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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 12

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D GOOýDs 'feu ERE is a great demand for Blaek Dress Goodg this sun Oiur rainge of.ail the popular weaves is complete with Silit Mohairs, Crezolines, Panama Celoths, Voiles, ýCrispines,- Grena. Etc.' .Every lady 'wants theseèlight, elingin ,g, sheeTr finisihed goi THEY MAKEUPSTYLISHLY- THEY SIIED1 THEY-ARE YERY COOL A few special prices, Of a,,few 'S w@4avçs- Fine Bla ck Mahair DreBs Gonds, extra fille quaitliv.ançlfiismakes a I, dress, 54 luches wide, (note the widlhk) special per yard................ Fine Black4 Mohair Dress Gonds with fine hernstitch, gond qnality,, will, ML Iovely cool bhirt waist suit or separaté waità, 87 lu. wide,.special per yar Fine Black A lpRca Drt2s< Gonds with !ancy 'spot, lig at weight,ý 43 inclVes. special per yard...................... ....... ........ ItI F!ne Biaéset Mohir Wi-.dine, extra fine finiish, .malte a lovely cool. dra, mejarate waïst, 38 luches wide, spécial per yard..........ý............ Flne Back Drems Gond:3. silk stripe éri9pInt, ail woot, sheer finish, will shed the dust, 42L wide, speciat per'yard,'.. .............. ............................................. %.le Bisek Dress Goods In, crppillne weave. ail wool, French dye and finish, a soft ight cli:i Ïârie for dressies or separate waimts, spécial per yard ........... .....-... Fine Biack Dtess G0nd4 lu Panama weave with siik stripe, extra- fine fi nish, light, summser wei 42 iiieWes witï; speciai pet yard....................... ........ 1........... POE Od.0 ýpece vide, ess or inhes, eigbte ns.. IT PERRyj .eaamaeammaummm mmmummsmeu muuum.uuuwu.uwuuu..uuu TrHURSDAY, JU].X£ 7tb, 1904. AuOTIQN SALES. pàrties gettiiig tlieir bis printed this office will receive a f ree né- eln the Gaecte, the Ohioniele, 'and- SPort Perry Standard, . which la TU3 more tisan t.he price bf-,the aie of valuable real estate in iitby .Township.. The tsubscriber le ,truèted to offer for sale by publie, tiol, at Sebert's"hotel la tle Vi1- le of Brooklin, on Thursday, .2lst y, 1904, it une o'clock p., m., tllë lowng valua&le real .astate, nam- ,-Thirteen acres of land more or s, part of lot No. 22, In , thé 7th LceS5ion of the Township of Wblthy, ng east of, and fronting. on the avel Road, formerly owned .by MI-S. bar -,upon hich -tre a f rame elling house of seven voomas, upon* )n' oundation, f rame gr.qunary, ail stable, a living spring-of watter,. Terin of sile-Ten per cent, at eUrne of sale, ant' the balance thout iLgterest, twenty dayes there- :er. Immediate possession Further rticulars can be had of the under- ned aucioneer, or of Mr. Hfubert Ebbels, Iarrister, Port Perîy. o. Jackseon, Akuctioneer. on sale o! householti furniture. idersigned hlas receAiva i mt- as f rom the executons o! the D. Hay, tb sell by public a t his late residence, ])uke Brooklij, on Saturday, July 04, at oae o'ctock ýp. m. tha , vWXuatse, artiles-l: large 1saal bureau 12 bedsteatis, en tables, 3 stands, 6 cane chairs-,- C6 killIcen chairs,$2 chbairs, -2 coplboands,, i ward- woman gives iup it la beesuse :one tobthe utmfost limit of id endurance. Itîsata arvel t uill staggr on untier the hôld burcleng when thé whàle kedwith paon.