Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1904, p. 4

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f - ~ ýware., eeriDgt il 1847. us a.. ........ the Ban ýd SON Lng Rings.j « a larger Etc. j Ihis month .25C. esel *.,.àc. eâeb- ...60c. eachl ...40c. eaeht neC values* ver. -- STREET 8OUTH-l WHITIjY. .UEA.RY 4,.1904., t rc3ilw'eek, Uliii, et tIrie dses n" lie, tirai. - a-id question -whicil-lm ateCÉ: îgreatiy as tbnt- 1et . There irere tisree a-ures wiriscis trans- shoulti pessess -_1, ERf- easonablenesetf-prices; nation ageinst aýnyouse. tatiun le cbtina &cent- armlle1 lins througis If t,.re ,line,.s exiet tîreen Montreal a-ut ates nlhtIre tise-saute inresent arrangement by ýtns>tS uniLe1-ethse rail-, w'ecoutroileti. Tite Co anieseha~d àinl o discrintinate ngainst )TpOsatiOa in favor oet imsy oa etectua-ly seulj oneiga trade againet n îî iriis te injure; Ti's 18b. Ile gave an ex-, thre rates ot freigîr. doublet un cune- Ont-_ t warning, inti e large. more tise lucre-nse had .nd thse profit entireiy tBanie' monument ;, a ah a .1 eýq f reiist iNova Sccdtia. A "stt m'! rpoçte-d "f roui NVaiesý Chicago te Portlandt, -nm wVhitby ho tise m ougb tise distancetli Ile te Chiciago. Grain iý.tn cati Ireshipped ho portsa rnd tirence te- bout iraithtie rates frein atreni. For' every dol-- m'o fruit groeres ne-- sisippeti te Mentreal, xmpanles receive n like baninge-, Millens ceau ir cat'nieti cheapert ia-n grain. Tise- farmers. e *300, '000 per 'year -on ions. Pleur le -car- 3nrita-la for 30c. per ban- 1es are charged 900e. !itere ehoult ba ah leait [4-0e. a 1arreh. Ontarie lose #400,000 a- year it. CattIe are canmisd es rats, f ret Buffalo rd tItan f rom Toronto art. Thlé Ontario >er $100,000 a year in le -armer anti mnnufnc- niteti States 'wer ir'u.çh y oituated id ibhe md-i ra{ns ihan hase et Can- Il carry freight lu tise as $1 mil carry 1h ' ln ee-oper'ation et Cnnad- ffl reseslte-d in securing rat. redutioti in thée te tle %veet on tison- mals. Tise- fa*es'of. 'tete6, by , co-dFratioii, àe alrni)atreductieti*on, tes 'duifiîther ,-padt rare.' Whis hould tise ,natia net -co-operahe ho eatinenL t ahie banMi of i CoMpa-iiesq. le, yre-- s- sy4apathetiti- tewards %ad as 1h ba n tire con- y mnathers, and eas -a - going about - wser- Id.,best. undertan4 and unl rnilmiry natter-- a mae daîrning fon-- Can- ra. - - -- )re-y, Dominion Fruit la- intereshiiig information pme-nt uf fruit.- by eold, anti- on bo.ard boat. -A ment isatibesu brouglh palging ho 4ealèrson %lrich, woe BtS c5lg bae4 totrther 1ton nutisat protectionl and make their influence feit, wiresna ig uctividual- stand- ing on oîibtrpld unr foot. b7 wecmthy corpora ttuns. lit tue evening Mr.s J. L. Sinih.i-as invited ho tise Chair o.n"ltC*5uet et tise M 1eetings beng -under tise Fointintanl agemüeast «nL the Farm.ers' 'Institute. a-ti the, Wonen's Institute. Miaecynolds dea-It wit.istisef uis- joo u <ilniÈsand: ifeme Making." hSke favorel -keepiag -tise bouse smaller, more moder, anti conven-_ ieutlylaid etit. Getfaciie4ie3 fer, bri nging tise iater into ,le; kit- chea, andi have as many city cenven- isecet-s apossible. Have a -sqnk in. thse kitcheî, and a irtaste pipe te Carry the . irater _awaluy. wom en ought ho bave somnetiing _ho. sav in tisa matter etf layiiig out th isIcse. Mley have to do tisevôr.k la it, and they. chould see tisa.h iîL i3 .arrasged, whea building, ho sa4ge tisiir iwonk, ad flot leave ýt al Le otise nen. IHave la reptr-wVti a einis -in it, s týe ±1h'ça àabe usd asa i t-en id a -dinirtg rontin tise summer tiyùe and- k.Y addirîg a, tore -te ýit la the wiater tuie it ceulti be useti as a kit- chen. This mould, unet upset - tise 1àtiser rTOorne. HaveÃ" lide doors,%IV ing, rend, a plpçe, fer provisions k. pantrýy. So.maanypeoepIe Hin.g te- se rnany &tepsq. W-len building sces tisat tisereare a" tecsas possible.1 Ne oaa except aloese iise have to go up -.rnd demististhmkun- l-'a agreatý deal et mabte btrength iiese: numer- ous etepma .cauess, Dou' 1-arve - teeo Itrgt,,aalireuse, Just lroenoug)Q for n-tuai reciuiremeàit5. Tisen tIrey- are eaeily beateti, and- 1h sliont §ece!s- sasy te chut up aàsu part cf tise hovse. *,Tise r eis no reuson w-hy farin house s sioulti not en»,v urnuces. We oug-h te plan for ventilaion itith- ôýut kaiing a draft.' More attention shouid be pajd te auor %,eiitilatiîcn. We iîtx i* oesrons, ail seni5gand, upon retiring tisrow oepen tise door, ien., in thlat iraf'tire sanie air -gees into offr bedrors te be, breatheýd in al night. Tisen wve awake intiseionr- ing and feel bseavy anddiii. ,Il.iuilti- ixg 'bave the viùdovtand dç)or:op- posite, E othat tise noom.nt-cia irýè properly. We ougist ho go ila for contfortable- Lames - net grand ihumés -- ý w-die sioulti uïeýail parts ot tiat heome. ýVien tire boy- ceeres- in don't drire âa keep hira iu tise kitchen. If ouirbous e istQ god for isent IL is. tee) gced. for strairgers. Let us take plea.qune'eut efthtie lioncie.: Let'shave more -easy chairs -and cu.shirins. tend use- tisera. , ýTue -many. f armners aire- ,ztriving te- leave mone lutot.eir girls, aâed beys,.'and nrothing sIse. A btter thing --Oivold itie les money and more muse- buksandi educatian. h. is net enoy, that ntakès a great people; 1h is :intellect,. Tje beys- andi girls alleuiid Ire t.luglst.ho e'bserve, and adi- rmire wirat Goti haesmasde insteaxi ut ma. We sisotid.hry toe xcel l iviatev 'er we undertake, and irot Le content ivitIl isap-hazard-nmethofls. Tbsere isonld be a 1-sm fiomers a.11.te smalt lawn-in- connectien with tise. -ar-'bouse. *-Tuiips, asters, etc., ;are easily clt Nte. lere tisehomte otirepiundinigr; 'are.negle cted tise boys andi girls sooea lese interes inla fart lite andi long to etre jet.