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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 4

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Caprice OR, THE, RESULT OF A FANCV DR's SBALL CIIAPTER XIL - yen lae ever bèeau -introdirced t-o "Ilramik hIeseat" aoya Rer.. ~ "Fo wua,? -questions Hilaryq "W mstgef yeur sistertedifj Who* js net lolilng as sympathletie as tor-morroir. I may cel t-o-moi-or?"1 usuel. - "I lape you will corne- ta. lundheoi4. - Ha-chck~himailabrpt-Diana milh'i very gta osec you. - ly. "Becsuse me are once moi-o "And voir?" -- aioe-e - I 5hal hovery glad, toc." "Yon muet le Uie," eeyesite "Tliank- yau. .I suppose, Plana,,- steefiy. '"De you reaîîy mai to mauIdn't ello r me t tue bu1tlar* ta- talk? Am I boring you? - on lhave moi-cti-' -ant lad a long journey, I kue-" -"CÇertaiaîy nS laughuig and "Wlihat nonsense!" esa lue. "e xlookinig -a' littHo confused. I sbaimht minci a fuirmiles îy train.".' "-'1l ask her, howeever. Tt 'woulîl Hie lias -ot - ltogeÎthor- ncere-îoocî 11ouimetgoot to malt.on you t-lis- ber'. "'WIlI'ou ait toma he'e tint-il tîme. - -thle uext ddué beging?" -- he le looliag loveiy mit h thisuner "15 Mut ibcalmos' due no, anti earnesitness mtlia lir hining yc, you aveproise ittu Ms..ý.vrc,-mitit fies s! ttouîdli0aisbynese on ydon he. poiet 5fo$s îtc, -r.i'beautlful*,lipsq. "Mo I have."' He ironîciha-'va att- Hilary lift-s liai' oyes. telits. ed "mworse lwtk"but -chilization "I41wish;" 'begins ehe. "Mr. Ker Il prev01lts 1111. "Sf11 t-harO le _b- iel Yeu wuld forget ait about fIa- minute or' t-o lîf.rt" eri.tpi' amik of!- ina.e Sh h.makos lnô aulWôr tt iis; and Ker drops itte lechair, .liesido thoe Filence growlng e litte oppris- bac. - sive, ho breaks freui rg'onnd., "l'Il1 de anyfhing you *miel," - aye "Rom fend yen al -Ileeta o *. lalie la a loir Soale, _"if yen mil ca-il1j fenqy balle dowmi ler.!" moe-Fred. "Not atlwa-ys! lButonce a- tllng "Fret! les hirt yeur naine? .Oh!, I tg' sttarted, you.knom irînt aiun couldn't- catI you-Fî'et, h m oult lie thare -airsys in -on îIL It ëleies mpossible"." Shc rises, quickly ft uin epidemie; - Ihla Worsee than the hec feet .,Why, i It- aonly a. ireekF meleR. it catches ail"iet-h ga leme 8&W irY01n." t-y!" -* what bas tint got t-o de mith" "We are tqeu'talnly o! . fie Mnukey if?" - D'e * o las risen. '"Wly tUlbe. Suci Imitative aia-l U-tcat you, a!f ail poople, ca-Il nie byr faucy-dretseballe4-t-loy Muet b'- sucb my naine? V7kon nilgît rmm. eL morry! --thai I am, yur-ep "Not greeter tien ot-hers. 4, Lok I-Te P9uÜe-puu'Poaely perla-ps. i111- et rot luth. Let one womaîu preaci ary gi'owe crisoi. What ln he go- e tumde on the becomifigness o! f, iligt-o .say? andi al et-er mmn ii dye their- "yMy?"stammner s sie, i. er lai- like- mud. - Thet muet lue a fer gla-ace hias -groma colt. SIc is in- grea-ter- worry -A$an glviag ea !ancy tensely eugry il hlm, parfly -le- h ual. Ilecaue, -ai .11 evenfa, t-e cause, o!,bei' Unlucky lsb" partly latter pormnuîs us-at- ieant Borne of beceuse lie bas baen t-le author of t-he foriunate oses of Urw-to shw0 otirnelvea s4t oui- lest lor' onc minoui- YOTu-cousin," ',a-nsirs Ker sol t- l 1 yo vespak" .e -1 If lehadat een going tS6 'ay «'Ah yo - cn se4tk" sye h, sommt-ing aIse, lier suddeea. foucli or 'tboing one of fhe fort-ina-te one." hauteur li.as< prevanfet hlm. - Ifle a-yready n1- vey fd1ibt- -"Me muxt dauîeç l- beginning" fu, o!f course. Buit -to"14lery, -in- se"e liery, scl -mit-h bermanner tuer prt&on4 - eood, It gavera toc- distinctly thangat. -lr. hDyo- "tiruciro! t-ho ma-aofethîe moriti,, o! Mooie iil e ralting for yafu' *She fhe irrd ln ceason-o!, la affect, liy- moyen femardthfe door of t-le bail- - -ceom. Xer follo's s lier. "I wsn't thinklng'of-myself "Tiu mI give me anot-her Inter says ah. ,quît-e -celmly. 