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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1908, p. 1

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nrie ex .46-No. 8 ____ Proféeional 'Carda, Physician, Sur ,n and Accoucher. Cor ntle and Coiborne streets. rrWIlITIIYs-ONT. 1D;ç,l. L PREOCTER Office and Resîdence at o ,The Terrace, Blyron Street,. Whltby, Ont. T plhone 76-L SL. T. BÀRCLÂY Barrister at L.aw Soljcitor, Notary public, Speciaa Exan-_ injer for th~e High court cf justice. Suecenssr ta Mess. Dow McGilliYrSY. Brock Street, Whîby. -joHNE FltWti. C, Bar- riter, cui mjry rwn Aitarniey, andl o( court ioî,,Wlî-ittiy. mojnte tuta buî o asiy ternis. Office lmnmediaitely suuiî I ltay-al flt el, (. UUG tTtL .BBar- ititer-, etr. MmeytO îoaaî. Isquer of ruariigc lieen'itssOffice- S itl'is D.À~VID OiIMIxý'rN, 13-1., U orney ai La%.v, .Ait. in Chancery, Con- veyancer, ec. Office- i hUce office, Keuth &of thie Post Office, in McMil- lan's block, Lrock streat, Whitby. DENTAL- W, ÂDÀIWý, Doit List,. Office ,Dun- daB street. 1'esidenice Na. 4, the Terrace, By ron trcet, W hithy. V!ITE RINAPY il n Siie Voterinaay Surgeon. lt-nora'ry graduate Ontauio Veterin- ary Collegi , Toronto ; registered mcm. ber of the Ontario 'Jateriaary Medicitl the C entral Office and resideflce, cor. King st. and IMitoui ave.. PICKEING. AUOTIONEhUffl T. POUCHER, Berougham LIceused Auctile.r and' Valuator foi Northl-sad Seuil, Ontarie. Special attention given te al -kinds ef tuctica sales, mid valuations madsie ai s moderate charg e. Have Bell antd modern phoines, or dates may b. fixçd ai Gazette-Cîrenicle office.-- AIJCTIONIEIr5 lus. Blshuop, Oshawa,-Licensed Aue. tioneer. Successer te L. Fairbanks. For terins andi dates appi>' te self or to G. Robb, Whiiby. MARRIAGEl LIQENSES. A. M. ALLIN Issmer aofMriage icenies Coraar drug store, W#ithy No Witaesefl required. BITIBS SIDa ugar COLLÈ~GE. TORONTO. -- ..I.tDiMpioii courses, ýsI1orthan 'd or Cern- rnevisl Also a junior Mailntian. Take aummner tello, Jr2ti for 3nolithg -,$mo by tuact. B.A., Prinicipal. Car. Venge and Bioor ise. The Dominion Bank. Mead OSSea-TOONTO a880,o Banking Busmes! attiention .g-memt etion of. Farmors p Department ýI"-4 ETPou Qstr> The men s4ho ara bnamging the automiule into disfavor, with the travelling pubie are lin aiiy Cases ,mn*rsWho drink. Hlaving lest per- fect contro1 d£ theinsalves tleY are vet able-te contre1 their machines. A case of ibis kmnti accurred an 1Thursday last. iniibis caDulnty. A '. rente autalbt, .N.W. Eyrie, cf Le avenue, witb a friend, J.J. 3MeDîald, 9f Bowmanvifie, came, item Fenclon Xaslis tîraught Port Perny and Whit- fby'curante ta Uihe city. At Manches- fter Uhe erratid drving of, the mater caused a berse attache t t a buggy ta rUna aay. A lady andi child wcyre threwn frein the buggy and the vebice umasbed. ApProabiig Brook- lini a cow gatinjas the way cf théc flying auto- resuit a brakani leg for bossie. Eoutl ef Brooklin the auto iried ta dimb a tclegraph *pole. MeDriialti was tha-ewn.violently-out, and Eyrie was piuncd bneith bis overturnied car. Wben taken out lie was faurad ta lie uneîî3îcious,. in lwbîdl conditiomnle reLuaid for saine hours. In the Lat eaîîtiine-a complaint biat been laid at Port Perry before Nicimlati Ingrain, J.