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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1894, p. 5

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Kt the. oeirsI 4 fr 0M C, ilCLi Office 15 directi thi ofthe town hall ~rs u ModaYstated 'f that City. w85 wSfltô gauh~it 15 itmtd, is issrryna, the~ ,ct" &amer, lu.,lng avrents 'Wn TorofitO. store tu this hop idjolulng Heênrys ~"Our & any Ne! Whiecli are Daili n mu sattxray the big bar-0 , ui ber0antiillie ngs slud vt~ ohr below Itl ra :)do * tM1 be clearêd'oui Great Sale Q roomi for -Our EMBROIDERIE 8, IN$SERTIIONS, 'g GosCOTTONS, I-INEN, ET(. ykrrvmng. Now Going On. Miss Detwiler, 18 now lIet'e, and ispreparedl ~. rdee, to., froý,m ail wishing eiiîily Sprg Millinery enig Azmoucment next week. 4JÈO SF ISTEWAIRT. .1 d Cati- u~? ~iali -J- -- 1894. tag Theoip Uht shoud be ta Cinadian.wbovie ova coanty am oeu7genereas effet w 'owderm 'tiat tiir emîer Get yourfire-pots, grates, itou or brick lnlmmgfr a&l kindi of stoves, ranges or furàsïDS, tom J. Mcltyte. Jmwt receivel a fine selection of kuittingi îsuinla aIl colors, At enly 25c. a speoî, ut W, -H. Warremis, uew dry goods store. Dry go oda were neyer sold ut sncb 1ev prices iu tuis towo as ut present. hti 18 Do trouble te look la our advertising columus and discover tint the keen competition liasbrougbt articles down te cost or iower. Read tie advs., and goveru yourselves accordingly. A Knights Templar ciiarm. between the. Collegiate Ittute and the. post office. Finder vil1 ho rewarded by leaviug it ut this office. Firat clas5 Sale. l t. A. Balmers saie of farm stock, im- plemeate tind fodder ou Wednesday vent off inu capital style. 'The bard tînmes did not prevent Mr. Fairbanks froni sellilug ut high prices. This'proves the advantage of having the. list pubbd lu ths Journal. -We cati defy suybody to point ont a suc- cessîni sale held lantlus part during tie lai elght yesrs whicb vas net advetised inie CERONu.CL. Many'mIa have lest from-$roo te $3me la their total returu by, advertislug ethbetwise. Thé Delta.. etthe bridge.' of -late anmeecvii disposd >parties bave îndulged Lh prylogithe cnt atone cappîng off'the brIck walla wh chg_ü"r.the. ap. proaches te tthe railiwy bridge ýbetweeu thé. townu sud tii. bay. itith ol f flnding eut, who doesi t a detctive vas here for a few days over SudAylast.'He watched twoo ulhts witlm the. ope of catch- ing ithe pard atie ut , sad wrre*urdeifý by overbeariag 'a namber of Youg men domcssing lii. viiele busies. G. -H«"t trici, I- Paqitsud Fred Taylor have, been saumoutdand a umber of others as witeess. Taylor in ssld te have sldp- ped oui-sand the. others were tried before the. police magistrate y.sterday arte!nuOO'f, As u mgèntd te U&. - i bas bema uggested to.ues t t ans out, bal joie e s u= st,-uI Y. It i' being pro- «ge eadi, Que part ,u tan nbe secured vpon which will le sud forwarding It *o ,along with 12 CUtS mýay aelngsund pos. Jtyof pouesslng m9 lçrature ionqe. Ldvsutageofby evcry to know about i., ihmn The. Globelis RZiýde su Wt te wear maase in a 1full of ligures ini Bicyclinig Custume sud aueor- igina l pece of Munsic entitled The Cydaits? Match. Mothers of fanililes will be glad of the. aid of the very suggestive paper ou Fitting Oui the -Famuly fo Spring and Summner, and botii Metiers and Daughters wiIl b. inîcrested in the opening chapter of a series treating of the relationship be. tween the two. Some. uew disbes are given undef the head of Dainty Cookery, The paper oq Howt te Live Wisely opens a subject that should commend itself te al housekeepers, and the chapter on The Etu- quette of the Dinuer Tale reat f the niost refined observances at the festive board. The contribution on Tiie Uses of Crepe and Tissue Papers gives familier la. struction lu the making ofnxaziy aseful and ornaniental articles. Arouud the Tea table furnishes both instruction and enteramu ment, and further entertaluiment 18 provid. ed lnuAh Eastét Party ahd Litetary Cih&. ades. TÎhe latest. literature la discnséed in Among the Newest goocs4 and Flower Culture forthtei Month tels vihat work sheuld be doue ilu preparing the. Garden for the ýSprring and Sutnmert Tii. illustra- ted urticles on Nettlng, Tatting, Knitting, 1Crochetting, etc., are as facinatiug as us. qal te, the lover of-fancy vonk. The snb- icrpon price of The DelineatOr is S.oo s year. Single Copies, 15 Cents.. R. S. Cornmack agent ut Wiiitby. WlAt i"istowu vanta. Witby owu vains eues. Darng tie, p ast winter and spriug a namber of mem bave