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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1907, p. 7

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It le expoteti that lte 1 capable of coping, wth the saiale ln, Io talant! s u oeh au te ouly w'ti prlitllnarnel>', it i nptA for tac ldiig coacerieti action on 1the part of aU. the - t hU coffce. The persans conocet." ais be. ,puriculat>' TIGKEN KINGSTON. ekea -01îcel., hav4 ex_- m tW~ughout,,h11 Ibis A despatcit tram Ottawa says: The outcome et .1hz.bepartinentaiof rae.and Commerc lia t ire pèeremp- recelveti a btter tram aaHaliez »coin- ùei3vïmr. mercdai company ln close toucb with RM~ OO9Stvss. coditions hi Jamalcaexpressng sur- p lse aI the reoevt telegram t11cm Mr. M, Kiitptan, Jamnaica, liurke, commercia agent for Canada on ettUW ofet rereentative h. Jlint!, stating that 111r. wua Do )sEVi itorta hki o groat neetiof aid trem outaide, and that ê&- nsfor r.bud Sn( ônr$ollMowig thé h SueCOI pwii-ig n-moiu tions e-rScilleoded by the. local autbortiét. ifltOnI' 1- >-Préom advke r ecelvet! diret tram Ilo«« lb. eoipoi>s amaiça -tiMe Halifax correapo[idelits et enlire comitutfty, anth 1e department Staeto tat 111e>. cannai Pthe mtercantil~ erno. WnaM anwliywch a, reassuliig tel wboial.e Pilag f ' et hud. ave been sent te l' C8niR $~l$rg>çIg*dieu. overnmonL 'fàeir wintarfllaI& 1 ack of oIgn"ZBmoU n thatth1e ioe Cil>' was pracl"élly' de oêrnment, lte 'Gavemn- itroyed, andt tirIfor tee miles Ouithlnte cittensta t ilsu,40 aqti.u unding ceuntry' tieraila hardi>' a as~, s~ocr oteotibyff~iWbe ouse. GMUYFS. uùkei lsie70%0 ,c bld; No. % mîxeti, , Me bld. ra SO'c sketi out.lde, Zasiiels& aakedo utsîide. gi 8c ashet cutide, -No. 1 liard, 84c te un, 92ygc ta 83c; No. Ml>' 79ylc te 0 510Si te 51%~c, To' ed imerican, boxe té, 37c la 37%c. Mper-cent. pateni4, A e. * iia**% la quiet, Wili th le.. $..140 ..l .. lo t4ne ... ... llýrbliear e i 0 tog . alere <5'od t or P013ci I>ite "15tYro t81.0 o blndrt CArilE MARKET. Toronto, Pcb., 5.-Owlng ta 111e ln- fbu«î*i of a heavy run -of caille etth11e Western Markiet buylng wa s0amewliat slow. . Expert cattle were reportedt 10b. tlrm o» omal transacion. The., quotations were:-Mndtum exportera', 830 te 84-60, gooti, 840 ta *4.95: chaolce. 85 te 85-25 per cwt. Trade-sas not active ti any gradeg o! butc1e",s camle excepting thre besi. Best butchera cattie, 84.40 te 84-75 *.heavy buicher.'14 te 84»3; ft icows8, *3.5 te #J.lb; cemmon cows anti mixeti lots, lri- cbudlng cannera, 81.50Ile$325 Per c"t A Ilùm-îlet temanti obtamlneor ligitI stockeraaMi feeters. Stockera, 400 te 100 "K .L ýte 8310; eeders, 15-tle I~05 Ds,*315te 3;sotoei 1,166 ta l" Ibo~, 83.I0 ta 8U0er cwt LanitiswoeW0a, er ai $,te $6-5 lI' grain-ted ni $4.50te0$s0»fercoin- omswere quotedti a.245 to *5, aud Sr s, ai 811te$4 p'ef .1 Oi*i a.A i A IeW~l~o:ollgelato b. .erecte re0venue, . tram the Bureau 'M 14me3 for -19W, agregated 8750,00.' -Moniteai la to bave nowcenenit wOrka thAt wm bast a million'dollars. TN1iY tathe rom ýpnéum0fliae. C curred at Winnipêg 1lut month. Mr. M E. . Lemnon lias beeri appoitd dcutpuI'pstmueter ai T<»'ento. A 4Stein 01firec texi books ln public ochoo:s 13 adyooated in 1the report @of1110 TexW3ook Commission. Mr. George Caverhill han been elect- et! President of the. Monireal