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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1894, p. 1

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Witb calm Plnted words.e VO LeeXXXVIII. AllaU8 Uine ý,Mll samsbips Prtianti andti e« Bo~ rvice, prom Portland N'rom Halifai Xokgolan . "l ........ ." 1 LaU~enIan . .............. PaiIu~. Apr4i 12........... April 14, - RA TES OIF PASSAGEx. 'a' Cablabyr PaIslan 60 8sud,"0sj*1 4100. 110-anti 130 rlm. BJ sardinlan, * 133 uant nêOsingle; *05.1 andiilOreturu. ey other steamers, SESanti 50 singte; 195 sati 100 relum. Second <abln. inale, $80; 8leroag,at lowetthrough rate. Bàeem.gan rà oeeil Ihngh rats. Ny 88. Kngoan Laqentiabor Numidian. mît e$4 sd50; mtura 95 sud 100. Ohildgen 2ic ishait tare, ander 2 years, free. àspeeai, rates for clergymen and thelr 9*«<xse passengers Caft and -West bound b al aeamraWlllbe provided wth a com- outil for 1the voyage wfthout ,extra ALLAN STATE LUNE NEW ýYG-RI AND GLÂBGOW O.llin aet Londonderry. st Prom New York filats of Nebraka.................. "22 filaI. Of CalUfornia ................pril 12 -State cf Nebrask&a........... .....4 25 Alnd weekly theroatter. Dy Ouite Uane New York tu Londonderry adeaugow. let C(abip passage $60, Single andi npward, re- tu.rn, 883 &adtiun ard, s.ooor<ilng to location 'o- eto ec eond Cabin M8. âteeraget aI ow- est rate-.> 1Por Tickets and ti Ier information apply to 'a. SaEKSazrOW, Uptown Ticket, Téle- grap l a8ptes* ornle., opposite Ktch 3ros. Whitby Ont, AS UONEST 071ER. Uf yo bave Calai*r we will sentiJou a 0wma1o4,9 Inhalerati Kedicine with- et a Centcf pay inadvance. -Atter yen ha"e Ciras it a fair trialili tnathrougby i&ao~8d t1ha1 il lsa euiermedyyena«* 0 1 wilbe mède tôt ba ynbave det an @ the .Istualaway at oiir efpeus, Ord>r 10-dmy. Y me n@risk Wdo not W*youWto remiin edvffleeor t&» &an, ebanema O= *avibtula_ ho more 1894. I I - -GREENWOOD You h've WMeat or Qats ta sou I1 will pay You lte bgbest price. You have ta buy Flour, breakfast cereals, ec, I seIl best quality at lowest price. -IF- You like buckwbeat cakes make them from my Buckwbeat Flou: and they will please you. -IF- You want to gel Cbopping donewell I wili do it for 5c. per bag, andi «mmd il fine or as you like lt, andi yqu can gel il back the samue day if you tome Mondny, Wednesday or Friday. DOMINION BANK. CapÎtal Paid up, -$41500000 surplus, - - $19450 000 WitbyAge Geineral Banking Tranmeated. SAflasRQ ARM Intereit allevet Ib1ghei oo No noticecowldaa eur EJ.. TKOP*' We8tern Ban-kof WHyTB MA LOCAL LETTI ciontu1of onsonna Miss Roise Browais visidng frlends in Tor- onto. It is dangerous (o walk on our sidewallc&, Scnd tbe pathomaser to Jericho. 