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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1907, p. 7

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--11111hQýtw t0oa and? eûs iy are we disi' ~~ NméWýmWCO4~ikddo god- wO Md #Pend$ fIid evilla4 n prsent annd tn'sùdh IfiW% Y Un1eO.,anY, PcWeîr Ihal ia tbecotrlng cenvinoed lýà.vé hei setmog- taiI nsupet'abl e dimcléies l lii lt 13Ya thë eir 5tfll4 t et fvirtue, It dées net secin Worth ~ ~%wblle te attempi ho tread il.th ée ek- ritsbh 4'WCiLO1 tt wllled are tlius baMTed before tbey reatly ~ g Ohhtarè slrUgeloon, foeetng freedomn l;yý ée whie hfrolUs in by .1cm lf.ltdeffial, by r4gldly exelIiling fratn thlr livea ait th- "ug y n4<ft ItugaLMt Iexpetlénee à opIila Ãœ#Md 1-Pro. MUne$'* Iséa îroriouncê d ngefious or evIL hu enub . 111 Lt *tIttt oi' ttegative hlvndwlether éthr 4W, u4Or j~ 2'Okfd so~lhe raee s eecr tubstantIil UIt Udfis-w~h1lethe siglit t'r négative rghtéoysneu.. vý -oun ted by thou- The p ohIat the helghtâ whtere meni ý*gt trcad 1, not hndîtâted by ~éônLita th lerer Don't' sign8 only. he signtlIcant mnis- 111edestruction il aikes %wo moka in our igltognunst sin r iginate vhere but ;s iliat we put our-selves i lie dane ---n the*'b ed .unlnhubited deserts. liakeo originales ia Uie a pupulous part cf thse ls beome genenuuly Lnulmfate conneettan le- of vienrthquah-es and inovements of rocks, ages produeed faulta ý4i4M iong these aId La movýrrents stI o on- ýb tM=i for Englnnd, Irelnd, and 9. Thse vùtl ndustry huthierto es- id aln2ast eXclusively wîth Hotla. la gslF)ng a tooh0hold n Great Dri- ~ht~ pmtslng for thce grlcul-. dopiesstat tiere. It la said tat Iff4Itêe t Holland la 4ust like lte of :* Eugland, ,Çnly worse. te 4l$trict of -Lhncahnahlre- there >n ares, aof land dévohcd. ho hne of a netcssi; end 30 taucç3ssful SIiidvetry becomne that several 1growe rs have puid England thse liment et buyhng titer stock bulbsa nt country, wbfle iaLlers are said ve conslderd serlously tise advlM- o! purch&Ïlng land In Lîncaun- t'or thse growlng et bulbe sa nu ho te with thse Engilstnan -iniLs 4. An acre of, wheat or pata- buvg8n _a re _o, ý C -IUke n 100le e ci wnoy beo worttî anythiftraitO tù $2,000 end more,, i Shoot for tho Pot #cg Oxuai Ald SOLELY ON THE DEFENSIVIE,f inaglniing thot the only thing we possli- bly con do is-to hold the fort against oui, foùs. !lut the detensive has every. thing tb lose in dedatntand nothing tb gali> by victory. Temptation must lie Virtue Is somethhng preserved; It la wc.mething attainec;i; iL lavîcLory. It la not the maintaining of ourselves es we nre, but the mouriting to what 'va ought to ho. The lite that noves on ta larger and better being misses the assaulis of many othervise dnmaging temnptatlns, for It slrnply sweps them belore ih. A man never overeonies evil unhil lie ceorns ta lonthe it and ho dcrjy ils right ta any pince in lUs lite. Antipeihy to the base and iinwa<rlhy la develapec In pro- pertion as the appehite for. the good nndl waorthy graws. Morallty Is latgly a' 111E S. Si LESO IrNTERNATlQUAL LESON* AUG. 4. Lesseon V. The Tabernacle. cot4eu THI. LESSN 'WORD, STUDIE$1. Baged en the text et the ltedV er The I oernace1w-Inla iorttnal krm mitr uer r oUVlÃ"èS ta -1nin iti*las lèiuéoplt larger nunlme ft eeggressiVlvéVr- . .abstienoé iaù, nt