Board of Trade. Tie receipts o!f1the Bell TelePhofle Company in Toronto lest yeur reached The Government are taking steps ~ &Lop importâtIon o! diseased jboi's<e ln the west. Premiier Whitney Indtcated that the <overnment wculd not amend the Iliree- fifihs section of 1the local option clause Jn theIliquor license act. '. L.Smith, Treasurer on'1the Ne* ;Bm ikTeepone Comfpanr .fhirmala butM eshrsi.i 'The Provincial O<>«erment1 lias de- là iiwë -orber eOsfoo, w"f tue lIiown cft Sudbury an a centrer Abert Bennett, a thirteen-year-old boy, lia been. arrested, charged wlt.h settlng numerous incendiary tires in Toronto. The ooal dealers of Varîcouver have been delivering fuel ai a loss during the recent lamine., It conas Ijese Orme 87 a ton and tbey are sellng ai $6.50. Louis Desigrdines was- huried several yards when the crwapbate -of the looQ-, motive on whicb lie was firing bew out et Indien Head, Saslc., and iatally burned. An arrangement la being made be- ,ween Mes. Mackenztiq bMann andi 11e iewn of Poat Arthur by whieh lthe ruiiway men wlll trelt a big hall ! Ibei. but there la som e bicclion tetea 1 eme t y the n1epaytmr. ,The Jobberà andi ShIppers ýAssocIa- Uon atW1nnIpý have dscided th take a stand, lii 111malter aiet brêdemartilza.> dgmand*ti't, a tà ortiage 'Èndtitoïo ism nThelc d Motive power bq aI one rem"bâeti. 1 sIr »Mae Fut«, , Ieiinemb been ne maIe luc*flf tablishbuflCfl n th e GovernflioM tdid 111 six> xxecessitY for it th1e Departmfelt' of -ý eslhblishmnts at BO stock bad therefore'- storing and ouriflg4 gctiaticfls are 110W, posai o!fthe oCher tl 4.',,' p (LIAS. McGIULL' SNEN Former Manager ai Ontarla Dainlik Z rive Vears A ctspatch tram Teronlto Baya: fiVe years' imprisoninenftln th1e Klngton Penitentiary wats ýhe sentence imp~e au Frida>' on Charles MêGibI, tbe generai manager o et Ii. Otaria B:nkt Who pIeaged guilty 1« te Crimnhal An. sizes beffôre Mr. Juitice CItte te' the charge c rprntn ag î alse returns ta sendta te 11.de ten avt Ottawa. Thure wei'I Ilre Idictrient& against 1the accuse ý&md ho -pleadeti gullty to turc courus lni 1h. flrst. one. -yi1ý court imposetisneic u ecame aend traverseti thosfq-- lu *whiéh-" Me$t pleadeti nolltt~ft)tenx~be Mr. Justlàc itelub nd-the, ", 0caunsêli ln lte case iutaled teplittcaîy thi(lté newspaper statèmeiits rgarlng the dropplng ai 1he theft chargeswero ln- correct. No undeWsandtblug- existed, whereby the. prosecution -promiset! 'not Us go on wlth theso idielmenla, whkch would corne.up for trial ln due course, TEM SAM IJOPEMO. Fiearta Eathquakela t. ooro A desplci trm Sa t acisc s Thr olarsi sianda 111 h4-t ulih we vistte bvr a'tru astik severel monthe aginawhicirthoe ti wus posti d 4ce ,gorges eýedet ne11 enhirappeara ci ethe . Ih1*5451,Ias oltangeti. ý-T «ie. wano lm sof!Ille. The 13B .maore, worttved.o It 'flwday" trom 'Samoa.,,Hé a titediliSat atraiig- sdeoner Came hio t >Apww##el.t *w5 a1 ,-i4*-$éU;lb.lthees liSaU bu cen ~l~e lo amigns Twerrtyather'men w»i e4abq-ùut &ôAOWeach. TwQ liMi. Sped o'Ilba msrnirg e6vêi lcnow, la"mÎlny cases- wh i" 5 ntures, are forgefes 'and -whlch ar erme. it la belleveti that li l'aas 'wIl total a quarter cf. a mullr~dlas The. învesiigeuon showa*3 . nya omail part 2!thie, mono> b' lasbénPent. Trht" qa>eson 110w la, Wleieela 11e 14AD lRUSHlFOIR F0011 The Awtul Condition 21 FsipmnôBtie- Washington, Jan. 10.