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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1908, p. 3

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CIIAPTE11- XVI. IE- ;apprearh Ibis et,à1the fellewing I r» r-3 et mny s.,eu'cresonial histery M î",fIUieej Ilt iIstou1]jl b b l v-' <- ah.4w-rit-a dwatitwruth-!r-îely WltiL ýfixer, for tica evenLt-w erem ainly oiiost i4cijruaable and ti ue-ly tu an ,-rman's hitry lhes thèee iii'w 'Ai t>1tanige. lewuldenruulg page Ill uni 1 iniau>bout to iyvcil Io you.,~ d+,'as I have tak-en you labo îny se 11lsýob1 ell yen evu1id4enti- W that [n ýCf an ordlniaiy niani, id ai ave 4 dt ti t liLs -forssrtixg w-re p--sCI I1e y+l exl-er-it'need [111cm, and F, -onaUl y thdi-dle tn glttul gony ci iiiît whcitey cuaie.But 1 onluli .leig dow-a in lJaCk auj -hiU)on1 h viý;tgs tr.l un\ anaisli'J !ruvs, is- o!c eir-d-c't:cin, se) liaI Ihýl-at, fvt Iliauge truth - .hilzbe it anli WdthuaI 1e who tieea toSe 0iii erîi'th i- ira adjudg ti by tic I: Id mwth feu-n s- and îvMu jiisUoe. F<-.r i t--le i i l t loue, àlvd b> r,,- lisî uoi;)acet u"'et lite, tierwise It -iifil v namain Iit i abbi'td f fing einIat saisi> p uilfol), or' ie --et I 'Sei" u i ls cuil ct i, nîiîîubeî' t, w<0lui;- ii l. and irosinif,, 1earchives o! IlI isIiy e! htIfl lelerr 4et a certain Eu-p flwtru-h zwz, n t tI nl;1 i -1rea ru. ly udj;c. ( e1iý ii i tl ie i sbugtul abrasieon b îîiy tenige, dueiby lt' scîatcliofet n-4ad e% )ciuuninglyrcenculeacin theli ut. 1 iiiiîsl haive l-oý, I itî cfciune Ibt1 hauve uî11 dorbt. Tii î'ecUI1,c- e ithavr 1Ie ofly 11e fe.nte-st 1 i T, rrtt and iaditii'ullu, li!ka shadown l rein. ,4 miîutmefr slieut ng la alarunU i ftji tg lecb ia-I 11th-w-s -ý and geacral telyw-hici s ernet'iË cvor n-cm uucrwbut aIl ives Nitbh itt'e iiu eff4,I. The lait I roenîruber n-as t -, tuc f Iliiukrniflglar-Iigevhiy ) mi iiie. IlLs h deiis grIn to 1- l doi tus 4doga iface thiti'no c'usi iI)s luuîigbt oftiiiil -outided,în in îu s txa;sb ant i tilordamit, sluw;ng inly hi ibl ii .spiriî t fnruer wa.s lina Vb hile anmin,luiIlual I mad matie rov . nu> nI te)war<Ls lini, b acemeti te1 vq i,'îCCjyvd a sluni.nielg buu)w upeufi the o! tlide akuil, w1fîc'i se dlltidMY1 iises huit I w-as I0-rtoteCombat4 rulos odns It' a etzid une, niksn-tcil>iupe1W li 1-l' of lb-et îbly recru, hl i s a alog. f it lait tiotughb Ibat surgedt Irougli9 lrrin n-us the refle, tien Ibat I was wi-es l îe handa <,f an C eny. My ufetameo ith, ma ikmaa had i-xul ni-et,zanti I rcgreltt-d(I UaI 1 dd t allim iiîu - nslýncIive cauilom te even- leîp til isire te b)eco)iiie on frioadly uHff wýt- 111>1. tcW, bdentioev.me 1o~ Ii place will an evil p)urros-peaM- ly thü e1-I nuigt Saiîe Itle SaRw ete* &lI liaI young ma un the tateful 'iii ut Thd otus Tho prýck cf an eittlliaiv nNtIle upeat bJ «an elcetî'lcaI effeef upo em, liai-O- -e týi1 w-e celain tînt 1the point lied en 1;Mcard'wiItl one pmtmerful driig po ini,4r. Thie lngeîîutty w-lh wio M gi lied lbeen tme iw-Os shiWi the tact tlIta i nctile pleceti within eutd, as 111e tLo>uc - c ie ino*steneti the salivat. gradiialty w-ork down- rd IUwards Vie bague. w-hIle bbc lied Il-a fuiýthrer id ( o le aedle w-euld, cufue, rentier liquiti ay cetin g ic, ulpton il. NWithout duubl I bad iin the vie in of!an decply laid plot, ephrcýd wit i aCulnaing blnIac ,(,enueti iiast bQyvnid rnr îeinia lho' blaihk in n»my mnd, ceuietiby nmy ddt n uion socusneýs. d d <Inet eppear ano t) wie f ver ntg vhu'a;tl a.Alil ýn)ew" ti tol1Iwes ýuttiî>-ignlorant or ci-y eveet lilt tanspineti abouit une., id knwtnothing wletever îcf any of w incidents whidhfi atiwanrdâ took ace 'ii liaI dat-k, obscur' bouse, or ioný hcre, Anti ycî lhcy must lave ,ei et-a charac!er absoluteby rUihCerti 1 lave Safdttit ~ tuepenio f my le- le rays, surah! 