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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1907, p. 7

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11ev IOCOIIIOIM k v II5u~ ou'dered by thé CanSan NOMWUi'l LIEU d~I iib. ruade ai lb» Dubihi £111- bilon. llamilton'a vital staUOS sfOr-406 aie -J3lthS,1*2 mariegs, 7U-7 deatts, vo b: Angl*~O ! fLUfll ~t 1<~o~iContalned dead arebelg ukW-ODg btýO&# o!.Àig w.The relief com- z t Ot «L ,Jt Ie 04La lto, yjc b15G$JOb taekls i s- IIêIa fîuRUon-+ prüns are. lUiey 1", bas littùed: relief vorsunder ~ê 1 clond a-$1t Êo<11 and md gn superY1s1oR. i r NOVEL USES F011 LACE. Bands of Japanose enbrridery on col, 'ton aliernabe wlith Cuny lace limrtion lit sonit,')f lIhe winter blouses. WVbereas thre grrof wool cul on ni the ncck, -nd wilh contra.slng sieves, stillisl de- %sirable. (Lw iurnper" walst ohffîin, liglil stlk has reaclîed a point wîucre I î;q no longer imactul excepf as sornelhîng a slremdy on lîind. Siceves, by lthe ay, ion lihese uprn dre!,wes are made wth the paraud i nsertions and 1w-kg run- r.lng upwards and bacit on the pufl. Thre lace and tucklng tire set ln diaponally. utarting low ai the undrer arni scam ln tî'ont and ending in flhe artiuoleaalIbi WAY OF TiE WIXTEn IR iL. WcrIng hem muf, wlbh ail its weaillu et'of bcds, taill, feathers, and Iitvers, *lung over ler ieft ani go leo'.e ber *iund'fre, in a îvay of the w ýinter gir-l V-c - 'wIet <îwilff8 à a ed. Froma the long sirts of tber most fanclfit ýand * <rîhinable tallor mode lts readlly lroce lIre evolulfon of ibis characberlstfcally M90-'07 fashion. lier stile. treznend- ously long. also huis Ils way eftbbgi .'worn, wiicb la to N lie sled around thfli neck it wlbthe short end in front ind ail tbe rosi fao hang dotwn hithtIe 1ba uicki te hie hem ofthfei qMrtU ifpaisble. lPertaps bbe prebîlet lad aséb as la 1the possession o!four ar more Uiy broocli- Ca, wlbh wblcb la tatened in'-the stand- Ilug oui roll of a pieit, wlilch jà hln-ta ,evttmbte aceompanlMet of Lb. eIl put en blouse. These lîttie pius are choisi in other ltant bar shapos, belng shorter e nd wdr 1 1 o#more cieloey aroutid lthe In-a, orfstance, Iltbe fliîgrece or twista cf wire. Partlcularly pretty Ornements for 1he e tiair Are made, end the greater lte ri- Il .~~&!1frýý -~îedrmi- M <5 fa GrMaus picture. Anol ber fîrry È'capn" o titilnd ls anade of vlred and gllded llower steins, inferwoven, and Is tIimmd wlth shaded pini roes and gold gause rosettes. Anotuer' 1 of a tiard shaped crown done ln colored "Jewels" on wired ganse. hlnLshed wilh a chou of black tuite and deperuding from it a blackt feather. IIAT CUILbaffl SWALLOWV. Dair Curbers, Rra"s Mourkeys. Toy .81- cyrles.Coppersand bluttons. In thre London (Engtrrndî IHospital tbere is at presci a tiny patient, one year und blree weeks old, wfîo la suf- kienng frmm tbe effecis oh swaliowr-ng a hir -curcr. .Seven %veeks a go, hollowing every iabys Instinct of puttin nything and f-verybIing Imb ifs rnoutb,isIre setzîed upon a fasclnatung object rrsed l'y laidies bo Induce a becoming wave ln bbe haur, and prompliy swallowed