-Furiher sert. oua cansequenm ea r.expeçieti le tthe Cinesê !utnine-district.unwesa Unmedl1 aIe id aIrhol aoording 1<t slt, Déparlment. SdiviceÉ. Outbreali are et datly ocorrencé. a n aiiddîi là fetred by -11wo'àiker. Orca concnfralon 4ams ha b hen' fqrrMe stilmatahaebesamatie ta lwill <1051 82,000dalJtulethe.4100,00C persans *iwh,,e ast*rvIng. IlA, 51cr> là told fùetn aüliy-henl mief, ap anti two cu1re The motè t ilrne o a, se hfr od nd<of ther, -d4spalulng oci aid, -tireW .bail cliitrmIt nIIÎhrertrr. .Thé be r pegeti, drowned- herseil ."-The -gr.1 stoken (ailier falloweti. 'The Goverà- a s èlling gln anidsait,whrt In, ai ho In M Dceù3m lhe.rtour wotpen vfle1, elusht,If< deathln the maçlrush trfocd. Ti ofce et eetleslas dc *le4i& ceaI and coke côsI more than eviro lic Miere .ljiuNThn i I I f t b t r a e il i. A despalecbôo in t eSte.Marie, Ont., tue MacKays for th e "nY: owe flti4(hat Sydney Neai came the GoIspie affir the; hb«sdeOthl ti ri ot, -Causedby expo- Ihat, haît lugo, Sur, -Thu Oposre osduo dlretly Io wus the cae ItWl4 Capt-B0Pfî., wbo- drovu the saici Sydney the men train- belig - Neal'troim sheltei'when. he might have William NKmbalil bô pýOtIcted'hLm. W. aalI hinhi that Mate that lie Saw McLeod should bte everely censured for tvd a Michipiçt" flot Sending prompt assistance on his arriai e themlsson.'unfortunate Sê«Ie Such wua the verdict given on We.hlmaller Wolà l1n dy rilght by th1e coroner'a jury on the tem, ut te mate toi Idealli et tidney Hual, cone cf the sailorse arnenns [et the stamer GoIspie, which 1faraneens ýwreckedearly in- December ai Brute J<>eph Andrewgl>a Heflrber, end wbo. died at the ",So" boa- Izig'enpbged by the i >pitaI froMile effects of the Subsequent men th. nexi dayf aio hardahipa which hi, witb several others, of theil' belng talion lundeWnt.* Mcblplooten. Captains- Joseph Gantry and W. C. Capt. Boian Barr, of tbe "&Soo"and William Kimbail who hlid tbe&I -'à !à and, Josephi Andrewa, of Michipicoten, and CUing*ad, aid we e xamined., Tlk captains gave evi- evidence. .,Ci»Vfii, A dence regardlng tho"--ngollaUona that acoordingly debgtid I b.d berri carried on between -111cm ad the fury Wl"tutïMa L Y () U INN acg FOLKS A TROIJBLESOME »OLL. Dolly lest hler arma an& legs- Carelesatliing ta dol1 'Doliy'a gone end lut ber bond, LeSL ber body, too., Nothing but 1lier wtg ta lefi, " n -aen rashef, «, VI,3V* laid berilots of lime fft te' oiiesef Dolly never, .m e 40 Afl~biM sbeo ld; Hiave t h1dl euen 1h- A -4o 1 aol4l lucY's tirgePIRESERVEfi. Meiurcam l l. tco wtb u6v Ia'glve# .cs ig tm Water i 11 1tlersal solvei Ipreserves ltaproperty inalet substance; bu&-t tmuai be takec discretian. lý -- - I Il -one drInks -a -bard Wtte-< ready saturffe4 w»Ih sat"-t dôd goodti, for1,ai il enruy Tut pendeti ln. reinovlng tram ,the sys inorai materw i11Viirfé4d e1 raof., 1 n, »An4-.'Ibmo I ,otIr-,. h a btte Aü Amwtlnun1t j" iat andi llgbts sMd fat&aet 80.-35 PÇ h aavoeln -laîr demarit, en tedssd-Sh $m5to& Mo0fti mm rduig e SAVEit>'.MR wheaiîs rieÎ l.engin, -laàtue Tre iýltso ontei e mpte& on hin lame bure w' loi teckwhuet-500 ta ad nesa rqwnig. erei vas et hoe homs ied e.nwu ln=a thasama t"la Né.4, 4Ue to la carloat! lots, v

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