31r. Marahali armon -huaboughr a furmace and is bmiyLn m oe and cats. The «cati fonts of Samveacfond 1Of »Suage. Subject 1to tp tutb or oîberwise -cf Iber atory. we bave cubher the t" champion wocid-, cutters cf the Coutyor the champion Basaof tb. universe Next week there yul be a fuIl expomume of, the artlul tricks, ma plots and vile achemes of two wickWdmen, Louis 0'Leamvant Bd. Newton. in their dialblical attempts te uillk a poor, but respectable *îdo w wo bas liveti lu tis neaghbbood about two yeams, natmed, I#Mrs. jersey Cow."' Gentlemien of tb. icwisb persuasion have been maloog iis their bead quartera for tme dime, but have founid il difficuit to pro=u meat from animais 1011.4 aftem tbe appzoved jcwisb mcîhod. I amn gladtie lemm, bowevçr, that tbe difficulty bas been overcme by the appoiniment of aur esteemeci townsman, M&r. Cox, as chief Rabbi. Prof. BMythe, tecelebratcd bumapoiçglai, fingcmed the bumps -of several Saintsa afew days ago,. and was especîily well picased wîib the cranial devclopment of Mr. Raines, known among the profkSn as Sicepy Willia. Te Prof. dcscanled ik glowîng ternus on bis 1v- ing andi dccply afiectionate nature, andi strong- ly advisedthett gooti bmotber te join (lemoxr- M10C79 A large number of tte share-holders cf the weîgb scales, attended a meegin rM. New- ton's on Wednesday eeening."bie aoonnis BUSieM howig ab"ceonhandi of $05s vo t mdt- B sness & dnd pes tdfer tht considériation of the share-horders, who were well plemseci wlthOe nmner ia whîb icliuer intercalt Wbeca look- :KT. cd afier tbc pai year by Mn. Newton.an id iurent ates îbey decîdeci 10 put in a new tioindation for b.the scales. Mr. Moore wua-'appoitedipei dent, Mr. Ne« ton',iVgh master nd treasur- IxoN c, andi Mr. Raines, ascoetary., Tht bond umter, Mr. Pald, -t40about Oanada;leaving town. M.HretSrriklad. son cf 1fr. lienry Stiickland. bas taken bis psic lbe ta tis TRie presyteiiaun, eteoulholding an at4 U~UN Ol..bame,* -thehureb on bMamcb omdLA gooti a in su - Pa. OU.Sugar :making bas _tWxted la i ÏUd it ï1svery early kir-'tb¶8 coun. ïiy ete was qulfr a few, aràilndpro- Sj R or inerl Isat fait and~ there is Som Idihafdu' - There le plety of 0 4er iftbere- waa dnij capita MÎ.Pelda bas movedteb genêýa. T!-isDuses by Messrs *West and b%?ldy ep\f:::zh:Ybte con- efete8 è Iithis iveek. We -welcomebîrn 10o Our.village Ut. Tboum sGoodmami bas esold bit fast ,driv.ý It hb goMe t tatdbtoba. We und*5tsd a good figure was paid for il. UÏ-ose n Abraham aud'Ikniily leave fe4t*oeetLfor Maniloba-Mr. Plowrighî,> aOur *dller, wears a sniilng face. It isa Mz Hen1ry-Burton dei*te bChronicleý ta «MvY bYyli sicrthanks to the friends in COInib s nd'vlinity for iheir utboun-' ded-lWdem tohilàI lie »ad and sudden beeVenent of bis wlfe. DÎàtbh he again visiteg ius. James Evefr succuaxtdthe.raagtof cqui consniptionon 1Tuesda, Misremfains wîllt4. lid ta resî in tihe Un Cemetery on Tbursda'. Tht e evdmother bas tbec"patbyofajO. Tlk remaiàs cf Mary, teUct of the late William Bea ver laid-to testin the .Me- thodst Buryfng Gtound liere on Frlday ksý1Thememibeis of tbe fam.1y pregent Ly « ><ii's.tScurrah agandaugh:ê aileus PchI!brilkes fdeceased. CouncUl met on M4on4ay. Ur . W . MeClhgo ck is #erv slck, wlh a' sevee atac uf lnhaton, WC hope Io -OG eaof-apedy--",çry. ,et metst toesorrow eveuinig instead of ,~g&Thà' movewas madei or- derf-*&Ïtbe metnbers may, either