corne te tevn te enquit. imteontu scbol system, and 'te tocate here -if ail woeesatisfactory. They fud eut public school3s COU'teglteInstitute sud ladies oeleg.se ou te n lthe worlde bat aittervards foudud that smitable houses coald net b. had: They alsumedte b. seeklug a gond square block of a bouse vlthsix or eight rooms,aad se hant tii- eue stove vil hbeat ail bat the. kitéhen. For sach bouses more thau a dozea ten- ants could easily be fonnd wlliug 1f1a from$S t Oit pet monthk If sôu» building companyor weal±iy.muen vouid - put up, L 4tvet ctuges'aucii as ve speak cf the" laeiemtould b. a meut satlsfactory ýu t i ong rua. Tiiose vimi have isPE~INa- Wil' ope n w. a five daye, titi Maya6th ire bigiu to run for. 'Cher. ane twenty four ln tihe final Hitjet the Qoenùs plate.Tihe course is ln conplete condi- tion -and a greîtweek's sotmay be Ae- ]LoveMs of gôOd herses willi ePjoY a treat st theiI rlshed in Torouto, on Mrdi o&h and s"th int4as entries are- comuglà niely ad 1tii heso1w boIasS, to be a ývU"SheaU ver arangment*W lbu, mande forth.e comfort of visitm s.'A meet*; ing of the. Agrculturai sud AtA ssoÂàcWa tion wiU b. eld t the. sasse titue,- te wbichvisiteraca at theirown0station se' cure, st andard certificate, xncelpts -(tee la attend entitllugtbeua te retura' at oue- tbird lr. oa. ot uold *wlU aIse bW Atthe IaUt«egurmýeetig of Prineis Of I..150WoWU wu eoteu a'.ILw uauçî"'" AMer the resmlar bidneus of thelodge Wus - theo iiivsilug, embers were asked to psr ae of r==shent in the *ay of coo.,cake, etc., aft.r whi a, very inteoing programmle, consistlng of vocal sud1b»lsumentu1 music, readifigs, -logeTbeý metig w4 iouglit -te ai close by siW im te naticua athem ' and a&U expreislsng t ves as havlag Spýnt a verv no hibe eveùin. W. do pot feel lIe advertlalng (ee 1I sorts-of sumiversarlos, iodais and concerts tuat ay b. beId. tbrougioat the coulity.' Advertlsing la part of the. meuxîs lbwhlçlt we live, sud we caunot seord te o 0it fer nothing. We notice that lu cases where psers used te be printed for socials, con- certs,, auniversaries andthe Hâte, they uow rély upon the newspaper correspondeuatt te "rte te their respective papers giviug long announcemeats, and thîs leaiÎes no necessity for posters., In towmi we charge where dumission feeseare collete, unleis there is job work doue iu conn ectlonwt the matter. O)ut correspondents have the pagd intention of iieiping things aI6ég, but it la at our cost, and we must asit for (air play. A Free Library. No towaof tii. ize of Wiiuby In this age shouldi be wftiout its free llbr ry sud pttbkrediarom mot e 7 gverned, anq* w. sh>oWliee tOit tuai al te people are iducated, la ,order that a4, ay b. on the ,tde ofor d.r-ad progress.1 The free reading institut. ibut the. logi-, cal sequeuceeofthe freuhol. If thetax-- payer eau afford, te maire Intelligent citi., zens of tbose -wiie shah gotvera, la future, whyaot rais.the. standard ni -thoe.wltb, whom we are associated.,,lu managlug the, afiairsoftodaîy? Ihseems so grôsslyiyl-ý consistent ln a people. te spead seven or, eight thonsand dollars, per samaa n edu. cthn te rising ge*mrtioa, -"it wê e ette enmd thi e fv hua dreds, hc would râÏse ourselves out of -the m~tut ; ignorance.- 'hia tpwp -vas o=. akeà with astrong -desfrefor a ree 7iab1#t*d > Ing roomu, but ignorance gnd, -pPp*dle prevailed, and ti, tus day iiunzedsé oéj>sedtl%.advauce arce wltbmÇi- , ànw thrgof ti thi-nu ae" ys ngO. [ÂWAI ONT,, -j 801T1Nc3- s W ~ish espeoially to. cali the attention f Gentlemeon to our advanoe importatiôns,0f NIEW* SPRING SUITINGS -FOR- 1894.l which render them 8pecially attrýactive l ladmùiera of Good 'Desg French, and engh Wotsteds lu- all thelatest> shades. soc~h Gooda 'M'mixturpa, wfth ïmo4eut effeot, show the, tred of, We taire speeiai pains in cûtering o6 the trade htha*nt., the buet that c'an be had ai the Lowes't Prico PossiWe0 SpigTrousemga.-Sp g1à'ea11 and in"pect our Pants for! $S.50 and $4.00.- Br3Perfect mit eùMasnteed. Pul 6iesi Gents Furnishing also' iïï k MEBOHÂINT TMILOBR AND CUTPTE d T hKR L4 Wedesare Ine £1188 MORU£Yl DUN) ~for le fer r 20. poutuI1y ~Ia asgh temb. l ti, cf keeplOf lthI stho e nwho corlngouiof StIie pan t h ,i ttu ,ofecming wgrand nêg Itis mon fadvoe with c fures , fthe 4 wav earu ofte n iths toid ertw uit' oredwthesic tur' soifth" î-8.Fit anid or$5, $16 fine , Ohildren's and ~BlaghteingPrices. r-are go to. ,verything goes. The Bar gaintHouse. HAYWARD &00. v. aser. EET.ý /1MN B

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