscribers in* Port Perry as tise two local paperb. wbhereas >tb .e fqct is it bas only abouti twenty-flve. sud alf of ibese are dead-heads.1. TbPç CHRONICLEt neyer stateil it bad a circula. tien,-lu Port Perry exceeding, both thse local- papers. Thse statemeut was tbattbe CîssoN- oraer was granted to indigents as flos Mr. Lewis $3, r. aerou $3, ,Mrs.. De- ahane $3,. Mrs. Nicos$2.z Mrs., Wilson $3, * Sid.. Houck, an sd. , motion of Mr. Purdy thse reeve~s order was granted O. L.- Vickery fer.$4 for wood farrnisb" to indigents On motion of Mr. Nott $5 was granteti W. James- * on for hsuling engine te lusitire, sud $ao eacis wa, granted Win. Ediaetýand iF.. C. Forman asvilg auditors. On motion of Mr. 'Phil- lipo the reeve vas instrncted teisn y ýoft. of bose for the amail englue. F7urther'tenders were oodered te le taken for tise weîgb scses, as tisewcuncil tbongbt tie. ail tee low. Ad- journed dill Menday next at m'clock, at the -,AIL. Hamilton isou the sck liai. Old Mn. Turner is latter,.aund able te-le arountiagala. * M T .hek ,bs=teeid ber busband 'mi au in i. Ter it os ia dangîtea. -.Miller & Sois made quîte s large.siip- usant of sheep te -îte suatas last -wcek, sud tisey are .te malte another Large eisipmenî - Ms. R. Lamoraaxis vary loy, not expeot- edte recoer <trois île la grippe lien ad- vanoed ait la againt bar, she beng about 8e yerssof age- Our friand N. Pencher, vas here ovr Sun- day eu a visit te bis parents. Nerman isa looking va»l, but he aysa ta, tise vater in Ibo City la fit te kilt aùiyene te drink Ih. haoums Keaulsrvood bunxed bis hildoe day lma week, Mms. Sievens, e!ftiseepuis con- .«ono, vas boried lat yack. 1 did net bear, thie cause of deatlioe. the lat îwo named. Our featherweight champion bas some e t île tiuK»gilista uiader tnaiuiag au lais aoadamy. spc te il corne ont sometbingunudar bs trainnas bubean uchasu hlm- Epiàm seama te le boemlug around liera. this -laut yack, lte, herse buyers werc tire aud bought aome gob horses.1. Bal s old 4bea eme, J. Pattmnos oldtheus tvo, J Blondin dise, R. Jackson one, sud some more vitebougliL Olti Mm.Mc Pberson, o! tise 7tis Una, bunied bat Fniday; The old l1ady bad tise la grippe, and lIeu ieflammation set lnand end- ed bcr. days. Sise was ouae oftheîleadèansd moSt respacted of ouS people. Tisera iW considenable.-compiant- arounti tovu 'about- Mnr, -lingrova gettiug latter weight in bu vingI meat from the butcher than' la. given etisen people. It la also sserted ttieh gais tise chsoice places, tise.lest eues forboaling for soup. Silas Windsor, had a sale hast Wednesday o! bis fanm stock. Tise sale wenî .,off vell. One o! tise ieaviesat iuyers vas G. E. Alger, wiso bougist diras herses sud three catfle, lu fact-almest bai! o! tis uit. Alger is agoar sud dou't yen ferget la. J. ogla sold iài'boule an~d lot lu Brosg. isamý for tise sum of1 $800, te oee1. Bnrk, o! *Mrism im. gave 'lais tissu $400 for it ,tbree yeanssince:; bot then lie ixed it np coasidérable since, sud- preperty seema toe izeing up me,,ur bnrg. J. Cowan' bas beu offered $8oo for lis