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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 6

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usp~, JIX th,190. a $-îmcivee~ ! te prk a m- lu County, andi especjally '%17 itby, de-pae wt rt trgedli.-Msont, *x Môa',Toronto -Jet,.' - C. E. Huston, Dasbîîood.*'.J.Hy, mur csot. Tis s tlie irs tie lilut larecalling the tact- tiat May Wa% that ploturesqin-fine f igùl&Li'eJerernahaliMurpiîy, ocks oun- E. A. Oliver' taa hals i i ttupak las lit sedofr lrge ga- 'Irwi , w'ho cbarims "'York. %vith u 0d.t cari Old lIole tin.-B. Walters, Bufiilo, -N.X. Tis ikn flYIr 0 fo!beaufil ,ul .rlslnjt . bîmif gwi ithîn -a ,ktone'sthro%%,.o! the Ang- t seems but yesterday that olti Tini ter. *Cha~s.Peck, iluffalo, _N.Y. onG r U ~ .e r c o t a e s a ' d . p a i o n , i n a k e I l i a n c u r c h . - f e r i s t e r F sFo l y c m t o g -M s h o l ! c m l o o J a e ; I- b r i , B u f [ d o N ' . B n e , ply uitble insz. Wd -con- als9 aiadpti ience o ght tage. W'tha oue b 'tloaod in lus coat 1fr. '%Vin. Mitchell., wifé 'aa mi .H.Seari- bis ntX, :Cd vAkent situâ-tion. Astif'! gale fr mRcard.-Williams, 'o!f xrdel otnnigometliag -sîroag-, -Toronto- cdTaylor,' W h>tb3 b)OY.'td t1he "ooth h"ad worked ac. wters-ef anoibet4' Ontaio nixi ive. ayho: liast aken Aad when. a pauoscîr tu II d.1.l u lPý Miss Mont Sie%'art, Toroiiuto. 'rank . Gleeson, Brco1.1.T.1.Aiîo atiuud foîs age One'. 1 lake ÃŽinto great, waves, whie it to the' stae ar, a'calling, nOtu withosiut and -ad"Oî,Tira-drink: " - Mr. Rya, Toronto. Eliýjalu oei 3oiiui 'a.C îs peeetth ' Po Int a téodcui h-it's aguiùboil,- ic Ithink r - *miss:>1J. rnolîl lîioao.family,. Toroônto no ..Ha o! the public iibra ry; ILnptvne iryigoitt r-l h awtt l oaybsmu antiwlfu Joh disppoit'ed thoghfor the 'secray of taForesteisbegan t uAe lîbyauYsed ro lg --I John Anîly,0-Ierson. <-;lTorontM. asneiuesanlfn13 GoI.ilîm a isn ha 'tiriî<dgrandeur o!f* the 'great naituiral spec- lif',a, a abarrister,' anti tI-a - br lost r alo I1Jtsi .00 rnnod, wra.Jeffirey. (acisw'as an. objeet lb! absorbing in- àutacr-'ùor viten the order' gainat';n 0Tlni NgmrJfru"aa iIaî ut saaoronîo(. C omi rtC&pt. 1D. F. iukfor-terest- The landi of the' 48t1î Hîgb-amrbeh hctv'ofco.T. onlis perfiiiming- dmg;î Miss - . M. Page, ToconLo 3r ae îi"s in is Rai.M 'Osinw, aud[outertuf~~ It~5lnders..playet spîendidlyiy' latht'ph.of jtibyurs.lir m> as sonH'Dtbuee a ~< ~ slodMmA"aHf<~oe-Wîl-oot lrd. i y'iet rT- How 'doe-syo' coiPporosity, seg'tat Mc.