-Il., a.mîd Chief Jarnescri, of Whitby wa.s get by wire, Thbe çbcie cît ta Brooklijata ar- rest the inen,- itut fount Eyrîi amui te be mavcd. Fniday aorni-ug, howv- ever. tbey. came down tu Whitby, andi put up at the Windsor. Eyric lad ,not been inu tawm long befare h e was calleti upen by, Chiai Jameson, Who, under instructions frant the Port Ferry J.P., lcolleceat a futie of! $25 andeosts for fîraus driving-$28.75 ,in a,1. 'This . iii not incinde the damage te buggy at Manchiester, lmr île valua aof the cow wlîe log was braken. Besides these damages, the auto. while able ta travel,-was badly smasled, te say mthing of île ' in- juries sustaimad by. thea inashem- selves. But then, look at tle fan they lad!1 TweMy.-one baya for Fraude M1ichael Feul was convicti by -3îgisr«te Harper cf fraud in con- nertian wiih bringing te Whitbymina freinToronto under promise ofiswerk în the Canning factery ai Oshawa. Othe ýcase Xas a difficult oe,- anti those having tu dcxl with. it were glad Y£ n nit Wall Ovoi. Peui lad alÉibt, a 'veek las custedy.i wîf e andi two beys N'.erc wît b hm-mtucb ef the turne turing the long suspense ,Urs. -Peaulteck the treuble badly. One son actet mas interpreter, andi aid se well thal. le won th e ommend- ation of tha Crown iCotacil, Solic.. itor &»A Magistrate. l'ie evitience wenftot show 'th&it Peuh lhad pfomnlsed a fôemna job te, one mari nd the opersi.ing o& ap, eev'ator te lis brother, 'andi on tle - trungth of! ihese promises get île sain of$6, atIer se a bonus or a lean. lu -aîy case tIare was, fraud, thue -magistrate held, atiýcommitted him or 1'dys.Mn. L.T. Barclay defendet Feuil. Col. Farewell prose- cted. f Mis31aory Cneec at O. L C.D TIc ihird Canadian aummanr'eehxeol openet I-are lasi T'arÈayeveming in île buildiiigo! ije Ontario Ladies' College. Nearly &200 naarnes ad been regiairea issilvana. of tlosa Who purpomet -aitcdiiig, a nd at île èpcù;- lasg meeting thera y.cre preseasi 1-5. Rev. Dr. R.. XKay, prasitied :tnt deli'ercct a lcautitladdress, tle keynete cf wiclw*as '-Sevicc, 'En- duanOnt wîtlm the Boly Suinît 4"u intima Lt' nouainiauco. witbl île Word o! Qed were two epsentiale o! a con- patent werkcer. The purro~sceofthîe sclool ýwas tlat tîceu-wbo attend might le beitc.r equippet -fer Christ- ian work as oeiaienarmes, preachers, teascbers. Dr. 'Brewsm, whe las -charge o! tle stut>' deparient, expiaimiedth iat there were three tex"aboks 'te le nus- o"TIc Uplitiof Chusa," ""l*Tb MnalcUiWolTI," andi -'Tl Wl>' anti 1ôw cf Foreigns Missions." Stat-' anistama>' cloose an>' of these 9 mal- jet Jamasnd enter oeeof i4e classes tak- ing'up il* suabjeot chouan- 'There Wii be elgbt rasse. -MiESs tbmas -cf île Jarvis 0Otnect Colkegiat" l lstitute, 'Iloonto, mili tesaIh a normal, lams ton îhe stuit>o'#How -te'eael."' Dr. Bremas anti iss McCliu 'm wdU tesel "1. Mosiefi Weld." Dr. 3ikTsviml and i ey. Mr. Auce -'wfil teashl."lb. Upli to! China,"a-nd Revu. Piest, Russell at ruihaM clamses en 'T2xe - Meiandi Wl> et 'Foreigns missions." -- 'Ibis suiner adho) [s take mri-1 mouai>'. Ibis [s net mceel> a hoidsy' ou ting,- wherc work maney le tak.on up on -left at vll-'lb. innPUrpee, ai Dr. Brown pçetoeut, l ie atu.td,. ant. therefone, students are oxpeat- ouit teattend tIec laséi regulsrly andi prepax'e t-hiemseolves for- iaking part theona- Inla act, tlcre la a dal teP' oleduale arranged i ih iin te IX, rigidi>' followt>d. Here 1* Is- 6.810- mawi. Bell. - Withw h is Il WHITBY,,ONTAIIIOCÂNÂfl 9-30- latform Meeting. 