ý Then a sommer parler coulddlbe made un- dem tlise tees iviene e, %ûcoultiget oui offtise hot ktiehen'part ut'.tiseinte, anad sit in tise cooliien W.inmt4- tci Peel Our potahees ad gucislike. -.A gr6e;t fàllinig..on tise part Of ruotiès ià their doing tee mueli for the Uchid- s'en.. Tisey nsould, ,leara ishent tti dôe inore for - theaiseive,,an&i nake tis', Chidre moeelf-reliant.. j!.Buùting, i~ pk in thse,- teri*df; aisht spke ts~ai'r' t flo eps-rtion 0 !Mr. . VL. smith spoke alcing tise "hu otrmes'. t ~tehco - meeting bf{ne O - s ho "G ýbecôime moe ê - td.andtiniiithat: waIIy be -the better 'able f.t e esat tise encroacimentso, tise corporaltionts. bit. E. Liek th'otgç,ht tise fara eto sacli ïsection aisould organtue andtiohlti frequent meetings 'at. each othe-r' home-s,ý and i tien - ivien central meet- ings a re hehtId by tise Pariiiers' or Mro- mm7Ahi' -Itihttes tii-oor three tues a Iyear more interest Iouolti be taken IateS eetings. Tco Cua.a o i aà Day.- - Tal&e Laxative Brome. Quinine Tais- jetj% ý il druggists re.faud. tise mon, *y¶ 1tV mils te cure. E. W.,.'Grove's Fer ,-ontach Troubles.- tel àa-V if kehi a geant mn-nydiffen- e- i meina-sfor -étem"acis -trouble anto)i niîtion gaeys XMrs. S. Gi è4d gobk4 jiesuits frointany as tutus r abe .a 1'sStomacisanti -Liver tabl6ts.'.!For sale by A ÀH. l!4 Brie!- Locale. 1Tise printiag snaps miich t tis of- t ice, bas'rece-ntiy- basa ative-tising istili iseiti gooti. - Tiseqsmoking ceairt to e oie-Id ho- aiàbt, Tisursday, b> tire Citigeus' lBandtnla tishse- M 4i i -poStponeti te riday'evesing., rPb.i 2tis. Hateb Bron. are, holding a great learing saifet th-ieir - large stock of hardwa-re. -*1Everytiing must 'De SOLI rby theflirat ofthtise ew, ydan. Dr. IElmots ,Ramris, mise wîIl give à. & senes et t aîks on tisa 1iible ah the -Colloe, beglaaing Friday, Te b. 5ti la ah preaenhiacùuTni g twice a- dAy be-- tore tive bulandred tihutiemts in Ohie --Unives'sity.- -r - "iBill," tire- horse omneti by' Mr. 1!ony BandaI, lias departedhisi lite, after a useful eareer ut 2.8 ye'ars. lg-rapalmy days <'ii" -'vas con- sideieed one of the. be st rua-dater-na hs section, and it %vas te-w 1ros< liat oould make ii-e-ut dushF14Y ts-last wbile hnj'be-eu ret rei > CoL$BS Ms. , Abetanoir-. 9sportà - new driver- *Miss Violet Guy entercained seine of ber- friendats ta -quiitiag. bet one day_ lest week. Mn. as.Warer's second son Br ier la on tisa sick lis-t. Mm.. red I ceeps about' the ~Valhe MeL ahas beer' e6nf ined to the, .bouse' ror - everat, days *W.ith tise gripy. Ï. -Mrs. .. Coates aad son Frank, f rom Roiand, manù.'. are hoame eQn a viksit te lier motheir, Mra. P.. Harper,. sr. 1 Geo. Browa, is visiting his uncie, Jao.loweXitb.a Mm.. W. L. Orm îttu is about aý uSuaL. Greenwoed,. Jan. ,28,-- A terrible' accident tappeneti iere thi-s morning in A.* Boyer's rmilI.