- Cot-nelt, Pickering.Wamr- e oon' 'T Mî i ýor o! seciools; ex.L"iiîipa in - ia charmned, cirele istening to tîeir roto. îvhiie Cul.. Fare-iveIl îOtS ds mtvi -i 3ie ~jtuy Ms 1'ie ontn j~' o 'u m JrIoeit lhortuû, nomu .The' football dira~el h d~îîN <j eldn !tt on~ s ilubrin cçorii 'Miesuîpj'ctY islt_31 n, *PIe.keri'y:Toron~u idon' E ng Mjr;lOfttf, W w n MOnm bàyPic-keiih 'mtredîtes ty t-own. .. î% other Colonel ila -thé -~Me i l:r~,Tîîon'j fer spîiteti contests, first be. am Li.i ,Troîoy , suuch. Gticpli. - l et of ~ ~ ase JonforpO, l-.>.pruao). ' eerok.CiO"wlt seenIs but yesterit'y I1 ssthe .Mr. Aif. Gibson, Toroato-'- l Bolion. Cit mîlh.* 1>"c îbbe, the'fri otst. fi.wceen Gree'iswood andi Pi-kering. f Ous;"elt Sound, but formnecly or 1i.1 'mib rlftî, c rlmrGbo ool. *DttSomi utHruMd. JHi"to gion -,aad IE a Wyatt, ér%%wards W-itby andl thee ceasfdIbia mu >utPry a s mr-Mîcîtlruh ieAsînl rmi rtilhrme,'id OslîtmsPot 'i r ast ~tipei'ntt'fldt'nî tf echools ieai. uit timisstage hevanperson o! N. F. P'a terson, K. C., w-- C pui'natPr'ug.L.i eîî -vhOLîio el nlririaduc~usdua hp'e fBb usarray aîuid fime paopIul"s c eueçt Miss M-ay For.sih O Gi s i S- Is'ksWeseNi ok dI t forercad te-aîantCuptili W alluice, (t' M r.Il. Dolile anidamg eT--Ms l .Meurt fToroml. .-osdu sc.ittt'red. ~~~~~~ly a p r.uietîcirig barrister ai lJx-- in sLm bite ol.-Ms ' l îewo 'rno '1.3e lityi Aferooos.in"i-' ., u Sar, ! oriuoAiti. Anda ,£dy CanLuiî'roa followling blrs. 'M.1,F. China, Toronto. -¶ F.D1)-Stins-ort n-aiuîa b 1)r C î1 hp aflernoon tea waiîla-TeCsnloerrtN.-;go' iA <usriiarv éducation lin lit W - îiîlhtiibaidto it rh-lè Goge Wîl,î,lIrl's * Oi"ir iIîiipiry T uit. - i .nKig mac o ht theit-groontî 1Just a té lme alliaeto iave -iî:l i-sftie-r laboreil as pastor oro en . w%%o Oîhswit ttnis, -tîeh e - for ht'48th Ilîgbl'itîîmers'band o ii'Mî'tulibt churcb. . Ohisa I era uleierl% lum Cto- - It'e e i-Thiolpson. ummî: T'riioui- Bîh Hîîlrm~l n .o i ig es atitht' MilleabIêt5, wIiilC cmertinlitthc' uti -liail. intht'e n-l ;î eui iiy sons to Lime T oro o- oChrlfiyTrno. * - Kthklcn W'in ,oni,i Tew n.M; -M - -'fi'îthedn'i.inagre br as no ms -tdeînanesdu6beneaelli George iNcCi ',- lb 11iso oono - 11e uuuM onby thTLstles, .3 10 1. ing, dÃ"uw'n camre lima ainagni a1t-bruoiuv eu'nnlsfr theni !Ctralo l olisnTrno wais u excii-ig ~i,uma' ve rnts! Huu{utppily. it m bolid- paad selves. tht'stifsarnme bai. I Ge.nueIDi.i, Stet'utii,'k ues. . -M-s ).A OuilFranuki, 3c uîd Robi . Iiinkîer Se., Eeuueil 'l ilii' mn I-ti 01110 CSts. luilîbe nube iesd il Ilotlipeupl re tl u asoi' uinrns'e a pmiiü;e in a nny o! Tovonto's liýd- And ranv'a hot -oll tiuIt lo' fi m .ad'-l s ol )tiklv - W'nu. CliauxîbTo arable rll tai tht otti, se ttai.tt oi uigt ),2auli'y3, îing phy.si iai&" mc'.1 O ît ro unîuL intrihe ueiiniipuu bgii,'o-no.