il. The tsaby is kepi. under close observation wffh bX-nays. A London Daily Mail reporter n-ms ln- fîrmied tInt itie case n'as by no mieans exceptiknal. liecenlly a cbitd n'as under qreurimeni who lad swallowîed a to% Ibicycle, and ablIer was brouglit .n wvllb a brasa morukey li bis Intertor. Coins maid bool buttons were very ftr- qucnlly swallowed; -tille timbles, pins lind even afil blades bai-e beeîVreniov- @u frem tlny cilidi-en. Owing fo ftbe 'X-raya bhe trealmeal of such cases ha been mode alun pîifl'd. Seme of fthé cases are not withoîii tIrir humoons bide. A workman wbo had put down bis weeks. wages on ftue table %vs u hrried tW find, a mgoment aifter, that lis clid-an Infant of &bout 4Nee-hs nalcîrd. cure-of lb gob coi«sand swailowed It for siale cuslody. DOILERPLATE BURST. Tir eFienta ui Wns IvOut01 "Cabi on Blilgh Brie. A despalh miA t, Chatl6noù'* SerMMeu acedeai cceurred toe LiO l. 1w« autstocktrajiwfth epuine *cý iront k- itou la. some way wlfh the gownt,'4- -îri4 Thc newv ornaments are iglut and un'wnmù - - llnîy and have the mnertlec resting on the rîîn and wus badly sealded by the luplifly upon thu- baîr. and beîîîg a wel- explosion, and n'aflSseniously injured hy c<i[l chuantge fronuIlIle jc.welc-d coflits. titieforce oc imah fait on the bridge, but Chfarnning effecis are Ã"uiblittid with fCl- was tuclcy t10ecape. belag lbrown le fy u1i:ows, fethery aigrettes of mnare-, the solid tee on fli c cecit, sevenby fout bout, emrbroderod velvet ribbofl bows, belon'. Aid fromn Jordanr station %vas und tuîy cireluts oh flowcrs conubiied ai once g[vea 10 lite unfotun41potun wvIIru jevi-ÇeO ornaMcnts. n ho was li a serions cotnditIotli. fvery- A lcweled on bead lint buckle ixitfin a thlag wax doue for hlm unhlthfe ar- townt o!tulle urawn flrOugh 1%inekeu % rirai cf the pasenger train, wluea ol loîely haim bow and easrly il amntpîu- wva tlte amaziflon. No lieumnh li.uted, cstecbally from ltheIre uckle made fvior befeil te englacer. ci. a wta'd bdck. jeweld htaornemtents-- muan's arr 1aua..d-cleverly vill iëwen. $M UIX trà and fcnthei's. uN 0%ASa px One prtcly ornement la made-of snîirll- pitk rosebuids formîng a 1e lte cap vili ProvincialD 1eafi Nparmment gays Dwi ii déctded point bending don'n over lte r ase Il Spridig. hoir fn tonl. wttî a large velvel bow Adpthfo oot ati tue limk. This La onfy one exaruple Ads~acbfo o aI.8<>s: Th# nt nany '*1 1the oddest fantastm . A Pr«I «ie 0f1 M&Iîpox le n - Pre$aq pretf y model carrled outin latbuck and &3 becorxulîg dlstinctly alarminig. asihere billcr bas a band oh velvigI eociacllag 4Mtl'rinOdcases reliOrbedAlte frô-in- flue lîead mand a a jînfY blback Velvet bOw dtBin. fIeîi hnfr a nuggkwe ersibruidered wîtIr cut as-el beads acr<uss c- yemrs pat. The typ)e of tihe disease Ille front, attaclued to a bweepung un- 'Ls a mfld one. whicti lends to Meble celotri chlCtàenl-rliai tiere are mîony oller ca$Çtinutexit.l Wili lle so. éeil wth Swn pdâ'rnow b bveïeî fujot btad,,nmi a alovely effeel n'heni twsted cIr ',x and t beliove oelheit and llUed around te hale. Form a cir- )fllcir ln aib Pats c1 tIre Proil otb e of silk wire to (Il tIre boed, twIst t9. on tlotok-out. the tulle loo.