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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1894, p. 7

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Ii tio anirlensiyft %10eut sertolus Indigestion, 8.6a, bilieus.. nes and ver- tigo indicate certain func- tional derange- rem.bdy for vlncis aAyer's Pils. Purely vege- table, sugar-coated, easy to tako aud qulck te assimilate, this la the ideal faxuily medicine-the most pepular, *at., and usetu aperient iu phar- iacy. Mms M. A. BROCKwELL, 11~arris, Tenu., says: ".Â4yer's Cathartic pilla cured me ef alck ileadache aud my huabandeof neurs.ila.WO think there la No Botter Medicino, and have Induced many te use IL «ITMny-yive years age ibis Sprlng, I1vas mtn down by hard werk and a succession of colds, which made me se, feeble tRati was au effort for me te waik. I cousulied thie doctors, but kept sinkiug lower until i had gîven up"ail hope ef ever being better. Uappeuing te be iu a store, eue day, wbere maedicines wene sold, the proprietor uottced iuy weak sud slckly appearauce, aud, afier a few questions as te my health. recoin- sueuded me te try Ayer!s Pilla. 1 had ltte faith lu these or any ether uxfeilue, but coucluded, at asat, te take his advice and try a box. Belore I had used theni ail, I was Very much boiter, and ive boxes cured me. Iamn now F30 yesra old; but I behleve that if It had net been for Âyer's Pilus. I should have beeu lu my grave loug ago. 1 buy 6 boxes eveey year, whtch make 210 boxes up te thîs tixne, aud I wouid ne more be with- eut theni tban vithout bread." - H1. E. Ingraham, Rockland, Me. AYER'S P1LLS Pmrpared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweHl, Vas Every Dose Effective A. Strange Experietce. AN INTERVIEW WITH A WELL KNOWN BRlANT COUNTY LADY. Suffored for Two Years % Vith Sick Headache, Dizzint-sa and Dyspep sia-How She Fouud Relief-What Well Kvown ObemieLa Say. From the Brantford Expositor. Mrs. S. W. Avery live8 on Pleasant Ridge, abont four muiles out of the city of Brantford, that being ber nearest post office anîd where ail ber trading is doue.- Mr. and Mrs. Avery have ai- ways live din that neighborhood. and ie- i. tht owner of two splendid fams, the one wbere hie ve8coousistiug of 160 Acee and the other -Iyîng near Brant- ford- eomprisieg 100 ares, - They a», bighly ret;pected reaidents of the coin- rnunir.y iu which they reside, and every person-lor miles arouud knows theni. kLiviug 'heard that Mrs. Avery had been cured of chronie dyspepsia and in- digestion, by the use of Dr. Williamns' Pink PMis, a reporter calied there re ceùtly anddasked if she wus willing to makie publie the facts cooucaruig the cure Mr. Avery replied that she had benefited by the use of Pink Pilla, and was perfectly willing to give ber experi euce for the beiiefit of those who niight be isimilarly suffening. -For the paat two years, sald Mrm. Aveny, 1-I had been greatly troubled with a very @iok headache, and a cough which I believe were the symptenis of dyspepeis and indigestion, and I could find nothing to, relieve nie although I tried several dif - feretat medicines. .1 could not find anythiug which weuld even relieve my cough, whieh at times would be very ievere,, Early lisat wiuter I read in the Expesitor of Dr. WiUliams' Pink Pilla, aud au the symptomae mentioned wore somnewhat sim.ilar to mine I was thus ind-uced te try theni. I prooured a upply froeusrs. MoGregor & Mer- nil, druggistse o Brantford. Before