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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1894, p. 6

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TInE CVLEBRA.TED Pûl/m onlo Syrup, WILL STOPA COUGHI -OR- CURE A COLU.- 25 Cents per bottie J#.- Er WIL LI8, C hem/st à Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Brook Street, -Wbitby.1 FRIDAY, FEB. 1894.1 Polital Points. There is talk of D4r. Gladstone retirlng, although the G-'10 M. does flot mention any definite date. The Manitoba legisiature is talking of abolishing the lar society of that Province, and then any person who bas nerve enough mnay bandie bis own case in any court. Barley is to pay a duty of 2o per cent. As we predictèd' the Ameni. cans niay pas"~ dozen Wilson and McKin- ie bIs, but they wM ltake care that Can- aa s interests sufler worsc every tinie. The Wison biU must be very unpopular in iNew York city. ' Elections were held on Tuesdayiu two Congressional districts whert in î8&a there was about-,ooo vgtes of a t)ernocratlc majoiity ln each. Tuesday one of the districts returued a Repuplican bý ,000 votes, the other a Deinocrat wit.h ý very, rnalajqorlty. .._ýTh ' W lson1 Iis -hUeiy te pas. h change see î*&s- ticOd.An 1w corne tx a W up thé revenu. of county and township treasur ers, 1 -&dec the need fur a better check n their aàIàns,-ý,lthout mnWking thaosé-of the0 uio art étrictÎÏ, hpnest feel that suspicion is bellE throvM,,upon them.?rom 'the way things go it would appear hbat on. cannot tell whomntesm$spect, sth uolme ap.. plicable is te kccpsuch a strlet account of thoir doings as to reinovetthe passlbila ' of wron-dolg. Tisla the best thlng to do ia thc publiuiteneste . it la the. bestIluth.e Întenreste of the treasurer hîmsclE Tht get tmtain should be contlnuoualy spread bfore a treasuren's cyes is la itaef a pretty- sure 'indication tltat a great wrong will b. donc soon. But if a treasur- er knows that he la beinig treated wlth on strict business principles he probably neyer tbinks of do ing wrotig. Havlng muade it as cleaï as w. can thnt we disclalua al l esire te cast the slightest suspicion upon the county treaurer of thus county, we may say that, with one excep, dion, e"er' redecessor ln his office proved a defaulterr or very large sains. Whatevcr gravity rnay attach iself ta Uic. defaulters, thc couuty council bas been almost equal- ly te blanie. This body has 9«ù- these things repeated evMr feu' yas but to this day hbu neyer been lnrse by the thought that it. la' Urne te knd a remedy., The. action of tie guarantec compauy lu me- fuslng any longer te accure our county treasuner, because thc county unakes only feeble efforts to look after its business, marks a penioci in Uic recklessuesa of councils, for the conspauy expressly de- clares't tit ;tas the utinost faithlarn- auner McKay. SWe arecbardlyin a position ms yet ta know how far the~ Whitby township tom-n cils of the pasc a re to blainctor Treasurer Moore'% awful crookedncus, wblcb bas just corne te light$ but Uic customn Of Ick. lng up likely young fellows and makIàg ticua anditers has undoubtcdly contri- buted ta renderng Moore au outlaw and,& reiu g e. What la Uic remedy for suci a sMe. of aflairs ? Thene la only one. petad itom. The prevailng cumom &! ppoit., ing soin. clever youug t «, or sane n who is seekiug a fat job foi a day or tvo la played out. Thcçalibre of the maen ap. polInted and Uic fea ulowedare too low. Mn wiil have ta be employed who know all about it. If- our ceaccRufitluntht. duty the legiaature wiii b. cempehd ta seize more patronage insed of givingl hp appolntiug power, for 'e- kaow um heu' many more -trcummt$sare. beiag daly temptcd te defanit.11 An hon.st treaiurer wiul rçjotc te ki»w that bis auditorse fnl"v «* mle of an- alfislg hL1accSmgt, >and wlnet feel hurt la os dem Utvoamxponit s laodrthat UtbeasUroermay saved froua temptaîlon suad tue public frou the poslblit o Jaa iiee bortages always. rua for year, bowever lb I., and are neyer fou"d out until the. Iom b vemy gma AN mny do Its wvork wéU, làn order tint ibis question may b. decided ene w&y or Uic other. Wardeaa'QdlUespiîe bas mir bcarty con- gratulations- both upon helng elected to his present proud ,psition sud upon tue able anud akilful maunner lan biûcb hedis-' charged bis dutiesas bead 'cf theccouncil. He ~ th leu fUcmoat popuarw rcîeus for rny years. Ounceunty fathers want aU Uic ceunùty appolutaients placed in their hands se tint ticre yil ho sornetiung te Ineet for. it wonl ho a nice pudding te bave thc awardiag cf shivalties, county court clerkships, rcgiatrarships, jailorsbaps, -divi. sien court officiais, liccuse inspectons and Tii. often of $So ta be given-la Primesta tic parties Who gather the best collection Ofdata as te tic early bistory oi the county, la net a very libenal eue, ut qhould be sufficient te iniduce a good uny qople ta take a band ilu1tue eearch. re e many people who taie anutte. est la prylng into the past, and w.