çely dround Il, enîd huton I1hlursdf4y ocrng tire more cenla'e il on thre JeU *l<e. )do -a àrosete o!etite dîspAse nee re tebreg lucru lIre apagolutle'sad afle<ito 1' <11ttîp a ê*ilon Couafy, testeur a soff, feathery aigreibe. - and one ln Kent. Oi-em twesiiy emirtr AnIi(Icot IOwvers -arethe ciotf'stend,are under surveiltac etaI (h.presCI by of lilo Ifloer ot:buÏad di'eýM UanI tme, and mairy eller Caa .1 fa suspi- a deie*y'affale 1W A eklet- of ie e Cious charac»ei- are tuing repore4, Dr. ia paloInvetider mand white. Ccli * IIpd<>etIi fecrery e01(hM Provinetfi * a populaèçllweu' h i atum l o<r.. Lurd 0*Ilfaltlu, afatos iaiMe> asbould -Anoilier nowe-Ity tbatau mi liaad t- a t i aieS M :e nl îttt Ilafhc int assprays 0ftIrbi' cotripoïeiet l'lnenfOte il Adrerdla .,wnputmoa cf lare cui w i >$ Pt ct e'rneb lInos10 theeLarder Lakg, dis- trUtîfmay be constructed by tbe Ternils- 4cmtng Raîlway Comminssion. *, Titree ribesof the Mississaga indians ÂI. ice -Lake tvtll metuoriallze the Gov- crament to give theta the franchise. An 8,500-ton &teemer fer th$ UPPer lake rade 1Io1talie bulifor tle. Hamil- ton & Fort WVilliam Navîgation Com- pany. According to the vital statlsllcs just cornpiled the dentit rite in Winnipeg during the past year was 16.13 per thousand. i Notice bas been givel. In the Manitoba Legisiature ibat Mr. Steele %vlll move tIraI railways pay demurrage for falluro bu provide cars. Fire at liatifax on Frlday dld 82.00 dîîniage, and sei-eral lornates of thre lur-ned buildings lied narroWV escapes f rom d(eath in the homes. lion. W. I. Mtherwell of the S;iuktit- cliewun Goverament nnounices ltat Ihey ar-o consldering thre purrehws or ltIf5e of coi artes nnd the înining of their ovvn coul. In the rinnual report of bbe Goologictil Survey Departmient. Dr. Riobert Bell stotes that bhe oclual productive area oh Cobalt is conflned ta about twelve square milas. Mr. Fred. Whlilbam of BranUord lins been a%%irtled tlre contract to uid nor- mnal eîo ai Northi Bay, ['elerboro'. sirurford and liiornlton, ai a lobal cost of $212.l.K. Thoe Loidon. Ont., Water Commission- ers nolifled the City Councîl tIrai there would be no w aber for the streets next suminer, and an expert làs b be engaged Wc report on the situation. GREAT Bi. .AIN. L-ord Charles Beresford is ougng ta Arnerica la seie bis laie brolhars es- laie. One bundftd men for railway con- struction work have left Lewis for Canada. - àý The Times severely crlticizes meblîods of ruilroad Lnanclag and manipulatIon in the United States. Several EngLisit crIminals bave recent- 1v trfed f0 avold conviction by promis- ing ta emigrate tai Canada. l!amssy. MieDo ald a,, e coonies lok upon lte niotliei'laid a pool', poverty-atieOf«eratuma Sidnoy.- ee lb"s a ltaI te Engli-sb- spoken *M dwrïUe-, n .Ameriv4 la purer than 4hat, iniusé la Engi&d ü«ITED STATES Thousesof persons in Ohio .and Keaiucky or' melewo-aud in wa% on mc amunI ut lite Iods. Presîdént, HoosevýeIbhas sald lie would 1Ike 10teo 'he alie 0f battlehlps liteti 't n nerniafonal ,greement. ULtnited LSttes Gavenraien Iras en. tONed twp aul$$ lg compelthIe Son an .i"",.1%O uîbhritlea l» admi apl fis 1 etlte PrbylofI Islande. on cii il. Lion tt lediscontnue pelage e 'f iE. pea"- W tfaNorlt D1akie a mu«ffrrngfrein lotisiand thm bildest sowstorin heit bclroda o! l< te -State. 