noui üu Imt = *mi h ÊùtýéIiénIghl U4 ai laut yoar, and the e icArd shows <t a w man fbwud déadt hât day' fromi P~ ue Notrô a c M is toukreri.tI î imw wu ctBrI ofthe (broat Otred , m"ub. iWUs le'lhWde bad reatl ju t It; t m noutb la the warn- 064q m.A ho dviCc a1 % t&le it l0r d ésultmo %C«ën uftu eprsistent treêfi(lfl( bel rltd Wa u.,t4nesil the dis- ' eld t (h lse n% vi (l brtug relief, tic' the c,terrh la #seule or' chroalo, Ql Aft wvl»u *-Il l tsuep 1erua an m td toka e wdoâet et the (Irei aranteû a, a-coîri or couglu, sud' (hua >'oIr&elt.both sufhurimîg and éx- tenta biavei (ho Mlvilego oUwetlift tb mnfor tr*t aimce A boog ~hoil~tarr"wlt be !ORýt U Peruma MUL IILîr0 aMEN. u hy ùimllbt - otally !uind tuen havebuîit--a, Dr thanuselves et Berlcéky, Calt- doing ail (ho crtseiwore living vie nieOf'an unneonï ikwrning. Moen, but ;ever, ble ,a romain long lOý MaOI c, teÃŽal»eAthe guilît a tng et bts heart. Farlhree wec s be *41 sdi'hâo #ro oaiflBerlin, day man ffiglt, ln atcarh, aiemploymen(, ad at théiS ed et & eOIgbatsWithb is oil aclonoet the temptA'tlon (o conteas ! came réltle - - lis ïmathera -body wilIl-b. -erimed ln arder taeYOi'ify, (ho prLsaner',s &tory. POifflOT %NDiNC DAY. un R ride to.Weep et Aller. The. met tr#rable Chrisimas Day'$ mertoatu- ~prte Wivas (bt of 4 Young womMn Wlîo WU, tae iuVOýL inivried Ã"éh P UI's chei renti -d neiur Lond u lgad, tii lia earloyo Si theo0M loaL$ imt~t~ce uncl Tii. bride ond lier relativms arriveriet" the cîturcli eat 4 o'clocknth 1e morning. The brtdegrornfaile Iob appeau' .n4 (e party w'voe ccouiiodated wi(lî opat. 1A meeeuger won despmtclied te the, boute of (lie MWao1ngbridegraam, who Wut found et brQolciast 'île ehaclgçne out . te WOrk et aOo'r.ack' returned (o breakfast ait), aûi:lorîiotten .11 about bis inarr4ogearrangements, -ia proSlective bride ln flhe inerntlme wax weeping ad walling et tie allar. lia lîurroidl luto bie uuarriage clothes, rushtd poat hbste (O the. ehurclu, and duly i4narieri. lADY FADING AW4Y. The 8(ory of s Wornea Mare %Veil bi7 Dr. WiIUl in k lasPille. lBad bload meana beri beaith. ThaU la, vhy Dr. 1WIllUrtis' Plik Pilla raeOW good helth. They ectuelly mùakeý new, vicia blaod Whiel s1engtbensý ai ery non-e mnd overy orgen ln tie, body. Thot la Wby people wbo use Dr' 'WîlltumWn'Pjlats II. l bright, active ed itrong. Mrs. 'Arthurr HanMigan,. blorBIlvllk Ont, s - l Ioss te h tnauwo -i 1*sýezïammnlL s.m.s. flanni Umr la the ' Ëîw mers., je know lo bridgo Whm jou are 8 vi4ed to anej, may las, you are 1eil Alep% Irom the, IhIgqe êla Ibe Pl e ta "Ivl. t4- L'h> ilt '. and -the, bridge 'laufir si wlièfWlbe leuhd 4tobe a'yery quiet retreti- At tbt htkyau no loniger léel.thedeep t4robJ19 of theengilesi V1te bI(k de&a S em bave b" uIIfar beldw,- Thboïr re ldom Muoreth on, tw 'ôpeu'- lmo dAuly here; ôOt,ê4n ofîlét, pace qulctly xelk and forth uot%>a th. bridgiôe, the 9ther, a seoman, stddawth W$ baud'an theowheel intently watchià g the bInnéalo in which là 6silpended i' 'hé compass. No cov«rsaUdn l Ioa llo*4d and icarcly an unnocessaay wod" la The bridge mey b. alyltyf -Lor mo1te lu engUi, probably lv« leet or ,'.nat!e 1p wlli p4 wl a c ki4erble Openf pc.tthe Aides of the -wheelhoise. At serthte front lnd sideýoi t, th brIdgb Amr iik6g 1tele-bitunUpwilih caDVas. 