1 honlrtîgbt1ICoulti net bave eanaîuliciousUfor rtearly lweIve Thue pnil. tamy akull wau cicruelat- ng. t put mny baud te thb. wound, and vien 1 witlldtew i feunti blcod upon iLu titeI a luge hunup, but Ibe ubrson et hakn was, I disoovereti. ouI>' stighi. At fi-st tny hi-ai was oenfused anid tied, as tltoîgh my dulieti senses vt- wrlpsJ li cotton wool. At a lom* ,a account for tie ithat aIbd elap-ed, lay upomi thé çesyet ju.ït es A was, lIn rgitai Ignaor an wondernienI. My eyes, ezllizk y habigbt sunight, pýaùîied i're l , lia~ an 1 haýQm. Peaa'hauudoe&ua -1 ruade out the objects atout ue., uuxd e-aiue aware ef nY sunrounidings. My eyes were ainazed et evcry lui-f. Wbercus- H:ckmaaS apanîment wes, a dry, sbabby Icd'4ing-house sitti.ngm-cem t ItalsVtccty>xd k-lad £0 welb-k'noV'n ao Djndoners, 111e place w-lerein I foulnd iryýself was a nather large, eandsomely fuixislied, dravîtg-reoom. t11e t-wo-o tnd winlowgcf which, opened out upon a wÏde bava, wilî a park and a bell cf Iîugi lnaes far honti; Fluai wlere I was I could se a wealth ef roses, and bcross the, lawn 1 saw the figure cf a icinan in a*white sunner blouse.. TIe carpet wehereon. I was strqtcbed was* softtandti ucb, tlb. furnilura, w-as-sof et(ny, with gilt orriamenatlon!s-I t-nk Fr,--nýb. of 1the Emrpire peniod-whîte close le 'me &i-as a grand piano, andi upon a chair be.3ide il a wemans gardexi 1 lenk1ed atet- laIhot crilically. Il ho- knged 1<W a yeOueg woman, ne deoubl, for, t was hig andi flo(ppy, oet, ant ycfIow trew, with chet*rries,.ani bati Sîr:ags te t:cb n'eat t.hechin. I.pïctUrnd'itiown- er ffs p;etly andi attr'active. About that reonm therec' werc screens froni Ceire, 11111e inîadcîti cffce-tables fram Algi ers, quaint w'ood-can.ivinigs ct VMe Mado.nna bcneuth glas sh-adts, fesh- ioneti by thî.-.1easunis et -Q I -rai Itussie, Itali ' n statuuny. andi nijdern Fiench paiatings. -The trein semeti alme.sl a -euaeum -o! souvenirs nofcosmop<Slitan, Luavel. Whcven xvas its cwaer, lie cvi- (!ORtlyirnewth1e value nf bric'a,-brac. anti lied pleketi up lis collection in clitiS fer eflelti. Tlc tbçdor %w-as cînseti, and over il, lbung ia nicli portiereo! dark-blue plush etigeti willi gold. The sculpluneti ove(-r- ru'aloIl, lu w-le niai-bA .was, .b quickly d,-teclti, a re-plica 4o! <-ne!1liati £eenandi aimiret Inlathé1Bargelle,. la Florence. One object, ho wver, arouseti <Uxy w'ea- d1er. IL waas lying'on th-e floor. strelgit bcfore mxe, au ebje ct ia white mni'ble, Allé sculîutuî'etiarn et a, womaa vitn tlie ind-ex. Qaugni-outstrecclid, The limb w-as of lile-ste proportions. -andi hi apparently been brekeiioffet! athe elbow. t -staggered. unevcnly te my fret, la erder le -fu.'ther -pursue mny investiga- t'ens, andti len 1 saw, upon a pedestal c:oWe te me, bltheie uarbte figure of a Phryne ,vîth lis ai-m, biroktn. la lie centre cof, lial.hentiseme apant- m>ent I stood andi gazet w-ondningly earound. My transition f rom Iliat b'zarre s,,ittlng-nocm Ii Chelsea to.Ihîs lieu se, exld-eiitly la lie country, bcd becri et- latà,i a manner beyond' comprebea- W:on. My surpr!s:ng siirroundiugs caused 'ruiy weekenod brain ta, reel agala. . 