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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1907, p. 6

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ftn .. l tâ OSa. lit..S 'rhp. oùtt7.gDd&y trtlu train Tu rsOto whlclï top at Whitby ~ 49a 0. and 9.85 P. M. &IS Pm. mi la >M. od.Roidonprophbtfi- DUW & meuiLLIVRATO Barrta 8olIqtot. la bapry, sto. Off loo uxlysîery intuâta i0y~ Jriitx butflot iiiçuagsslui threvc1lin-e1-- toa Party of Arulý,,sittlug ~4~y cil0htiedônketys, trhite titapet, witli Ing on theirsiail benstsa lb the ecur air- IL la llke a page eut ofthie Bblle- Sa. ffiglit iite Egypt--nnd they are golng .mtewàrds Egypt, tee. *» Jims oye Ioliovs te placiti EaMlerns, but witliout calchiag lte Infection ut their lranqullity. "Wlienever 1 se lier, i stick a knufe tinte lier 1it i s Impos- >'sible1 Tlieru is nou5usetryhag 1 1 wiIi -give Ur te attempi. il la eut <a!tithe qùestton te have an, happy relations awith a wernan wlo liai a past l"" a 4 "s ru Il. r. Atteral r Le Mar*chant dues iiet 11ku Hammam Rhira.Ilie thinks the ho- tel ceiti -antd te ruatisbati. Iin ver- lien-s hlm teliing-omeoae thîs, andilits own heart iemps., IL is Vrue thât ho thkes ît te tak tut doIng -oo. Perhàps, alter aI, El"zbth's removal wouldliarebeen lte' bestsouintbsprleald soIt elAlerho cotild scarcel>< have tollôw0d her, andi she wouid have heen fr4 rue tm lto chnce.taibis c1ilurw] iitiUvFltie me ~ Liôvity IUUiW Wtaicy flU timiself -hnows ' perfectlythe treffinent (hl woýý.uld befit horiIinteti wislies '-lier -tact Is tee fifte andi ber spirit tee m.neei< to, iecciahything se coa se as1 com1mand - the laflifutslmal 'rebates anti the unimnite-ýoli 1 Ilmitless--car- uPras, haie, love, kisses, tuarsm anti amiles."l ievury déy lie indu Iimseit repeatng -Wordaworlhes lune, ad erery, dey, Ili bis tanvietud anoS et-lier, hotoilshim- sýelf tht te blame Éaloulti le busan«i ktt isses more. MIr. Le Marchiant lias been gene more than -s weekI, ând *'ebrunry lins corne %wetty lui, Nvlth rainwildly., wteupingj againsi lthe cagenMonts, ant i agry-ianci-. ced ain bexing lIe uniuckycoenge-tres"- eurs. I-liWasne for $ôrlypeight heurs ,without a break. TIte Grand Hotel làa at Ablënd of t Is reseüure4ca. .tJcie Tojby,_14a Miértggle ended, lies vancpished lu lhgi. 911, tttpe You hayveit'W badinw? _1110ee.der crie peitit erselit îls lu-_ q vy àter.a more.tItan iedeat--Iriterval hee lapsti, tring, Whicli lie ligsmld lIigives a, Shirt, as4110AuÃ"tocsuddenly nakenedoidut e epse * -'e?. liorepeats lI an d cIo Éf4iad tndws? Thtde-j 'Pends tWonrlpeoffle's tmSteS, It l18toW *Ydu -Io"jutige o!f tat: cnerris -yon las much or-mouea an it, dôes nie.,,- ý -SôaYln 9,lie rplaces the paper in her 'buand, iigawoy ote lite 11e nttuaré Windcw--open. despile the wikl- nusittewether-»Ioo ks eut- upôn the _indîgo-Coloed -nlght. Aithougli bis bacli is lurneti towards thlilie kügws tlUat EliZabeth I s aeading, ovr' lier tIber'Ssh sludr-roading "i3ourgeuin, "Grand Hoteij- "Hiave heard of Le Marchants. if yeu du not wire te lte -Co tn, s hcros te-mrru.-iYfnG, ar,shalleyS Ile 1ý nuL lufi ong In deuit as fbtle tl< IÏavtrzg matere t40tha nennlng et the * H sconl Seys Mrs.;Le NUmr- chian ' wlti4 a apeote$-Ofgasp; "an~d yOu toId nie-net ive mznl¶4es go yolu tld tne"wlt auacetnt et r ebich"'Llim thee tWas not the rioto5tdjÉhan<ceIè-f if, Oit, àtop hini.l stett- him-4 Tlegràph at oD'etThcewIlibe-open, fr oltw Ur ihee 1 - yot i There la plffly, pleuty et tissel 'Oh. telegrapli at LcCe-1 -nt nce rf - - E*9bot ofMoon 1 q siP4 fe«ten Cresm iSodas yoù- open .