'I uai, o cour-se, quit, out f o!L-.1 I ioVId "Ia-nu arait not. 1My. card is hâve likedto &tea'y lmyseif la gr- 4p1t*full." grotis appate,"-here e .*miles- ' 'Then, f11t19o83v" m-S lie, "but 1I ad't-~a Penny tç dé t mjf.In mdifternfly as If Oèëras t-o her. 1wam thinklug of Mrs, Dry.on- "Ishah fel IDiana- you asie tou- -It ira.vezuj oeod o o a "Oui- tance, Mies igurrouglsi," [<c'. am. h gay Hýussar at fils imoient-. Huienansier *con-'yu te uer thie ne- le! tirt-t he thlîkm it vry gooti el erten mastea athongît- Upon her'et- .a-l, but-fils dae nef satisly 1hIiias,. Wby didin'tr le amy if? "Geodof oh e?-" ey..10; a -sý dauire te make lija s peak lue-s'.*I-lc " t-o t-hie direct question. abja oid Ye100 *br ~hiends>TMay 1-ie~ le Iaughie, a-ad a vision of Mre. :eou-Moie's 'ter-y short -ikhrte Caones once- again befolte flhiWyat- eyv. In -he ieughisug a-fber'?1 I turjîs ber eyes esudterîly on lIa, "re o e a frietut of bmwr«$I "A frias>!? -An a*eqrmêatarnae a-- t her,' ant," meanngly, à guee'f." "Ah, l'-ce! Tous- h, -e m «mWd." F "They would le cerfalnty Ifi bem was a-ny ceusefer' uaiim-," E smius.andi gir.. himsete 'silgut sihahs. "Hava e Cot had enotug -of Tolly' for ontoe iv.uiutg" auhu lue, with a- sat-lir, coe l'amie. "'I don'f ehew 1I -have boo« f * ' Ëtanadiùg bh1n.-, - $1.givm hlm £ulit,- tle retui'rn the ~q~vesuam saye it,-'SwItiolu etrffl~. kuemaoititg« o! bis SnMalihig, &au at eueS bwu ois fIa-t "Peace mît-Ili onor", las,. for tie moment ai e» -eveta, bea s-' "TYon toolishi Neyerl" s-y ie. 'Nut ea-le---- "Net even tien. Osue cm feegive u for looping rip t-h masquera-de der ouu-peeuller airçumet-ncas."o Hié regards lier teauily, as If wîàl- g lier te undermian> tira-,tfles. la eai g uln hi* wordm-uýà - &Mréire ýPro tedltgaubje f fte Il. Hlleiy colore !aiatly., àâd îles mit-h fie corner o!flier apron. -I sujppose yo-u wanfed t-o ujtssy e ho b, anutile darlngly. 'Aa&mas hst raty ô un r. 1 Inoer fi nom. 'Miadm tuiiy yen wlieî u yensl e u. o- fttth1t et stuitsg ni&~". _ 'Vos I ha.41Ihad, ~maya ' Ryy e la-agIa as ilf mwuember- 'But-no a-e s i Yeu sa-w aw asum=y, v'r--Otlier self wna sot to elej pleei. 'Anti 1er de yen look wluea s' a-r. "Urtpropec .l¶ Dô. 6a l a- u -about àô 11141 YI i 14_ hý à i li *-vou se1 ve f Ordimary elotef4 where.a. Yeu iý bave fmsn» e .ept in .thl.," Ilmll ut a-fol>! oI bar greva- ."i'la ver>- beéossllag,"'er I on't liaor wa ler ee yen eouldl ,,rm aure." dlsear.mlateIy. "Anrd ms-a t ep flkII)g fia-t 1 ndnthala 4dom I. Dia= al- y ,ag i t-Ias-,' W" a uddimseaw~nso. '.It Ifisa KIIIL&Isa ay i-ul- t-ho %uis-ed, subd<Ied VemIce e a-lt kiow, mh=n destruction lu tescandiag ipai ne. Su $e ponces upon h& - mrk-ca troek:foi- fle- yalungest 1rig-nc malcès a rapit fligît froni* i- dem& mhere sIhe ba en uitt-S Initg. laV t-be inittle o!flua er»osur. 15- ore a movenie#it eof-inýms Ilay "Plia-t meane t-mo hou-s!" sirys Itllar, îtrtglcalîY, Stopping short un lier arranigement _o!fluhe forerg lu thue vas. "Anti lhe le coming et one. - -To toitld,,ii t-ha hour--- - '#»e knawiotea. I sa-y, Dwit-h a suttien gl«oaf thope, "lèS usm sayr Vo are ouft", "'fo ite.