1 wes witout bat or overooat ' andi as 1 glance t a ny trouseýrs thizy somehow ùioi et eem tolx, 1the sani-z lia-I 1had 1Ce'n W-earing on the previols isugit. Insýtlzlotiýly I tilt that only by &ome , exraeidLn. yand - mysteniedus means oculvi I bave been eouveyed trom. thaï C10ose-1miellîng lodging i-Chelsea tb -lis catymansion. Tic preblem irppe- mnosl la mymiti w-as t-b. iteatity cf the place wheî-e Ilied LIas found mysel cu recovering my senffs, aud iow 1 gel MY eYc&. tell!.upen lhe -pu.sb ef an elec- trio* bell. My position, lyiag the*ela jureti upeitle carpet, demïandeti ex. planalion, and witheut turtlier liesila- lion b walked, ecros 'Paud lpress,,d tbýE lvnny bulton. J heard ne sbunti. The hell must havi rang fer. awny, and Ibis gave, me t1h Idea tlat -the housa w-as 'a lnarge oe. lnteally 1 list>a-ned,and a !cw minutet lter beard a foctsbep. The door openeti and an elticnby man-servant, wîbl grej w-hbsk-ers, eppearet In atle eutry as5k lng- "Ditid- yeu ring,s-' "Ye"," 1 answered. "'Will you kîndlj 1irJormn me w-hle 1ar? liregardel me wili a strange, puz 1zieti expi'ession, andi then, la alarn, i , -ushed 'ici wanti te mc, erying-- "Why. &*n! -You've burt your heati .Look! Yîiu'ite covereti with bî,cdi"1 1 ùs gîey' face w-as pale, anti for-ai ilestnt lie stootKi regardlug me open ugly-feoed 1scoundr.l Hiclkmaa, Whei la he?" "Hickma.n?*' echeth îe new-orme "lHickman? .Who s ho?" " llOh, it's ail very w-cil for yen k> pi- tend tu know notblng aibout il," 1 erli angnily. "But I tell ycu 1t-bat a'UaMx as 8in able 1111 apply for a warrant fà Lis- arýest on a charge cf' atteinpl Lmurder. Lest*nigbt he tried te kill me 141 don't under-stani you," the st-i ger u'espinded. d 1«1don't, cf course, expfcit you te aun 0any conpllcity la tle affair," I snap a "Ycu'd b. a fel If yen did. Ait 1I h 1yen la that- au attempt h».r been imai n upon my Ilebyaanui b .rlimIwi ;$ ntrôdadeti as Ilickman.' d "Nat in- bl uoomi' "Ne, pt ta Ibis i'om 18 1admitted, Wui w a boume at Ceà7ea. , The . Young mneaChu-nedmeanhi <lauceswlthtbe rnmnsrat @*At Cheisee"r repeted lb. strupg *i [.OIOltl 1iý Londmqa- tbaI'ai T~1 Ig Io 4be m IOf of Ms"Ytc y "XViII something slinrp-pointed, avi- tint'"anti le looketi exlrn-emely.-puz- zleti. 11I tin'l knoww-bat Il wau." "Frein what I cen leal, 'I t-iuk yeu musI bave bati a previeus -blow upon t-le saIne spot et saine lime or an-ct-ler. Du yeou remeunher ilt' "INet atI aIl," 1 auswered. '"b once re- ociveti é bîow ont-lhe etI hy île k et a luorse, but- i was aI 1e ad. "Ah. perhefp t-is w-as a blow- ia la- fuino>, anti youdobn t- reolleotîti." Tien. asle exohaugeti a slrenge bcok witi Ibhe'young unman w-be aboti cagerý anti arxieus aI bi&s ide, hus qutok eyes sîiddeully toit upen lie baeken ai-unoe the st-alte 1 Wliy, wial's this?" lie u-le, a sud- ten lghl apparently tiawniug upon limu. "Look here, Ilieres bleeti anti bain upon th's narble fingen. Yeu ve evidentî>' siruck your heati agaiuat itlta passiug, anud e vieient-ly as to break thie niai-he. icoketi, andi there, sure eaoulg-, .upona the outstlrached 'i.dex-flnger eofthle niai-hlant w-as a trace cf bbooti, te whîcl twe or tbree lbainsstilI clung. "«We've selvedýtlenyisteryl" he ci-l ed, "li muaI dress, yeur wound, and.'lli,ý my'dean sir, yen muast ret--resi. Il wili do your heati good, yoa kpcw-." "But i w-as'st-î-ck down.lest niglit 11> a man nanieti Hickminli bisrecusis n Chel 'ea. Ha attempbed t-o mander me.' "Yes, yes," 1hosa id, es Iboughinmtor,- t!