- Mn. Poyer, -jr is supposei, iras otling ,,a -haft, und got, Lis chotising cnught, anti.,iras wirred, arbuati lantil tise cotbing g'a7e 1w-ay. _Tissa hea mu- hhrown demn a-distance oft fitteen test jute tise hallrace, shikiag a -stonc 1mil. '%VLea found isis - body had i tete do,& tite- race a. short distance, and îrcaugit by'a plarrk. Dieuitlîr n.t. have been- instantaneous. Tisere was 110 person areui ut tire tinte. Mr- Boyer iras a ma of betîreen 65 -and 70yeanýs of age, anti Lad nesided lan titis townsisip- for rnany yeaùrd, carry- ing ou a griot 1renld suiv. miii -busi- ness, as .ireil as farming. He iras '/~versally respacteti,,and-irili Irbe irer',muelIi misset i in.this ceniniuunit3'. HeZýcupied a sêat la ',the townuship. anti eeunty ceuncil -fer a number, et y'cixM lle leave~ a widdiv', buLl ne citiltiren. -Délè ias a member et tise methbdist, chureis, andina poilities . Rtefermer.-- 31-ns. Gec!,. M. >aimer-lias beca laid up ii a Severe teýtack et la grippe,. bins. W. E. V anstons, ivillo iras ser- iouaiy iii, te. coniderabiy inîproveti. Michael Sisaugisnessy is îUpresent- ut St. Michal's isospitul, Toronito, receîiig treatntent for bis eyes. Juin Hernmingivuy and sistèer, Mrs. Johnu Huliiday, of 1%yrie, irere with John anti' Mrs. Stephenson. Aadrew: Douglas, - Sebo e iet ho St.ý Miialshospitfai, Toronto, te have a groîrtis nemoveti f rom thé cap et 0 is kase, has -raturneti'hoe,- laving a.Ibeut comphetely recovereti. Thte committes appoiated by 'tise finennen the prépare a dranma have de- cidedt tepressai t"Ten Niglisnlu -1a Bu tr-roonta." -Whiie saîriag w'ood, Wî.Dickie ,wes seizeti iitis a lfating fit. lHe- xeaU, - inte W-. B. Rogers', anti Dr. « jfmaa iras ijnrnediatciy.isummoned. 1dtoratives, irere prenîptly adminis- teretianti Le graduail3: recovereti sýut- ticient strengt tute be tuken home. Althougis stili veny weak ne la siowly -IL la our duty tue ebronicie-tise deatis et a former..ireli-known resident et itie village thie person etf Joh n L. Magct isideatis took place meist week ut ILis residence in Orono wisene: ire Iras been 'living foreins Years.. Mm-.- 5hangaclirba(t eacisedth ie ripe old agý ut 72* yeirrs. At ouc. tinte- be- euulgist la thse purblic sc in atiis vi1llage.Ilie also engaget in a -tise drug businiess,, haYÀý,g erecteti tire prgsent drug At are. bis. Mangacs is olano- inlavrYi po isealtis, is -a' otv f Picise ing,> haring' been l on tstefrinem"%i osrned by Davidi Anuan, Jr., sou Lh oet G. T. R. #ttion, her m4,ien naine beingt, iss It ha t- iitis detp regret tisat W-s re- cord tise tieatis f ina. Robe ci Ib-Tw land at tise earily age'ot 36 years-iuti 1(1 muath3.. Tise deesaseti, mse -a à jdaugitter ut John anti brs. Boy6s,ý utf tise Kinigston rond east, huti be-enI a etuffes'er for abouLt tire yeus's front tisat- insidî-ous disease, coasuiptiiàn.* Site continued. performing -ber daiiy- ,Iutie.s unti iat-ehy, audit wae onily- on Irednesday hast that are.iras cent- peiledt t ake .teber beti. Sise lcavss a aenrohrcg Lusbanti and a a -enily et f ive youung eblidren,,tom risera mhiers la-thse deepest syntpathy in tîmir great be:reavenent. biMrs.