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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 8

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.4. A Geu Depsrrts THURSDA'Y, J UINGLES A s ___ut e'9 trswle A not kt re WU I irdie ceu Ua fate kfle-j -eabie -Âre the, c Belle- Dt counllE ok at mg Bottie FI; re looka b &j-ýO1, haý Sr. oversi Lstick on ave 171ing Par Dei cool sgrands rd In jourb sT liasse wu wonder1 'Their £CCq ýw hiriel ie threw O'g ai a'e1 luS'u t go adv tad tise Lan Ore. eciht I uni Kiin ýt ci tl ma, dl llln dalini iligater uan Sow lut5h 0 cnder al auic Hot tI lIS idian Bank of Comnre ESTABLISMED 1867- 'AL-PAID UP - $8y7QOyooo WVE - $3,OO000 O000 thronghont Coa&,,a Eugland and4 ,t eUnited Statês : aord1 Bauking Busine8ss TMnsàcted rnent-Deposits of eue dollar ind Upwards received,,i~ib his departmeut, subjet t witbdrawai ait auj time without notice or delay. Intetrea t ailIhest current Ébtes. leas-Special attention given to, Farniere', Cattle sud Hogr b~ealers, sud to out-of'towiiccont.FarîuerS' notes disteunted. Sale notescahed -or taken lor collection* ai loeta ris. Bank forms,,fre on applicatiop. BRANCH - 04.'AL D anager : JLTLY th. 1904. Wood' PhospýhOdine, = Uol, WelIestal AND EST&preparation. Ras beeu JoTStper 40yeam AU drue- 0 s.» Emssbor, S !f c" muOC21Cl 0 andaUfocse abser * en eivea anda fullWof montothe l l edlhici en tait ) M num ptsOu nS t atrli Qai:e. - plaou. iea u, eral aenâ tpromtrore no netpreeSed ororefamhlt.Âdrea )udnt aay t obbbwo. Wlu o dW, Ou , auda, t Med en br bat.erai ry by at C. I, i o aad Atâ J. ?WDvkia id il -u u hta* Pby J. E. rii -Oui ettemsar i Ar.H. BAllia.re * L dew naîre, goIdthe of i&à My? hylDavis, nd n Whtbyby . l. W 4i 'sc an'lthe O wea boes ail suasmer go bik-AT - n those gummy papffl g àround Bneo!U83.]s[ ne' à or on 51gb moaa say heus e ~500 One lb. packages Ne.w Seed- i@ aunt st ssyled Raisins, regular price 15c. t en the B.eh. for................... 10. ýbow they ever bectipie EWPU S ouinta differ. shO UsayUNEW CURRANTS 1f ut ber fcet, and'ho NEW IDATES 1 hself ut bis head. lm- Jw SrvmmerBoots and r l e'IVYV 'erufehe&Are ^Il to band al'd at epices od argued -with young that caîînot be beat. more self esteelfl." eenced by your effort?" mnuch now thatI cara't where be l." lmC MIIIOS d by Oba mçbse. !at Iritain's shore undi me. 1 trive. withonut avail. tg adwrd's ruinige Le -~ MIL BVPN'S ntie,re YOII gettln: bat new i! w*li7 zïncier-Arp we? Aboujtai ail in-$5 -subscriptlotl. Ane a embinatton ofthti0.active Princieles et l.oa lubli ,egetable rméiesCtor di-. render Teuih. esseaMada ordeseOf the LIver, til.h5. ear. didn11t you SayIwa *q to vou ý" g.why?" cive me 25 cents?" gh 014 rIme.. motore. atheiJîPoUa.Di - teak an tsîfsh stew, taters an mjoù~ntain dewl. if VII fer de barbecuté .,ee e... ees 5e~ SO~~DR. -S. J, M ELLOW E I cucEsoToe ODWEL)TH - - = -P1YS ICIAN, SU RGEON, ETC. bA Office and Resid nce, Queen St. Port PerrN M R iffice hours-8 toto a.m., i to 3p.nand EvecningsÉ 1eiepbone in otbcet and house. S I Lk W A I S I 5 1*yIt)A-Ir FhejI nes s.ih on I ncted ",ith-the residence ci Dr. G. L. Rob- *TEACHER of PIANO),,VOICE anld STHECIRY. CHOIRMASTER of thte Methodist Church. Puj ils inay comnience at *any tue * A d d re ss ca r e ofML! I D Jns.