'à f4o jifff * raid Ille farée A row oft elegreph signais and a sertes a1 opeaklîng- tubes are greiupecl et the Centre; nt .te-sll a broad seat. e-*~ heçIhèu!iý at 1the centre aiflhc bdéla a. hevy atr-ueture of poiished WCad On ertring il a landarnan is ewcj by 'lE COMPLICATED MACIIINEflY on. ovcry bond. lisi at4cution la first tut- trmct«L otafhe wlueel, or wheeis, for oi- ton tbere are two or more o! theni, ane directty lu Une with the othei-. Ihbe tirst of thesit il1là mn tusignificant looklng affair, perhaps a. foot -or sei 4ianieter, wtuich seem ouiut o!ail pro- fportion te (the work il.,nmust accorupli. DirectIy Ia front of Il stands the ahilprs compass, whuIe bock a! it are massed (11. levers whtcb transform. th1e alightest motion eof(lhe wheel îmiathe force wbtcb guides (the ahi». Al' the great steamers are steered now-a-days by the ,aid of itou r or leri Iny.lth1e aid days bail a dozen ome et tines woiuld struggle wilt the wbeuila n gb seaandi sellershave beau kllledby [he raptd revolvngot the projecUag spoke. Iandies. The modern 6teerltg jgear "eks à possible-,la guide (lies. gr&Tut ahtps villithe "Uligtest TIi.. rwld«e, weighIl namy, tons, is pebhps &le bûndz-ed feet, afcn., >et Wth'a touch l tcf (ho çafs1hed wepI(the g= g »a 7 ffoot $sll wiiI ,ýýý1 Pa MMdewith aimait ltheM lms, lm of- lt*"14 1-v e-IrZf ti:c ô enid e'haf '1 UriwmlY) n eaiua d <Ueire and, durin , (bat Iais longet to i 15e from n lma the work bnelmirsi wultiwa- Ion awaxva». invenuon, ,bt ms iu a o w uw i slips, CRI -elSai a delicoté ifl*rumeiifl #6 coflflCCO -wtth wire* belath the wa ter - tat the presence of .à lusge body' 0f ircu or sitl, oven ai, a eansiderâblte*'ý disbtance, la Inslantly recorded. There 10 beSide», 91 course, the regular wire- less for agnding ad recelvlng signais over hiïidreda a! miles of water. 9 Tho bridge s impressivé fit« bitght wvhen thé great ghip 15 asleep. Tii. wheelhouse- i completely dark ex- cept for the caverod lampa ln the bin- nacie. Prom (ie"ta ufne the captain ente's (lhe liduse, ,asks a few questions In a quiet oonVersatlonmi t.ane, perhaps gIves doutS arder. The MimrvefloS Machinery which Unes the walla stands eilen guard. The bridge, ta quiet sept fer the curtous tikingn note of (the wind tn the rigging aud th.esharp crack af the halyArds egais(the moitdansd endlessly the. Lieep pulsino of the engines. Outsidê, the lights a 't the, masthend swying franip aide t&,side. nmrkidng off the riM of t* lihip In grtat ares iagainst thie sky. ' - Il you are sa fai'luuate as to siiy lunt- fil nÙdnlght you wll see perhapâ the most curtous sight. of the twenty-fpur hours, wben the