-George 'Seiion anti daugister, Eana, have been visitiug tnientis la Oshwa. J.h.Wagner las purehrased tise lot 'ah tise -rear et his b9ehrr ;siop, antiid leet tiereoen a stebie aindan 1iceP. iose. Frenic-bMalt'5 %Day, FeIr. 1, Captain Maàttbhiv- O'irien. n luha Sth --yens'. Dixon'- At tise parsonage, WvoOler, on January 9tb, 1P04, Liliau Flor- ence Shaples, mit e eoftise 11v.4gS. F. Dixea, la ber'S3rd yeam.- WHIT.BY MARKETS. Faul wheat- -.80 70-- 074 8pring wheat 0 70.-0 72 Goose wlseat 0 ý68 0 107 Oats- -0 28 "030 Rys I Q- 48"ü0M0 Buckwheat, eeud- O000 0-48 Barley '040. ô 044 Aisike clover sed- 50 "60 HRedClover ed---550C 6 70 i Timo'thsÀMd - 10 "1 50 Hay per ton -900 ~100 Baedhay 10 00 £12-00 Strawper --Iad - 800o f,0 Butter ferlb 01 "-01 Egg new per doZ-. 0- - 0 25 Duck -~----.-0.11 ~-~.1 Turkevs -0 -Q14 "0,16 Potatees pvba-é0 7 'ApP1 s ;'1b~0-75 "1-06 utamtry o0 22f t ng annpatent O 00 "2 60 BUtCliew's7ftlO-'8 50'4 50: HRog, iiv<ewegt-' o0o0'4 75 flog9, drOd......50 700: Sheep per hundred, liire 000 " 350 Lambs per head, iîye- .450 "5-() Shipp,$g attle--- 400 "4 M DUII Bel --.675 "7 ý26 Lamnb.Drafiled - 000 -I700 Veal Dremid -- 0'o0o"-7 'B Calves - 4 00 1000 Jâ<ý ,coes nd 0 00 "6 50 -WW,-cttd ndburry 0 o -0 10 Vool, unwasd - 0 07 "008 WOal, wamsbea n1#f-t, O1 "- 017 C'Dal hird, devred- oCO"6 80 I ~ '.'U~~LLSt.* ~NIJ.Lx~-'.- - TheIJxbrid-e -and IV hitbY -jiunior O. lI.tem.P1ayed -of f the ,tirst game of Che three cornered. tie1inif- this- district at tisa rink here on, Thursdal-y eveninglg ast. Tise:argest ,rowd (if tisa 6eason 'vas preSent, and thse ice ,%vas- in. perfect. uô4ditiufl. Thà gaine W&S oneOf tisa -wi Ètes t See n hbcre titis, seasen, and ILI ougialte rougie ahtnte;s, îvae s avery .geod ,ex- h iibiftio ethtIe spur;. Ia thseirst: haifth tie Xbide great0. W net in it a 'al,is coeat half tinte beîng --" îln favor o[ \-Whitbr. In thse second hifthre- '\hitby tearn kept *up tsa :Win ing -streak for n.1 wihle and pîilea îlp thr-ee moregas whbile Tj xbridge t'tjledtoloate th'e \Viitby net once IThis mad 11 tise- score 7-1 in W litby's fa:vor. -Aftelr titis, however, 'the W ltby ' seven seerned te *hb up jeoajnst et, and wben turne iascatlled Uxbridfre Lad added 5 more goal1 While W hîtby faled ce score again9 1eevinr tira finat'ecore 7-6 in Wleith>ys favor. Accerding te thse Sched lk; drawn 1P CtiS .-lef t Wiaiîtby te pla . port Ferry in -ALmi- sa;y, but oNwing te.Soule Of tise Port IVçriryplayers tbing li UYtheSgaine- was defaulted tu WhitbY. The Worst id After Piles ha-v,3 exieted'fcir a long tinte and passed througli, diffèrent stageà, tise squfferingý stense-pain, aching, tfirobbtn7 terers-.. forin, f illed tà,bursting WjtLisblact; I)lood. Synptonîis ind(icai.ilnnr.olier Troubles may appear te, a tleotrrugl'iy Pilec-sipk persen. Thtis is wliea iIeîaqtiid,ýLie onlly in- ternai,'the oiuly a11solutle Pile - cure, bringa the restilt$ tlIi ha:l ade its faine. 1h 'viii cure thie InocattnîbÉorn case in existence, and 'a boded giýarantee te. tisat effeci go1. ithi eàèlipack- IL 1s te be Lad -at. thredrug tre WITB3Y TOW-NSLIIP'COUNC1il. On motion*of "Les-srs. lIaycra(t .