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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1894, p. 1

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WItb gUlm Priat VOL Xxxvin. N Min Alln insliii bamshIps WINTER SÂILINGSI, 1898. Portl ud Rê eu« seyte, Prom Porunil Prom Haltsx ..............'1 la& TEIS OrPA8SAGE. s4100. 110 ana. lmre ~n.By aiin 83 and aun-ç 0 st ~*' #M105 and ilôreturn. Dp ote#manames,'55us 0 single;195 and. 100 réturu. Second Cabin, single& $30, 1e.sét loweeutrugh rate. Siegragestilewuttbrongh rate. Bp .8. Lineugolan, Laurentian or Numidianl. Slug *45aud50; returs 95 and 100. Ohidren 12ys hi are, under 2 yeare, frèe. SPeetal rates for eoegmsx and their amuffl epusenges at and West bound b~ BU sto mer eiih provaded with a cern- p Cue ount. -for the voyage wtheut extra ALLAN STATE LINE' NEW YORK AND'GLASGOW Oaling st Londonderr. itr - Prom New York Mtatseci Oulfornisa............ .. iwch 8 SIabs of Nebmeka................ ".2 slte et1caflternis ............... Apnýil12 'tatO et Nebraska ............26 -"a weekly thereatter. Sy slttIdUe New York to Londonderry lot cabAn ps.sage $t0, sngle and upward, re- tur 80 aa pv~ard, acccrtiing le location e0fborth. Ss S teerdage, 1 1w. PorTieks6îae iêôhir nioimation applpItge 8. rDPo5 «55Upown Ticket, Toe-i V &h bâxpereuOMO*, eopposite Eutoh nroà. Wbtby Ont. TmEm A Wi have just seureda àlarge lhue of SUPERIOR. TEAI taIma.ai New York, aunm<&t alolier ee u n iilr gooa ere ever offered i islocaiuty. M I \GREENWOD. Rouer -slis 'iou have Wheat or Oats te seli I wîli Psy yen the highest price. Vou have to buy Flour, breakfast cereals, etc., I seli best quality at lowestprkee. Von like buckwbeat cakes make them frorn mny.Bnckwheat Flour and they will please you. Vou want to get Chopping donc well I wi11 doit for ý.c. er bag, land grind it fine or as yuike it, and you1 cas get it back t.he smre day il ynorn Monday, Wednesday or Friday. DOàMINIOýNBANK. Capital Nid uPi, -$1,500,000 8flplu - - I,40 0< eneral Baniking Tranuaod.. nuaitieu sAvINOs DUPABTIMET. Interet Sioved st higbest curretht rates No natt 0 owlhawa!reqir.d. .J. TEORNTOK, Western Bank of Cnaa A. esrs Baafrg usiumssdo=e. Specil"te"t= eOo~oIn a"A Par- v'Sle w N oesUw a Z»". Departmezit la *m sf$r>î p p«d Higheet current raiesof kieree ullowea sa crieÂa si.auil, Y D. lhI~U~ COWlIityA .i WÂR< il wou bave Catmk vo viiim aou ena QkriuoueS IUbai.su .d Medicine vlth- oMt f ant ef puy in advanoe. Âflor jou bave sven Il a.fuir trianmd yru ee tborougbiy 6&tLufl dthat It la a genuine remodjy ritea« p&u nla$3mfor sanie.- But if yen arme fzt,ne ebupgeviiib. inadefor wbt yen bavt-used and V'ii tek.the instrment uvuy ut Our *ZPSSCp Oro- eday. ToYen m DOperisk. We do UOIueb yen te remit In adymuce or U» &gay ehanees. Co a.nythlag be more nDzA. IMÂATIOIX go. 40V GEST., TORONTO, CAN. ANNUAL, MAMMOTH ~GEA T:o 8ALE ~FU R-NlT u RE OUR STOCK QONTINS: BOOK CASES, LtASr oedIR.5 STUDRNT CHIRS, OAK ROCKER, R4 TTAN ROCKER, A~t bowest Prices. we 4a ie ooas oiaie SPECTACLESt. STRV(J< IVITH AMAZEMEN7A 100 WSLE11 CnaONIOL4Ce~uJiPe~DnNC~.