I had used -two boxe@ of the Pink Pille I felt so ruuoh better and relieved from my distressine symptoqps thât 1 tbought it would b. best t e ontinue taking theni through the winter, aud I aordingly get another supply and used thein with the result tiiat I have been totally rolieved I have-flot once since bad the severe headoclhes which formerly made oey lf. iniserable and my cough bas entirely &iîappeared. I atrougly recommeàd Pink Pilla tei any- ene wbo uffeà aimilar to what~ I did, from disuinema, hesdacb., indigestion, «e. and I1'batieye they vil!derive great benefit frou heir use. Mns. Âvery'es tatement wue oorrobor.. ated by ber band, who wau preseut durwng the. interview, and who sud that without a shadow of a doubt Pink Pilla had aeeorpplielhed more for bis vif. thau auy other medicine whioh s had taken. Mesure. MeGregor & Merrifi wvein-- terviewed, aud * rep11y te a qiiiy as to the oaleof these ne, Mr. MeoGrfe mid : "W*have soidl nthe. nolgbor.- hood of 5,009> boxes during thse p twelve montha and thoera la -no rensdy w. handie gives bettes, s#isàfotie t env -enstomers tissu Dr. Wilhlams i" Pila. I hae very congdence tl>at. Pink -Pilla are the boast on-thse marketi and somethine tis e oa 4epessd -Sr.VeM, te ohermem8bor .More plessur*is seiling Pink Pilla than & elUher mediMine ve isaplebcss The above Council met in general session, pursuant to adjourument at Township Hall, Brougham, ou Mouday, March 5th 1894. Members al present. the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting ro3ad sud approved. Several accounts vere preaented snd referred to the various standing cern- mittees. Mn. Gerow, seconded by Mr. Poucher moves for leave te introduce s by-law Le appoint Township ofiicera for the year 1894, sud that the samne be now read a firai lime' sud thet it be read a second sud ihird time at the next regu- Ian meeting of thia Couecil. Mn. Poucher secended by Mn. Rich. anda, moves that the following resolu- .npaaaed ai the last meeting efthiis ý0ou ucil be reacinded sud expunged ftom the minutes of aaid meeting. viz: "\Mr. Gerow, seconded by Mr. Poucher, tdàoves ihat the apecial report of tho Aü'ýitora be adopted, sud, the acceunt8 decil red audited, carnied.- yo standing cemmittee ou contiri- geucies b. ave to report sud reconi- meud as te èws ; Paymenîtet W. J. Clark for prniug 300 Auditera' Re- ports $16. D. R. Beaten ton diaburse- meuLa $rO ; aise fer drawïiig arbitration agreetnejt iu duplicate, Patterson& Meyersansd Corporation with two bonda $5 ; R. R. Mowbray for telegraphing expenaca ie cennection viii îhe arbit- ration beiveen Patterson & Moyen and the Corporation 75 cents. Ail et vhieh i. w-epetfully ssabmwittel- On motion of Mn. Richards, chair. man. report was adopted. Your standing cotnmittae on Reada sud Bridges bega beave te repent snd recornmend as follova Payîuenite W. F, Joues for nailsansd supplies in cou- nection with repairinig bridge opp lot 8 in 'th cou, 50 cents. M. W. Brown for delivening two toise atone opp loi 2 pu W ingaton -road, ai $3 50 per toise $7, "s p- 'oûtract. John Crumpton, gra- vellïîig on easteru tovuline opp lot 8 in 9 con. culvent sud spikes for sanie (Pickering's ahane) $7 374 Juno Coul. tice for 5 toise et atone de&vered ai Dunbarten ai $3yper toise $15. Jno Short tor breakiug five toise et atone on Kingatene road ai loi 27, $27.50. Youn cemmittee bega leave te au- knovledge a communication troni Park- er & Ce. in ceeneciien with