-nd O k e, the tender of iS;. 31. Newtoi for thètoiresip.prinîing for th1_e. year. 1901 ia'accepÉed ut -$5. A communication iras read ftroui the. ,.xood Roads Machinery ýomprmny'. Dr. Starr wrote deciilifg 'thse p- point trieDt oet medicai health rofficer. *A, deputation, consisteeg of Nsr. C. raess and Alex. KeteIief, .waS beard re a a.nto te erooklin publie Jihrary. 1)É. Moore moved, seode y Mr. Brown, that the auditore' report as preseat.ed, Ie'*accepted, and tIr:t tIne accottats ot the tc%.-nship (or the -year 1903 bc- tun>siderpd as ý filially a uditerd, ared t h.at hile reéve ýgrant hiseroder. on thse treasurer for..$10 cadi te tire audit. or& in-paynrent for their services- Carried. 1* Dr. Moore -noved, secânded' by Mr. Brown, tsati te coilector'S s-hbe aecepted and tisat lie Iraaliowed $17.- 70 as beîing- uncoilectableî ts'id, amo- unt te Ira reittcd ts per rtate- ment, excepting John Bush &3.36 anrd 3 Per cenit. thereon,. Daniel Siseehan* #1499 and 3, per- cent.. thereon, aend Chas. ]Lebair el.94 tand 3 per cent. thereon, being a total oe- $7.50 net remitted, isaid Iast Liste atnns to be retuirned te tise cotinty treastrer.- Meser. 113crat mdOke. moved t1iet-tise recv e grat iis order-on tise treasurer in tavrrof A. Retchen f or $40, beinig balance of salary as'col- lecter for -1-903' - Carried. ýMesérs. Ilaycrafiten.I Brownimcv- cdl titat thre rev ,iis rder ,on thïe trlurrinfco « rn Scott -for $31U, being- grant te the Brookla ptiblie, library (or ýthoe yar maywornen are dcnied UiC' bappiness of .children through derangemnt o1 thé geucrativeý organs. Mis.Beyer didySS wmnto use Lydia 'L Pink" ham's Vegetable- Compoiuîd. ho Cobtita Icou t esrry my 'birnbut five montha,-thes wouid hava miserriage-. Tise la-t tisse 1 be-cme regnntmy hbid got me taileVopouad. -After tiaàig tise- fretbottIe I wua relie-ted of tbesick- Deus et stomacli, aud bigin to-e l ble-t- ter in eyery wa-y.-IcontniatIs use, anad 'WUa eabledti tecarry =y baby 40 mt-n* t -1 no* hiave a- nce.baby girl, au xwork bte'tsuever could be-flv. IanlSe- eww-n~ dfliltUtp, teIa mmanmb oot .MI D@n'Wt hsiat 0wte8 U:re n.theaidresusMI lieing Wea.. ..42-a.nIoma Sei... -9,0tm 8.3an.I m AMea1l in a Moment is sometimes aî necessihy and in -an emer- geiicy cf tiis kini, Tise Busyr House-"- ý.wife finds I3DOVRIL" obe truly -a friend la n- ned.. Alittie I3OV RlIt * t~ -ww--- e. we added to, evea tIhe -nosh haste- iess dish, gives tise appetizing flavor of fresh lean. beef, and Iy - its aid - Iicis nourishirig SIoups andi tasty gravies arec easily prepared at short . nu,- hice. er ýIndispensable .iiiWiter.There's a need is every honme fo GRAY'S ýSYRUP 0F RDSPRUCE OuM' I A few doses, ýathie first siga t a cola, 'wi1 aliay ail thra J-irritation-take away hoarsenîess-check'tise infiammtie f .trenghe tise lungs--ward off tise congis. JAil tise healingi, sootiig, icurative properties of Canadien Sprç o ......