~ The Meibodist church pëCeoptaiemoi el have Mn. -johniA. Darm:'»,Q.,C., of. Li<ay01 %b give anu ddness on Wednesday.,,'Tearch The otitez*, 1usd concert vas-a <Tet suc- çes.milva ivntwo àlghts lait week. O Eaeh part vas done wefl. Týhe proSeedà amounmted te $lt' Cannwngton lis g oin ebv w e r. D)r. Gallevay, ofBaverton andl Dr. Wilso, Ci Winnipeg. ITh inl malts four residClt hb Thé bishop of Toronto, will be in Canning- ton os Sq»iday, Apnilath, te admnnster the Of rite of confirmation te thoseWho wish te con- nect tbemsclves with the church. The EX, e ouh purpeses building aof new Sudyche bis s'hows a lare ai- et tendance luthe mscoland spealti wol for their minister, the Rov. Mr. Riz. i Mr. Phullps. et Canuinglon,, general mner- m chant, bas renioved te Trente» ils pa=tnr. Mr. Wilson, intends - o stay in Camiing0b Ç where li lis doing a nice traite. Re',. R. Boynton, Oakwood, preacbed in l the Methodist cbnrch here, and Dorryville on Sunday lase - Mr. Toils ee d atOok. is wood, the occasion being- re nlve ofmiycf the educatiunal soccty. A jneeting of the lacroms club vas heldîi the Bennet t Honse où Menday evenifl15t week. The felowicg offiS er oe elected: Manager. J., T. Robinsn*tinN. W- biais; Capt. lames Lindsasertay, R I A. Brown. A Mm .McLeodoft Mi~gan. , is the guest at the. residecce ef joseph Davidson, Esq., &ý John St. Mrs. Laird, of Gat,lis visking at UcRev. j W Tetten!s.bMr. Robt hiomes Of Toronto. s visiting bis parents in tis tovn. Mr. F4 Sproulo. eof Wexford, is vlsiting s parenlts. 1I The cengregatios ef St. Paul çhureb. Boa- r verton, and AUl Saints, Cannlngton, have com- menceil the publication o àutach bmfgazine It is l te b vsK ?4Friseh = au çiçMm Rcv. G. A.* RW, sud.R. -A.-Sincla i aei o diton. It vifii hé devoteil to church malterm IIbe prioe s fixed l t Se Cents aYeur, se as te malte it vithia the reach of ai. Oub new trumr doos bs work up in gruaI Cut-vas lichm kr Ist Saturday, wbn th.e vere quite -a numberof aisse Uiomil mit, an1a. srom clay. ib ~the ~ wife a Son. wtue e Lnthcuýweek ýý,sW Conver- of tha deatb u thé- illries ef vnitig a uhà Metcalf uchbis de., rigg of And- )mcd, ta ethé' Iaumvt rstaad W. P 'Mo&ltt, sud andi ttlfftu. tia11 1 11u ni- jirruo il fareweU calU-in the i were welcotned by àl of oysters 'and ail thee sonvîrevd dby the spènClin a venyelà jsandg Gnç ine oitt *-1e an sdretrne~d h he, oplù"g-tot meot tieir - Patrons of YO -- 1several newy yong iriend, perbaps ia the eveal cl - - ~ oo~wr - sce and A regular meeting of councîl was held tanSfdfing. oh Moiday.for anotiier on Mondy.. Mr. T.- N. JMr. S. R. Wickett, cf, Tono speit ya, Mi. Supday with Mr-, ad,-,re. W m.Wikett. psto o lie eteisL horintends, giving a son. We f1 concert.on the eveniig'-cf Good Friday, work in ap the I3rd inst. - -licory to jMr. H.- T. 1 angford, Ashbun, -bas rest. ed tihe use lately eccupied by Mlc Peter aE. Q. et Lee, aud intends mov inute t at onc. teicio Dr. F. -H. Star vho -basbeeti aWayiin srnèrth; Penpsylvàa ansd New Yoèrk statesý, on e Liiely Mr. biness trip, rcturned homje 'ou Saturday mission trou evening. -Chasse tweuty Thiernerbers of the foot-ýbaIl club, rnet Tuesday the- on'Monday evening te discnss thie advls- station. 1,%, alityof holdinta concert. It wasdceclu- Jme- ed to have one eometime inMay. va hreMeillEn tans Il cc lias of a viids.We, lobua od là faly asmied îvlu nsu1 Er is iog fur mre widow tê o. e that vents te uasny. John upi thmthb me intedi t. a Rwalose uwy log.. W ffeu"xý foeed to mu lit, he cm 4A lu w fs vo of ou PrM m #« MWit an atu%=oemof ivorda, ho ea o ithut vaSa. uttle clevateil. Our tepmuevte thie loca hem homnhm-Sanday, a*bin the çity*as, lago apacItyto 1t a H otï t'bt waIéw te wk bthat liebas Wi h eeidooe gs ho is a vomwt swnts--lf bc vck s not tee hb". Ouhiudd b&Battic vas reEbe c ,potS d.& vaek. LA mmathat nPetima"& to éeha n ~-CUL il Thia young , meus 'vs *oeýdumb visil nnazemeni *heu I %av-I'thequak! ' ity ef SPECTACUES tt YC W.R.. HOWSE 1. olliug for 25 o.i$ TeSi~ . beaten. CORNER DRUG ST0IB> Ca Trhe Tarif? Êil1l N Y ut to~e Shnoe '4-' f 1, 1 ý.j

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