*aT tno, .tý sprt veeealtd btfo tt wts packed.*. T-le rocui %et- s un fil l o".-Iit. Herber. Bruze us us w lI e h Croîticle seitiiied hy o! a ies - mey [<il tlmrotgh. unqualifieuld ces rotu set ii tu boni ia l';6r( 'erey Dr. li'ering lm lulirîg îijîy li iS. S-Rcic iitI5' oom .W 1 iti u. Torono. t'*litby bîuaL wiîsin zatuendtnce. finishi. Tht pmogramume coiîsimtetio l u iO'ji fe u uitRa~JicharduinIe',Toraiu. W ' ill.Trot.sWli i bCil jn'r M 1r. tînt.Mrs. t. CG.,hfeaili, Toro6nto. Me. andi i '-. P ' 1 'utfmîiv. A .3mî S ra by tue bdanng ug-and.' sectos ioi i ' mu fc ,a ~ D.But iimen f roiniyesuerdluy, i'i'; M i se , L. ichaurdson, -Tovont o.- - Toren ou _1'1.ii 11< 'rounenada Concert, - S'oitsh daning ant rei Ls'oat d. Mcci-!1iVra~y esiil,'tî . *inOO :Ill.Il Su vhl ,t - b e ai. to-day arrl" e u~ r 1.G idnr t n b W oive. N-, \Xingît'a. - - -i.loh.i -'tudîy eniiagrasarge con- - folu ti ut ~'litybaindl 10 '.JohinW'. Bngotîl. le 5:S l'uik St< s'n n 'd. olette nuicli uuive F arn.6. Ca frl ôot. rli ---T ~ îuiih gîouîs to particîp;lela puîtcul'tiî' iilt.sirig .lndilliuîp aad ùs~mi"i't~ Oui3 .u Dr. And Au^_ thank GotI, 'r',ut'to ie W.h.leuî, T cao uf0?.ege..Fred. l.awremee, Toronmt .o5i i ýç,mrnna concert. The' ç - ASOf repeatt'tl tpplause. isuuily B-B_ ,puosr P tliuil a oi ut fcoimn.-L n.lo>iso.Trn-..; l \i1s uiu aib.Brie-f-.X turlner1 very co, uavnibs slîei lie skefc.li le.t esrus. A . i-ClhuiuF vrîysa 01l lîso.A. C.CW.lsoL-ruoef' unnes W. i-aonnesTorot io. --Rb'ii:\yiî Talo.ih i 'c'001, bbut el-.sof. - - -- - Lv P mai co o! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýo andulitt ntc"!la te-o îlCol. Faie -1'llani guve ub is ai tr! i ht Y, 'on"-_ul-sR also ir ,anoil itbuil rAit'C. a- Jon eK f>intn,9Torohuc. -Roer i ~ii T . - - Js "ni OfdaiIg5, -Exotle iun isint' liiee tîI'i, I tîl o -CI1uî. hin- oi JI nî -- .Faa ih ia fmfuypTraim.er!i Ies'- et! y Iiumhanl, t oi He W iu Iiiuti'duty, ile,'-It tt et'piroe lbut-. iîju> Ilar o hIC 5 1<01 aind- - i o.Johnieeuî - i.'wok3uai M i. O'ilîuuw' i o. - Gc.t.ltal u i~ea tHt'Qîmnlete, oa-istig o luu'. bmt coii'et wuItz, "ovea- ' laîîmlituey :mters ht'Iletleron .i.i'.-ys 11 i.it' tusi Ti.lNlE ans d ham'.t W.S. iiouuonnl 'uîehuid' 'ut ix uor -s , W E"rs.Gm. WIFi- m nt fos, -e'ye b te imn ictîrsorirut, hno' Wjio, W'-slld uîhvly U i' btuî tsle-erg .W'Ye T rno.G-o "'uie.Tîrî-r.(IIn iedm yr112 antiW, î ikand oeN\i sth gtit eem t p u ic! ' 1,Gti heisuraîli, ýni. jr i.ng s iiel brîsl î hereul Wan 'ite, T rno.