-a new hOpel imn& v-r w uamy, ut îemuyourîý telioWa- ho enjoyet!an evexîlng'e fun IlanlaV dfrdi It ,but oas sole survivor Ia lelt btotaell the, tale 0t a terrlble nlqbtý3 struggl.egaumt 10 wlat ont! waveîu whlèhý Overwhelmed f hemIn in 11e cark. ries.. At't!awnlbo batteret! lauîîch WUs found washed up on the1eccluNet for atway Vay the blody 0o o.cf lb. unIon- tunteaIsvctimSe atia shrt disiancae out ln - tht! lako a ccatt Ilnngtng toetarl- thet wes tount! t)ot4ng, Gcorgo Shields, 45 Van loc-ne Su-oct, the only om't' .aI-IIIWartY tle survive,, owe bis Mitfe th le tactit aI, lie chîag Io 1h. Ill. -flt! dcraft througÊh 1Me wira.t ut! rutn, bowv long lie doua nut know, unt)il carntet! hlm near crougi le 1htheshore te b-. able b staoggee~throuigl h hollo-çv wltetlb 11 snffy un 111 býoh Wlu ithe -, hdizug o! the launclPand oane f1 the bodie.,s 1ra tr g gpartis $et te work. , An[1otîc etywaos recoveret! ut ,fil. tnUt4e te2 Ilathe1ealtemrnc, ad atlbough Iboe wart wau kopt up t!urtag Itie wtieeday 1 Wu o'clock lieore a£ Iird vtctlm wu blrought ta shiore. AN 18-FOOT LAUNCH WITH TEN OCCUPANTS. 'Ph. Dalvine m'as en 18-foot iancli, anti bolongedti eLSenrd Dajy, %yho, wilhi bis brottîcr, Frank Daty, iook te Party, out,. faim them mrlng ln ithe liIumbenllIlv"ety set-culte Hanlanas Point stuorfly aller 9 o'ctock. 'Phono wero on boath le Dnly broihers, -Wet- ter flunin, John IrvIne, Josephu trwln, Fra1'Kyle, ReginalIt!Muter, Gordon I.arocque, Dawsôn NieitrgQng ont! George Shlelde, Uthesurviver. Aititougli lb. iii Il. cru-f nsioti ntoende o etacar a4 imany asqe 1c, tIey crowtet! ia, andi ttwio ourney , t tu<pe;nt wps mode overw smooîh water wlfthul a mteliap. Tlîe party reniaket! untit 12 o'ciock1 at! (ta o ttcy wero about io atari for home Il eg ,,toMin, andà It iiwcnasonly a light rier irr lillgt, %Vhéielt 11 . wn I eurnywas cmîrtd Wlen, hoNver, tb: ed wlîhlla 800 or 6w 0yards <t-lthe r.,ý -nt Sunnyskke, oposito 1the, west gatee fI Ulgli Pai-k, a. torin erôsue-tIrst a bigh' wind and! then a crash O1 thuhdlmî, Ii- Iowed by a downpour ot ran. suit!-' cdenlytUie engIn. stopf4& The. bnt Iurn«l brondeIo e ê =ves an't wlv' t.wa lg capsited, throwIng is oçtupeants tatit24te water. OTIIERS LOST TIIEIR HOLD. 1%ewere thrown. about 15, lelt rorn tio boat," said-'Alr' îhidN,1 - r. f ang andI Muter 00111d nt swIm. 1ohn' i-vine shouted, 'îtlék te 11e'lint, d>t F-rak Daly, Kyle, Duadin, lrwtnaond: îîyaeif smain bock IogetlliYr tc the' launoli. John Irvino swam alo ide. 1 4MI n'tkw whon I lest aloi X~ lm - av nd nt Torocque, thee two ntrong. es'. 6wlImens à o! 1te-.pariy, &vm for flie Ébore. Qi bers at ihelr holci on flue upturnet! bonI and! dtsappearcd. Finally only Dundinaondt!hie survivoi, r«naiined ccliasznla eLite submerged tauneh.' ShieldIs helieved îlot the lounch wulud dfift to là nc, -andt! Iis il did just beloî-e daybzrenk. îlie stuaîb» led tlirugli the shallow waîer to tae beachi, wlie-rtio sank k>1the greundt e-'chustcj and tienunubet! wiih colt!. Aflor 'lyna»for -a perlet! of lime, wtuicli he esiimates at hait en heur,- Shieldls 4arn ondce bis lw*y borne Ibroui High Park, arnlving about five ô%clack. He le naturally aoîncwbot e0afusèu4 as to flic hurs at which 1thé varlins Incidents whuihho e toe!