- Tsa-m ler, aad: lle sa-m sMe, 99 aIe came up tire.a-venue." Hilary falls bak in lier chair. At t-bis mom-ent &a bu>! raf---tsf- ta-i lu leam-d et the hall lices-.:. "I supposa t-leu', le ne saute ssi!' aurêé ra-y et murdeu'ing any one?" haýys HIUlaryt gîoomily. .. oro tiie'.dobr ile-thrýo-wn ofuen,ga Miss Xins4ll où entr, rit-al h fe sigus o!f-Storm about- ler, -llomed, hy OtIffo rd, - wlo lad met lier luist "I ame 1 t-lus early,. me donc Mfru Cllffou-," Cries tflue-oit maltd, 1 fc-u elbt 1, muest qea-it te y.i Hilary'a leart. efânde st-ilfor ,e unomenc-t1 Le htauiytiig about-liern About fIf lundheon---or Net-? "About- miat, Misi Kinïsella-?", i*e £"iana înxlously.* 'lVhu, -about. Poiler!" - irlary's boarf- gries aà great re- boua>!. Stuc cornes quickiy forma-rd.- .ha faites oit Mise Kinse'lIa's lia-d, &at pouiively lia-aunaupai ber, teô laa'sintense a-stouuiemeat. "Tieli ual" crias Bailazry. -Weill Potbir-y. knom me 'mOlu,* Pet-eu' Clualla-ye a-m lilasti ughoYe dit now, .hida't ye?", "Daua,~ hoïe.yenU miil e able te gaymy y40 --that,'1sa-Y9.. cliffûrd solmnmly. «This. 1 munet laforas yen. lu ea- sscost Impotant case" "Neyen, et course me saWhl" n4'a ITflIsi- ~eafluuiesticafly. -810 laf feeling seobligedte te ini oitbore. .-lie 'irams ~ort aio éeot. was't lue?" lr, eorrçt*mg -ei- è --oly "f, "VïýpmrigIfit! 're m'ghft" cie Ild Miss Kinmnla, her ýcUrIe vibrat- Âa-K mt-h eacitàieaf. "A.Hglai .erlet 10 mas, ane-'lovely lo. taoei I culda't- ace ame eyas off iïa- ail utiglt. A1 zuather, mne dear, t-irtf madte hlm a tIiid. na-t. yen kuow? h. wi lave hie flirt a-fous raye ".kuer' - me uow!' maya CiI!- <'llfalosbut mot- indeceaf, sa-s AsaI~seIn.bluuiiuga- rg tiii , e * M". lou is tel1 y. t-ia-t'fhey ptt iullur io u 1 thei lisi t 01eharaezi9aor' Mr$. If.- r and tssi v iamelle, it lis. it?" J ferly. "'There a-ev,: i ut te 'beginuuing, Mle. tIirIls ouglit fe sec about that-et once, If A & Sti"' ,-utîc BrîI'l ,]y epaad c ei' s n ies ats<tth tC CKj'eî Your ?ZPew" 0scyinor r~surancà o! what me may. expectla savirntycstccc iemigreat' slip, li e ma S -bareiyfor- IAGA1RA TO- NEW-YORK. i o eigtnly betwircrtiltee'Oandifotir ~ e- "~t" Ie"doeperalel'Y, lesa gôt en anti hati noS a ,friand la An- i ceasalessa day atindlgit, serviçepr -nit. in,.tcad o! beineen -fificleen te of eîyuslurof .ours. But if yen don't ha ut doaîy a, overi-i -s of milionjue pan miillions- o! volts' 'a! n t weîîyI'e retmatleîra- lxt5 pOniCOt ectricityý-.from tie eleëtr'ie -power- tîcaly le cah e la bath disaordect , iiti "AcoungYoudon't eM '80 On "WeiI Sandy," si ali a-plaiuts at ia~gar-a Falls ta the XVai'- tconsi.s*tiîu iiiefIiii - - -isi 11he motlier's site, or the faXcr's"uoldboredthm dîîi'- d ci itoWei',thIe eicctric pawer «antiîn criaiwng pnýS-i11 oiîlia. a, "~lî ate'e NfI oter'-Isnger. hhdbfine iidr alaue yan e iretNô " the other ingthelh' voyage - froin-fG.lasgow, ei oi'matded !nor& tueîe by'-e' iisYît' Cnp-ii. - ian assre ouIhela's .wireless etcai -ta New - lt-ni- Tlien lotsue 5O~ -with your mnother la the Old 1o -City for thep ps o iumninating f- T> UL T A.----fa thre cîtire 'motrapolis, ruîiiiig eleva- .t ~ ta IIla se'll -Ue e o lic gaie. ,miss ty"te ~ î -ted ad.udeigrunti trains -andit i o 4al il ci? ler vou 1'wrsaîltuct hm5.ll,'"-ay Clifford genlà1ly, NU1Jsi "ani n.c-g-0 o- itui tramxiays cars, o'peritngtil ts, ne-- k tiiîlikatiimd'trt- ' convreyngfe th el ael n f 'We n - thf 1 wioulti-bc fti,,Oc-cars, trucks,' andi ferriy-boats, u kî- cnt refurciou Il îgîsît1raitifiýS.' fthe room ýJust a« [<r efrs is e»anti lonttst. 