having a road opeued beiveen lots Gansd 7 in 9th concession. Yeun coinmittee would necommeud thalt the Clerk b. sud is hereby inatructed te write the C. P. R. Company explaPjung the wIole matten, asking for immediate action as te their interesta as te making crosang over railroad, aise te- write Meurs. Parker& Co., explaining the action tise Council hue taken in thse matten. Ail et vhich ils respecttully snbmitted. On motion et Mn. Genev, chairman, report vas adopted. Mr. Hilta, seconded by Mt. Richsards'. meves that the Reeve grant his erden on tise Tresren in tavor ofthîe parties recommended lu the reports oethtie van- iu standing cotumittees as presented this da. Mnr. Rita, seconded by Mn. Pencher, mores tisatihe Reevè bhansul hereby authoris.d te grant his enden on tise Tr-esaren for auy vitness teeu or other expense. in cennection vIitho he trition wlth Patterson & Mayers. Mr Gerow, seoonded by Mr ifil- moyes tisaittse Beeve heansul- hereby appoiuted te loock aîter the. lteresi et théè Corporation ln the- cdming arbitra- "io betweesi nid Corporýation snd Pet tevuon & Mayeru. Mn. Richarde, am-eonded- by MÉ.- Hita uaaose, Bouelea es r uteo àqu îoaoga as Pink, Pille, but w.e Onne oeaointioslyasy80,knewing -Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pillaare uold only îe boxes boaring the finns i'ea mak- sud vrapper, (printed in red*k-. Bear in mind that Dr'. Williàîms' Pin Pilla are nover sold in bulk or by the dozen or hundred, &nd auy dealer Who offere substitutes in titis tern isj tryiug te defraud yen and sheuld be avoidod. The public are also cautioued against ail ethen se oalled bleod builders and nerve tenics, put up in einilar terni in- tended te deceive. They are ail imita- tions whose makers hope te reap a pecuniary advantage from, the vouder ful reputatien achieved by D.W. lianis' Piuk Pilla. Ask your deaiýer or Dr. Williams' Pink Puisafor Pale P o- pie aud refuse ail imitations sud ub- stitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla ni be had ef ail dnuggistson direct b mail froni Dr. Willi&ms' Medicine C nipauy froni subher address. The e at which Pille ave eold meje a cou e of treat- meut comparatively in pensive as cern pared with ether reneie je or medi- cal treaimeut. These pille are mancfa tuned by the Dr Williamis' MedicineC mpauy Brook- ville, Ontario, sud Sc eueciady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the fit-m's trade mark sud vrapper, ai 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82 50. They niay be had from auy dealer, or will be sent by mail ou receipt of pnice. Pickering Qouncil. BcrapiL t is stated that there la a css of pro- fessional jurymen in Montreal vho serve on juries for pay, sud who guanantee a disagreement of the jury in any case where they are net chailenged and put ou. A new Atlantic mail service is beitag con- tracted for which is te rue neanly 2,5 miles per hour, Lord Roseberv, the new prime minuster of England, ts said te be thce wner et the favorite for tRis year's Derby sweepstake. A man was shot sud sevenal oethens wounded at Troy, N. Y. t'a an electien neot Monday. The Republicans made great gains throughout the state, vhblcb il is expected will go Republican iu every election Rere afier. "But -iviRla gwrougbi by vaut et theught, As elas vaut ol beart.e 1y vaut et theugbît uothonw1v4tb ers te, become f rail sud punv. Overstd iu girls induces utonine diserde»sdws- ne, sud bligbtte ir tfuture hsppiuosaM