à..eeeesoem..uaem.. lassj IS Ws mOÈf E:SE-!- )ES hardwmare Lie - CieL u*SSSSSSS.SSS....o'mic..... ehr. yv: *IITE RN TO-lA3TOI fie *Midli * THISTLE BRAND MAKING POWDER - *-THISTLIR BRAND PASTRY ANDFAMiLY JTLOLP * If you like, a godcu lpi et eaon cottes, try aurbca- TH EsAHGOEY je THE-NE CH GROERY pv edlvÏt U at ftetw ~God. SPancake . . .j ~Ti bere FORESI CITY .BUC-KWH EAT FLOUR * Made fromn the highest grade materials- *is self-,sing -ail ready for immiediate use' and àsatisfaction -guaranteed. Put Upin 2 pound, p.ackages. 10c. a package. M.C8LAW LE R,' 1904 WALLPAPERS. 1904 Hain ncevei prtono!next spring's goods, I arn open to shw sumples of a- Firat rate stock of! the latest desigus ini Wall papers. Pie withn -thse nencisof ali.> Writeime'or ca-Il a-ny residence one blocki south of,town hall. GEO. K. THOMPSON, FAINTEIR AND'DEOORATOIR, W1IITBY. TheWéseîn Bank of Canada iSTA&BLIBHED IN 1832) T rainsacts Generall banking business. Recieso eps - ueof si and upwards. - AI1oWs Interst in Savings Bank front date of BKSFarmers' Sale -NoteS1 Frhwen!yaist tention te tise-collection ef farmers'. sale notes, SALE. BOSand-SALE NOTES furnisised without charge. GALL OIRWRiTrE TheWEST ER N B A N K Whitby Branch. E. uq9 DWAREManager..O F CA NADA A lins anti cea-i promptiy And r W\ýORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, APRI 30, DE-C. 1 94 CosL of Exposition, S50;ÃœO0,000. 'Size of grounds, t,210 acres3. CAL1FORNIA, MEXICO, *-One -way and round trip. touiriat Ulvi ets ar-on saI(e daily. *Choice of rou tes and stol)-over p-tri ileIgts at principal points. Grand Trunk trains. inake: direi conneedion at Chicag-o with ai rai Ways for the Larnous,-winter rûesorts. For, tickets, Puilman. TeseZwatien and. ail information apply t'O J. D. Mci>onaid, District Ba sengçr Agénf,. Toronto, for .djsrip resot, or to- E. STEPHENSON, Town Agent Express, Ticket and Telegraph offi-ce (opposite posti office.) Wbitby. WORLD'S FAIR, ST. -LOUIS, ApIt 30t.h to DCMIT s,190.. TIIROUGCýII TRANSCONTIMNENýTAL SERV IC Leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.111 dail 'Via Nortl h a, ,for Pori . thur, Rat Wotg,\infi peg, L\oose JwCalgary, Ileveistoke, Vanecul .ver and B.C. to W.Ninnipeg, connecting ýrrth iliroup fii-'~t class s,sleepcer fIor Vancouver unexcelled dining car service, N-\or Bay tn Laggan and Reveistoke to s'I mon Armi. Fullyi equipped tourist ca rs la Toronto at 1.45 p.i. -on -Tuesdays ai Saturdays, -and N1odh flay- ut 10., p.m. Thursdays and run through 1 Vancouver without shalig'e. Bearth in tourist- car ecosts iii add tin epass 'agec ticket train fiirohl to :Winnipeýg, $4; os w$; Ca gary e6,; Reveistoke 7.2% Vancolivt * For inaps, Urne 'table, ad aili formation- appty te anya' i--,t oEýfi Company -or R.I. NOT3IALN', Assistant General PEassenger Xgent E;R.BLOW, Agept.. L' --Pleasant to talLe. 25 CtS. DOttlev

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