'Soins- traînasar" buuled axsii4 4S mMa" aeone fte tIda"late. - ,1--1 î~u - Attr wUtêgoliiloR for sevenal weUlssra westemn ialrads baveý dectded 40 grant bt~* InONui«d vag-W In lootve~IC<.~~ - mn *aytiatielof M SoWlli a tuing, Penn..wor m mar$cby ' xIeu'gyln!4wOti*SD lie safige ai ï. boi ltin -0@petl Pnlties of 8i00 4r falliag A 7 IIl halt: lfttsIe-l'rederek PabttaO n iNe, 810 Tuneday, In tirs fiatlreeins&lx mot1S ta vlu t *7.S7». o ii Ïls total fabx lug$8=45. 0m Ibis.*fouit, esci of tothù shîimi eta reqtiti'0'u) I!taliel)s at, a o s - NSye *a omdersto Pd -.-a n $jIOIpeaty.NoS,1 hisaaaproiv"nlI<n bdge *owa, a oefleto er New9,~ ~.auzjta rimjnafoC uevohulob. Ail cin, 1Ni lThe, a ttumbs I ft ý show t ,ewlelu 4 097iî%. tr - Tie chie! oft 1110 ftra mwnlretfe 14j $fmie.lrtu" u it titr alunlua7o- *klui <ty (> ewmS et So avtbuuo&v cm.s lx -w "the poUce. -tînt am , ir '««rowff'umr«4efltflt 1 iad Itoc*he$~-t4 o53C. .<elitaujoý Vafi het-60 10 '7w" Pled wler jin best imand. Ouoe Soe l3arley-3X ta ',o o9é. Wwk41»tb-NC. 1 iard, $c PCn-Ainêriea&f'No. 2 yellow, olo, 55yse1ta5Ne, Toronto .freights; N-). 3 yellow, 49ffc 10 fSOe. FIour--On&rlo, 90 Per oenL. patents, offering aet82.65, and $2.63 bld, buyers' ,sncks# for expoirt. Manitoba first pot- eLnis, 8$4.>0; seconds, 84. Milflfeed-BrBII $21 bld; shorts, Sig to $20 in bulk M the mille, $21 bld 61 Toronto. COUNTRIY PflODUÇE. B3utter-The rnarliet shows an easier tone for ail low-orade bultts. Crcainery prlnts .... -.......2601no' do sollds....... ..... ..: neto 2k Dairy prints .... .. ........ fte o23Me do pails.... ...... .... ..19C to 2W do tubs..... .... .... ....18c ta Ofto Itiferior ...... ...... .......15c Io 17o Cbeee-Market is finier at 13%co for large and jtc for twlfls in job lots bere. Eggs-The market ls flrm at 24e for storage, 22e for iImed flid 26o ta 27efor setclcc. New-lald are flrm at Soc, with liglit receiptS. I'ouitry-The market was easier, espe. etlIly in turkey*s. Chickens, dressed ........ ..9ge tb10o lowl .... .... .... .... ....7c to 0c 1)ucks .... .. ... ...... ....9c to llc Turlkrys .... .... .... .....10c to 1E2c l!oncy-The niarket Ie steady-,to flrm ai. lie to 1c per pound for palle andi $2 bo $2.50 for combe. [ieans.-FirXai et81.50 to 81.60 for handplcked , and primes 81.40 Io 81.45. Potatoes-On trios arÃ" 70ota 75o er, bug In car lots here; eastern, 80e ta 85c." I3aled Hay--811.lO to 812 for No,..> 1, timothy and $9 for No. 2 ln car 'lots' Straw-Quotitiols are $6.50 in car ioahere. MONTIBEAL MARKETS. Mionireal, Jan.22-rvso-BaelI sV.ort cut mess, 822 tb $2t56; hall bar-j ni rais,, 81t.75 to $12.5ot, ipear ftlback, 21 F tre $24.50; lang tcut heevy mess, $20.50 di tio 89M; hall baerls*do., 810-15 ta 811sta dry saIt long elear bacon, 12te I 23c; i barrots plate beef, $11 ta '112.50; tuait hr barnois do., 86 10a*K50.