&C keep_ a line f Silk Waists whicli are gu.aranteed to fit,- which, are pMUtFP, gaanteed 'as to style, which are guaranteed as t er 10OO SE The prîce iS $5.OO, 15.25,.5.q e(BIIITISR I MONLý >j 1?o Lend, at 4,4 and 5 per cent.on good e* Mortgage Securuty. *Apply'to sumine, Sil 101« DAYID J. ADAMS Biunker -ind Broker, Ask to see -tlie Crescent brand in this line. They are made of Japan Taffétta Silk': Port Verry. -~ colors wlhite, crearn, and black' e Pri*c e $375 - S.1.IIR J We have beeu ppointel ss* . A, LL BEmpress Shoe. . .T ~ V ai) ..*Barrister d OÎC ot orT LJadLiesS -k±-.rus - 5 - ,Successor toad cpin O offices of.,tise late F. M. Yarnoid, bThe nattiost novelties ' which the price c4n buy. Three reasons wliy you should :-a . bu Vhslino Cai au we w111explin.Private funds to loan t4 per cent. A~ EQ I. S* . We have 16 lit] » DOMINION B NK- SovereigIn beat $ 3.00, 5$.3Y-5 ud 'S hialdlea this lhue foi, .L ~ ,L uLue -.Jrvveu>I ILYL 0 Cpital Paid up, $3,000,000 eooestsuieress s t109e iSurplus, --$3330,OO 'argeveitn The, p ossible to obtain arè here for inspection at, any, prie. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT T.L E.F e îresi aliowed at h11ghýst current rate M rig W. B. CtidA W A. SM i - .JONES & 0 ,8BETY BONGARD - - fre o rer e lnnees POR-T -ERRY_ lhavèjust received a Achoiceandvery. e POIRT - AISO onen eat e.superio.r stock cf * F.-ling ~~~~BUFFALO ROBES, UT- odFlng rt .bh4e.ueEIOeeSSSeC~ ..S~e~*SeOSe~ ss e eeee.e.esesmsss.e- FR RGSSETTLED IN 1 - . HORSE BLANHETS, VI SLEIGH BELLS, &c BUT IT TURNE] ý O- W.- CROZIER, * -c BNRRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEY-* A I~N N: For their-trade whîch they can selI ANÈERDUAN'S .Office ai residec,6hCn. Reuch (one m UJU scepasayi h mre.'i nilWrst of port Ferry. oz FI .L MonY toLoan. . , 4Read of This N * __________ -I - . 4They are as usual prepared to manu ______* fctreai - K1 Mar Do You or j» RAT]rif1t1 ea::1kinds of harness'and GooS to n LiL V.U1.'1 t guarantee satisfaction. A isA gnes Ore - N-----*choice stock of goag1lcaught cold POIRT FRRY .. *TUNS* neya, and finally tur AI rnce f eiiirincîudiung -NK face, limnbe, and fei W.rk 8UcceSSfUliY *. TTAITIy,4bloated, a.nd, if I1 NT TI. atham t would lakf ;Uri UCOM . , - - e d ? Ç rwÎ.may TI,. pypmp"aSour 1' rnach . $àOip wbat makes my eYeg'b ps. ivPCompiaIfia i oU@W or raad OompioXI]O., know, unleso lt's bec&Use Hae ou.clths W-STERN. IB.A.NK ( ___For any ead PORT PRt lOat mer ai ault.a &Se ltkd ten ý--sy, y ou iook horrid with sweten the.brsth1 C 5I'&&7ii W Evening dresei ok~ teno ________ PrIc20.~~ .00..A]1dah~5 cloths, norniig Clothes, sx on onneisônflefron th sylefl ca' bl I;Ir T . nsDNCe.LIi~.Tr~a days.a.week and good for A GENE RAL BANKING B USINE s-WeU, ~~sunday clothesad vr-w -- - - coat ciothes that close the- cook's Ottofi oot Comoufld. chaper and cover ail ? NO E I Ladie' p.yyite, If nY'vi. autmSbliB a~kumuercandeeda the ouitp av aviito %dSaths wndrt> &ewIc DRAP ISSUBO ÂVÂILL1BLE AT ÂLL POINTS IN CANAI rparéd in two degrees of M meNgt.~o. 1and No.-2. MLa e . &IG No. .-For ordlflary csf Maker of stylish garmentB tralwda ihs arn aeadc bhesiness cihb.lsr allbedvet u hesedccrenterit and cr A Inaaîiw. I b ar .h olrfor nmen. sionths. Deposits of. SI and upwards rE .s.~.-o pecia es-iOdg10 ________________ subject to no deiay in the withdrawal of t oro.j0 tmdollars per box. oo' of the depoéit. ocagsmd eedi Aud how mulh do 7 ci YOiW Tke noôt 2d epositiag rmon ey ë out? .cttol' Booet and PO1i taie a» I U,, dipiUla, mlxtures ùt andivnimotaetcllecioa1 a.N.iadNo. 