tues to o«oupy' out, etergies. RHe la Pôd atthbrities now Iold -the wha puaiollvely gond fur smnnthilflv W !w q nt ho -*ho ta igftocent oU anythiig. eIMIipYMient o!faléotoi \What yon. really are <ion nevtr 'bc de- 'At any raie," éphnîçe hermld by the mPst minuùte enasfiiera- IlfinnImfous that excese lifit oi svhàt you aretinot. lTiCra Lre Ito uri&ius ho minn, inth e mny whose sâole nconiaus virtue lies and that imucof the pl twhat he rut'a deeerâtien sad CULTIATE ~whfehlc1ellUd races se CULTIVAIS Vl VIRMS, teabuï;e of spirit di m'.d 1the vices wllltatka carue a! hhsui- UnlOtrtu selves. Tihe doncentUoôtthe gobd . l'an unenvi tie death-be blad. Tttére ta nev ei uhnPtiffl boum or aér usa>0-ot ié, ieVer8ux ei<Garned P mucIt as1 a chané passetr on the stéét I .y uaren< or a ilower by' tu e %,yuidL7 but that in, inks, a1 theni we' !hnd eeltlIc'good or 111 Uiê lthe tti- thought and Potenq . that helpà or tUa- - linnhely. dars. -The rai Hic wha tares forth' iii lépfUIneSOf aItr ofInla heart, eeekhng Lt6fMd god4d and k> do l"id, wIt good, dIscovers ibut. the toe he once, 1go, iiflo feared flScebefore hlm; somne oethis 1h15 stah4 templations turn out ta lie but illUsion, ooînmttea and obstncles once mounheun higli sink for not It ta the plain. Step outdtdaly for.botter, 5018Who hnppier things, and the base and .cvili lncOerll wili have decreasing powcr îmd ïttîrtee 01 W tion for you1 frI tngImcdt , lealthb 15 nôt inu huttl UIdimese,the-la but ln çroWding la vigor, -sunahine. cheer, and sttrengil. Héalth of tbheart THË-jIEI corneii hie samn way. Cease ta thunk tesif of sin; seek the gcod. and true, i h aUty li things kindly and belitl, t he thoughhs c 1- fair and wholesame; set in thse lies th,% ideal of the hast ai al l lves, the 1 fl and ùj that subdued im by . - eklng9 la serva standsu 4.o 0 sud lov nansd litehah !h¶d- tLat whl the vIgor *t- virbue. ofe a HIENRIY I PCOPE. Female .. . -. ... wù S ui th-nt huinan t ~ AIdc r disorderce ' ding ffî9qIt ho return spcn- alteér nid -h a!-, eqi9lilbriuxn. 'nA'dte witfr a lfln2ir, lceby ultt; ivititef-aIydsg 1115 AnidthE inatelyGrn Viable-iShol La .destmoyed!%hepain your bruite ta cureiL o'hmre berta4 mai= ~ <lt as a germ a1 tulierlnI ilk- enlers your body the e&. iii -yur blood 'begln. ebriate homes Por a part o LICl- was iasued a tew irda a striking conirmat [nent. Tc, suelibonui ýd fer a terin_ cl yen ra u ega$ -thon LWo years. itaUis ù ave siiwn tbenmtlves ble '-drunkards. -ýldv i h, e n1sciaoug tatthé, Uik1, -eau omnthesnasl stick out of anc sida thereof, ndth lree cnc. bf'euehes ofthtie candlestick dutI-of theiie ois allier,, side, tIereo'M xnekng %wlLh the terni c*stral shÉA ofa!thé candletitlk sevenisbers' uihi n Éli. -Thoe éups anddecorations sAIcu of the'ahdllellick, together iih s the Thé anuffers and- onu!! -dLthes, ae odesrtbcdreCta lully in Exixi. 3.174ita. 5. Tihe gôlden la, à for Incense-Made 4 ' e!,iacela ivaod., a cubît long, a cublt. i e Mle~sd two aniIts hIgh ; ,desCriwbeD elae ell uExod. 37, z5l. il 8, ii altaa! ofburnt offt-rtn'-Thia tbOd AIn thé court lmat autstae lte.ýn sc reenéd, entrnce ta thseahenacl#. . Il was Ove cubits. long, Ove oubis .ivlde' and, titrecubits 1$gh,. overlald M es bas. *"Th s eis of, thse altpr. thse ,,..... l i port. ý,

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