-' bgpe tbey wil! all corne to thé. front ia tht. mat- lb la pretty bard vien reevee aud4ee- puty reeves of munlclpaltles bave t* ad- toit thnt they arc obligedto vote agansi their ovu stnong persenal convictions la regard to, grant. te mecinnica' institutes because of thi Inr ansd prjudlce cf the. people tbey represent, -Mcn bave te eittioppseedocation and advanpiu or cime besnulffed eut at thé next elgp'tiot and -baters cf learulng retumned latueir' Places. W. béele. it Is pmaperly cansld.red as belng an abuse patronoe vb e icDoua tlon Local- Goremnct - give places -'Of profitto e mbcn of pariniut, oèato the r»elaivsOf membesu But suppose.fboa moment tint a nSiabeof p"namnt'*er t i, lu bisplace ani move fiant $o.' *âd kw 1 1 nasron aty cOMM- cllk do ecaue 'b la u ud mn - snmcteïd mem e ftamn wit hmu ~~~Grànet!,'"Ëairène" is guarautecd to stpfalhli-ai.For saleb ldrg Get yoùr'fir e,. rts ion or brick flluïga for.-ailde4scf tolves, ranges or' turnaces, froin J. Mantyre. Buy your bread. from, Kelly, .thé-'-new baker. He la bdund te push trade in tuis line. The St. Azidrelv choir was at -Pickerintg on Tuesdaywee aïsssting at -theauniv*r- sary servfces -the ncW ,Preabyterian churci there. - MadamLaura Schrirner -Mapeson, ' Who sang la Whbitby lat winter,- is dead.. She won tue -beait oft1he sultan cf turkey with ber slnging soin. years ago. A concert viib iven Ia the towu hall, WhItby,unden tbé auspices o! Uic R. C. churcb, on Tbunsday, Feb. reh., Among others Who are te ,appear la Mr. uiFax, Who la thec leadlnig coinedian o! tic Pro- vince. Those Who are inanrears for- subscrip- tien aeed not be surprised If we aend thein duns, and shouldýpay up at once if they dou't wisb tis tobe- doue, These dollars mens a big pile «f money to us, and do net effect subacrîibers lu such srnall sums. Heanty congmataýlatignste Mr. and Mm G ý5eLewis, nec Miss Hettie BU=a, upon thehappy eveut of their marriage. May Uic worthy voungrua-ansd bis 'pretty ac- cornplishcd wifeî have long -and happy We were on Mouday showu a letten front Mn. Fred geen, Oldeby, Norfolk, *Englnnd, fornerly , f -Brooklin, who ap-, peas te ob. veliposted la ail affaire cf Wbitby towuship* and town froua eadlng thc CHRONICLE. The ifr. Mr. T. H. Elliott, grocer, le .very III, ne hopes bcbng euterta.lned ef bis recovery. -Mm. Geo. Corsiak, ,Mm., Mr. Donald Catupiiansd Mrs, Newbenry have been veryrIIdulag thc, past.week on two, aud are atm vcly 1ev. Abab7 WL. On ffld!ty Iast' Uic youa sesai Uic' skati i kbad a gea1leeOf sport Ith a youag oviwl cbbad taken up teoepomaty quarter. tuere. -The. sedate on. vas ciased about for a cousiderable tiue and fiually kilIed witi catapult fla GrndTmuuk bas foilowed np Its rotent dcterailued -toie ta, smash np Uic tma*ni.n's association along Its limes witu a CutIn a ages of tan Per cent. Ordlnury traclusen nov vok z bohurs per da «at 90, i*.stead of tanloir at $r. Thi e- mon d,4raw $1.35 Per dyntéAd of ùP up iHalf-pound, K. O. LÂW and Five V Always on hand a Choice, ý_Fresh Stoc-k lme ce BR1OCI~ Fruits-,, etc. LAWLER SW'«-EWIITB-Y. OLD ::HEDURE8 For Holid=yGoode. TheBar of Whbitby.ý The Piresent$ you wtn At the-lprioes you 11ke. Splendid assortment of, Toya, Eany Godotions a-d, ovelties. Maix,g eo loios.easy» Only one prioýe,ý and some for ail W. are not sllingbelow C osti But at 6r, honeiPrices And hoetvlues- to suit the-trns Shrewd biiersaeget&ung.the -'PICk - N 0blodydisappoinedp da. Our toc gies ou e de, Core ad se t ~ ehp~ morry -Ne Year t al are ia their are gn aie eva auidens bavely, but thierç alwnys sqiacalers, and man- oir share of taxes. aht& otmS %Ve do net now hou' the Stoafflle Trib- \une eau flatd turne to stndy July top.inl \jananry, but it bas fereted out tic f;ct lhta-red-hcaded mam never get suai Sorne Oillia man ta disputiug wltb tii.e (ýoeas toe i oral niýght o! tic Pror- In~~ to a a deceased mnan's estate. f4rtuUitely Uiere la ne personnrmucd Wblitby personally iuitereted in 'tus gacat coaquetiofi. ticketiai peu a chanlce to r net isýtiot a bee a it, band inJuriai 2 suîng for -4u Tic bind.i which emploi bad te go ma - Gortenui central, pnIW lu Kingstoq 1 nious minas1 wantand bel iy be em. outcoeo f1 a baillif, viewh was travell- hcma milwa&y near Bare, the. condeactor tô ane.bis ln altuouh ofm439blin 1 and punch it. This vas , ýthe train bands-.. nade ýd Bailey off, bûmulng bis min tue struggle. lHe'-is Tbasday night, anda, ceeu aud a flnuclal ensatlo,-j stunnen. If there vas a m tien la vioiu tth-etutanas b. plaoed, lau homn S-everybo township lid faltbiat a MOo"s.Kuevu te have bec véll09, on. Maknlg no ioncy sund esraiig a tood wbll it appamnaynoj vouîj be aiextt Uilg bal la 1ev.e tint i. vas maUDU1r. ally. Therefor, onu a « ulet wviaper vent monin nii, a Mient 1 Une. At pn but lb Is inoorc Thi for lus poudt m>.. of Groceries, At c $2.'OL~

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