'J have hec - for-turne nsiglnat vermnigu shiaîîitiië c le c,î t-ie oumiîrut,-i KiesIla ana e ffgve hlm, a good bnukc a ci a--yown, aandI1claîke nat niakingibm keap peufoci t i '1- ichcrWeveri arfe t< p O 1Iinustlia'tegoot -,routrage." - lmb ytm !ll-iul îe---srosrpcisioii ai-coniciroace. X - "elt laie lat *a-n yau do?" gialoi - - .ould - lxc t'aii rcly it iinaiun-ti <Toe el e (ôninue7d.) - auiked a- kint voic'i- behint lim. Tr rclno feî oOe i--known, xccpltiug -byils- 1w fvelitugb, ____________ -"I e ueloyal anti truc tfaoeny- lct h nme arînîiejiltiacauiipanies anti fo11îeu'S«stio KxNGe I.xSË HE . tîI)dv who- miti'givo me aomaething ta àt Coneiu l - vcmrr normai acconîilihaient. ui < do..' ws thé quick resPonse. the purpose o-itiutugmces ait ebt tiileacn at M âS_ aeU or ate A well.i ow mle, rose epr elgah f o- ation o! fulneesilii tha regîarn of- thei Willer Likiy1ea. ieaor CstetekuaW laeo',uset fçr illumi ,na- d- Hm P.1qde - iec mil applicanise for clerkship h1 tion, paner anti lent. Ol uchsor h nitn aa hifotn Whent-le Kig ges bck e ~ leso c in enufvorable, -lad tomere as are erectet i mithin a givo ul othi aaSkn fec-jthg it will èie, i l sait, to a home o! taken ea streli down Bréadwayte, distance fro~ iagh ,Flî wiî leaci cttrrespoidencc, ini a 1iealthy anu-l- OI' sO his$ws Hi@ Maejety lias-forý a long ascerfain irlether hto couid lInt a boy suppiieti froai t-he parer pjants theremaetvatIaptiand-Ikot time boen crodifet mith, the intention te bis Iîing» A eanny Scotdliman l ih eîectricity, -enys flicNew Yack 1amouataIfoirqlet xto-larc 01 pur'clasinýg an I'ish 'royal resldenco hinumaf,- he'bat noflçed 'th-learif.vaIA1merican.- diay- srm and thc visit of thre-KRing and Cqîen of a Glasgowm steamÙer,- anti fancied ;;&l the- oSIer tomera ill tariva AS a cule, thelie ul, un1ets e aten anti vi - vert- lo l, liulti cea-se luafore the a racel t6th île ke of ,lDevonshire revivedtfla-t- -ho mugît bd.able fae get a thai- aira Powair froingeacating 1 ýaP l a thre rumor tfiat frauuéer -ofLismore frutIirorthy * clark frounhie atm Plant 'acecteti aloageite or betireen - ppetite -e nti'îysa tiifie(l, tuala-Mia EaStie mwill soon boeflget ed from'th -lip~unury. 14iSdy's fearlece face qanglt -ihet main upu'îghis, anti oaci .rt-lItdi&- -a - - bille.tifor -tIre oui-, laruge Dwiks te bis Majty. - m hiseoye. 'ime onest ri1>ng ln Standy's tiibtie about- ton flousant tio-.rse- lyîag aî'gans anittissuesici feel tI*c- inir. Llsiie'e aule arn tot-t C'vaa-.vece ouced iefalhfu Sctc peeîfaIwii'ciass electi-icity' ander a :effaCte aiOfthc foodtl uhait lcealaM- not -i',ý dli ~Wltlf grant-estafes, lîy mai'-heurt. -tension ofpone.lhundret millionnçvolts-.ge t stati. I taa toe ia L it n taelog -luge. Lt is a,large and lmposïeg «"TeIlitme your stouy," lie sald Mr. Testacieclares î4ut l eail t i es nug amk u tiio. iuldi» 02 th biik ettIcBlck-kinily -preduce andi hamidia t-at muh - miii flue nextiuneal, andth ie appatifa mît- vate5'. xxl fthe gardonsa and -termces Lt s &-n tolti, JO gmother pecfaft- im a tmr i moea fielictr at I a kre htid out in fthe qld-taahlon. lad, been left e witlu litUie - tomer wiiI lie cipa-bleo!mr atui --- rtyi, ii. iàe lu~ftgetreu '~~ meeivamr a iriti e bmg n, S. ~xueiitng eau poerand i *11 No one Was aver soiry for'iaving gt>. The ptee a atflehr %atfmoucan aies, t brg .,S>eto a t. l nvoluiitau'ily een tfoo ltile, mille- E 1O51 g'a at ! ie0- al'Wcel o U a orga ir o1e t-Ia a' o tf~ illions ,every-day repent - iiaving te an avenue of yoms, about 2W<>e0ld, bvt wbe. ler -liealilifaliledi, 4 r oe'- eate4 fao. zanch-I. h 1aebeen sait W let in lng4,-tire trémes"prmlng aa a d oliglit bis, fîsage -te Am~en,. ri~s YPF.