vi ves sud-1 mothers. Joined to propenhbyg-i. ence cane, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presenspt. ion in a priceles remody insnobialimentq, us8 value becomiug even moto appant evssy year. Using it, the van, debilhated sool girls gaies celor, flesh sudspirieq. Ioemg > those deatbly beadaches. terzmting bsek- aches, laugour, dejection, snd otherusyajmp. toms of functional irregnlanitias, and nonv. ous debility. Itanoverl Iharisa ti. eul- cate girls. RLoberiadale, Huntingdon Co., Pa. WORLD's DieszffsÂnvMzDicàL 4auooui&eu1 Geutaen- I canuet suffiMm4tlydupreot you My gratitude fer the bonàa6t you medicinehbas ooferned upen my dauglZor Of laie she auffered n pain vbmtver. 'h is simgly Marvelous Yen have Juat ream to caU h tyenn 'Favorite Prescription," snd te take your reputatien m à physiesan on At, A favorite prescription hi l, fad te y ou aud te ibonsivida int iis land,#MdÏ ballais vll be te euffsriug vomn e.Sa voaRven. Yeurs graiefulli , THIOMAS THIRIJWELL. Asihms ocured by new1y disov.d, tresto mueut. Pamphlet, t«stunonials sud raton. enees free. Address World's D "uma, Medical Association, Btuffalo, N, y- Near Prairie du Chien, Wis., K athias Ludoischka Rav in vai t iathe wda u-d when bisestepdanghter passed'h.e éhot 1114 mortally venpded ber. BUT ONE OPINION prevails eut the vonid, sud tisai la e. 'gtj, l tavour ef Perry DamI' PAwN Xî~i ne othe r sttcle sen sttsined s*- spresd popu1àritYý,25e. baya à biyt-bttý Bunglars stoe M$30 #Mlà0e 'i, Silver f rom Oakviil Peut2ùoFi4 A Leittex frenina Pkoaimt igex bodyt-ýold i lu OÈ e Dodd'a Kidn.y Pid1.fM~ "I vonld cossiden it atais show me te .dd myte t huÈdreds yeon àuooubt bîi wondertul ceffetdby VUr kisve, been pgseroe liavo pai-d ontb lic mshave 'poper nourishme urn rotor they wjîî flot de-velop,ý unifo0mrl., They- find the fOlOd they iteed -in Scott' There is Cod-liver Pophosphites of lime Physicianis, the world Emulsion OI for healthy flesh a nd hy- and soda for" bone material. over, endorse it. Àng tW aWgbbro~,i~ll sr v im bu the oo.viie e 2ecm -munity. Mr,. ÀArouperkins in nov rejoioing- over the aàct t*-iéhB O* v lsa ahappy- a. Hié e esiable -Wvitepresented in lah a briï .yd nosy ciieeked bab tew days aince. isa Mary MoeBrien bas been upend- i a fev days with friendai Toronto. Miss Obien, et Rochester, termerly this plaoe lias lately been renewiflg old acquaintances. Miss Joeeph Brignali, et Toronto, vho han beau spending a few weeku witit her sister, Mis SaràhIs awrence has returned'home. Baron Rothchild hue began spring verk. The finitst vas te buny lis besi herse. Cause of death heant iail une. The speciai meetings have been go- îng on during eiz week. ewing te tthe bsd state ofthtie roada the meetings have not beeu largely atteuded. J. W. Salton spent Sabbath eu.the Island. We understand Johts las oc- casion te go nonth quite ofien. The robins sud fiah vernis bave made thein appearance. Look eut for thse auckera cotning uorth as the spring creeka begin te raise. All these changea are sure sud certain indication of spring. Wood bees have been the rage duning the past few veeka: A&nybody bav- ing a pile of wood te work up for the stove could net do botter than socure- the services of a fev et thein neighbons and frieuda, durng corne fine jsun shiny day snd gîve ful partictilas as te length and quaiitity desireuis et gotting eut, snd their desire vil aurely be more than met, as the different wood cntting carnivals that have