çcnaîly bumoring e "We've ieard a'! about tiaI. B ut ceme witl me up- stairs antilItInme dress=your w-ount et once., Gill,' headaitet urning tote 1 servýant-, "gel me soine luke-warm weter aI once. Tho 'n le Iook my arun anti led me aup- 'Stains te a wel-fllbed tressiug.où-ee w-rharolicfusýi1y we-slted aud bandagoti my heati, w-hile 1 sat sulent, dez(d, anti wontiening.' (Te ha Centinueti.) MUTUALLY TRAPPED. Thare "w-s a momient's silence aller tie introducîoôn. WoanIikêe chaiw-s nuenaelly "sizing t-be chier Up." Thea crie apoke. "My iusband frequentu>' upeaka ' you," Si eid. "Inticedi" returnue-tl t-le elhvr. "IMy busýta'n4tiniks yenu are wou-dor- ; Really? -Wl>', tlia's t-le w-ey MY husbandttalks about you. lie tbld une bew you rabepet -andi recevereti that 'c-km paragol, aud âse aveti8.7. "Paraseft XVy, I never touchati vnmbil my, husbanti het harpeti alilone day on yeur clevernees lu upboloterlng anti refiaut a perembulat-or aI a saving ",Nonsnsel The tIng t-bat made me dm& t-bat- was Ile way ta>'huabamnd alked about ltat Pa moi. The U. gMlme te rct-r'lming a lest year hat hecausa yeu %,q»ewwckng o'rr aumold drem ' 1 "But 1 airer at-aited to do tbat- util un> huaband hbato ld ,me iv. limm about your lia. I1 wasu't going Ie nd- ini' tbtIyeu coul be arày more m.a -'"WhY, resu>', 1heI oad t ltatdre t-weaty-lour bom',her. Iteuceti the 'Impoaslblel u"1-" t-ha she stopped aud ber eyes hagan ho flash. "Abeiave ciiu sb»s- i began agahu. 1I b"e ev 4hy bave" himed lau thé bthr eoolng ecttedais&. 'Ia v wlcu:s abme.' *An «il-e. .Teylve jus is(l*d a 'lIt- WsU a4zular PUotAM 0U d e hk bow ,ho man",me voItL-ip a "And 1 a hbL' 'lvto womm wot Ila â ep 1 1 à ib&LamIlutbat giLc a ia the ommerewh Madier, cil èndent o! EdwaWds outiant. fo'rmerCa ie wrni vateri a -No. no," h. urg& "Wat 'i a Moment. 1 Saw h xeM He hesitaied, regardln g me wi!h <vi- settstt mlngled wilh consideffble alarm. 01-4 really doii' kow1' be respoided *"That'salnnsne" cried, with m-ere force than politen-eas. U flnd Mny- self bei-e, ln tbis room, W;Qunded ud wetak. Ibrougli Ices of blood. alter haY- ing- been hall murdefed, and lken rOu h'ave lie cool, impudence Abdeity ail kuuowledge cf liow 1 came bei-e.Yeu'rC a- liar-tlhats plain-. 1 lied grow.n engi'y ethbits lame at- tempt cf hia Io feiga ignor-ance. "You are extremely oompuiiieata-Y; lie answered, colariuug s'.ughtly. "\Vell, penhaps you won't mid' telllig mxe 11 lme. 1 find liaI Ihat cuimig trying, te poison nMe with a pmreoed ci- gar 4nd strïk ng. me on the hecd in that cçw"rdly way, bias aIso robbed me O! My watcli and ciain." He glanerd et lits watcli. l"lt's baîf-past two' , e answered aïrupfly. -"6Haîf-pasi1w-o! 'Then il happeuied more than îwelve bourt-&g,1 Iobserv- Ed. "I wisb Britten would buriny,' the ycung man renîerked. "I doa't like'the lock -o! that wouni. Its suci a verY nasty place'" "'Only a scalp woundi" 1 sa.d'iig4tly. "Preperly bandagýd, it will lie-ail right ti natcrv deys. Tluere's- !ortunately ne. "WeUl, you're a pretty niea, at ziy- "And se weould vout ha," 1 said, "il yeu lied b',en cnt'-apped ns I ve been." Ils fale stcmcd b1loodless, as lbeugli ,the dhca-very -o! my présence fliare had ceusod hlm lie utinos. alarn. Ha fgeled eand glenced eagerly now an- tien toîvards th1e dcc-. At la-t 1 distinau'sh;-d-advnncing ftul4cps. and there entered an e7derly, dILp.Ler, whi!,-beDarded luttle man, whose g .neral demeanor and buttonied trock- cnet gave him th,- aiir of a m-dical prac- titUoner ' -He, held bis sillc bat in lis baud anîd as lie placed àl down I acttcd linI hag slh scepe xeposed crosS -wae la tbe "MNy de'ir -sir! My dear sir! '%%bat'a Iis " ho1eIxgan _ fussily. 'Coune, Sit down;." end he-drew -me towands a chair, and ;seated bluseil upoxi the edge ci an- o ther close to im "My hrýad lias been ianjured. Examin for- youl-scl!." e "Ah!" lie exclaimed, flrst-reogard'ngr me 1flxedly, and. then vlsîng and exnminig mui liead. 