-- Wna. Ns 'l rr0t.;Il Wbt ou T h I e ing cî tpus G hy rn. - su"Ii 'T-u.Xsi:iei tlîi' t [ale Qu'rçla -iu fem nti r et-c 'ln is Oaa m riatuter is t1 e t ieo ,th Ia y.mte oltoniui :ou o -on Ms rîesum bdT fn' l . ir- .Tiot' l S- Hi")Ipreue nt nt 1reor o! Ail é an dts' l A N . lls', r a v .. I l- kn -%vitil god- e1eill, was JarLicltýaHi.ofF 1îir Ist lk-. Tnrnntndcr- è 3d iss l M ve1îbrus arrf-i Fi 'Và'toron'ronto.. F1'o . ônleo Uauvd, ! çj. F ]ineio f . thurer m uîe tl-to $25 - 5 ui jN- ime il l-e !ate t'- - is ulk b'i' ' ~ W ts T f tW' f'lu- t - - - -d. of tundre&uOtt00e1, tule ; kPMissA. E. -hlToront.To nt. - A Sty.iotrm.T I Ieu. îad.o~in r tt'bu sig o hoewi euiywoku o m e W eýoii i ocr u Mon-- "Geo hl u m1f1-Lie."workys -3. tekhuta, Condllgvo.- ot.'ý-~i1al - ' Me. utau Mis. C; 1, -40rute, T - 'A. W.MG. 1".e- Vit- ie e-nin 'sec-asowreth' oly.-eyevaig-Tou. fat, o iit e t' wom-ki: i lsoht ,day." -r. B.TL.onujîson, 'foconto. - lowing - auyor loîs' -John èa leAvwonr iisciibmiogfIOntmdeamiîy svbon- it rs. H . Ttoapsoin, , Torolo. r no -- C ail«l ay' Diosf twhJohaE Freî'eIDr.Jon u.peus u l' ool, aat i 1 sens bt u'ieraybu o ld, n. A .É . Tîmonipon, T orno Mru.ho ûis' u-EaA G cehr.da !tt Onttri a rto Couil nty Wauogthe. A rit o[. AOn, ri o . .A f anydi î lie-eogu.i' eta lme lurI Stih ocno e obr i-h nOiiu. - H ci et -- - -DouudToto. Mi.J n Neîoe, oono u,- 1e.t". ddTh waateroathh l, wtLes L~Tcm,. A. 31.iba iidJh ?r t-ukstepmtLu e.et m n' IViidhy',ïujsa-tute . le is AIluel - - - Mi. Eý ss fîy wsne Trnt. - M -.-JC e holdbinoe.sepu ie ydronat new'e[tyo!fTu-eAnd yebur, uttiti ycarsanti ye'n's mgo tuMiss bort-lu Newsonne oot. .1 G 'l' or psto s htv e y, Cnn a -a.bu sTh ra 'rk wu es. ILii,,T rnt -Ir n'-T ah~ ,Trn'. --Fun lu îy, ~iiir ofTrrtpetht aAl ant nb hs ietoamI ' tsea ui yes eum y N.i.u:t1 î was -&Lte, baeno '.s'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~W HaBentgfudroott u ur ogv rei owor v-mttisric t thelionctai on'ha le oi i4uiGoJrort o-IallOe. lmn oNvty- o theabrstigo, of j.ckLis ue. r. aug epacilhy ntiprIdiyumSsser.i <tisen" toI P J '6îm tanto. Jus Diiiu - ' - u~~~ uadeetuîkiaré. itu nmoank.eeul îie pamdy hu f.untM s iim,\'uro. - 3 -. ; rce.thétepunhiin da rtthe, u ol'hih .feR lsorto! sithe __ -y- 31s.JR. r1,euer, Cijsellirsm. li; 3cGtl v~oiilg Dr a n T rnt r-ahd cear Io 13 reorg111n ali- oiiz-- ' ever ig siaioeiî - -u H. T ui I oTooi M s 3'c, oor. - ...Ji ,p ri tuin ,xt' tht'buptaded, W heay-buwere ho, Mre. A. -J. A.0. TI îey' Metoii Taerncle H' 'as Joh, niE.t tit' ro1whav. Jhnît -iluut Ireit vîlumati-T- 's o 11e.M . - uIx , 9 Coýnlon.. -'î'>- , Fred. Dr. BaîDr.ntyne . Ftht'1firdt sIcod E. Wulaouili, orte iugui- Ris - ' " h olsy' a W bi.. t o w n R-ffl nd 1h e. Il.t W 'zo ;itokisiiib e3, f o r L o u'al-ui B .1 li.r nlobi Ar o!tt ln't1Pehyein N ta .ntt Clos abt Joun. Fr- ýiters bmlle st thedîi-e Lh a s uewoe - -- N.. " Aiberi