-ouro, For josiance, ho tiaugl it t 11te boat muet have ceps ized! at 3.30 am.,ttiat tait fie wss triaitwo bto v and liai! hours lu tbe waier; yoet 1e arrivet! hûme at about fIve o*clcck. DIG LOSS IJ LUMIJER, "wuOPrnï, twvY- waUW te eS'Ilit î%Mouiald TheNew-EdWUburcJii @«oetlo o! ttkwm Stop. At le.80 1the <lout!e-3tteld t ey waesc âtented, ouL I. Ai *ni -n'eu fer ueutTly hrc«-uarters cl.1h Jeoùmney. As tlue'y A despatlih freiOttawa says; T'Ile ped aln'iln th.e-tpi-rkncs e Iicy oen. NtvEdiriburgh , portion af the city,, ýe4tîJr honmeward wey with mer-y Wlutc11 la adjacent -le Oovéïiertea Tlcse rigs sm n htnd,--- o t ywg Iotihe tst citheb, Bt4eau her PaSt-Sünysie thy- sa11d, bli-iou wasvisted, yIa Ãstreus freenci Il ny' à pentlag danger. Siltdcnly Tliursdoy moinnng. Thoae ýos is the. , dexk rclouds altrd giadpta W U 0 hsa u bu fasiies -o! lgtfflng, fotlowed by sha rp r-50,000 W1IÃŽlhave t Io e b-born* iy lte, pc'ais o!.:hutderwamned-t! o the W. C.- da opno whIch epprpaeh oe!4 t sim. -,Alt Mori efnra enator Edwonde Lse 1enout! f bey lied hunee-imhte thIngg mecure lte,'Ph. W. C. Etwart!s- sasbandi eorý rein brelze upon lter, andthe lb. sIa-actory, th.e p4ang mii, the Llbrary duhtet! over lte hoevll' cowt!eclanti Bureau o! CoLadafcîory, ti wbhi lauricl. 'Pho engino pe t! ot!efore tt~e W. C. Et!wards Comnpany te -largély. 1411, occuîpants could tInt! eut whnt n'as Interet!, secmral piles cf valuable ltin- thie inatr 'Vith l thobout s1Wufb er, iiiac"kbumn&, Russell'a iii swarc-. orouixi ttetrougliofeth11 eme. 'Phe buses,, Felcyte Hefel, Ne. 6 Fine Sta- wai'e$.sxVopt vv itent i ih încrýsng tiqn, .C. J. Neotea' grecry store, aM fury, ÃM teir singtag cobunget! te crce--the main -building oc ic Edwards Coin., for heip ait tey weramswopi tl ite cy pa4Y, are ail burned te th*ê greuod. warters, Wh& happenet! alfer lhuaim ne Sevei ether buIldIngs, 1neluting the ono wil» eveë Ymnw. Shields* saye 1eMtÛn e lt!encoet 11. e lçturns, wero beurd soineomie Mr, $"Hung te lte boat," sSchu& .'Phé W. C. Et!wards & -coin-, but il was_ pittili<lotitandi, We ceuit sec panyl' main lunirnuitli ks QWa-Mhe BtorlteY Prlcé purely nomtinal. Coran-.Ne. 2 Aîie$-can crnl le quetet ai 61 teOI3c, Torento1 lake tint!rail. Baran-Tii. mark-et ile kxakerý, witb. brnquoeei $ 16 l 115o in bulk, eut,. aie So toreqiuobc4 ut $111 la $19,DO * etside. COUNTRY t'ROD»IJCE1 l3euns-Hlond.ýPleked qUetet! -e1.65 oS $1.70, tint!primes nt, $1,' 506te lU.55. - I-oay-$-trclnet! quobet! 1 l A 12C per, il,, a lonanb ey s1t th82.- 1lfny-NO. 1'l flmoîhy le qioted nt liW in $16 here, andi No. 2 a.t 81Zleo$13. Sirow-Tuenmarket le uièhanged- at $7 te $7.50 a ion on track bore. Potatoes-Phe markct te duit for oli stock, coecar lot being quotet! at 80e U'% 85c per bng. 1 Poîîiry - i'urkeys, olive, Il to '12C chlekeas, srlng, drffisc 13 la 14e per lb; fowl, tn oc. 1100 PRODVCTS. bressüd hitgs Ia car iotà - are nominal. Bacon, long cloar, Il ta- 1i,%c peu-11> i case lois, incs pork, $21 to 121.50, -short cul, $2250 ta $2. l«Is--Llgbt--toeium, 1 15,Sc; do), leavy, 14Xc - rtois, 11%c;; sheul- clr,-1%toIlie à ,bocks, 10%c; break., fast bacon, l5>Xe. Lardt - Tierces, 12c tubs, 12%c THE DARY ?MARMES. - lutter-Pouad rolls are qUoetun!et 18 t' 1,90;-lalrge rçlie are. quoed t!a 17 to 17%c. Crcoînery prints âse» .ati 21 l, tint solide ut 10 te 200.