- thet the gi-et lessoui homoeopatby 8,BItid !I ký»a vp qrMad. -màe bilU - andmui veum w hM.lit-fie Mrina.7 eentual1y1.. el poose te egitteWorI wefhs;T r, eiw 'eom, wbich wasunce us6d 1 S - a 81 coulil ltîl0 - tae0j1of' tIla tier. aysf-emhéîas piyslcians have beetn lthfe dtnt. *âàp.l;bas a >6btifuI pïht* Go- "Go aird »mk&1c etie , p alue l th W ý6 <»Nt-â Am bt !.gllm h-patient t-le larg- I e 1k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0f0 a a. e ereaà4hnt.euconfit l eteiover mit-h est tose lie cari taent, ihey have bla auuaer ~laaawtudo*. - u'doIn't fôrget toUr miurwle -~i ~~ledt-o se& 'fIt- t-loir purpoe e- ias eicaye4 - - ~~~~"oatu workc for yeu any Iton q iatp Ucfw ' <betr etubservoui by, giving lii nt-hoe J ust M~',<~j1s~I'a~*aq ~ a4y4 aroie.agl kJm asau jcvrdb ~, iU oethut moult prolluco ha ~t4~ img- $~ua la o~ê pi~~* o! ~.T - - f~i~~'~foe:tlxedeeîîed effect, Ant iso It ila mith *' MsIs iou eu *g.1 a 1 il s-fo a f w Il give nyen - ,eKïanS,,»lie alft1 Wre.yo *ow leÏ8 teet- 'foodi. ' --the m, >I meg4tiùls --anal. g/'b z. s -1îw hs-t 'fh«el isi vou. j igMftom flue grelind te fluetop o!f -- An-d wiutPl'm"-aIW5- g ê4d t'wMeS wrif. te y<qui iloétl o-4ay irai Ithe.cupoloý. TIhe aalist dimehson --As lest as oee mn ma-ke oppox'- ail fh( t I.bt.-ý -- bave tuu'd a fr104 u e vo iii ,tcoat-le base of'- upr4glta is 97 tumit-les others grab ,them, -autibi a a t I i -i *- to putting ii1,n oun y Iluaper and. t î-î 4++ 44,"ý_+stand .tyy ou a l a P. re felclc' fT peW0<$ ~Gnj1'Maný Or fcarless and hoîicst .fotwl île the cupl]a itseil =12= otheruociety pauier.t' j Sandy becamne a65rt~a ~rc~ eti i ntr h oe butatfietmenehe'! Vtercldth -flce. Clients slai a tt-1hî I <)tt' agatreceiver, m~ de. 80~it eemm»OWoflie iihout Pa' -jngt av <ltfi'tSIO ' i< Siii0t ii< not und erstand *what. he was at, a'1'lO jS *wr. hhm~atticîFî fi < iflt-.foi.echo l oia lat- word wttjs ti .-,e1thatttheiwirellsn yon iow 'what i. -spIrit lie lias, -OLKS, 9.sho adbcat a Xer iljri It ~is a1 riuu lantI lshojjt.;u Irnan and accounat ttan x 1ýrapkiý'-"' e ebloodthirsty when bis honcr -19 e I. wkiii he V ltaedii'ed j.flta gixti Ialdiiqeto! V promroted until lie was hi-,'<4- itetog iBut the man epl.alhed?" RISCOMPE~NSATION. ron's coadidenti4nî clark. loi.t sat4i1iaxr euv i "He did; ,me dear. But F*îher was I'"e'l"we ' tad,' Atrsharing lis arda with i. ais so flabbergaated by that time, tliat 'ItITNG01-.tuîv li oi-n'wmme wat *hé-, Al'- I&n m"kep in", when Jl'ni"late;" rnotîar, liha'.tant,:haek ta cao n .so lie told the manri that lhe bad LMn "ep i: or 0oito" udlrgi ie okw i thL in , îorto e ie wi ifa -no character," and, hat the -ms- "Pl. meansnot settiù' straighte Yoîhavae mac(la - mv fL ji n h l tt iino eiiii(s. Ittae thress knew hlm well!" sl,"rdicarnot Iiiva ck ' ~ ~ ~ ~ i i Here Hllary gives way, and burets i'm '411pQin" on mly joggerfy, out a ho .freuelîî'nîxcvi1rr" -o (bîatl into a peal-of latighter, followed ýby 1],Y readln', -an' nuy writii', 1la ws rigli.t.