'A nasty scalp-wound, 1I see.' He feIt iA catîeftrlly with his fiagers, cas- -iag me a sharp twinge o! pain. -"No fracture, no fracture. That's fortunate- 1very foitunate. Its -not serlous ht aill 1l'm glad te tell you-notiig sericus. Ilow did il occun?" "I was struck, bbat's all I remember, 1 auswered, lurning te bu and. lcoking imt his face.- The Conlierbicuier-Fui-g1e' The Chineiman-Rabal - Thie Surgeon--Cut IL OutI Tha Druxneé-Zountil Tha CulprA-ýafrcyt TIc Taxid:rmskttuffl Tii. Joke.i--N,4caaeusel.1_ The Accourxtst-Twety.thkeh The Lubenzan-Sklo Tha Advertlsea-Gmel Comel- The Repoi-er-Beat III' Tha MuseMn-FiddlasMksi The, Yeiklol1ouruaiist-Horroral The "D'vor-,-Oh .,qplesh! Tic PblitVeian-Go0nfounti IM Thi.e loutoer-Han&g II The EgoWit-h met -0O, uny. The, Xaàse'ur-Ribbéri The Preaeher-#ekavenst TMa Mfier-Damnt The. Slnner'ýHejlt -NOT WASIt. 'r Anaunni officer in -Çargeeota native1 dilatr.ol ln Southt Africa uroeeRt-èdtte Kaffr boy, who actaimas is -articular servant, a pair 01 stronêl, hea Y-"Uel Arm>'b"l. T'he boywas de»igbhed.wJth he gif t, Mant aIonce sat down and put boul4a OU. Tbey weiu. the -vryfit pair ha- lied emer had n lu s1aned314verai days afterww.rds bé eUtted ýProeudly about Ihe camp. ý- -- Bût ai Qheond ôf the week b.peae 58~ ~ ~ ~~m bouiwt lr-le- ni--xots *id ýrcund bis nec- "Hèllor' sad hi -ale'r. mwmy ikai't YOU wear youi bcoOts? AAr te>' siailt foi- your O h , Doc, s h "-> % j i Lad l "t-bey plleut>'s.&ahe bt ood terwa ormsg a -Warreue e omîaimn o am ail th lo Kgg petit 6 eroueli articles as ebothes, boos, '1plate1 amid jea-'elry purchassed by sMaje4s4y ir -wedding-preset, .nd «_ - n theatrt-tickets, and e4l- bll '*b"ýh we noipaîd by-he 'ofte 1 Vhen'b. boys sueh lte or bàeer.hs ,Majfey u - a ui thbeir price. They- aie , ordéred, andti the accounts bW heun sent tw tlic KeePer 0!1b" PxÏvYý who hwnds thbemn ttlieSuperin b ot!etUic Wardrobe. t la, King 'swish to pay aiaudre'n.- or -everynylua iebaue t-bsway, aemil lb la1~r. Chand e a bth tbo' pjicecharge4.. shal. R neot exbortionate,. as' Wlien an. exlt-ioealechar ista made, lb. acunt laslmply sent. hacklc:Wt-oli tr-adesinan,- wifh a request t-O sen1d lu the ccoutlssîmply Sent bk& t-a the: tredeeman can, if he wfsl ieInsist on hrlng palti he full aunount . f hiée or!- ginat ccouaI; but ifl he dosunieSS. O! course, ha coaa show that the aununt lie cliarged was fair anmd-ieaýab'6e-he ,Wil lce e epatronage cf bis Sov ,regn, anti meat M11ho1>' ls lpb-eniberà: o! tie Royal Famuly wis enajpjs n may have on bS hok.andi b »smihl mean a serions uuimentary loapart fithle boss cfprestige.. Whea the accounts lha al be.n chacked and*caret ulI>' -ha ru .by lie Supe .rintendeat cfthie W , the are subunittedt tet-beg, a are theu p'romPtly disobget. O! aurse, many'acIit-a in tcgiMr. Chandle' a <r o erticirs for whivi a!lxd earge us mad'o-suci osfor .thear-t a, - ws papers, pentodicats, sdle -These REGULAR QUART>ERLY i AS BankrUpl Le,0ses Iloor 'and Rauk liy Buying Herses on Credit.. Egllshaw us aîweys very. striai witî -regard te baak-uptýs, w-ho, havinq' faileti te seicuro a discharge eft hm benicruplcy fromw le courts, secure cratit fo rierar than, $100. This Everard William Wylde b"s just foundt iteis ceat. Fer ha lias beén sen- teaced te Ibree menths'. impried'ment for an offence ef this kiati and.i lvi in aIl prebabilit>' antail lIeforfeituraof, bisý cross etoiatien cr f Si. Michael anti St. Geoirge, w-hicb lhe receiveti fOr his services as delegetoedt île Bnfial Governýnct le -tIe International "Slave Trade Cçngress t-Brussels la 1889. Wylti l a mari et 60 yeam -fcf e, w-fi bas spent a nanher et yeers la .t1e -For-; eiga Office, t-en w-bld lbe w-as jolligeti aller 30 years cf Service le .retlro on ac- count - !lneial difficulties. - ýHe bas on