nev bouse, se 1 bear. Wè don't hear a word lately about tis at- ting o! tise curcI ongan stringa, a memeutens qusiuwhicis stird tise township capital te li eycentre -a few vacks age.. Tise ialk tIen was tisait Iare was :te be a.big. durcs court aven tise matten, te investigale changes ýpneferred b> oue o! tise membersagainst su- ailier. Now 1 bear, .tise party- making tise .comptant 'wenî wiististe pasten te the oe cîarged. sud tise> ail had a .sert o! Irissansd malte-up. tise accuser admittiug lie ceuld net furnisis tise proof lie lad expectcd te offen,' sud expraesing regrets. Theisan aoif nov on tise tnouisled waters, (ansd a coatlng e! ice as vell.> À youug marnied mati, 1tisinia bis namne vas'Mealing. vas in tisevwooris ou Mn. Major's fanm cnîîing vooti. Auther man. sud se were cutî,iug devu a geod sized maple with a- croas-cutsaw sud visen thisree begantfai wiîisouî wattiug te sec vhich Wsv î le .inca waa. going, Mealing rau n ite samne directionu as tise tree vas faIlug. Lt strnck .isim ou-tise back e! tise isad, sud knocked hlm dovu, cr 1ushiug-bis besd iu. bleu falliug aroas bis body broke him te piecea. Tise>' iad le cnt tise trac off te gai bim eut, and tisen te rol lis: remalus _np lisa sheat te carry tlem away. He Iraves a wife sud, eue infant cisild. te meun bis less. Tise> are'un poon cincumastauces. but a coupla' of our youug men weut around vust a subscription paper sud- lad go)od suc- ces,, They gel, soIlisear, about $aoo for tle widow. Essatiuem reotory. H T. LÂNGFOB-D. Llcanaed Aucinear * Sala. conducted vlth rebllity suad: paré Terme reaaonahie. COLUMBUJS; Assessor James Buns la about te atari eut upon ais,. mission. The Métisodisîs continue, thair speçial services, witl much encouragement. John Watson, -o! Peel ceuray, bas beau tise guést'of Mrs., John Hepburn durng tise past week.. ,Wa are pleased te lean that James. Ass-, ton-, wlsho las been laid off for soe time vush quiusyj is improviug. Mn. Egenîcu -Switzen of Bloomfield, paid s fiyiug-,visit te this. ueighbonlsood. H-e is iutarested finaucially in Geneva *cheeae, factony, whicl did, an extepeced business Tise Presbyterian, seiree ou Monday vwas as usua'las great suscess. Tise fea- turee'f île eveuiug vas a lecture 6~y Revi. Glna>', Toronto, tIc subject iseiughIs ira- vels tîreughIs taly sud Switzerland. The lecture was highly- apprcciated. by al! pre- saisi.,TIc ladies won great praise for île marnr.rin viicis tise -esables sud drink-. ables . ere prepared sud servei. 'The usual after-secialvas hld On' Waduasday even'ing, whem.the children came oui « iu large umbans aid. eujoed à leyday time. Quite au istenestiug programme cf music, spe%ýches, reciation, etc.-was givi. Tise proceeda c! aIl':cqembined ameufited- te $117. fNo sleep tillI moru, *W-seu Voutis sud Pleausune meat To cisase thse glowi.ig houri vith. flying feet'- ta a-truism thbat vas dul>' emphasized on Tlurs- day eveulug visaistise beauty sudtisa chivalny, nuy of Wbiîisy but cf central Ontario, worshippedat 'tise sînine cf. Terpsicisore wisene ne doubi usnan 1 ys vow waenegistared. handisae men, made more haudsomt by genile excitemeut's nuby fluas ; , ieaveuly music. mosi unsunigly besteer, sud. refrealmenîs abundaaatly furnised by Epicurean catenas-, visai v as lackiug 10 make life vonth - living? 