- barrels iteavy ieè mess beef,$8S.50-, li brrela do., 84M, a compound lard, 8gc tb !De; pure lard, k 11,%c te 13e;k lettle ,çndere, .13c f Q aise; breakfast baco, ÃŽ15ÃŽ3 tee;6c- n-Nifd sor bacon, 15e ta le;frealukifflkOabat- p loir hogs, 900; allVe, 87.2.'- 2r.Xc; western dàiy,' selected 22te- te à 22%c; &,tattoba dahzy, 2e to aiols. 11-à baskets,22>Xeto 2$c.aard hif-,beisl,7 were 227 package. Eggs--New laids aMre pi*ctbcaUY 'w>i- 2 oblnable, mand ôenl ailite exorbitant i figure of 40e te 500. , Seocted ,stock A'a guoted ai 26e t10 flc;No.1 0441r mge,tl Sta Mt;20,and i Umud aISic. jhc tUbfai coeath NVintry isnow lhrough 1 î- a 1m at , Ois s»queer, le Si. Tto fotoi Mson j hEP., Eau are tes-p iOts, Ollkwn a. p10000jAgie Ee hansltge, wîde t1 ds 1, 91i el (sa Mhnine, Wear 14 si 4nuetip Pb*eh&im i'a"a 01 î"eshues, l3u«iboo houg'es, tans aid ; dceIW y1 ans4iessd pâlfnllS West theprairies wIdem fiel, hkan"hinsn MnesoAold.IeVu, l. Mountùiz i ian anowy-cepp04.,'w Silent Ildkmii'WiS 'ipO. bis- Southi, ore gïroveo wbmer"*Mrg* SmWq The cot"o.bpllàgar.h-'g ieoIy 650W, Season of drouhtand'se son t tl,M4UA WVavlng oftrtubw of BUgIliCUIl, w Tropical forests WtflemWky 1g Where jewelled bleds aM eon lb>. wlIngte Endiassummner, desert snda, Sluggis1 ziveuutinl érsIn% h ts WiÏe, Full of wonders on evM.y ,ie TONfS LESSON. Uncle Jack hed baken Toà, o aw1 ite Wood, -muid as uthey caMe Mwug rha grove Togn. ldly broug>i;t (wn upon a, 1lye m1 tm wr amy~~~~~~ carbgtrehe ome sin mui.y. "I 111 A sonry the b.woodtand lemi- >aPer wil ha*_tg report aa kwedy, wîId Unclê.iael, séberl. flq-ii ive, Id amy, l'Whitle busy aborlng pmed- goi» fn te m»en.nemLoru¶Pon&ll't-w riVIarsty vaustruck by a î -S ado, and 50ary overy oas posed bhis wuan auexýMlçn, al fely. ýnd vo long neu'barm. lu Lbe bon*O Wemt ;veral lWe outeg., ho,;sIited theougit Mue niglut ft-oellg ocabut lIO- îg fthe bouse overirned mid th*efr-r uts mlrslag, they- arayied away mb ime m"ood. w-ere b l 'ilThe M"se01 thê kcrnad& sýpakow, ' ~Wti - i ukmtr Toln I quw jis MA bloc 1111 w dlri à# Lott4ço Tiine#hburecebied earthquate fImm, lienïùet usai ,dated fil Icingiton on Thutodaî fier theo oenlng eeemmony et !lmtiW ton ;ot us' ta-,nh Passae »Mi, le laqur. fer lbis u nrub ýA à4ogtw WI NiI ife Hon. Mr.-Clettaé ceuber of lit atol aidMÉ. rk lemlpieuler- t theî poailo(1e Iv te' g rfisît slN sto 1 u rédm-izeg ue lime mom el. "gr*undla t hO houuada f p-oopîe used ad. 9. fnio the siree t freinIbo luoli. rrd b.low us; 'another builig I t"e tue hoo bslind: us.0*ciaon UAtaird buildlu -ell tati the strýet. j [henu folîowed',slae4ans.' aiciud of du -,mortar md debrlie 90 the air for flve.:Mjxste, aid whm wu -r d my coupaton send l nd .urielvss as ilai wl-th 4îi.ed' MIAYED FOR »UELWE Ro. 111TIeý4 mce sIbo i i6ed h.(Ue# de. [pln ene.vr mbalgl* ic10 t5. 'BUFF-jWO i pr. 4k;w -48en. am OMWIEAT MId W * '.7D>4e ln eletof a L. ttoa1: No. 1 ncirlhefS l, Lt. f..affieAt No.'$ haud W ian- f.eXl. 8 a Fasi t-IIiii 44444444mffl L. ZZZ,.. 22-25-- = '. ZZ-7É-ý ý ti du Pa hâ3 a à e OS, 9LAi ln wtdeh they ffi à 1

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