2 are sold and s cial Aftteto ie tecleto WentbaV Wabul. SUoomeidlL)ialete ha Do ---------- a-Wôuid you 1ke a bhist- aiuoie as' Foman-OIPNo; I'an Hkze a h7ster-L Nosiaxd 2 are sold ina Whitby L dAclRC <~44 i by A. e. >Ailin and ..Wlis iIbsoatktana. ixidaPort PerrY by G. H. Alsn Frth onyo ntarlo and the+ wmld je a p.euhar pliàcei . A TownshiP of Cartwrgt* kik both ight nd d y.Sae lse ad u s dban fom *c wIez it Coomte teleaYh4It ae1j1s 18 dcu udba om bweo W oey - ifurnished free on applicaion. .C A RN sodeuehovn tosunggte. st se ,Wtvicesesayaconsit the Mite regiëtez at* latYe td les the STax.ÎDÂR orObserver Offices, Port :I~ 1 tha,*JtIRd FerryU for edatescSIIdrgls mdmk ra~ef8lthereorwrite to e..R41 * usui. achoiee lot of B. WRis of both* Lt NJsexes for sale. Priceis reasonab, .. u0e mmsn @a RegliabilityIN VL Cawker& Sone -pemtcTrs-hyiltake great pleaure iztsuonâcin'g naveT betray yu, ust ardstto e *ib e&fOd te ,a sSaelsStum easiffltO repuir. 1yesrs of emcellent their customml sandute etedand in funll oeratioD, end thal, UUTYiceibavenade tlie a f ' ni~- publie gýenergUY that wshi cVeorsaWl..hI Y.adoti*, Evey whOIl th a5repu-*they lhave jaoVed into tme herqieenifmrE ~~ t~aouab. , ttL is: âtt wth him Every rider ofe theteeqlrennt*myr Oep sistontbem é- very lineopeïUdining t10 my aleady ex- I)MpTiMes make bicycle enthuslaslts. -.Z_ ~~dpitfiS~eU~ 'I t~astJiê)ee r wlreeling ana s s~oii ete oiothait * business. Correct business priiiciplei ~wbimiw- 3ythe troubles. xuoylb -i n n -vr 1miee t the vantso Imm b» -à* M.. i. - men ý . 'ýý_ýo ý \e teù tmej-be elie ou 4'4' JAMI v4 I IL & & ~AAAA5&&A.A.AAAAAA~A AAA~ )A OAnAD A suit ofelc.thec QUEEN PORT STREET, PERRY. N -~~~~~~~~~ ITiht non m a~dsoe ~SS RANS CTE. * ad public geneally that I always keep. the, la-geetstàock of fresh and saited - meats to be hAd in Port Perry. OY T D. ALkinds. ot game i lu sn 1-Highest ca:sh price always piaid for DÂ,-NITE STÂES ~ EURPE ides, sieepskins and ail kinds of fat stoc..J. WHEELER. redited to esicli depositor every received. , Tise depositor le the whole or any portion on withidrawiuig or. Y. G-.ý HutcheSo'n, manager. 04IWS4 3rmilie: -that my New Mile are now It amn better Ihan, ever pre. 4 iends sud 1the gneral pbi mtensive anad raiy increas-.., es, Promptitude ilnd c ourteous SS GaRNEGIE6 AND CARTAGE Thse undersigued ta e hsopr tunity of tbankiug thise abitauts of :Port Ferry- and surrounding country' for tise Iiberat and tiil in creaeiug patronagebestowed upon hmsinceco mei - tin- and Livery lu. Port'Perry, âud nû'w ln timates that he is better thasn ever prepared ,to supply-ail requireuxents *n suis lUne, Hav-lug extensively added t-b my stock of horses, as well as qonvey- -ances of. the latest type of eonstruc- t-ion for'comfort and pes&,Iamn, lu a position to meet thse require- inents of tise mosi fàstidious as te Btyle and desirable equippage in évery respect--lu every way suit- e able for privare. driv iug, weddings, f.Uneràls, &è: - Parties wishinig an afternooil ýdrive can have their choiceof suitabl.e double or sirclie rigs aud car.eful drivers will also be supplied wheu rccuired Hlaviug good spri'nz dray and commercial wagons, cartiflg will at Nail tinies- be attended to with tise. u.t--sicireanopom 1ri sec oi office ýwil receive proimpt attention. 1 WM. ý "Cjmýcj& "& ".a 1 - JAMIESO]ý. 1(

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