100-Retiring Bejll. Oit Fiiday eelaiing 34r. j0A. Patter- so, 'eC., of 1oronta, gave a mag- iticent address an the Laylmen'5 Mis- sianary Moçeîeiit. 'l ha deIegateà are hvngadeiigbt- fui tîme togeuler; man> nie" friend-' slips Arc formcd , and aiany aid.enes are streugztbèIiCd. F-ome cf UIe tudents tlink their te3ebers give tua liard lessons, and t-equire too a tmi private.study. But the teachers arc deciply ini carnest, and they muan iliat tue sebool -sh:l bl ea schooi iii cvery sirnse. -snnday -was a g00d 1aY at Confer- elaee.' At 9.30 a.m. there , Was. a pi aise and raybcr sP-rvice; at 10.30 a preching servce at .7 p.m. a ser-, v-ice aOlt tb lawn, and at 8.30 a public service in 1 Uiýcconcert bal- The hall was crowded. Large nan-_ bers a t&tawvspeaplc irorn ail'théc chure ci -es verccr, presuint. Dr. R. P. 11tKUY gave ait addrecsi 0on Carea, and the -pread.aof theCiaspel in Unit cautry. lHu lirst tolti of -,bde cun- tx3 lîself, thcn ai thé dug--,raded con- dit ion ta the native ,Opulat-ion,,.told ha.'ý a 1î'îurtu-r ai a century ago Coi e a as a he»rmît Inatlon-na Eur- opeani beixîg adtnitted. 1o -day there are, mare than J-00,000 chlircli mn bers, a Va>'L lumber *0i darches, a band ef carnent waorkers aild a rapidly grawviig CaULISe. He tald of the splenldid re'vival that -had svwaept over. the .caUnitry, and- gave xuany .jin- teret4ting particulars af mission ywor in that wonderfui cauntry.* Thbis storY Of Corca was a reval- ation ta Most Oo! ni bearers. Dr. -MeIKay situke froyn -Persanal observation ald, axpeumence, lié pav- ing vibitcd Cora w Mhile on bis tour of the-East: in 1906 and 1907. t thi service thé siiiging, Wis hearty. andtheUicprayaxa impressive and deeply Bp!rituaX. Dr. Abrahamn and Mr. C.*Gordani taking part ini this way. The delegates 'apireeiata îl-te sple'hdid-aeepmmadatian and thec mag-, nificènt naturel surroiindings -of the collage. Expiessians af d elight and pleasure are r)nany. Enitraice El-aminaàtiori The repaxeîai te ntrancc Ei amniatîiu results pulhleti elew will' afford intercsting vedigt hun»dreds cf familit. ou a i cgnddatc w l Wldie, 9 weresc Çxazette that tilis la- a eod average. Thare wwrre six srdhoidislhipsgranted, and t i s i9tîzWetigtan ote that fif- treaen;tber plplis '%on sdholarship standing. ThirtYl one et the Whit-- Sby. tcwn candidates werp, -suecessful. ià O! Coutrse thére are 34,candidates WÈo are disappointe4', as. well as a a puîil in the, lie t c ucesaful unes; but this is the fortune cf -'war.II CANDIDATES AT WHIITBY., - IIEN Rt LST..Mr.J as. Brown, ldr Ro'aaAgustimis, Umîve Britian,. iazel CulIen F-erry, Mary Ruttan, - George Rleu. Bert SidxiGCuion Smithi, Fiossie Tomas, lianry llewis, Lillian Lauvrie, GIad3ys johnstun, Veda r,;ke, Helea.I.d cCriminna, Lu ila'Macphc-rsei, Leyla Macphersona, Wi Walters, Beainica Waramn, Madeline -Young'. Gien Affin. DUF FERIN I.,Mv..Gaie, 'leacder. Giadys Ashlay, ýEIlî Goding, Ethel. sEPARATE SrtIIOOL, Miss 'Drag a n, Teacler. Willie Banton, Rulda Long, Eulalie MalJuive, Wiîiie O'Connoer, Arù]Cine Paquet te. &STARiO LADIES' COLLEGE. M3ury Endictti. BROOKLIN, 3iss Fraser, 'ISacber. Clara Elviss, 'Tiaa Brton, Jean Hlayçtaft,Ebowànd Kmjapp, Lew-is - âge, Fret Sîhaminer, Jera iasi Isabel. Waiker. -PICKE*Il-sG, Mn. Green, TIcher. James O*'amîior, Josepiina Qain- tan, Maery Quinian, Minniv, làaskina, ltobib, - 'ordons, Menay .Moore. Colla Every. DUNBARTON, Mnr. un 'eacher. Mary Poster, George Marks. Â4LMOND& - Mies Coakwevcii Teacler. il»uis Baladais,- Eva Barris. Ne. 4, EA.ST PlC-KKRINtI, Mý. Car- ruilers, T-eadcer . Wm- n.Corbeit.