ao-. Milioa' eloi'ei', iNlîîîu- - J;tmes lii kh e -l St, Androolw's frfii teld "mu'; -__ hasu, ad ile-eTixoanas e 0 -,I ch l thex~moniag 'anl th' Ra. Te o upaand nt r tion freo T ojb- Ad ettisa d - bus f irm liti-r, i'S - Me atîl n-.".Tompun 1uî .X er i célébration yo Crnella wîs ufonrslasaig ar-uel oumiu witu us ye -- - ifuat 'et przneitetw -tis0 o'. fcu. m n tesln se - ye-s c"e'o c'hl- -ishop .11ls l Le reahed 1-nThe' ev 'ia M ar. Tîmos t , iith ext a ura pie o!bhi'tAtsat mes1'i 0 . M. . Dlian. To nto.-,mle e,, f* oono pechd Toro.aiil nto this office.ni dýit.laInnoeasIt yJira Dify îervce eee1ewa's F .-aiMn. nch4Ceey 'ch-bisbutO'Canir, o! _____crédit_________________________the____________________Oro Thtsam asin olioe Bllwas the - rotfo- u1-s loxdBummavilof'- Mt.he1 eh fortOtar o y.huvig ee lsd aughter, . i uAtoonavîste 10 mlaeiktmth stwatageibeii Wî c tl -LilumR~rsTrunO ,Ie.vnaM s SmLuilyhnisar, fusiArI stdu t'l, jbuuibuos'istaf I a 1h smse outi M s.Jus.RgesTooloofis thens.1'mi 'e-e: - e..1 n.¶.Iva, Toondatpeu o-aao ootueepeatadAt iIat i"'e i Fi#hen4 o! 1Toro to ed Mss troang lot itos o hee hmm î o thit' - Mrn. T.u,îsiim ouuIîtro îh.--- Ms a ilave M s.W'at dîaris faircrvaFntkéHd..,ornt. - 11: ni11D_ s E i lEs aîd 'abl'. -h- .;iiî t'y o! wDrBithy, ang slo uîot uuthboéîn irls usse as upl s t erns but yesieetas' tlat l hosi' Msm.Smae- rifrl n. J .HuuuîoTrnt ~ ri' 1s 1 optr blyi teU ited resbyterliun lw'esespd iyitale ot- ohhâty s.ae o vblu 'tC,-Wihamtooepriund - M s.J.Wi'ailu,àurno.111e DandîiRui aM'mmak-i e.Juuu 7Ch in he, moning, nd the1Lev.CheartesasRobeorbsui tifTorujncito. - man lýCG!Iivry, f Conwal, ee w s, f curàe.insit.i.n.faeývll Tamig hs éy, ifl l N lW.Tti Ltht' nfbevaoon a maemoriai servit', haldi' la ie apuuiousgrounts o! Ontario 1,adiesi' (ollega by - tht' ,ernei soceieis o! tht' town. An ense audience lismýen at ablNbively, mtima-S thobsands partielpateul. Dr. Hava presidet, Thte' Parade eocietie an ti tht'fine brigade ileail bi" ta MWasons, -ad, ded by tht' whithy ci ize-as' d, maishullet by Col. Fmrewel, 'w'nS IL pm'oeeSsiOli îshuleh - - bu nay- isl City tut11 I e-st adreAt camn af nom othe-r hodiges oughout the, eou-aty ant i trcgmh-ý d ljcal brethnren uîîil Ille par-via. priseti nenrly a thoumanti. 'Tht' rea o! a-1l tht'churebaus ms-aere nmas e-1 ýh ite biund upon tht'1 L'rsaca, mnug a uatuial plaîLorm. Aultraut were 'given ln tht' absence throhigh aSS o! Mr.' NW.fI. ioyla, M.P.P., J. W- Bengougb, Toronto ; Rev, L Parry St. Catherinas-; Rev. N, M~cGillivray, Corvwal Bey.lv.Dr 'mau ; 1ev. M. Mer, an ot ac Congrtgation- lrgmn here V. a. il. finglani; ev. W'.ID. litMp-Innta-adR .XH prerîks. - Th'e uutton o! tht' - Ontîlurlo -Luuties' Coîlatie1 la tlîroîv.iag open their'hand- Soma buin~ig and grounds for tht' use o! tg conirittet' turing - thils celebruiti6 Sa is thovoughiv a'preciat-- et by t1wt'<iizen>s. - Finanucially. tht' celebvation 'ivas, a ý:atter, o! aip. auJ -î-uck,-*but it la ha- lievedthi ritvmenue wml lue nuffieieat' to zmýeet eipemse4s If u itues that, ail wivil be fuli sa'tu3!uadfor Lit as not liuached,. o make-xnouey. Tw'venbyyuuas a-go sevea Ho Rmîuhre Ys le!t Whitby luer TorontoLu tl4ieiy-fi-ve rr'Lmîrneîl to - spe, -tueir.ntive' tomsu. They usaieaetea by tht' Halls,,,whîo ho lIw te ambuuîo! six left toîîn ilfew years aý(G to imnýýke tiuem i'aS-,in bbe wsoî'lî ; orty-savan sig-net -tht' eeg- ister ah Allin'S dvug store. 3f r's fbui' itn o! Botston, with ber .,ister, L4rsRach1in o!fcatlanti -lie beiluts, 'halesAlexander o! Tr YN ., tuaitJO'oh fo!Datroit, ftue s'uvvîvng raemabers o! li,-be 'lh kaowsu Alexuader,!uiuily, hbeld a va-unionla timeir ative towui anti lelti quite-àui levee lrhen uviu e ~ceiving tht' .1grectia.ga o!-'many olul-bime friéntis.1 he portion of ecriptire reati Thte ROI of Hlonor. 1th cluipter of Leviticu8, On the roll of Iý-inta' tny bOra down the la.w and obser- lai Ontario County- have -their naines regard. to ,jubilee year., iascribed.. In p6!!tiî- Iie, thýe list is long. Hon. job n Dryden ivas bbrn on Day's3 Celehration. th e ideîtical, farm 'at Braoklin, Mssei-migVings asg. to u"'lîere he bas bis domi to-day i il of continuingC the ca-le- Daniel NMeMitien, no* ieêutenaînt-.gov- ýr Sionday, but it îurned ernor: of Maiiitoba, was born* in ht-l'a fact it wýas tlt' best Wiitby -iný 184î. Wm. Roms, M. M>., un t[ie financ(eS %were con- claimoý Port Perry ae his place or bat- * necteil $73 -- S 52 viIain GlOuld<M! t ir' son eceipus ae ltu park il* the' of ii'hcl --Joseph Gould, M. 1P., +ho %%itb a t w -imi, in verepr«sented Nortli.,Ontarloin thie aI$Sa tIje pIrtïeeds tf parliiiment cfthea lrovincee o[ Canada ndter-s' concert ln th e evenl- froni lSÃŽ4 b IS186. Isaace himself Nwas - boran in the Town of Uxbridge and :mîthe 4Sti Higla-nderà' bhas.lived there al bis life. Hon. Mr.. i'-Turonto hait arrived,' the Camnpbell, attrney-gefer1 ! a ýre again lineti witb siight- itoba, la an olu.1 Ontario, Çounty boy. visicing uscan iarMe 'ranÏcis Waylaad- 'Ge', though not sret f romi the, Junttion a native of the CountY, represented htire tiîey hatut 1auded, par- S01101 Onitario la the DominionhOu-seý irees, anti pla.yed lN%,frontila 188. lHethon lived ti at Oabw4. nt-l. akîd iter took up qiiar- Ht' n10W resides at Brookly, .N. Y. in -Ne,.vÂrmstrong flouse, kUiofg the youn-ger generation thie ,d 'of the'ý band marcheti