sevorel occasions b en cm- ployeti as secrear'. cf legalfon ant bears w naine lonora inlat-be annels. cf thxe F'oreign Office, where bhis fther anti gamdfalbe- served w-th distincîtoûn he- fore hlm. and-eiso et court, ,w-lti wluich bi-3 people wera Iihzewise conaceet. But lie seens te- hava empietèly lest las bead. havimg*w-bila an undWshbr geti banki-upt, net only purchlaset i ce lior-- se; on- crodi-.but, even lieving 11cm 'tirineti b>' the w-eh -know-n btrainer, 'rhiarles Waugb,- wifhout 11e-ing a penny t-, pey -eitber tic letton or the ven dýors -of tic bei-es. - ýWbat bemeaes of -oIt boots aùd sheex bw bit-barbe been diuncsl as. puuzliug a pi-cblem as -bolre ail1t1e. pins t go. The -solution, -hew-everi-,lagiven i a Irae-d Jeýurnal. "Olti boots -anti locaet oflea- thrwl.Journal sa>'6,."are cal up itati 1sirtali-pkecm, anti thea are put-loi *. dauys1ttaeblorlie of si>lpbwý'thie effec, et wiicb la t-o0 iakt te leaber verýi L bard andijti !.i-U XJ Wbn t-bý is lafuîtj iffeted. Ui'tiat ra ewîijdra,-ft ron ¶act~oion o! Uihe cioride- -o! suipir wasiied w-lUi watar. du- ed. 1anti grouati É jiewder. It is -Uiên ,mixed&witli, SOn Gubstance t-hall will cause-il Io atihera k galer1 uch 86S ehela or other resinen& iutrii,* o éena gecd glua, -andi' thic outfwietstroug guai. It -I&eaftax otmba butwsad a vry ýy e usell- -.UIK-Prussiatc f jlotash i us Mout of old Iaather-.I 1118heâae 4 !:lb.e.,an te unute i tefo and itii m. he soluble nori ànsav As OOdDncie Tds et Semti -i wbicb Cau= U."« '63I "Muen~tO. t OR#.- THE - GIRL IN BLUI3- moatmgysýfrha4 tbe &tsimu- tay SCkzot inlales; ~it, vus àStwiI 1 si it-ame- hoouse ý n Liandidlaes .la le7U. s 1Ther aue 10,(Kunemp$oyed in ÈSun- ixiand, an ban&sof tbemùai e lflg. taris and coa.t depots for food rSL c _ý ý l - la vesonse bo an appezl by tbaýLîv- . arpotdpta1m1: h u MI, the lari 0o! Derby bas Colîtîij 1d A och-àol rifle club inovement bas L oûaeiiESà ',inlbe is-Ie of wîgt,ý oùjs am, net debari from nwomber- hip The removal of ihe shipbuildmngu worksa eflb.e îUcs. Yar.w, f roni L4eic Th ihnw's tu tb. Clyde bas-uaw -te.n a'mo4-tci- The flrst estabLshed iK-getaraxý res- taurant in Lon4d<ai lias jlLst CI1074 it dcùci'r, ThLs. was the Alplia Food'Re- k4i Restaura t. Misses Susannah and ,ioprdù.Batiey à!sters, bava dýed at, Buriily wîth'n a3 eéw dùays of-eacii e~theUir agcs .otal- j .ing 150 year&e .Tbr:ze.hundred and çd.kty.nien at4 Old- ham have jomned the Territorial -Army, age2.rIst 654 Wl» weI'0 inth.e vc;Iuýntet A great featu.re of Conktinenta-1lhoIll -lite, the. wi.nter 'garden or palm -ceurt., Is gredually'b2ing rintrcdù'ced dntà the1 large Lord-on hoteLs. A-.Newcastle. stret tin-whisller CM-. !essed that lis average ea.rniagls ere $1.92 a day. His piîosper.kty soiik4 lbIm, ap lbe, got drunk. ThWcal value o!fifsh landed ini thet Làncashire and. wesem Wa -itrest district during the quarler en4ed )Iarch The Bisbop cof London says he{ does not, know liew 1e should: find ti»pe t pî'epa9rebis sermons il ho did nýit* 1- so while decr*ssiDg. -During-/Alpril there were eLAly s:x ye- sels> launched frozn. the var.'Ceus ship- builng yards. on the T ai, nard with eightee,,n in the _s'ame month last For the niaterials of a- builder's yard sold by tbe Ldon-lin County counci 1, the highest private tender-was $1.785. while ot auction th1e goodis reaized1 $3.520. Pcns-ons arc to b paid, not Là peio. pie -et 55 years of age, but t bpeof' 71) and upwards, uwho. are ftritiohb hrin, w-ho ara no crlminals, and who are nbt actuel paupers. - ChËriatian. .Sciexitists in L.ondûi -are building a temple wllh h wl Ce4 $0, 000. 