1Sàîchsvas tise Bachelors' hall given under tise patronage o! Mesdames Darînell, Grosa, ,Hellad,* Beith, Ormiston, sud -Hovise sud undan thse immaediate direccion o! tise folowiïn& Stewards via : Messis. F. . Cig, C.H. Buruham, G. W.* Bycîs, Alex. Ciiholm, G. ZE rosa, R. S.. Hamilton, A.* T. Lawler, Tic.MaGillivra>' Rugis M Roçs E D. Warren aud, S S. Wîlmotvus tisei leus W. D. Tisemponý as. Hon.,Uc 1$othiug vas. lefi undone by tise aboya ce miîtee to make île àccasion oe long to le n mnemhered b>' tise eltizens e! Whiîby. aunong vhem the fmvitations*e! tise bachelers vare distrlbnta d wvh a liberal baud. Tisa ladies ver euot hecomiugly 5sas %ii asnichily. sud elegantly dressed, and-came fuily deter- mincd te aid. tieir bacheler, fricudain making' tisa avant- s grand succeass-Mny nvîîcd'- giiesis. vise did -not rare te join tise vlif cf plèssure 'in île main bhall, coffld amuge îlem- salves mwil carda ou.île Stage, or vew tise au- irnsgseefrom a comfortabl* seat iu îhe gallery>, The Oshsawa contingent de.clsned their daterminsion le onîudo tdiiaWhiîby friands in tle near future, but va fail te sea boy it can le possible for lisem te, make aeu a nean apra. hseperfecJt vas every datailet Tisuns- day' -eaterinleu Tieolovnggues"s, o fan as va have beu la leacnan!vodtise aciselors wvieir rpresauce: Miss Ailen,,Bow msnville;-Miss, Allen, New- càaie; Miss AllUn, Wisitby; ÏMn A.P AlUin, Toreut.;ý Mr. 'ssd Miss Adams, Port Penny.; Mn. su ad Misa Aunis, Witby.;. Mn. Aliboîl, ,pickaning ; Mn. and Mn .Baitis,- Whiîby ; ,Chas. Blar, Bevusanvillte; R. iC. Ballit sud Mis Btaiey, Oshsawa; E. Badenacis, Tenon- te;- Miss Beaton, Orillis ; Miss F., Brysu sud Wu. rya hitby ; H: T. aud r.Ci. weil, R. S. Cassais, L G. CassaIs, k.Cus. sack., Jas. Goua sudMiss Coultisard, -Osti. awa ; Relit. Campbll, Tenonte ; E.- Croziarï, Bewmanvfie;-H. Chisbolm, Miss fllla Cor- mack, sud Colin Campbel, Whitby ; 1 udge aud . lir. Dartuelli; -tise Misses. Darneli Lient -Col, O'Denovan, Guy Dartue, l.Wht- by.; 1. sud R. Donald, Toronto; Mr, Daintry, Cobourg ; Mr. sud Mrs.'Fiu'ay. Ejluelpis; R. Faitbairn, Bowianvie; Mn. sud Mrs Gal- bralîl. ewasle, A.W. '3uerson, Oshawa; Miss Lîlin Grant , Hamilton; las Garvin., .Toronto; Miss Lottie Graeiiwood, Paul Gord-. ou, Whitby; Mn. W. R. sud Mns. llowse, Misses Hsatcl,' Mn. sud Mns. Holand, Miss Hollande the Misses Howard, Miss B.. Ham, Mns. W. Hyland, Whitby;- Lieuît..Col. sud Mni. Hamilton sud F. M. Hàolland, Tornto-; D. W. Hepburn, tise Misses Hyland, Dr. sud Mn. Henry, Miss Hansen sud Misa C. flan- deéson, Oshawa, Miss Humme, l'oronto; Miss Herning. ,Napsane Misa Haggermau. Pont Hope;. Mns. Wi. 0. Johusion, Muake- goMcs:Ms Joues. Os+ wa; MISS JlacobiM,Toronois ; J. l.Keyes; EBcvianvie; S. King, Toronto; Miss GertùW Luke, Osh- mwa.: Miss Lothridge, Hamilton ; Jue., sud Mns.,Lauder, Whitbv; Miss McDonald,' W. Michel,_ Dr. McGii lîvrayi sud Miss Mary Mitchell, Whitby; Jes. Mitchel, Teronto; H. V. MacËougaîl, Cobourg; tiseMisses Moore, Brooklln ;'Mn., A. Morgan, Miss Morgan, Robi. sud Mrs. Mafkie. Miss Mackie, L. A. Merniti, H.