taken place, vis : Messrs. Wise. Rarbron, Richardson, Stepherson Bros., have preved te be notorous in couventing legs ie steve wood. Our advice is if you have vod to cut, buy a quarter et beof sud cal in and set te wonk at your wood pile a tew of your beai vorkiug fniendsansd neighbors. Purify the Blood, correct ail Disorders ofthOe LIVEl, STOXÂoZ XTDNEYS AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restzera te heath Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in al. Complaints-incidentai te FenWaes of ail age... For children and the aged they are priceles. Manufaetured ouly at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (sLate SU,* OXFORD STREET), LONDO-N, and Boia by ail Medicine Vendors throughout the World. &VPurchasers ahouid look to the label ou the Boxes snd Pots. __________________If the addre.u tinmot SU, Oxford Street, L -nd»n, they are spurtous For (hait Bad Cotigh of' or As a. Preventive and Cure of ail Throat and Lung Diseases.-r, hK$151 Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse ail substitutes. 8e0 they are stamped thuas: PATENTED SEPT. ard, 18894. Ne. 20110. NONFÇ ARE GENUINE UNLESS 80 STrAMPED. 0"Fefiftme yeara I bave suffred vush In7. rdigestioni, and during that ditre I could get noding te give mue relief. aithough I tried a t t ay differeut kindu ef medicine noSmmended for that complaint I nov IW! 11k a nov Mani and ibis wonderful châg. bal beea ccmpliabed by tbe use of to*s botties of Northrop & Lymausa Veget- sbefwiovery.'T me it bas beau a valu- abo ni.ie.' Rarniten and Tcrouta baya are ciear of - uElaar4s LIMieàa uaed by Pbyule- Leeidon cabtuen threaten te, stnike. For First-class Footwear Faultless Fit. and Finest Finish, in Foremost Fashions, at Fairest Figures, Fùîd y~ii r~ r o1ttise - BEALITIFUL AMERUJAN WA LL PA PEJW, Borders to Ma tch AT LOWEST -:PRICES. Corne arly and get firat choiéé. P. B. WARAM, Bryan'a old Stand, Brook St., Whitby SITTINTGS of-the DIVZS1ON COURT COflNTY OF ONTARIO, 1ee- Waxruv-D. 0. MacdonnellWhxtby ,Clerk Jan. 2; - Feb. 2; Mar. 2; Âpril 3, May 2; June 2J ulyS; Sep. 3; Oct. 2; Nov. 2; Dec. B' OanWÂD C. Maco'cneUl, Whftby 0Clerk -ý Fob.3; April 4; June 4; 0Oet. 3; Dec. 4. BRot7GHA-M. Gleeson, Greenwoed ,Ciexk --Jan. 3 - March 3; May 3; July 9; Sept. 4 Nny. 3. FouaT PFEarR-J. W. Burnham, Port Perry, 1rk-Je.n. 29: March 9; Mry 9; July il; ~Sp.7; Nov. 23. UxE3XDG-J05. E. Gould , Uzbrldge, Clerk -Jan. 30; Maroh 14; May 15; July 12-; Sept. 19; Dec. 17. o4xS.t~GTo-George Smith, 0Oann nto-n Clerk-,Jan. 31; March 15; May 16; lly18; Sept. 20; Dec. 18. - B-»ÂvzaTox-G. P. Bruce ,Beaverton 01er k -March 16; May 17; Sept. 21: Dec. 19. UrnuReaO- F. J. GiReOpie, ÇJPtrgreVe, Clerk-March 17, May 18; Sept. 22 ; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FÂEEWELL. Clark of the-e a ce. November lSth, 1893. - 18a ck a eh 6 rneans the kid- -.neye are- in troubla .Oodd' Kidtney.-P Ila -giVeé firat ;cauaed -by disordered - id- try to ýhave a' yeltgciy Without 58w cf- aga, as good * heaith w/ian t/i. kidn.eya are 010gg994tieg adre Sold byiRdeakmrort Mc pisé o cnts. per1 Dr .l Sutit& C'a." the --c ef th~ea dan otrorü Br(ghta Dia.b.it DropaX.10 1.8. TUsy TIiin Children are flot known among those who take SCOTT'S EMUL~- S ION. Bables grow fat and chubby on it, and are good natured because they are well. Prepared by Scott& Bowne, Belleville. Ail Druggists, 50 cents -and $1I.

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