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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1894, p. 2

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CUL, ,for i sot pdct t Of the pur liquid embisosd lu , the, laino mol ceptable and pie.. teste, the refrohing and tmuly proprtiei cf a p.elut; Btu4lly cloanih>g thé. ysoin coideh.da ma i Lver i'neutly cnning constipation Bn satifaction 10 is Mnaad the spprovei o f the. meical bbeosue. it tactaou the, K.id w sund BOWole vithout wèak- a and it i. perfeotlyfbo fio,,i asieby On rg e4but la in marin-l Sthe Osbfornis& 'ig yp Lw the naine, Syrupýof igs Woil in formoi, -you viin eusi~oif offore LI 8-&g£NT AT WHiTRY cougt,~ wry PontoreL Genesse. St~ aaas fions suami i-certawny are np$i Citizen oId* 04o .otUAtlat 1 L jene vil b. hore in a fowslxepswill beimmed- iatey "blî-have t-i. smory roo- ed up toun. Meurs. 'Thoruton sud Saih, of Whiîbyl ver. boe.on Monday i'ter- vieving .&exador Wilson Wathrear th.0 defawitipnu trosurer of Wu whity. jrý wureevo of that towuship for y*ere sud on.euof ii. notes discounwedaIt, bauk sud from ilimé& to time renevre& wuasmadè by hlm' wiiiiii .111fioi Tfii.'note vas iiomi Mr; ienadloidentilied hie s4gna- ture -bat üolaedthat the * ehad rie.dfin ff00te0n*3,Wil- non .aye leohad implicit ounfidenos iu Mn. Moouer. s ba îlother townuhipý There pst"-d awa~ on Stra morînng one ot ouriîghlyestéemed, residouta li tii, porion .ofire. James iýpt il, gd 84 yeasa. Mn. 11.11 <ied somo foiarteon '-yomarego. Mn. ami IM. Bell came, titis vciu ,yuome îhirty yesrs ea sud eetloona'lot near Olaremoat, sud after,. Bleig maouey for a time titoy netiroil, roserv- ing tii. houe. sud loi, ohiol he beou timoir fimily rodence oser autos. The . d.iosasd Ia.yd'fanera took place on Tuoay wvie .rumaine von isatefr .41 at thoe. xbridg cetery. The. fixner vonld have b"ea a large one' had s Sot beesu for ho: -;ib.y uùfavor- able condition of th. eata.De- oeaa.d -baves a famâiy cf ebeven.-luro sonsand nino dsughtera, neanlys&U of whmare naird. [:Ai ont lOt venta et bocks for the oeng meanloe'isiut ae sud the milL l]U apdthat vas toc aarcssý tic, ',#d hliewoulU never goluo Mhïr agaîu.ý Welloobably h.o ould itot autiwan7 birBorne fallova over- do the Ù g'qenire1y wiiera thogto mea gîr4,&aI-ioiàthnjg il .brea them, ,ta tihbit ofw*Oaing oui 'a girl 11k. tomeearcs~ rmanlite that. Soins- tinses the - tather of the. girl vwil coin. to the. hesd oftheb. haire ami tek tii. i if the morning paper has orne or if ah iàe uiot tell hem isitor-to telbhe hire girl vhen ho geta ready tu go. Tiei. tasîay look sarcastie, but- hi.coadact warranta la. There ian.- girl whto is oell, and wants tu keop 8n_, tha" wantsr 10ait àp vith an ordinary yoang min. 8heh. as ot to get orne i..p or ae, lauot vorth i e ?to ~blow lier up. 8hecaneî t sii.hei fprmatiou ho ,bas 10 impart in six hoars, sud every heurlie saysa ftir that 'asi'a deaib ;Oa. B_'ore Young fol- lou evà vrknow eough 10 go. Thoy ofait t b ingme to go t 10 o'loksu1ti.girl t . oitBYe, "Oh, don'î hn.rry wahiorl pet," sud the. galoot thinke eh.e megan 14-aud go0. into Ump f*r a fev hour more, and ail the. trne tiie girl 15 on nettIlu. 