- Elasud Mrs. Morpby, Oshawa; Mn. sud lMrs. -Mebanry, Penny ;,Mn. Nunu, Toronto - tle Misses Ormiston sud Mns. D. Ormisten, Whitby';- W. S. Ormiston, Toronto ; J. P. sud Chas. Owens, *Oshawa; Mr. sud Mna. Pariis sud Miss Pariis, F. W. Phillipo, Port Pery ; J. H. sud Mrs. Perny"ýaud Miss Patterson, Whtby ; Miss Pattensen, kodsocc;Franke Rae, Oshaw,; Mis Régers, Toroute; Ge. asud.Mrs Rosa, Whitby ; W. J. Ritchie, - Pickering ; Mn. and Miss Rowland-, and1 Miss Ryder, Te-_ rote; j. J. Suaitis, Tornuto ; Miss. E. Smiths sud Miss Rossie Suew,-[ Whtby ; .Miss Scott, Oshawa;- W. B. . îu1d Miss Taylor,' Whitby;. H..P. .Thempsou, To- ronto; Niss Cora Trewiti, Mi~. Thomas, Oshawa ;- F. Warren, Osisaw a; lins. -S. Wilmot, Newcastle, Miss Wrîxls, F. J. Waimongh sud Casey- Woed, Torento;' Mca. 0* Winan suad H. Wight, New- castle ;'Miss Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. War- ren, Whitby, sud Miss Wade, Orillia. Sportlng Notes. - Miciigan State- will likely hî.vè a base- bail association cf its o wu this yean. *Ice trotting meetings are few sud fan be- iweeu this year. The weather las been tôo cold... Iu the annual curling.contest bdtweeu Toronto and* Buffalo, ou Saturý'ay, the lat- Ier won. It gees turn about théieIsat,few-- yeans. Iu a pnize fight at Coney Island On Mon- day nighi, Griffun, an Amenican,,defeated, Murphy, an Australien, for tise featiser- weight cha mpioiship cf Amenica. Bubean, tise English championi,_defeateti Hesmer ilu-a single scnlliug contestin.lu Engla d, last week, by, five lengls, sud this causes iite be negarded as a stroug candidate for -the champîonship cf the werld., Chanîley Mitchell, tise jailhir *d pugilast, has heeà released fr.onm prison lun England, sud, will soon le lu Arnerîca, with île. a vowed ebject e! flghtiug Conbe t. Tise latter iÈso - busy - earning people's .cou- tempt: thai le féars he will net le able te* fight until fal. Alîheugis Cerbett den't ind ulge lu île pastime cf îhneshîighôtel pontera. sud bus drivers, as was tise case, with Sullivan, le isas'his ewn.way of wiu- nin loseer place 'in-pg j:±iston daily, Row te get a "SusllglW' Piature. .Baued 25 "Sunlight' Soap wrappana (tisa large wrappen te LzayEs Baos., Ltd., -43, Scott St.,,-Toronto, sud yen vil -recaive h>v post a praîty. pictura, frnea from adver- tiaiinsd 'wall weth framing.*Thiis 18. an easy way. te deconate yoUn -home. The soap ila île lest. lu île .m*rkat,,s.îsd it will ouly ceai le. postage to send inth îe wrsp- pars, if yen le4ve tisa ends, open. WVrite your addrasa ,carafnilly. Sala KRegistar. WEDNE'SDAX, FEB.- 1.- Fine farm stock' aud implemeuts belougiug -t .Geerge Medlaud, near Myrtie. Sale'.atia *SATURDAY, FF-8. 25, 1893.