ahip i olchcanges the trne. The dlock wvhich sets the Limea for the lit ts ofte ship La put bootsi about an hour Il theo vessel be sauling mest, or on liaur ahend if it be pointeri tast. and the sleeping liundreds be- ,nenth w-il] wake unpli the marning tn flnd their timepieces ail wrong. The-.helmsman's watch camos Ia an lend when the coll o! the 1iralcout tramn 'the erow's neat suanounces another day. *Whe beautiful sea cry s taken up and repented down the long degerted deck: SiEight bels and als weil.l TUE EVILS 0F CONSTIPATION W'hy ienne Provoe Sne Bneflclal. A unedical speciolîst siatea that cight out of ten cases, o! headache, dii.7iness, sallaov complexion and vartous alimenta pecullar LaO women for whkch le la con- su1ted have their ornin inouislpatuon. Although nb i stient. la very couimon oingst boti sexes, womcn ôppear ta tio the greater aulierers. BIleans cure .constipation by atImulat4ug the liver and reguiattng 411e flow of bike, wltloh is th1e natural purgative ai the lbody. Mi.S. E. aidWin, of! ý l51- Paul St., Toronto, sbys: "I have takien Bl-. tans for oonst.pation and 'dfizness and -1unoitti fËCto rrSûlta. 0fleans de it S~us. any: griptnt, andnet only -t-re consflpatlon u ise î14I roo (e gencial hIb' Mr.A. I&à iëahSa.oa! Berin, ron 1 uroed t1is utalrmedy Inaa 7WWB "lealib end Ãplgor depnd upon the quailty end ýtuantity 01 (h.biood.' Dr. Caà rson's à Toniïc Stouach mat Costi»tà on Bitters A Pu0reI! Vosetable Tonice:d Bloat Piltr rias 10 auts pe sotti. - nâ PUtM t opidmtbiUOzu~ The moarn Uemdidi Sompan#y U7 W.llan St. West. Toro BEtNG HONEST ABOUT rr. Moi ber : "Yeu aay you are realiy. go- ilgî te nrry Mr. \Vynner." Dau ghtr: "Yes.' Moilher: "Why, you soid last wee< thut you wouldn't niarry hlm Il he were the lasL man on cLrtli." Daugtiter;- "I know 1 did. But. 1 thought. <ien that ho wasnI going to propof3e." Uiseful at aIl Times.-in winter or 'n summnesr Parmelee's Vegetabie' PUIS wi cope with and overcorne any Illegulari- tics of the digestive orgons which change of diet, change of residence, 4,r variation o! temperaturo niay brlng about. They should be always kept. a'. hand, and once their benefici ac - tion becomes knuwn, no one will Le without thoni. Thcre is nothing nau- seating in ier struliturce .en« tlh¶. inost delicate can use them c6nfldentiy. "&lientis.ts are seeking to discover a relation .betwepn celer and sound," re- marked' the iearnod man. "Weil" chucklied the joker, uI've heard of a. hue and ery.1" The" à 1 be4 r pl]ader. Mo IMmffl Celle.i. ëDen't y3i çoou rrWhyl site ivesi u the saie isquarî w1t% XIý ' DeIIa-:"'oebut she net In the &=O iýçYe a scorieoz DOyDm-ad gu'Js- ore I d severui of 16 and,:ü years oai QVë,,<W ben sent to the' ocqfod. Thq, à vas - orttY ol th. cidrn 9weguU ÃœAn more aerloui ofieiieo tha ià édIii l'Cbbery. - The Stolypîn Mltfhtry ba4 iperaý,IiëWY, octed on the theory- thut the ditore peace Io Rual1ii fto, ecute- a certain proporttkm. o! mffenuh