- servons, ra dwn Condition aany "tmen expenence, as a ivertrain in houseblod cars, io medlcae ean equal Dr. >Iden Medical Discovery, It 3the weak stoniacb hy cur-' ti if digestion om-It urifes the bloo4 o! dcii cause nbeumatism and dladses. It nourishes tIh. d bulds up the. body witii 12h>' flesh. noc alcohol li Goden MiA.. robe, 2ýé eLks, 1 cenitre. table, 3 spring blindas, 2 lounges, -1 cot, 1. book case, 1 baby .carriage, 1 aewing. machine 1' gig sawv, a quantity. of' Coopera tools, 1 churn,1 wheelbar-, row, a -q uantity of ra- carpet, 2 looking glassles, 1 latider,-,i lantera, È large oil cai, 1i shavîng hione, anad ether. articles too, numerous- to mention. -Terms .cash.. There ý will. alào ble offered for sale aIt te same timeand pluce bytýh.- executur.oftte lateW Robert ýDunbar -Hay, ..déeceased, subject to reserved ýbîd,. the foflowN- ing landsin la-the VMlage' ofBrtokila- The - late residence o! the dectased, beiing lot -No. 80 on 'a plan o! part of lot 22, -con. 6, Towùship of Wbitby boundeti on the weàt by ýDuke St. andi lot No. 89 on ý_B. F. 1erry's clan ef- part o! 'lot 23, .cn ,Township et WNhitby,, in the Village-of Bruoklin.- 'Furtlhur particulars andi conditions màade krown. at time çif sale. T. 11. ,LYilaon, Auctioneer.' 'Briea & .Stedh'nm'photo . allery will be open every:.TuesdaY, Iriday and -Satugday during the 'su mmer months4 OiC.- to Edof ths Year. Eirther The. Chronicle or, the Ga- tette,*!will ba sent té new-subscribers Srom now until thea endoret the ,pre- eent year for 50c. Sa-nc the money, per post of fice order. Descrip tive IJooket o! World's Fair. Apply te any agent cf tha 'Grandi TÏ-unkRailway for tieket.oasti .de- scriptive pampjhlet entitled ".A Fif ty M&illion Doliar Problem " Exposition aow in fauR SwiVng-. Beduccd, rate.s allow $top over at Chicag,-o, -Da-troit,' and Iitermnediate Canadian stations., Devit t of Cartwright Named. Mr., John Henry Dzvitt, of Cart,- wright, -ex-warden c 'f the Unitedi counties* of Nrbmbrad and Duirbaim, bas been chiosen for the en- seing Provincial election, as the Con- servative-etanard -bearer in- West Durham, the choice being made un.- aiiimcnas by. a standing v,& ote, enthns- iastic-applau.Se gree-Ling .Uic an- nouncemenî. Evan H-. LIceLean, bair-. ristèr, ,p-e ien là Ùasscato, qpened Iýe meeting. The choice o! *a candidate* was by bâllot without -any nomination. The, f irst gave J. H. Devitt. of Bltckeý;tock more tiian haIt cf the total vote, and the, seceond ballot gave hlm the ne c- essary two-thirds, vote, wvhich on Mo- tion o! W. H. Reid,exMA.wa madie enanimotic, Mr. Devitt made, a modest speech on- belng- tenijered the nomination by .Presidjent -Mc- Lean, and aceptedthelb.honýor -witl a. pleige, to do al1 h.eonl4 10 tor.edeem the constituency. Mr. Devitt' la one of tic oldeat nmunicipal .couaceillo rs in tha ridusg, an~d is very popula 1r wer- eve-r known. 