a naume of lHaraur GreenAwood, Liheral ,7 figure o'. an oid. Whithy aandidatc for York, England, Comes Itcd been hiere on -.diy, 10 nîind i,3"on Ce poLitial roi. 5tý>fl of Mr,. $d&und Hum- In journaliani tht County 15 cý ot *ý tallest mn of twet'ty- without it.a represent at ives. W. H. utm i the baudt, snd wholffiggIns, -notw lunthe' eî4pIoy -f thé' in' Whit' -fjXîy yeairs ago. Ontario 'kovernxneut, was .30 yearLxS ti'. lun n rival for public i ago a po'wver ;irý editor of the V4irby latta3nflbn a. ittle earlier in ICironic1e, in the plitios o! Ontarlo.i Ha elpd lo tue 1ati~i~ir umîver ntered' politics as Oâtaito; J. W. in xnauy landsans borini -%Vhi tby. Becaise- bMiss Hirke'y hlant zome rouait a nd î, imtlt hum ut sonie -uiie, Anti flippetIiita oipon theeli-g in-lier' effective styla. It eears hitL yest er i ay thuut 1-ho -set stomÉeMal ter ighý- ' - ('baLlenlgetl master ugiîey Ross 10 raeeh me in au fight Whén sehool Was Ou!. La ring smas - fornalei:. us-e foug'uta vot ain rtiio, An(ut.one o!fis- vas -alioîîl-I doli'm - tbiîîk ih %as Iluighx. Tt séems buÉ yesterday I saw oid Jobnny iWaltoil g W'%ithhils quare -shouilde r.. stooning, wItineasured <tpp 'nid slow, Bearing bis in-arkei -ba-ket on baeh- elor cxrand Of I From bis mysteriouis quarter.s ,up la the Couî'L Ilouse lofti. hItIsecraS bot. yest'erila-y1 suv John Moody's bandsýome spumîl, Pr.mnalciu)g bef-oce ýa 0lo> uf reighù a s 'twvere .a cîrcumêv.afl, Affl Liliy O'Ne lli, -lite îî nat-I t i i nk -i. .scc lglàai9r , W%.t 1h is whip, and pipe, oaud ruqdy. .Piuce, aard" h3 -whi.-kî'rsun his chia. IL %eemns' bot yesiterday that Iia eaî'ed .enougi t to'drop To e Mark Andrew cone.along iitli bis faî'so îhpiiy-Iîop,, Andi shotit, as lhe,îsaz-;forn1 ' d bis peance, witb ficrce, defiant Iooks- "-Git 'y iang yarn, 1Isaty, mil ,tilt your moilher tuo milk ' duck.;."- It smsbut yesterday I stood eor-. raptui'ed a! ýhue door Of idic. tÀv2arn i l. Lhasnfn - striding cmi the f loor, And epoutitig- tw-mi's r'm Suk~ Mc.anu 11rs.Shawi, Ton-onto. Mn-s. j.llmst-on. luront.'. ' E. O. MCcuua sîîma Freit Taylor', Oshuis ut. -M iss sT; usýkeer, Toi'rfrto. Mr. andl iNrsý. Luîr'nu;Tra Miss l.aora Evanis, 'Ionnain. Tio Bshengoug. TrunIto. j,lhn 'Alexuaner, Detroit. John Iii'ras. -Mr. W'unten 11Manchester. G.eorgi' hrya. o-oJtnt-o. NLs. J. D. Freemainind son, Tocd-)i tTb ot, Port J'cri-y. Mes 1"~cieToronto. iss Duriis, -Toronto. Franîk C,ni4el. igL : 'is pi t.ltolsrisun, Toronto. C. Pt.l'a rdon, Arinatla,. Mici. 3Nf*r. imd Mrs. Thi ew, 'Mii Wm. VorflkToronto. wm1 . roderick, - Tooito. Fra'nk iî'nld, Torcîîto. M.anilMr!.Ilislop, Bo manviîle. William Robson, Toroitto. Tiioas EwjaToronto. Thomas Proùdfoot, Toronto. Wiliin '-McCiilium. ToiToito. Franîk Saith, Toronio. ilimPennyjeg7ioD, -Toronto. Alîbey Pennylegion, Torouito. 