- * hac joýi tul'-Stqieatrîiaalti'a ~ i, Diamia, who lias.been growing hyter- An' I'Ém "kep in" sarnie for laugý,hin', cd îatv and.b gi-an la practice - n t* rouf will1 ho sîîflicic-î ( e i a ~~~~ I~~~~ylut l'ni "kep "mstfrtgt- bar,> his' loarlcsî-ssconanc d rotla'i, ia ai îi :otod 11MiLs Kinsella, 1 hope you will Iy -ftatibs nesvis ired l on-or cl6cks -n17cho'su11 p~ pardon this reprehlensible imorriment fidenco. Jonc s I-(.d ta baer Il b i 1pie wîJl e1 re lî'in's!, on the Part fmy Wife and my sis- lm'ai ep in" wîa1nymahls ileak. -The ls-î'ctx_îvii4ti' lt'ëllr< pli.c'u)i-ilO er"ays> Clifford.eclernly- No ores rattlin' fron i iy ýpozkatsi lI!i*îah-îhic m'r'scc n"til,m ild vwîllî tîa-r-a< doubt liysteria has 'a good deal to do n' somnetinies whan -mv m iatches higlicourage lantisîîeît 'nnî ciî i mu',a nî with, it. No* one could -hear. your G<lntà aixati up D * yro t.-. { is.sucteswas hru îu_.ty- iioi txa k jl Va r'ie iaciu"'t 9iarrowing tala without being, deeply C ~-ai iii tIli i îro'1~ d' meti. As for me-" liHera, hiW 1u'kep n"ef 1 wliispelt, b e 1:! i<uîîh ~~î, 1 )i îi voice begininfg ta shake treacherous- An- 'ai "1ep in" ech law fi îatth, ai ' - ly, he subsides lehind hie handker-- rfîe, place of 9um i 've borrowecd Co mm Sghs<IteStet of îti wtbt ii' cýief: "'Wherî I thlnk of Mrs. Mc- An' ,arnmwanmin' in ilmiv!ofi 0hC1 Y( rt Intyre e face 'when she heard. that," ail Jap Ci.tîes. Kott-ao i ,Eàv,èhe. '"-Such anaPrino letutil.'tla kpj"Tha str{ets aI o kO 1 aaîd'ocrdîitg to I 1ho i ii' o nt i~i~O)~- ciaracther!" al-!e1,1i e*Oh, but, me dciii'there's wrse os - ryting I dol htmotr o apanaJse cit s tfi i I iif iîîîîîîc o' os ejolly Ithingaoti rnwt hl-1C tecre,'sv Ms isella, tear- It l bu t nitws aîl-snmwîîc iii t 'e îîçtc-ir fully, rather pleased with theceetsa- T'f tacr' kp a ui den asairie atacerookîai'i"tsh - E land the question çà cV~~IT'(ii 1 lii l' tion she is se cvident-ly creating. "lt i,. etll ago er Lo1h -. ami cI o t-" seexas that that scarn P ofa footaian SOY0 ir x. cleein-,inly cnanftl bo-rail aj rn posQsaa -' t 1i e'î't 1,î: 1 gave me neplic v 'l>ether's message It was a beautitul morrng l JnÎi_- io'c-hu1-e tnaax't, t-î'widé? tirifIi'1s'l""'jt-il "lihti etraight to Mrs. Mintyre this morn- on a Nor'th Dlakota ranci. '!.ho faui- 'may .ba e t lyn«1îbe < ltVlich wiex cîrî< i l-"i ing whn se asiooin ovr hr l'y had gathel aonith(',break- the fact that nîany nf the'îîiî.lan 't iîo"aî'-r -îi<î list. An' fnow r 1hear they're gain' fast table, when'n î1thi ci~e larea-aindoarswhi h hlirno-ilat rilîctut lo i"tî'i" i ta akerovngeon c pornePhew, and eaid Iltirvey wotld jilfTbedawn, ara not. T1licyli- a 1'i1 1 ,t h(ii'i'lescr-t-'--, i aend are> going ta put-him in alilthe lslehdtkacoliat y aieat hnade are f itapa'>ic i roa- >atudp ~ 'pa~rsas Thay. e gndhr' s ever, andi therelore.iroulti fot îŽe tc tets an ti 'iaO l hi tî'isiîii'i iai Il," hére Miss Rineella liegins ta sal able ta go eut '-th ihis bonchi of gamas vwitli Uictestitvir n d ':1(jFhzilie of a w1hV, il 1 c c F Wildh,, "Pether would go anywhere irts r .w lvtsn otdh ritaa Iif initt'tes 1c'-tw 'd tilt ivlthout bis breeches!" -. W.[h1ook K - cîtatai la "I'sfrgiffu,"Y. C'-rd, 'l Iarn carry tg licar that," saùid . ture ai streat 111e ii Japanca-_e ctusipiQ i eXhaiisted.. ýAlmo!'Ft cVrvt' if; . Araý.icr littie tia iVio a'- "Yt-ouknow the aId ulnes, don't vieday to, get that -liearnss.5 carî .ingi achulti a-,- wti Mrs. Cl-ifford,,nia dear? 