1Speeches -flioj'-ed by Messrs. Reidi, Trelilcock, J. C. Thoraton, L . Mis- Campbell a-ad#HI. A. NW1ard, ML.; t- solutions of confidence lan the party leaderas were carried.1;. fi Ares3OltiOa Wàs also carrieti dis- aPPÉoving Of the -action o! the Hon. RSYdney Fisher, the Minister' of Ag-_ *iculture. lin1'ltrodncing- politîes .ato inatters pe-rtainiug to the miii- 14 of our. Dfominion, whieh haane -Sutedm i the tes to the force Dot Manniing -Gi . At the. resi- denice .ùf the bride's tather* Brook- lin,' Ont., on Tuesdày, Jaly 'th, 1904, by the 11ev. James Il Harris, rector of!- St. Thomas' eliurchi Benjamin Mnning,. son of thec late Samuel Manning. Ss >q. to_ M?.ry Elizabeth, cdaughter of hos.. Gilu, LEq., bin h oi Sale-.of valuable real estaté lan Whitby Township. 'The isubscriber.'je instruûtedti t ofier for sale by public auct .ion, et -,Sebert'sHoÃŽel lanthe: Vil- lage of, Brookla, .on Thura-dayl 2lst .luly, 1904, at' one o'clock p. m.,,the following valuable real -estate, namï- ely-TÊirîeëen acres ot landi more or, leas, part of lot- No. 22, ini the7h concé-csion of the Township of Whitby, lyn ast of,, andi tronting on the Gravel Roà,d, formerly owned-by 1Mrs. Lebar. u pon which are *a, frame dwelling- bouse of ceven rooms, Upoa stone-. tndationi, trame gr-anary, smnail i3sabJe, a living spring et water, etc. Ternis et .sale-Tea per cent, at the time of salte,, anti the balance without. intereat, 4ventydays- there-I atter. Imniediate fteXsession Fnrther pariticulars can be had of the under- signeti auctioneer,, ,or ef Mr. Hubert L., Ebbcéls, Bairriste-r, Port Perry. Geou. Jackson, Auctioneer. Auction Jsale cf- housëheld f urnitu re. The undersigned, lias received instS'-1 ructions- frem the executors of- the late. R. D. Hay, t cibyb ic aucçtioôn, at bhis late residencie, DIuke atreet, Breokla, on Saturday, July P9th, 1904,, at oeao*clock p.n. Uic fellowing 'valuable.articlflesIlarge bureau, -1, amaîl bureau 2 beda-reids,, 2 kitchen tables, 3 istands,- 6 cane bnîtem.cais 6 kitchen cirsÈ, 2 rccking chairs, 2 ci'pboards, Yward- robe, 2'clocIos; 1 centre. table,. 3 sApring blindis, 2 louaUges, i cet, I bock'case, 1- baby ca)rnage, 1 t3ewing. maichine 1 gig saaw, a ýquantity ýof ë»ôoper's tool.e- , ichura, .1 .xheeibar- rcw, a quautitý~ of* jag -carpet, 2 - looking g lasses, I ladecr ýlanteru, 1 larg-e',oilcati,..ishavring Loue, anti oth er .-articles tee -_ numerous :te mention., Terms cash. There wvlll a ise ha of fered for pale at the anme lime aad place by the executrs oth le 4bert. Dunbar Hay, deceasei,ý Ï4g lands lu the -Village cf Brookln- The late 're3idence cf'ltedeceased, beinýg-lot Ne. 80 %on a plan cf. part of lot 22, coin. 15, Towaýshîp et Wbijtby, ,bounded on tihe wet by Duke St. aud, lot No. 89 on B. F. Perry'is plan oft part .*if lot 23,* con. -6, Township o! WS in Dre ad -of But.by enulchilg the blood antd building up te ystom with DVtn ChasW*1Werve Food. the symiptome A Man wbho -are gong,,through lNfite a contard, borrer of heart disesse eau take new courage ws thefact that by sup plylngthe heartwllh a sufli. =inyof riclired blood bybheuse ofDr. Chasta-. NreFood shey ca restorethe normalacion oi the heat andovereorne the distre'sngsmp1rAw Ma. Jolm J. DONOTAN, 177* St. Enenne states :-" va arn down lin Ètb, was- ~~ ~vMem neand 5su ff. ered a lof wiih a pain lu th egaon ofta hcart wb~ coame o e-T lu the Village o! Brookiin. Etjrtfier piirticll-airs and conditions mfa:de known at lime o!, sale. T. I. Wnilson. utoer i'AIIMS TO RE-NT-Tbe nort-ct ;qiarter of lot NO>.