'William Colinsoîî, Torolnto. ronto. Thomas.:If oré,Mzhnaet - lisMirPhîrson, Toronto. Mr. Buriibam, Port i2errs', forn Col legiate> teàcher. Ira Burpiiam, lloNvmanviLle. ow- nMer r F. -A.l, Roberson, Toroto W.1-H. Brya,Toronho. Ae.Mocore, Gr-eenscoot0. Melvili e. MeGeary, Toronto."- lEorae Dud.eney, R-edford, Eng. Beni. Madîi, Toronto. Mn.. B.,Mifîlîl, Toroat>., Eva L. Matiilîl, Toronto. ýW. 3fcBeim'n, Turent-o. -H. J. Epplett, Toronto.: '.S. Ormiston, 'tlxbcidge. - Jolhn Reynohls, tlxbriîe. Mr-.,uanîdSMes. - '., É., Cjatteresoaý -London. Mrs. C. L. Vickeri', l'on-t i'erry. 3frs.t'rak Kennedly' Acton West. S. .. ~mley,-Toronto.- N'. H. m"lkey, Toeonî.t - G. H..1'erey- Torontto. Ardute Drummonîl, Toronto. Mes. JoGs. Kingl Tocont. - - Me..Jos. igoîuto - -- Mn-s. F. '. Taylor,W una"sCr Mr s. Polit. 1fti;Gos-l,-Oamt . m'ra. J. Gibson, Ton-ont-o -Liainie Cibýson, toroato.*- Mis.- W. J. lsoToronto. - -Eclna C. Gibson, 'Toeonîio. Mvs.. J. E. 'Card, Bcigbýton.. MaLster Hzarry ('ted, trgta 1fMaster - LIew'etlyn C.i vil, B:iriglutua. -.J..1-. I.Moah-gomqnery,, Toronto.,- -Mrs. J .MuîgmrToronto. Matster Il. '1,Ioah(,eomery, Toronto>. -'.W'.- Bow'ermumn,*,Si. Ca Lth:inriaes, . J. S. Haî'ris, 'Tovonto. -- - W. .lophuer. Toronto. R. M. Stemu:uet, LDSt.)S,3f:îek- Go-T. W'ilsonm,.let'-- R. J. :Lyoade, Toronto. Me1W I.i-iggin-,'To ron to. 111e, J: . iicrmuiigi, To no.1 Mn- J - . a.rarlLondon. M es.E. iNa'ky'unîtson, Trno M r. -and Mes. Thos. W'iîkiison,T- Mr1. amîl Mers. FeinkBra.luron-. mr'.aMi Mrs.A.Gibsoni, Toýfoîîte. Miss Gbobuio Donald iîofït. 1~ is Cli'tandlt;iog e, To- MisMcW'Vain. Toronto(. 7\1r. mi Mrs. \Vîo. Adro,1o Mr. . Meelian, Toronto. i'101111 Me-Mann, Toronto. Mr.S-h C:~foriToronto Mi. i'i;tiik C *aword, Toronto. ILrry To tiiîson.loon, Mie3. Cla N ou m 'itffailo. Misses Dcrker Reiald 1 iiieTorntJ Me's. t. Siiow,,Toronto. TliîômiasCo ,dy, llarmil îdî. Katy Coaîiy, 1Ilamiitàln. Miuni MeIntyre, Taxrîîto. aJ0111 Cof f e. Ba rrie. Irer-ieý Co1efey. Barrie. LenKinig. New YOrk H*i. Iol,3PPCannington11 T-mN MiIl. t ' i t W. i A. CIl fo nI ,cl '.l 1c V. W I - an ti LuI To Muid, Toi T suav To Tor ereii, I "'y, 3f. E. xf~; tet-uiii'Oc uer Ce Joltît l aui C. S.on ' 'M i-S. A 1l "t'i 31Ii'. a! Mils 31b ~l~GainToi MWl ttc \- i1i-. 'l i o ntio. M s la l'y 1F ,NI i h' S Vli I Il ret M r. nu! Mi iler. aIL'l iNfus Miss -Harry Ditvidu Mr. ar M r. N loi 'a in 1901 by - So'jles,o! ilad -Q - s the '2 ih IMy8 ct's in lany pop Swlstoi r *mo fnr ivtu, for 15c,< an 1 1,4

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