--Saleu. cf valu- able farm-the Warihg- Estate nean. Kiusale-beiug lot 31 ilu'the 7th con- cession cf -Whitby iownship . The sale te take place atVan W odufi's isotel,' Wbitbyý. L . FAIRBANics, Anc. TiiaVs tise çmy.Dr. Pierce's pleasant Pelle corne. And - t's la more ins 't âl b launlflosthe rdinary pillay ln chaap woodas or patboard «box. Tlieyrpýut up ua bettes' way,ntey act i etr îw y than tisa lige, oel-ash- Ii~~~~'~ pla Negsping, n w " ard 1tisatometinesleaves ileusdcis, UConst, tie Buial usr - eftthtisalier, stom an sd bowels arax e ad aiv an&crd Tisey're tiny, gr:nules, a compound cf sd ocnuraedVege. tabla exti'acts-the sÙillestt i Sm&tise s- et to taise, and thsa cheapeatpl oda buy, for tiey're-guarassntaed te gi stai- tienor yourmouey lirtune.Yeu psy *Ã"i frý ced onget.- f .,Oate',W antied., Au unlinaited quaàntit y* of fint-cas .isite pats. Hiihesi pice for good"article weighiug veli. No Egyptisu oass ted. F. L. GREEN, GreenweetiJan. . ' 9.94in. - 'J BAR~IAIN W.Q. WALT Saturday F~~bI «thi ,We -willplace -on Sale balancofRm nt Regsular Prices'. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN' EMBROIDER IES, - DRESS GOODS, MANTLE.CLOTHS , SEALETTES, TRIMMLNGS, WOOL SHAWLS, FASCINÀTORS, FURS AIND CHILI Note the, Lines- below at- ONE-'HALF THI.E REGULAR FOR SATIJRDAY ONLY. CHIL DRENS' ULSTEIIS,' LA DIES' Mens', Youths' and .Ghi(dr-enis' Rea dy Made cot, texetio'naUy Low Prices. Mens' O0vercoats a.t rom $3 -tSÛto $12 00.- UNRESERVED- AUCTION L -0F- Good..Grade 'C at.t/e, Horses,' Néw .Imp1ements, -etc.:ý The, subseniber has- received instructions frnm MR. «:ALEXANDER, WILSON. ,te seil by Public, Aucîlon , at his premises, Lot' 30, lu tbe 8th Con, of 1 Whitby township, near Ashburn, on WEDSZBSDÂY, VER. ý2, .1893, The following valvable proprty: HeRSýS :-1 Sorel mare,; 6 y'ears old, a1 Bay d rîiug mare, 8 years olt inluféal to- Jes Billinga ; 1a1DayHerse, j years old; -ai Chest' nut herse,- aged ; Bay* mare, risiug 3 yeaar old, sired by 'Almonte- Lapadist; ,aý Brown mare; rsiug a -yaars old, sired hY L. H. Daniê1s-. CATTLE. -a New mil k cew, 5 years old; iA New mirk cew, 4 Years eId -~Cow,..due t calve April i st - i Cow, due te, caîve' April. 18th ; i Cev, due te calve Iulv ast; xCow due te, calve Aug. ast; -3 Steers, j yesreld'; 1i Heifen,, i year old 2 Calves cf 1892., -impLEMrNTS.-I Lurrben wagon;, a iDemo- crat wagon;, a Pair bobsleiighs 1; 1i Sylvester champion plew ;2 Fleury pleWs, new, 2 Sets iren isarrows, ceulthard'aad &Scett,, uearly uew; zc Fleury twin plew. niearly new,,; a Sylvester j-iu plow ; a Fieury cutting box, new ia Tig- er hoeérake. nearly uew ; i Scuffler; a cem- bined chamnpioti seed drill, uearly uew ; a Monarch Fanning milI, nearly new ; disc harrow, uearlynaw. Ceuithard sud Set;x. Cutter ; Wagon rack, -Ladder, x Set team bar- urss, iesvy; 2 Sets. single harnýese ; Pair. Scotch 'cllars; Ceok-stoVe sud.pipes;, Box stoee hr Crowban; Barrel of cidr ; 6o hens ;.r, tuns cf hay; Quant» i-.