- 34,. 6tb con., W %%hithy, 50 acrês, with grood-buildings. Also 75 acres, being' lor-No. 1, (11h con., 1Icke ring. Both farmis are for itie, but, ifnot sold -%viU -be renited. Pe, se!ssion.*Ist November. Can plow atter h-arveist. Apply to. Geo. H. Jones, Pickering, John J. Fother gili, Whitby, or Rev. A. V. WViLson, Myrtle. Excursi0ni Ti ONTO&ndý, -Niagara Falls and return $1.65. Children -haif tare. The Durham OId Boys invite the public, Io'joilt in this grand. excur- sion 3onclay, July 1.8th. ATrirage- ments are compleËett for . ,05ot -en- joyable > lime-. Special train toT- ron' live~Whitby Jcî. 7.39 ài m. At Toronto the Durham Old- Boys Cit- Association wvill meet theý Party and ail Nvill take thù rmagnificent ste- aesChicork an-Cl Gippew.a to Le- iston and f rom- there the wvorid re- nowned Gorge route. to the Fîs This -takés in some of the fîinest, scen- ery on the Amierican: continent.. No one should mis-s it. Takeyour 1-as-. ket's and ge t your f riends to join you peae for a grand .day's out- ing. -Thor>e desiring to tstop off at Toront o cat buy spetcial Torinto tfick- ets, $1l. 10. ,Thos. Yellowý-lees, Sec Manning Ar- cade,' King St. WNest, Toronto, Ont.. Special leaves Toronto on. arrivai of steamer at 'ý p.m. for..return trie. Sýpecial Train Service. . Toronto.. Niagiýara Falls. lime child aduit.child aduit 0l-hawa 7.29 aim. .55 1.10 9Q 1.75 -%Vbtby 7.39 a.m. -b5 1.10 85 1.65 ArrivnirW i aToronto ln tilhe te cath il9 a..steamer. Toronto tickets -are good for. on e 4lay only. Nigaa ails tîckàte good'for t-wo da.ys There is. more drawing-power _Jjione pound of Eby.BlairAs 40 cent CeyIon, tea than in, any other tea> sold. at 50 cents a pound-and it Is._pure, heaiîhfui, invigor-at ing .4jEA. It bas stoodý the test of yerând is reec_',iîzed.-as the standard tea, for -rich and. poor alike. F0I& SALE BY ALL LEADI1 Guocinis 1 Ex.8LL Hr-OUSEHOLDý 1 YE8 These Dyes-wiil d%-e Wpol,ý Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods iii one bath- thëy are the'làtest and rnost iinproved Dye in the world. 'Try a ,package. Ail coinurs-at W. J. H.* RICHIARDSON'& Faucy Goods Storé. Turn.ip S'eed. Our reputation for reliable seei is !ounded on. yeans et hon- est seeti. seIllig. Thcëy always ,grow -and are always truc te name. Olers finti il pays'-te buy here; Il- wiil pay you., Oun ' prices this year for, f resh', new seeds are as tollowvs- CIAJMPION SWEDE SKIILIING'S SW]SI BANGHOLM 5Wi CLYDE HARLTLEY 5 BR *AGINUM BNJ DE EDE IONZE TOP ibn Àhead of ail ,-ofier kiadsin te- ùaeitsa odtel Farm. 25.lb 4. i 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.- 4. 4., 4. 4. 4. 4. - 4. 4. 