- DRIE',M71ssWiison,.-Teaclien. .&.teila Dahari, - Greta Le&ecl. PR08PECT, Misa Cornmsgh, Teaclier. MYRTLE, -Miss cgsinT'eadher. - Ne ,WHITBt, Mss - Robrtson, 'leadher. Rnassefl Hearti, £!aie lZobinson. Tena Joliumieon, Ctlixa 1.> - Joues,ý Gertrude semnervillo. K NE&LE, iasFrnc ,Teaclher-. Lyhia IdeBien, ^Winuie Richardison. UN4ION 4e. 4,,Wtss - Crawfort, ?saolser. - - RAff INZ.14,IL~Ss Evana, 'leadber. ~tcata Richardson, Ainié Stanley. CANDIDATE& ,&T CLAIIJMkNT. PICKE1It1i"G '. Green, 'leader. liaroldi Grahamn. - GRiEENWOOD, Mr. liinuaan,Teaer. - )iesxir 'JohnstOn. MynîtleWisn e$itb Bet.ts, Leslie Dcvitt. t Blisashe Meccii, Mary Br*, Thom"siF. sSctt,.& Jeienwson. Jean W 3O.t My Adair. WcaieY rd &,H!4Bryin, ]Roy Marior d of.Hârold ATHA, MibzKd, re À:L1TO:NA, ýmass Wayo Tehber. GOODWOOD, Miss Who, eacher. Alet Pyneids. t WHiT1EY&J.E, Mr.I dta, 'eo EN»a Bearc, Etac gPerey GREEN V ie Teacher.1 BRCK < D. Lbyn , Teaoher.4 Ir e Arche ~j~". ~axeKayes Keystonel -9,19084 JoUT LIKE Til.I become*àf youn Wife, fam e, other or, Do .yDuI want themte struggle on for a HIving? Overcome this trouble by placing. a pelle>' on. your lude in the largest ife. insurance company îjasthe world. You reccive a dividend o! mc per cent. every ycarfren tc yar you mnure. Gel full panticulers. hffs çlty Eichange MYRTLE, ONT. Flarnce ~J aanq illsn. omanftee rcWommended that Louis W1NNERýI (i Va1Àtuîs - be granteti:a" rtbasta of $4.39 lsWhithjy- Madelin Goid, Heilenonbstesi. -Oo hu d- Mc~in~onEuiij M î~ itroyeti bT lira ini 1907. Outside- Aannie Ste -,BaeLina Is rprs eepasd Colls, Every Pickcrin, aroli Dick- Âtti-saeIc cteo!M. insa, Clns ~Fowke was coasiderati in cemmnittee o! îLe >vole, -With Mr.,.Noble in, the, 2CHOLAR8}1î P STANDÎNQ.cai. MrEdi , Mary The Mayor wý%as )rapare( toa af- Poster, Eve FHarris ,. d 1-Caapp, prov <e cf the priee asked byth,île da- Lylia MBUcien, Laaêîs. 3Mctntoib, -pan>'. »e !aiti that thc suinaf '$17S... Minnia ýRaiîkin, Greta Iliahartia, (M: hatibeau cxpeasdedilapon tle lar- Elsie ]Robinson, Mary B.trcley, ,rea e rprydragisexistence as- Blennett, Blanclie MecS.in, jaunie a bharber, anti surely tIare Nvas a Rawco40n, Edv .Nard Long.' valut.,there ta- *day O!f.930,000.- al.JonSitl Look thc saine What j3Wh«f KwHarbor ve, 3at aiti lac balievet îeprc What, i ;1 aket was a very reasonable anc. Woth*-M~ir. W.iî. _mith said M. -owke- j lad asked- fol île f air anti hanesi ~ sk dtraoph inion f the Geuncil as ta vhether COU'ClAkeýt aie t heprie sed asafair anc or nat. nie did net kasow Uic -valua a! tle TIe Council meto -p~ny sdtt et thirik any ing under mivra ther mnember dit. For himaci!lah meeu rstn e c om did net tbink the property iras warth top cf thc glas,%s,-ajid ti eurrmore than ene-thirti a? $30.000. ren'-it Wolid n1ai descend te thegass Mnr. Aunes favoradtihîl Mayor eal - ias -the CôuxclCan Ti.cn-mg public -meeting .te cscuss the taker, had -,te impresa t srvs question. . Be weas strongý on thi, lumps anti lanterna a0 the tire peint,-- Ile tEd net- believe the propl- bail Wta11edira li t thebusi- onty w.as wrtth îe prse akei. lHe asesa~ a - f-îeeean 5Proeoed w» wifliùlà to e ave t-theqUestiûn,,. with, Ih je small won ibat, with beltvever, te a-, public meeting, anti Uthe light sg~o.»r, th - -il-çould if