-you wil a-n anew de it the"e "ty wen you wnt to murpria yaUrMcl give your applxte a traitm~it rHoME. Bob Andy Pie"!rÉree eggsç tbree CUPS âugàr, three tableSpoons otf four, c4r, ofI e butteri One cup ,e01Swet tbThis pies, Go Sad. -Efhten largoe etrs $%ýveN,- ne eadof.cabbage, three geeen- pieppeti rs, ýu o »osone-qusrter 0t a pound bro%*n sugar, oe-quarter cup salt,-1one-qiiarW f ta pound of mus- lard, S«d,,twoquarts vinegar. Cooic %Nwncty hminutes atter tstaris tWii lIt andi Wlills.-Thre cggs, 'rately; add le yeiks oe il ettoa M 1i1iuxon-hall tman tmIiIAb II1UUJJ~Y [JiOiÇlfls IZýJII nt may lbèuces t el eý'b,ï ffcmi etlof uldamniïna, a ilê¶sotu 81irtbe,Iguùred into a ueerf#e 's ýtained gfiý nt laid incmssAiland ilits until It dLaappeurs. 'il Mit7hr.x rlnsed luii .pld water.and -Washýd wilh atrünlg Sýàjiýud.4in the tusul' T'hodrlpping from rciast hCai, lthé sh-immings of soups, anted erecidewa fa't frenli meat trimumings serve thgamô purpose when clariflei tibrougiidy- as 4urd -or butt1er. Use bet-,dippiag*fdi' basting be! anti garne, leptnuten- drippinp. for frylng cutle , tg' sh, etc. Toý Clean Windows Esli.-heny1 aire, ltuning -ont a- reoni, take saineç pcwdered urhiteaing mb o a thin lpùaie wIth cold hr1narhsuloe'It liglitly rpb off, andi rollsh ticiLd~as~v dCean *dusters, The -çYLbdow ý -tliuà cleaned easiiy ai dqlh-llv-k HIo% vta Save Star<i.-Atter usiag a b)of utstarch* dont hr w ay wh(t Li Icît. Put hie basin on oe e ide, anld wiiear the starcli bas droppet 1pte 'bot,- toma pour oi lte ivater. Place the basin in the oven for flve miaules. Thïestareli ivili lie found tanliard cakes, and can ble PLI away ready for use another (My. Ta Rem-nve inkslains frorniClothes.- If R teaspoonful ia a it fof sait is atidedti t a gi of milIt, Lt wiii remlove lnkstajns from eilher whiiu or celoreti things. I!flihestains bave bem alkWed' t;, remaia for sorne lime thcy must bc lelt soaking la the mlilk foronor w hotrs, but lhey shoulti, if pos;sible, bce removed at ôac'e. Fruit stalas inay aigu, be talien out in the sarne manner. Ilefore taking a lieuse, ie -il cottage or ruansion, -alwvdys insist on limviag the drainage arrangements carefully In- spectcd by a sanltury Inspecter. Do net talco any ene's assurance that they arc al riglit, and do flot ret tili you have a new certificate. AIl tIis îvcre 'alwvayà done, maay cases et typhoid, blood PeLseniag, anti so on, uxiglit be avoidedi TO ONUM #mVs-.0 tiens, but aIse et61onle eatàli -fl Sta varions for=a wh«lcatel. SiUtIng8 ofT'bc' Divwôin 1oaL. 001M"TT07 OETAM O IC7 1. W1ITB.-~1erk.B. 1 eaodn. itel.Whtl7.-gag. DUb, Peb. -14, Mar. lat, £prli dths Un' d Juuiâ otIt. juîy Bcd,, 8ep't. -Oti&.Oet. dî No. th fea th, a. -9t l, 19PK Mar. 4th, Aprl lth, L 2.b NRov.MCekM I~ Green'wd.-Jan. 114hl#4?~ 7th, jar. lati 19. 8. PORT PEIltltY-'Oer* - Burnham, PÃ"rI Pozey,- Ma.r. 7thW MAy &,Sh; Julel a Poit oi.. le andatilrs tht Bwo* att to look 0well but lkarea Lb persuade In 'ural ; ment. if le ivould tee fan lnay nbe Mre-t ay OM- remlher lid hen deCent, WOPek 10i11 earveiere no.: , vuptul 44 e eà iotIngto'bedone r1"aie ssil La iNarchant ta a. toue 0o qttckly. E 011, sltng- dowa ,Ùaio~n » Raslit 01 which SIte lbati lnstluc- 0« usiug ur t LIe fitt1e, stift et te tle-pcud of deat i 1enLThogib i here___ slaaPi

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