-L.asrnips; Chair) Whiffietnees ;.For ,R Re ocs; sud ouber articles -toc num O.Us te mention. Mr. Wilson having reunted i~~farm , every: thing must le solIl without res e. Sale at- i ýo'clock. TERMS-$xo aud tnder êasis Çredit for langer sums to October î5th, uext, etc., IXay turuipsa. und. poultrY csih, -7 per cent. per an-, num off for cash te parties entitled 'te -credit. L. FAMRANKS, AICTIONEER. Aishiuru, Feb. ,7th, î802. OP ZNZ~T METH-POTS. Agents wànted. for rb Elmaira Telegrani lup- Whithy.* Greateat family paper ou carth. Sixteen pages. Lively boycan makemouey. Address ELIMIRA ýTELEGRAN, *Elmnira,, N. Y.-ae-in. Dres and Mantie Makng, DUNDAS ST.,, WIIITBY. Teo the Ladies QI fllty and icinity - Wfile rcîumuihn lius fon-liberzal patronage lu île paît, 1 take pleasure ira anuouncîug tisai Iintend combiuiing Dressk an Mntie Maýing WITH My' REýSENT .BUSINESS. I' bave secuned a Finsi-classa Dres anti liantie Maker from îh.l otad finm o! W..À. Murray'sud Ce., Toronto. gýr Ordets.Promp tlyl Exeouted. 1 nespalulyslcts sane e!ou or C. ýARNALL, :WHITBY. 0WW ANJ ED. New rilk -c-w, Jersey praferned. Ap- ~ly te ite O'wxLL, Overton Villa, Whit- FeM"b- 9, 189-l in. SELL1NGr OIJT! SELLEI Hayward &0Co,Br GIVING UP B U IN E S MB.,IIAYWARD having beezi erdere , dto give upi1 of has health. We have ùconchl1ed to offer our- entire at suoli low. priées, as will ensure the clearing euti First of -February next. Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Glassware and Groceries. *Ail mnust go at an& UNDI Christinas is past, the holidays are over, thanks t o e doua a big ýtradé.ansd 801d a lot cf goeds, but w<have9 a We shail pueli them harder than ever Dwais w e vonl: t e s l in , a sth e sto ck s ud b u sin ess is u w a v r ia d f r t New is .yeur eppertuuitv. io reasoa4ble cash offe Remamber t'iese are HARD TIMES., Twe' dollars will bu of goods at IIAYWARD & CO. Farm preduce taken as usual. 20i ots. fer No. 1 Butte] freali laidEggs, in trade. Geeds at regular pnices. FTOR SALE.-Tha stock aud business cf IIAYWKA AUout .$4,000,' coesistiug cf iDry Gooda, Groceries, Boots Crokary, etc. ibis is a good, live, payiug business, low rf HAYWA9D &cc TEANNUAL MEETING Liberal Canoseîvative Association, SOUT.H 0ONTAR107 WIL5. 5E HELD IN THE TOWN 0OF WH-ITBY, -IN TRIE- COUNCILC011A MBERYf, - AT 2 O)'CLOCK, J>. ,. O SÂTURDAY,:,FýEB. l8th, 1893, Ferorte purpose o! election o! officers sud geisenal business. rài'AU Censervatîves shoA bcl present, 'f Aridresses may lie expecîed fnm WM. SMITH, M. P., ROBERT' MILLER sud cihers. TIce executive viii meaV ai îthe fReal Hotel rai oee 'elock. j. .LSMIT, T.R. PHILP, * -Prasideni. r Secreiary. Farm for Sale. A first-clasI !snm o! 125 acreseor 145 acres, aiiuatad lu the. Tewnship of Eat Whiîhy, ast Con.,j Lots 1a. sud a6, ou* tle Basa Lina roati, about a1f mites- !nm-Oshawa station, sud 2 miles from WXhitby sasiie ; 6o roda frem scseol bouse. -Large rny-buildings, raiin barra95x36 fi.,. Pteniy cf fruit. Soul, clayey - la.Altegeibar oua ftise hast'grain faums ou tle lake shora.. NIsilî*.s or atones. About Io acres: e!-veed,ý' 75 acres lun paîture sud freal seedêd. .FieIt' ptewiu*g donc, Terma aî<For furîhar partiulars. apply îo ,Sept. 6. a8g.-40eif.

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