8h. viab«es .houîewould tae Oire, or that ho wonldboeie with eraaap,.bo e woUld get ont. 8h. katowa ah. wil b. tel g i" Ocf< the wholefsauly, and wiaii0sheusin J'.riko, but ho styeasm thonh ih. vOe. iteg up itbsaoopse, *gfrel anta to oint lmpoi.,sDo ne .«Mi yv behind sahaadkeshfd, or',ititch un»- l iii l h r ii d 'fo y fOJaiOf, abd Fogg-.-eoni, -Pigg. have a simoko. ~Figg-11lI die. ireL Fogg-,-Oh, el ee imnu 10bis liking. 111, do-My .smokineg before 1 die. Pîra p.et-Don't you notice quit. decine Mi 1i poetry ,in the newapapers 1 8ooud -poot-Téu boit IVv'ead six pièces doclined ti"i week. Site-I must-aak you t releaseme frota our ;engaeent. Paahsfailedl the mnuvi.v ail smoney. Johnny Plenty-Say, ýJimmny, doos pie hart anybody 1 My aunt sain it does. Jimmy gcant-Oouldn't teIllyer,_ Johnny. 1 neyer had no chance ter 'aporiment.q Tom-WelI, a girl can't be expected to keop a diary. And why flot, p-iy, sir 1"'"Because diaries are eappsed. to b. secrets, and a womnan oan'î k p "IBlinkena is one of the original -meuubers of the Authora' Club, isn't h. ri N, answers the man Who sneers. "'Non. of the. menibers of that clulb are original." Pew are the. remedies viiose be.icWe qualities andi r"osi et, have madie tbomuso popularwitii the. publie, and incroametifreu yer to year tiroir oofeUDptlon, vbich, vhul.t poiiewigt the Most valuablo e rodisil propertie%- are yetano simple lu _tbr ôdm- ~und. ta so ea.y te take, as The. Quinine mt pre by, orthrop k tmmaot Torouto isarticle iPred f ti Ens~~~~~ 8tor isu hisaromasncs, wbieh relievgetii. Quinine of ite bitter LW*t, and does-no impair in tii esst dopre. tii offieu1cfdis $action pM Ou tîe in;vi au osms. troquintly r.peawe, etmetl~ thes pelasO, hinarose eeurrssd In- du an t. » 6 ; old Lonig 'and, Terrlble\II11 aomspzeteiy Cur.d btj .fo< Mis. Mary F-O'pafn a very întuemlgeùt. lady of PiqUa, Ohlo, was Poisoncd whtle ,7as- sstMhg physiclans at an autopay 5 yearsago, asud soon terrible ukex'. broke -out onlier head, arme, tongue and. throat. Rer haïr ail came eOut. She weigh6et but 78 iba., aud env nO prospect Of help. At last she bégaû . ta tulte Hood's Samsparilla ýand at once . m.- proved; coulti soon get.ot.6! bed andi walk. She Sy%: 4 1became perfectly cured by Hoéd's Sa rsaparilla Mndam nowa 'veil woman. I 'veigli 12a110., est weR i ni do the work for a large mi. mi ceeseem & wonderful reco'ltU andi PtÎysiclans looki At me, iln astonlalnnent, as H00018 PILLs souelt be, la evSry famIly. miiediclas ebsatOunUe& *aIway» pr*erzd: Fine R-te8ldenoe to Let. On* Dundan St eaet, brick cottage, stable aâd fine fruit garden. Fumage hagrd and soft water, fine shaded lawn. Good location. Keys at -CHRONICLE, office, wbere application mnay-be made oo'r to G, E 'GIBBARD, Coner Ln-g andjloiuiSts., Tofoato. lEit t'> I r- -s j ~4'~- w. N 'I *1.50 tii. o denol lu IL E.WILI Il Ai

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