- - Egg-Caek oesi at 17,%- te18c a Cbee.lê -Large quoted-, et 12*, and, -BUSINESS AI' MONTRAL." - -Moiitroal, Jtziy 30-Grz.'- le. local mmarket Wf 'obus continues ua ûet.Manil- toba Ne.'vhtter.-sold t! 48% te 4We; Omtarle No' ' 2 at 48 ta 48Xc; No. 8 aI liýte 47Me; ont! No. 4 ai- 46 te -4O%2c per bushé-l ex store.F1cur--CholcC êprfng %'Vheo1m patentg4 85.10 te $5.20; choice. q9conlcs, $4.50 te 4.0 winter wheait Patents, $4.65 l 4.15;, traight 'rollers~ silP t a-S15!.,.ehn . hI- *rr. n- ilut U .>IIÇ Vinl 'neV -ilil 1 aivisti- h-pshtty 'lu Fnnie,' - Bu1tri th1e- clrcun istancea ! ii. cse, itPlliUeres, In- ie of eth1e fact, io -lte no> publie executoner, e will bave le coaimutpe en-. ,hart! laIer feor1me. LOCOMOTIVE BLEW UP. Two Trabinzen flilIed Near Siracce Station. gine 18X inl charge cf Conduclor Dock andi Bnin e nettPatierson, whlch -Jul iauç. aI1140on Fnlday eventng, %wAP wrekeëd 'tbout a maie anda bol! eoht of- Shn'uoe. - -1'th wréck was couard-ý Ly 111e-engin, blowlng up. Engin-or, t'Àtt*ausotf Was bowzt ut of lite cab to, a consiruble di$tanre tint! was la. stently kUlle!.- Fir*mn G alvert was elso'blown a d.istancèe awby ont! very srosyInjuret!. -l3akeman Lewis Norton, %vho n'es ridlng lu the engine, cabt, wins Iatally injurt!. Thle1f broc, mna %vere placet! la the oont!uctora i van tint! as soon as thé' rear portIon cf bbe train aould h. zuvet! .were brougbt éeoDmc.sation, where the body of Engtaer.Fýatuter»dn %vu ne- ,movcd to an undcrtaktng'r<onu. '41 the train, ceeW v weî' osectf t Thomas men.'Plie reniafns oft1le- . sine ont!iwprrs opuvisionis were oonsurned by fire. -The clew ci bue frelght, train wéeU1114tObe e reason ter lite accident O an POLICE WMRNEGLIGENT. -Mjrs. ieaeh's Açtmn Aqlst the City ei f Mntre- y :A fdeufr- tà 000 lato eh. aiton aglinat: thsý ciltyby Mm. ileagh, whose sou Rleh-ý antI difet-a- few %veekis ego tri on. o! bbc tels t r olio e batqurrtra 'Phe ae l~~-tiio sapm tho e'poll Il biveIten bull ftafterW rtined oui litai héndbeen attaciced bliy rete mnand' ioeivet! afractwe el-lb. sIul, .'He W'as bleet!ling tlghtly wIoleente t-. te.n, but no z»odleal nid xwus suairnd-! Tiie litnlft's contention le sthaï, ber son, wvhe was 30 years of oge. Waslier sole' Suppot, an ht - h 11 hll.laving ne- gleclet!tea catI a taler - h4VIng arresied. hlm, were guillty oetgrose rieglt-, gence. 'Ple Croierëiejury. lntheîr ver. dict 'staleciltai 1the pollce bat!shewn neglîgerice itheir Ircaà t e! Ilf té ie.a ttîn4 wlule be n'as cenft! inthe11.pella., station, but ftuai lier. were icîrui- stanm ofetun eiclenuating ebaracter.. en tJ1o~t. f - Il i -lwlo appias. --OU hUlindreèd Dan4-r tghty childrcn-'Ui- der ûr cl>&8o i ge Id in kMonitreéal itiat w&kl. SThe lrtiush- Governaent wl.1lstotie ocatl'4t' Ëiqulmaît for the Pacifie leei. Huridmccs cf ocres ci crops have been &lcvntt'têd by hall in Lylelon district, M&iiôiba. . .orne MeDougali, Canada's ex- Audhtor.Gpener, eisin very poor health. The Governor.Generoî and Countes Croy wîîl speaci severaîl wecks mn Nova Sectia, James Mel(ay, of Hamilton, fer znany y<;téIn' lspecter of sircets, 1.3 deat!, aged 90. Thle Dominion Gtoverament will sta. lion a powoerful launch off Toronto i.