the meeting appreveti o! tle prica, net sec6 eye (0 eye upos îuîxborat le iwould support -in . Couaseil -t-heir- question tlat came uqp- au ans-reeoflinendatiexi. we e uestion as '40W mIkch M 1r. Harpersl l i e hn the harbor piopen ,'th~. Over a -publice hngli bis- ase vo-uld. LLIIb~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h LJsr H m ...,. ..uD'h.meaklm»g woùld hé issue unsettie. the "Harbor Ce e' te mcen te the Dominioni(r ii.j'ieir barber properti, ha i'eSVatora, ceai sheds, offiee xV - 'g,' fer île sun Of -$80.000w. In ch as the par-elase, if mate., jà S take place ilircugli the towMv.i Wke seket for the vi fs t île" iil as te whethber tle price. va so asle or otherivise. - Col. Hendenson wret+ rnformang îhe Counoil Liat le ha4 ozrsnste talae 4Ê>coffais - andti lte Quiebea; that theire wene caLpea la incoriace- tienu with clesning u U ilerMâts;t'bat, lie wisledteitomll g- e be aypèevleOUS te dupaat , -andti hat as tIti men i titnet gis psy ileïe wtrre ne f unds for meeti the noes- san> expenses te be lacnG et. The off icers, le sai& ti,)ùldj ave' toecx- -pend.- pensoniaul>' frein - te $150. Ete- aske4 the Council f 1 a grant ef tIÈe Ceuni>' Clenrki île atten tion O e! c reselauiais .passâ.ati ,b>'COI oei thîe tlat tley 3v.ere willini Le psy 60 per cent.. ofethîée ceai0o! scameut- site- walk on Centre street pLsi îlhe Court Bieuse, aigu on 'Strcet 4tading te Bouse o! Refuge. E. eteabenson Q5Zli- C-14lion. o! tle Board te tIc faGt. bat somne years egalhe pnepcrtY owncna On the wcst aide of Brook s rc.cý frein .sl te, Uary streets lahm-petitioneti for a Cament pavement. Ile' and othera woaiti ike'it the CeundiI coulti grant île pnayer oetbiat ýetitiOn. dsr -Residents on, Jeîn amstrz esire grnaôlitlic sidewalk jatseo Tlýese ->illreCait tub èceneitiratien intli me. . >-Three climmittees repeniet. Geo $telriecker,w-eL. ..'15 Qutta peroha & ]RuIler Ck>..-.-3.56 IT, Oi Deverell, rePis'5te-mal>- kci bldg .......... -190 R. . OLs, lluier,..-. *46 Ém. Clatworth>', worli -...17.8à -Robt. -plaskitt, Ierk.2?M98 John Bravcea. eu"..-2.8 Ui. Watsonm, grave1 CDmntrcf5.6 Jas. sawdon, teaining...1.1 John MiaCarl, wark.-......2656 :rB 3.Vaxsteie, grave1 ecm. 88.30 'W.-M Pinle'.......&92 CW. îspx, fe. ....10.00 -Thecorniiticeaiso e xeemsentet lad)' neede on ils wale île rond tle nati te t Pasmg. Ithe4 aretbe ciler on te cpark. u-ee points-Uic park te sien - ne rtiutg tîls ýmbcns rr-,mset t <unn,~ At I n ew . T e asseas sien t o ce t o.u cu niow on tle hiirber propenty lad becu fixed i b' île juîdge -having las mid, tc ineereCeivt. . 'Tbis iiine wmiy - represeniethîe value af thc Prop- orty. Il île barbon wnvs not"taken L ever by thc Gaverasltent i-t. would Y( continua, te deprediate las -value tÎli - M it "noud- bec!na-service. - r.OrmistaN wautetimre t a] aider thc- proposi tion furthar. 5 Xe.. W.L. I9mith matie 'he foilowing motion- TIat jaaviasg consitieredth'è cý [letter -f rein Mr..