vsit the ore1.mpetanee concel¶sin Prince Albert Üib last week. we hawv nri-.a Mr. C. Redman -attîeded thligand c onil1 cýf the Chosen *'nreuds in Toronto this, week MRseBafilod bas se'up a -barbelà. char a Illtts aMeMs sop and does quite a uslgbusinesson Saturday evmnigs. Mr., Ge«field, the baker -r efe rredi 10 last we- la fot cÇrtaln ihàt he,,Will stan in busi- ne he. JioW the probablityla that he Mr. Tho&*Beprfaid, wboso effici=ntly man-] alet lte Brbklân cheese factôry là isummer, wilU béha ck Io take charge again Ibis yen: as soon as Oie 8tamoperis.,. BMv. 0111e Dtrant left for Oshawa on MXon- day rozning.- ;Hm isgoimng 'ia a barbersbop. to leamo the. liasincss. We'expect ta soon. bear hlm spokten cf aun a .1on m 0-aus" 3£r- AC Billot bas been incapacitated -fo- wort lo"h as v weeks throùgh an ini- jury-to une of kils arma, whicb causedý the rap-. t o ca blood- vessel Mr. Elliot hupes ta be as el aeveit ofcwdays. - A s a rle t f e r, p la c a rd is d îù l y d n l t residenc of- Mr. b.Waring'. V, S. Seve- mai 0- embers Of bis household àare su&fring frWM a Mild fOrnntj of lte diséase. . AU! tbe cases are progrcssig favorably Mm. TameMoruison bas. mate-up bis'mind wg ea"andiintcnds to, leve for Portage la Pare ia-few tinya. lie wMl work, vithit an uncle wvoInlires nam' îbatnown ýthiouRhthte ýsutmer and, inturir home in -the fail.- Bir. Ma&k. Burroughs, sale on Tursdyof last. week vaws quheè a succeas, 'Ewerymhing vas soit! ar faitim noe. aacsrought aven more than the=e vs reasou tte Jook fori judg. ing froiû thcway they hart fately beenýsel- "Dng. Mr. , urroug4s Winll mnove ut iedvl-'ý 4age at once. t The m-amày frbeàdi ofMrR.H ak kIIregret t et R he recenîly met with an accident ini the gymuasiûmàýof wbîch.be la and one of ibe fingers of bis iglit bond put. cut of Joint. W. hope,, the camoful Ireatmenî hé ts reoeiving vilisou resutitn bis complote -We, tbink va bave bad, ourt,0jamüf haé M.Géore soerjut stage driver bad<t tbe mis, ~leg bere on Tuesday nig box. Fortunately itl, Wich, Wa s Son repaire& Thomas Tibnwhol Que Ott - A wej he bad ý but a few days à every day 0 n crease Grdalrle overcaMeî no 0611ï lofor,,arjwitl h k ~Heisnot aa tropn a W o l e t : -ofo l o w bI is q w i th a s ', ., u c b s 1 u c c a s > bis dvaita~èkeenly han ask for charty;- lDr. Bare~s buto re - cunt cu1~iIlrsby u reeves liaas ss l iha- S bo ldsîbaýq't elula ger he i the lIonger iit talces to. tî and the more it couts ù quence. There la no di s3aviog calq le madel _weak pont te the -billisl left to -deide, for the mséj adopt t .PrdOlàlon for will requirégeatotdeal 1 nssiOnràY Wo.rk to induc to, vote. tlhemacifves out,"ý plalo artesat the Co revs SR it ree'v à t0 thtuDIe gteat char tedep-u Il -ev lanot For ha;bei dith's onçe ih p rIova -ANNLIAL De5> 8ALE IFU R N1IT U RE. Utake Tour Molo arly. OUR- STOCK ONTAINB31: BOOK CASES, £ÂSY CHAIRS& -S7TuDEnT CHIAIRSp, OAA> ROCKF*, RA TTAN ROCZRtR Àt Lowest :Priées. w- 4.or.dfa.8 en*inaizcd D. tWA RBRN, SPEOCT .Es'! 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