4. A:splendid range of new si]k * ,Ire hpen.o h.ee web*ng . Wehv h nwapoe + bot . A lrg sipent of te eli +. * webbngTH] +. FIoIman . DraYton & Slaghýt Henry L~. Drayton, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, 1'roetorcs in Ad- xiralty, Cexamiissioners for Quebeo. etc., 28 TORONTO STREET, -TORONTO. Regisfered cabie address, ~ Holman.. Toronto.". Long distance tetepicone connectioni. LOÂDIED UP WT IN.T1113 SVRINGTIE SYSTEM IS LOADEb UP -WITH IMNJRITIES. Aller the. hard work c f the winter,. the. eating pf ricli andi heavy fbond,'thé uystem. becomes clogged up-. wfth- waste suad poisonous màater, and the blood becomes tiik sud-slugsh., This-causes Losa o! Appelait, Bilious. ness, Laek of Enorgya nd tint tired, woary, listlissfeeling -so prevalent la tils pring. o-Tii. cleaning, bloodupurlfying action BURDOCK BLOOD. BITTERSI eliminates ail the peat.up, poison from, thé system, starts thé. sluggish liver ýwonking, aets on the..Kideys anti BowClS, sud renders îit, *witho exception, The Best SpringMedlcine., SOMETHIN.G TO EAT at pnices that wiil attract the cane- ful buyer eaui' be tound at al l imes ia-Our stock of- Staple and Fancy Groceries Our aw;ortment of edibleq eoisists eatirely ntf high elass -goodse; ioth- ing of inferior qnality ici ever per. mitted t enter oui- store'.- E. H PU RDY, GROCER, PORT PERRY. ýEWNE <s in Fl~In Ends, 50 inch rev'ersible D Ws,. Et-c. Frices 25c. and 50c, UJSPENDERS ebrated Trade D Mark Suspenders in the LSÈt received to sellat 25c., 35c. and 50c. TRAW HATS 1styles in ,Split Straw Fedoras, >ýPrices ratigng, from JOC. to $12 CYHALF HOSEý" Me' 1faifHose in. grdblacks at 2.5c'., greys, browns, 3of Summer'Collars in tho~ low up and E HABERDASE PORT PERRY Great'Sacrifice The undersigyncd will seli a largle furnituLre 0eonsîsi ting of parlor, diùin1u sets. Give mne a eall. Cash i o A fine lot of Pietures and Gilt iMou1 trade. w 1IANI AGENT FO 01 MONUMýENTS; Ware-roorns one door west et theqSt. pea: 'Perf~e itn- Pressing and Rçpa *1Y-Ing doue on H. CHAPTI FACTS AND FIGI!RES tell every tir FPensons la Port Perr'v sud vicinitv M'l about befone mnaking-p.losîtivýe assertions ha (sets-anti proots la plain l ack. sud wli iiu the past te tll and tn spread faIse repoi FUNERAL EQULlIENT ever seen ia th that we have, overchar-ed those for whonî orders that weré e &ry finle and expanivei\(ý statements.' One or two lu particular ivher wve we re reporteci by those who knew theN madie such a higit sud idiculouq eharze tii ~very-lan-ereductiefion theýorder-. Theac au overc'arge nf aveu oeedollar. Each bi said thev w-cýee ERFECTLY SATISýFIE] the ONLY ULNDERTARKEIRS laPert Peri CLASS OUTEIT.- This wss proof positiv, LIES had ne t'oundatioù fl'r their statemen in Port. Penny but id the adjiacent township weuld -do us. the mccl harm. Somne more i were lower la prices than any other undert couutry. -We asked W5.00 what was s;i lco1 - 27.00 ' ' 80.0 lu taelasItbnhee -mnntbc we tarnichedï .318.00 to $2&lesc on each-order than waseN la Port Ferry. . They Were not oniy less in aud epuipment far sÃŽperiôi- lu ever 1y partie- comipiete. înrimmed sud uphoîstereti for s34 We furnieli a alceceloth coffin, -well trimmeé charge 85ý00 te $4Ã".00. tW'ýTh' lowl"tji prices and tlhe bect Je ssop 1Furniti iwe turc s-are takE net be ê.++,.s4 *. t..ê..wo...4i,.o.... ***. ~~~4~4ê444 444444444444 1 1 moi 1 - . 1 --.ý

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