-F.L. Fowka, tiia Cocuncil- dees net icledcamipaient toai express an opInion as ta the valu e'n pt îlhe barber property., but beliaves the question ô! pride should b le at as first Saggcstcti, ta the mapprais- ment'c! the Govarnine ginear. Mli. Axiaes in ameudment moveti thai t th question be net nas e alt with, buti that tIc MayoÉ bc instruxet- et te call a public. meeting o! citizens te coaniderntîee matter. -Mayor Jackson movat inl amanti- ment te tle- amendient'- 'lIi Uns Cou ncil> do- now approve-Of the. ef- fet et -the Harbor Co.. ta sell otahîe Dominion .G-ubierumant th2ir praper-- t>' for $30,0eJO, and ihat the Clark sinferin!ur.Fowke. On a vote beiasg taken the. mGV"-r .anti Mvr. John SinitI suppo'rtatith is. t 'was lest.. Mn. Annes' ainendtment -vv as aIse lest, biinscîi andt tç Mayor support- ing. . ITben Mr. Ormiston came on tle ,scene sitb tiis amendmnm- Ibat ibis matten b)e allowad Io stand aver to .bc considereti ai a special mneet- ing *of Ceunecil on Tbur;sday evening. ,.This was", cannieti.- WIi.Ie neocase woul d say tbat ih'ey lrnewthe value of tbe propert>; sev-* enal membe.rs of the Council are. u trongi>'ofo! pLioiasthat asa obstaicle3. soldbe placet ias- tle say of île Gevrriliet prcasi g fia larbor. TIc pnice askcd, las view ai îl tesplen- did -barher. ant i imicse expenditure Upon it, tees- net seemunreesaniable. 0f -CANADA unA OFFI-CE-, - OHW Pays Intesest" 4Timnesa Year. -Novenhber, Fe-brar Tu ~Wl'IIBY and-BROOKL FreshFrui Strawberrlieshre a]most' done, but fr11 your orders. wit1ýgood stock. Cheris oeeries, Red and rants, and WiId Raspberries are now or First Pickings à te best.. We arer ordexa-s. -v A. Phone 47. T. La WHITBY, ONT.i Prompt The ýGazette or Croni-letothe of the year foi' 5, &IE ET"* IIED SftMÈ 98 arn I B Why use the liardk-workèd. bors.e to ride to town foi- the few groceries, when the ébore boy would like nothing better cycle? ýGive the liorsee arýst-he needs if~ Give the :boy a lie wantS it. Rave pou ever eonsidered how much time and horse fl ecould save by using a bicycle. I aepurehased fro>m R. .. LSaxhv hi stoek ofe YourLawn Mower Doesait Need Shar We -have in operatian anecf ofur new "Ideal" .awmmower Slapemers ithat IWe would Jike ta have jou *sec. in'aperation, before y(l u l ave yeur Lawn- iower sharpened agaul'. There is nothing hlike it )n tle market.: By its use ea h blade is 'sharpened- lice., île bevel on tle knives being Ikept..ai-, tle ýae d«egree cli aloug the kuife. 'Ail high and, low ipots are taken oui, «anti any degree of. clearance -an be givea tle IMade sa tIc Lawmmower -w-il ruas ind cut casier than wlem-.Bath Ùutting'edges nre graund.' More goad Lawnmnowvers are spoilcd b>' bunglesonre sbcrpenimg than- by tihe work they' are - ntended- 10 do. Bring Your Cranky Mowers to our - "Re-medial 1Institut e, For Disabled Lawnmowe - And Ha ve 'ém Preriy Dectored. Dundas St.-, West W.., Ji LU KE~ XVhitby, Goal For SummerU You requiràecoal for iCookinge washing and îroning in rhese duties -cannot be avoided"no matter bow biot the weathe Orderyour Coal. frO"m s. Srnall or lar-ge quantities deli idesired. "D-o Yoýu KenJohnPeIl We carry in stock a li e of Staple Boots and Shes, whicli manufacture,, arnd are offering these superior lines at loi prices. We make to order ýa une of Men's-and Worni's Cushion Si Sboes, irbich 'foi quality, style and con'fort- caniot b « .excel bath men's and womîem's hig chas sbes las1s for~ THE WOItKINGMANo$s 1O! If you are. contempatng curing a pair of working shoesf the comin-gfali,. cali erly andsleave us yo u*r order, and you C cail for thim when-wainted; in themeaniewe wil scason sar forycou. -- Ordered worlc and repairing executed on the shortest notice. Peel Sboe Lé'oInn' Co. $1117. nciples. ie from M PID liV) ie Pund &ad, ii.i profits bj Pablit AIISyl- - JL il - Il

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