WoMpen.jd ebilîdren. Whelher (bey '*rûa- guilly,. otï Innocent la immaterial; indeed, inncejt peopie are being. hanged ývery -daY 1n arder Vo keep Up 111e. aerage. Tall persons were halliedin Riga. Ali' but two were minor'a, ý- YAinng thora wu a 16-year-old . achoafl>ay, &ludoif Riuman. Ruman'a olfeu.ce was t hath stole SM0 from a cashier, and (bé lcoked on while revoluttonLits burned tii.e castleofaiBaron Modem. Ho %a& soi lit- fie conscieus of -bis sitýuatioai, that be- leughed when asled queà ftions. and drew, comia Sketches whiie bètng aenitcnoed, to death. Ag no Qrdlulary Rusitan could bc tound 'Io undel-take the, a con. vioL was made drunk and iarced ta hang th1e uzilartunate boy. A -16-year-ald girl t'u a . Wer- 64w. i*er.crime was tbal . ail belonged k a. gang ai robbers, of1 wharn ber f&. theÉ wus the leader. Father, daughter, and Ween others were abat by soldiers. At Klefi a 15-yeai-old girl was ha*îg- ed. Her 'offejice wâs tha-t ber brotheri miade bomba. In lu lt, ail over the Empire ischool children ore being shot and hanged. OBSTINATE FACE SOILES. REFSED TO CLOSE FOR 4 VEAns. il you is. Cod Ute . O re«wea tà rua d"wn lft Qxmulsloei. At, &W diînggiuta a& 3k0 and $100 per botW. BIS OCCUPATION. Zauu-Buk Ilealeti * Theun Liside Two Police Magistrale: "Wtiat'& your Oc- Weo. Icubation r - I The Floha: ,I'm a summer benker." Have you some eruption, or sore, or police Magislrt uAnd wliavksi& ulcer, or wound, an ony part af your summer bainier r i bodyý wich lias hîtticrto refuscd ta close, The Ilobo : ,A fbii' wot seLs onl de ne Muler'hoîv lrealod? Il so, that la R bank uv de lakieoff lishes. SOOe?" case' for Zani..Bulç, 1the gm~at herbai balm. The herbal saps and essences Iu (lus bahm arc so powerful (liaI they 0871 Do NuL Delay.-P)o not let e col<l or heal thie îvont caseé o!felronle soie", cougui fastqni upan youas 5il,, t!', ulcere, bloori poison and skin discases uneglected. Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie 011l MNf. W. il. Taylor, of North Bey,, 'vill break up a colcI andi-cure a cough., - Ont, iays ,"I hod e scaly spot as bg and should be resarte-ti lataIonce wleii as a Ion-cent plece 'on my face for fou r- uite flrst synuptoms appear. I t~a Lue leurs', md every niglît 1 opplieri COldià irîguised sa thot aniy unPleBsm,litet creaza, or sui. uitment ai' aller, but It IL inay have will bit IMperceptiblb Io waul. mway b. her.1ireceatly api> uic delicate. Tu-yil, andi bec onvinced. pli Zom-Buk, >and li about a weeks tiie the.'spot .hadi dis4ppeoueti CDIII r. Growl : "You. are qulte Ignorant' Mus. S.Y. Ridon, ai 543 . Vegt Han- o! ,naval affaire." Mr,4. Grdwl:-n uieh Sl~ Hinilon, sya: My litLlegirl (1101e am Oothel111(e Mo ir.Cal id & ru1ntng sore ou- ber l which de- "n;bt(e o~ i 1ikta h Ol #hl Iresinimul. J.- pa u4 i-Iul Unie a boat la-lied ton dock'1s 1helai-.' MU la te knota oe ze *cs" ad ln.-aout ta'weck'a iiUm ie 0 ut - s- ~ t~Ieak& t- -. - t--"- - jý, for *W. ~r ~re -I WIN