- l)und for Illfe-savi.ng purposos. Trwcaty..on o! 'thc tWenty-slx sel*îol trachers of Belleville have bat! thell¶ salaries Incroaset!. Demis Bros,' bag factury of Boston will establieli a rnIt-ioa-arid a hall dot.. Miss D. 'oyd, t njured In the C'yta Pnla ý, dlsester at !bOndon, dlaimns dam- ag s Irora th. eiiy. Large quanfities of nient and fthl %vêre seizot ai, Montreal lat week es 1in11t,1- hurnan consumption.- Louis Lafranchise, -of Ottawa,, mes- ,silger for successve Primo Ministers since 1868,lAs doad, aget! 85. 11eportý show that rails ore laid on 111* Temiskaming & Nortaern Ontarloc Itaulway t10.a point 203 mlles above North Bey. 1Prof. Huit bas been investlgatiag a -est that-titcks the -oreliards in Dur. 'hain ýceuniy. Seoral 'trees have been killed -Censtah!e Somers o! 1the Winnipeg policê !forçe, la charge witbhnvlnýg rebet à hou s& -on hie beat on Sunt!ay- F1 RSil, Saskatchewan lnspec- tc.r~ Mies, onfIrms the reports îlot eai linos becri boua n th e Engle Lake district. Quebec Is te jota with Vermont and Now York< la celebrating the three bumnredth anaiversary of the disc6vtry, To' inùJ&ke the r-rep !Mtntreail--Iho boni onbb cninen4the lm Mnteal H-arbor - Geiisslomiers bave retaInet! hirc. . C, Dalidzeori, ,o!Loadori, Eng- Wbtle aakcp -on i11fiýg'ounidx1enr- the , aêry t11e 1111e so' o!Thoà ý ICiglit, of CypresseRtvttr, Mari.,.was run over. tVy a1lent!o! 'wheat arid-kllùd~. C. p. il. oMfciaUs are oenstdentng th1e renioval ci their -steainsbtp terminus Imom Quebec te -'Pbree, Ulvers,-on ac- ïcouai of tbe pon accommodation ob-, tuinable eaI Quolice. Pligrinie le Ste. Aniie de- Benupre liv the G. T. a. tuai ycar totallet! 20ê? fS0, and! by 'the -C. P. B. 14,000 andt! Iis ,year thà total wit) h. Much ina-exces et tbese figures. 'Phe stenmerI'tarxnigan Wag %Wrckod oua111 Ctumlahivr.between Golden and -%Vndemere;> , "' . ,. There were as ,un !~dpessergers ,on 'board, all--cf whom -were 'saot! , A despateh 1rmiOttawa 8ays! -Thle the tionth,7 2 -Wd1'-êé " f total nuinher oi'-trilde dispules eie dcfte e btU*i 9ît t.l -have bDeca inexis1,pm.e in Cana0da lndlitiflal uiÇ cqurinig 1Jue, wus 41, a decregse ot.eight, aftcwi l. hi*e f$Éû comlpared with thle prcvious moth, but niliied byý 'tîiûonpÇ ani fncreoso !ciIl cornpared With June. parties conclerned, - "' 1 î«O. About 262 ce-1ablshments ond- côeill-tlon, one, lbrou*~ 5.728 cmployewere of.ted b imthsmectiation of the 1eparii disputes, whose begiinnn <urlflg the 4Èld one thriugh>th4,8u1Ãý mcnih involved about,78 estabUlshmefntâ- tien. Of17Qtebfêý itn4 «ëfgII and 8,724 employes. tematdWjthouLnýgô'ff The loss of tirne te emplôyes through la .'svè- d4isPut& 1 î1 (rode disputes durlng Jun< Wus approxi- nnted th* aniploy M- es-wê uiately 54,710 working days,. compared eadsd- k 'l 1ver eofj el W itli a loss or1 88,825 dayo ln-'M ay, tand! , r miseî w er. ef! 4 ' 38,215 days, la lu*e, 10.aMkto b trk 01 theo4 41diputes in ex1sýnce during s.