'Jack.could break liose bronches, and -nbrhc, i laentiioai-tt' a-'i~ -s get ýuth Y r a wyai cary- i ng t h eliln i nniOOiiS of -hiclh thce \îi-i c-an t--- tiVihp1 r gt heni hanrlybêfoea the havin'l, '4 Oh, Tblady',ye gandhrheeaotu apt htattt~r aiirt af a lisg, innade.by tyiî îg île j i dîcl i'eCc t'-e ui'-'g'ti Ye're lke a Hglilaidher, anie oter tiîo rint i wil1 takeends cf a piece -of cotton c t,unifanfîiai ot-no t- oin Yeteli-?allchargersoe e r t s sheendu1til lue !aî'auaid thc shoulders anti dapasiîiag Watch1es of lbath "dr'd tici-r--- -',For irant o' yer breeches, the baby in the ret'eptagie thos faim L 1 ie hakeyai e( ecetan 1ît 1 f< ij1s1 For :want o' yer breeches!' " gets w 4ri' -c. an !ths ais ýna o-et-cntthl'aii'uicîon lii --l Tu I ay cat & aa So after -brani-st I-tvc-nt 0oOt :tire]civ ce-t t th9carid gig i. oifii i- -cii-ilt Th - aycatsté n and - whistled for Ficlo, thec-littieand tac lNare îtù a tulcritdgea ata- rff1îg iditOai ahkagioceA shephecti dog, wirb ne unl1 ý ableob-ects' i oi u pail, tt-t' I"Thcy seunti sadly famliar," s 1 j csrpie- cm unng~at ht i- oa ua aie-tac's ftiiue-i'~ saswt sr îsd ook- on -lis face lit tbev ai-re nwkceu-eadt r ya ' -- "-+~---- oiF- Clifford. Bath Ililary andi Diana -are such aniiiua aî. u -of rI o aasiwthaîotstpdcx '- licyatispeeh'.hati toit i ni that larvev was 'niii-presîoian. In uucst cases iteyare-....~ . . . -lti- i -miar! ta -think o' meiCspotless e al 4-k- 1 al Pter being so treated,." goes OR 1irould hàibis mlokgatdrhe.ui s Falephatiu iolt ee, rnitc . hav t iak fte te. heP, iay their heads banlg aVeu- rthe bag. i,' Miss insela, istretedy. "rs. he Put bis nase ta thé dinner -,pail- that their nocks traulti lia tislecate<ij. t. Clifodme ea yU'r ~~ to maFke sure that the dinner was- al ,Thev ,certainlypses the paower'- [PIftH j frlend o Mrs. Mcîte e. Ircame triglit and being toiti that titaer as fsleeping uncîeî- the îîuost discaurai- g î- tog -me nouidyou o P p o lir an itai for us lioth.- bis face brigtlten- r uistcs- as -f-hec - i lt- g begmenehe Pther off? Youculi abûuh u.anÇst Cà.tieifgo explain ta e c, me- dear, that be 1eAd up and ha turneci andi l.e way abule uIftcchîiai- ee at<-,V t nvrrat t." o ~in. - t0 the sheep sheds Ithew there. and stoip ot'ci- tln cs 'RTY'O1 tc nspiration seizes o- Pla'a. ls asne thdisapnsa,'or ratner "t ciii r 'll tell you 'hat l'Il do," s te îte oos ebu tc luep, saeing O~n oteis do not, baatîta thçîî i This t she.~~~~~~~~~ 'îî iey- itentastranger before' thenu,.were timiti;1 dhidîca utitil they aore tue'yeari s newly dihcoveiel dîs-suic x' eteystod.okngatm i. onSai a snt, not liecatuse they ciesire iteen. consitierably hiS Sclcflto - yniiou must take it direct to Mrs. e to okIga el. wn odae You kn der. I tufflet-to the little, 'gaudta at-aid te i-evtbut ila-the n)qedical Wro0. 1t is ai ifun- oa- Mcîntyro yo'arscît. Yuder ýyo og.an 1te-'labor nvle. are a great, favorite o! bers, anti shc sali: ti'Wat mIl we do nom,' ldo?" licucte atoba. auat fora, te'csting affectioan, kinit ilsdsco:cr a i can, refuse you nothing. l'Il just e - anti li Vilhe . way cf ahnmele 1 generatian that this irastlie prapec j has sci'vedti-cîcar ulp utîaiy punzzîhîg Plain the case, ni o -ad tep st uickly in at the dccc, andc cours e to' pursue. 'Tli resuit,> as. a lpolafts iii relation, ot%-a ytîoiti cxr- le- reat!' - - - up-ana side cf the clati,- as close' t a mte Ifai en pleai-in.g tao 'gnal yphus, amti 1ypbiicl fovt'i's F.