1ýIt la i Sk>an -e -street. Chelsea*. Th. sect lias .nowvelghty xne-tn4. plac- esï inEnglan 'd.dcd &nC, tha Carlisie Guardians, .ce t'del-alu ail tmipà for itwo days the flumber of vagrantiq claipig a'Ëight's loglng la in te mwo-khcvzýe hlideeeea&sedI Tiearly 50 per cent. for act9 of braveî-y, or for live y4tars' -exemplary ocnt-nuouq .serv-cý anýd- ree- d-rinlrma O:iients, Oldham -tramwvay employes will.rcedve a merit badge and tnvreased wgs &Ir.-,.Richard Curson, o! .Crînzýef0rd, N<-ro:Ic,-.iolisbeen a sheplied, on the Se re Ïfor tl{ty yerS, entrà thec *onnection of bis tamily jih Hie villagebf(ck -o the year 1,m0.î For' the twelve monîlas ending MXarci 3Wà, 19-57i Lo.adonàn's cusimpLtof o water amounkaI, 2.2,29,q gI loris, represcnting a, da-ly average &Uj>- 'Ply 6f 2 ga'ltns a hCad. The 3r;tLsli Admirally hlave deCcid-ed ti cmnstruet ste> age tanks ett 111eClerencea Vietuall ing Yard, Pertýni-ou.tb, caableý cef *Containing 20M00torýs eto1f >r ýuse as fuel' in, th-e 13rtish Navy. An extraor<l',nary affe!.r is orted frein Elmsellt -Hl. Essex, wliere dir-ý .14g Tbursdo-'ey nigbt, lest wek 17 lecep w'ere kdilled in a pasture as a cerise- gquence Of. heing, wo-e yds. o er is a - TAC!'. - id as, 9t lr 11- ic- ah- Ie ,n. <rg on' ier: '. DOES DAIIIYbNG PAY? -Iw-es tatking w-tha nuaaiasb a tinys.ago, w-be liveOS ont'afewIl fi-cm -me. writes. R. B. Bas-ing. w-en ta-kig o 11e SUfuject o!f'da!r' anal ho alat me the questioGn, « dnairying pa>l' 'Inu aaling t-is pi nuply, Unowiag that h a ws a unan- lad alw-ays thln e netlChod c tuther of,-aarwig ceorn, ban sd A- seI, anti aise ,know-lng t-bilm-e a1mosl exhàusboxlti 11e suPply cf 1 k-A> la bis soit, I Ihouglit Il itLe r.ithen amlrcw- hlm instoati-et Ielliag yes. 0! ,course, tluat w-oald have Swic m-d bis, question niuci casier- perhampa li w-eubd net hae raliz->, tatas w-el!. - Ià!, cIle is attention W is jej neighbo-r tai-mer w-id L3 nielking iuircso! dairyi-ag an co&xupati4y sait itehm, "Yeur ai,hir jwsl m lec liaI fr-m i- eight yecrsnago, andti knowle(hge il we, jusl as b&dll dewn ,as your tar i l.; Tis ac course, you persenali>' know, h Ihal lime ie wns aann Cf lù bYu know-, whe-n h-o flr.ulmoe tint, trin. you ead savecra1 othec, lin haght lue weulditiak a efi. but 'nsteud of rmaJcna tallure IF matie e: gi-anisîce.s-s, cut( ieholia I.-liow-ed airying aIl thaltLime;c fli1ds- are .y icld ing g6eti pcying cio whIîeeven-hue-cpuis -ontlin, ai j4en.n"g youirs, anti only just a tew -auge-w-as j ust as pornn as -ûours. Wl thuLs differne tSkm pie-ce? -la- cause he hes flert a paymng hus inislea-d ,o!rai-r;ing ci-cps lIaI arle e liýtivothétliesou, n-i dselling t-hem' ý tanin, lie bas u-*ed Lhoýse - ccops %w-oald ±rO th le !ertiîiy -oftlib àant etIhe sam ini.e in ake ýgoi tee- ,antitecduîmg thé 1ciops te lis ati -reluwa>nng ailtMi manure ba t-ht sooil, anti aIse mat-cati 0 fseUlin feeti.lie 1-bas buugil e- large aune veny r-ici feed fer bis cew-s.a)nd ai -mtieth îe mninre froun tiraile b h I, ardin -1,bis wav lue bas crs'autly mrp bis sol ilnst4,ad of'exlâusting t le Ha bas solt a n ant ic'e tlaI wo Ut ir t-k iÛ mùeierlility fi-clu 1hr? soiil c il butter în-L a ke umuch j L. mnoir. fertilil>' -frein lbe. ii!ti,, S ýj-tmds f bey oris.naw, - - - DI'flO. t) a n lb I.' Tact is. we' happy way cf dcing thngs -th1e loving way. Iltis sensitive as te bbc felins cfothers., There 'î e. an grw utue desert-the ýnuncs'% fr èLed' and il lsa a uziii it mirs uj treznblng leavs Iur are~ ~ ~~l poe k ~;:int. The tactful seul kows how te cfrsw2 a l land ba<ckward one&v8 afld, girls thal luardly dare ventuara1 ps a gamin the~ playgmlund wgtl otheil TactI akurnvs. findsa a rv thi nthem ni he dit-o mark. le tlereouchly lad lts tie as a - am-ee ,ail - -Id put ilte oac4zouai.1 inext letici- homretatc-àdi It ýDar- FelWr: "I hope you are w-aIt. " MOl-ber l *" sister - brother ' "-w-tsi yen w-re hbe. - " unther %wus- - >" "broelle RIGWE BA Tro -1 Lut-aIc ernati aven; tle change bisi voici, ant. i& ianne',. "AIt eist oeapresident -o! 