~emstui, article e!1 Utiity only, but oi lote years tt:cy have beoone things- o! beauty da-1 mi, en' thée ortisile' one now etc eý cel'Vlng a4enin es bcang. avallable 10? drnlnty ýýgiits, There aenet ouily 11le, &à " OProns fer horne weaïr, but, ieveltiegs 1er office use, such as Iflc etenograpberta MEN AL D $PsI aren, etc. The latter ta u»eful er pro- tecting Ille drdss, and, nlhough it should Whietk tng. ilà , aP ctbb- nade lni a thoroughiy protlcal man- Siclan a few days 55Oï- Pr1irt yet a louch of dnintincss silouit! bc loothe li latter advano gî1ven, svhleli will add le the otherwisc thtit Ilis net se0 Much .te ptain eftect ofthei business suit required. that hurts us os thé- wayr' ApprOPriai- o mterials for foncy tiLts was a moltter ti Whii p)roas arc sheer iawns, inuslns, and tîcularly interestet! I-qui liancikcrchief linens, mode lri combina- somewhat closely, and hé tions with lace Insertions, edglngs, and! son tat lie taughtme wash riblions. Swlss rnusiins and or- Tiiere are lots o! peyMI gandies An deligate colora, with lace -wio- are gsuflekg ltra-» ruffies, are excecdtigiy pretty anld niente, but a lacgrcei easily madle, requlrlnig- litilo trirnning, 'actually hlave xlot1huig Ihi es the inaterial les sufficlet tri ilsli. A thema if thcy ceuld 6! Practicai fancy.weork apron Lc ene wilh thlnk so. ln a m ý l à dé-ep. pockets. ThiS xoy b. Made ln ing frora mental -dy one plae, the lower part beng turn d th t a yb d c n c Nfr Vp Io forrna along pooket, whlch xnay 7(lakes up hie indto le bA t-e dividiet Into scctfon&. Linons and kind of a fol. wash stUcis are as suitable as ony mia- To g--ýt t bis dlSésee fin tcrial for an apron of iRus style, whlch hlm il tg only necessar) wll reqUire launderiag. Litttlcround ahould lte, aý i bIs trcbl OPrors are danty, andtholise eut wiih p<rsittons tea table wltl a qutte oharp point ln the front are ex-siecwnb atw l. *c. g1 m ref ai. Mony have 1btte per the cUsgaunled, -MQt1 bibs pnd à rà ehile rele .4As -t s-plulnily "Indic These 4ressy Oprons sbeutd, o! course, tetuîres exeroLses lis tfl ri sa1 ý?acblng acarcely t1j1e knM4s. toot!. .4thdugh -1the btý If, madelonm, e 1egraeefuli efet- sle ihatihe-fisate n may ho lest.- 1ýAt1raotve 'coloret!aprons -moy L ilëty nèribe m4dl, wng- hm'bay r 1ghtweiýý'tipettr suai tho cn1 tM ifi macl,. utng hnbr a-c elthe egit letlttz*ta-tp cnlamtriiite bîi4én., on trim Witw hit ne' e , the Qîi7ee s laner -u 4 l fd n(o-, broldn.,erydon- wtl.'wésh adte er Izet Poison te i. n tudmitte! l co-in. ed w n- crat's and.e arand pôle th mri ht t qtenunet!îwtth ace 111te ste clo aretxjýnt!itu) te uta qutien effecté ad exfte .the lret th< monlg Pap er sa celed aprons are. mogt useful- -tc e- 1 1e f fries cr Ille fret fi h ls n g h uisJestee p e r.i 14 iétty ,aprons are eaetly m a d. , On t o h y o!'a e p~ sn e, 11eP Oînted apýron cf White lflvn tresi faily dlsccrds,ý-1P aint bas an exnbroidered 1!4'alltori ln- atlces, ebanît! ail be banisb ïSerted 'Irak.the peir.There'Is a liant! cf ofthediffing-room, font lace Sea 8 1C6th. mlealllenl andti tha Wd thé" Li pa n sst-aaio ould- aseheo i l ne betwote1 thémîà evt i-l shmore n- ttwo 'milion licoL bu..,4.d. ntbn. itILIKMANl B3OA ON 1 titi -tq -et