ç,olntcol s 1uroptean eyes. - - -r ecthougit ta bie -ldeîticaî îî[)'tr-Aii "Vucolatc ore ith e, nie. the wall as possible, until ha readlie-d 1'i'(- c'cai dear?" - I ~the fac aenticd t sht.Th- tetA.«]Saca a s a'îiaîa ecliid gi-irs earl3-in telle lasi tceaturycloiS'- tb "i culd flanathorghtul-flak VW fr '~ Fia ' a ei-ainega suel also uùtiIi7£(ct servcrh detecteti certain dtiteiCt-aaIii r - - ld"says.Daat tghti lé gave ay fo hi. m i- toa crai g, ' ly. "Ibut 1 know 1 shoulri spoil imat- cd back and forth behinti tieni until *- inrthelaic ay; i-hnd.lI- le sr 0 tesipai -bd e"dt aksu tue ooran l-i we mtli lie a Se fouiyauti litlegil-s twa gripa c)-ý f caseUs. ttid rci stl" tey a- e fers;r toi, w-lia-.aan 50le oquewthm roftea go aI'couîud -mliihuite - babies -fotînti that tiyraylaita jý 0dc -dayit dear' Miss Kntiireiuito no etivo- Ismiall lali tni'netiandi - ith oa hi ak,-anot afa ag.mi w isic ies'-t-îs ente7' - theateniag lok, and stauuping the'as thcmiiseivas, anti - cnup andi pin-y'anti tyihaitif"r.Nw nal n -The aid nmaid brighitens up peieeP- feet, disputetFjdo's riglît ta fol- i tltcéîîtmosc inrliffecence:as -rie- -buntrircl y aîsIte,,theydtihtc n iby aidgvsle edan aylortî. But ulien she letd aP- -garde theIr buî-dcn the stupitiec hroa'-tv tllcllfee',btthe - c-st a little ehake. Eloquient! Ves, sho -proaclitid dangerousiy na.tclti !fi aybunig faae si itnt o l bi case h e "ss a i"t han fcît thatRail lier 1Hie. Buit it 19 dog gave a short, chai-p littie bnrk. lititi et1wn luU-aief,. h- #-df~ricsiitcsntp-îi la i ttlI pleasanti ta cee the ft acknowled -ed an thtînttoôk. the 'coareaitt ail ott ts hcad îast -Jo-ý-d frontj tOs' the' fatthtlat Ithe ncii'aiîît'ici-i- dit 1l~et. - -~of the. aid 'cwe, anti sent n2'.fecit I - 7twitth the rta iesr iLr - jins "eI1edear, thece'esSoule tuiu t t he flocàwitli 'tlie 1't-nel0-I, dii,caiated ecllet - Ai mhat you eny" closeuatuhësIc e-s- I ara iv ibid lavai',at1ie eICc,,l estlym, "muid l'Il ta-ko îlenote. Whist i .'tîjg c,;;) océurred cing maaa illnJ-~y " ~ assoiacd'ith h tht' arntIýpheidasli yeu're writing it, l'm thinking 11 tel'Iliodi heriniii p riLÂ~MAi3 fljj)jJ1jjjEjS) f clu." thuIljbot aec-a l tt 1YOu a litS-le thing I saidti tathat l ic dly. Fido rt. AIti flic runniîîg tii o jh, brze ceaueMr. yonMoreand awnî bis, ati seeniecl te knom - -occcirs'as a i-ule but once la îhe qsan ie hi" My ~ ~ ~ fl trcas c lforddy--alfrat mac needeti beforo 1 Wouldi HIS GREAT .PLAN TO DISTRI- persan. anc uittncli:c ccfe'rniing anl lai- Wae - - ask lm. l ne n-ceanié, -EJ andft nînt uu lcsfor the cesi if t ler petticoats?" secmliBnTEeniug ant n.flUai- &11. he lok oin> .1 d' l1e, faieehave seanui la boe -so nmany ' "trioti lard," isays- Clifford. ' th«1 ock ggtowarti homne. ds- y -popula tûilnk, alter a bit,. I did." - caveredaI a amb ov'er'-the liî'oek. ifs Electrie Towers Will.- nd outexceptions -that Çsome aluithorities vlF u "'Senndalous! Scendàlour,!" 'Msemaltiter trying ta cdoax it ac'ross. IT Oi-ents for. Lighting. and haeaven doIôbtet the existen o fce il Itnella -uplifts -lier arme. IW.etft utuP - li er, but aur hast -any cule, atihae- ssrt.Ltht a-l~î ie e "Wht dti ou ayfofoerMis aelp orond atimeke af. She disesaaiecoiFta le faîiled otsa tébefocss ealthougli the brook, - o Di hs xaîinia a-m rdml- er.'ti-_Aepe I f tour, - 1

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