'the. French Bepabito," ýcealli-ued the. speakerj "hem during,'Ibo lasI -IhintY Yenrs led a dlouble e\jstence. Anti,.strange te se>', t-4as 1, thenm ta u ervice uf lbÎe-Ge-rlàe5filn w-vlie \vàs destined _10 tilseever this tact, wvhich w-as only ate u ow-n teilvorb1 by a sertit tregeti>. "1What Intiaces -people, anti ýesp cia1 men ef higli social position, to eadthese double ives il la diffnuli te se>'," relied *,the speatcer - n as'ver te e question; "semoetimieis I frcy. il imust. be a ferio miental aberraI-ion, for by neolliher ieans, capi sud a caseas tlIrt oet Mlle.s- lia expiaineti. "Fer sevenel yeers thora îsboed t etti ceOrner o! .one o! lite streets w-hiei -de' beuchinto. tbe 'Place de laMIadeleinte i regged bal axtrcmcly beantitul. girl sel- li ng- whateven -flowers w-e ein seson; anti sbo nust bave matie a geedti ling oùt- of, hen cllirmg o! 'bouüquiniste,tas iin a'aboulevardier purobasiafeîvars rf hon anti diti net ston orchangCe, whils reportlied .1.that 'Le Petite- Bouquiniste, .- n'Yýhich itte 1she n'es geneneally krn-n, la.d i-eceive'timari>'y quibéeilouas lroposb aIs trei custoeumaaw-ho lied becomfe liei ar-dent admirers. I "One nigilI, - benever.' h greet sr'asatier 1 w-as creeteti, et tie Opera b> ' 1te, heaulS ea certain young- lady lan'bbce boxes upon bier ta cunioslty, and ti a lst la gex tleman 'welt-knownr on th1e Bourse an( ai-se la theatr*ical-. society sutitivnly re ccgnizet int THE. DARK-lIAII'ED. BEAITY vliose dresa andi jew els-soet!ff aI-loe iluessa te perfection, a stre.nga resem blence'te the tair-hatred. flowcr-sé11cro the- Place de la Madeeie. "NexI day 'Le Petite -Beuquiisi 'w- at bier post as usuel, anti, . pon h-be taxoti by the gènîleman whlue ieaUbeel t the Opera Iie'nîglit before.os alIso b ifig thene, stoutty deaIethlie accusàUoi. .lPut, strange te sey, bthe libtIe llow-er-sele ; r. o.ver'- ogata appeané ia-the 11coiýnen1C tie Place - dela Madeleine; anti t a lei 1wards disovencti 1mploye d bNljM. - w-lew-as -ver>'- c tous oeacÀrni~x 1 dentity - that tie aplpLrnaui> poqn bol Lquiniste w-as quite a weeItly you in g wi n an, living w'tl auliant -o! ver>'pal simenloçus lîaluit.;nla a ouse ja thiý aigi .bc rbeod et Suresaes. ,Il appeanis-talst 14ati lincat- daily fer several yearsî playe * t.,&e part of a flon-er-sellcl for n hour 7retuinug home te ber auars lieu fshort!>' aller neen, as e general raie1 .rcappear lun111e Bois tic Boulogne: darn the aflerrnon dresset in beauiful clotlu anti a dark-laitned ,insteati ef a laieirE girl.. 1- w-as teldt lai aie matie quite ja'sm îfcrtune eut et ber flow,-n-siallui. UIbair rknctguncommcq for, iaeI- admiirons: Lglive uer t-wq Oi- .Ïuree francs for a lu'tm 0 hoMAi-tihati cea her linba mýarkE -penhaps hardI>' as mny -sous. On ae ot ral occasioýns 1 n-oatitii se tlook IV mach.as.naliandrati trancsa, day, alun Y_ lrredible tlicihtis anmunt,-Zses." .n 1 ridon Tit-Bils. -- At aceraincal, c ief atmSnd by students and* hy Boheiniamfla alldùds, etuated in one ci thOse sûlall StWi t 'Off te Boulevard St.Ntiebaet whidi seemend v. lead nowtSier-inu partieuw0r a r- haired, raller rnilitarî-leOiEg ruan...ws ne. otLhe liabitue*s-. For a long hi w weoldered _vtiat brouglit hlm almiaSt aghtly téthe littie cale, wlucb if il wrie a sabs!Yiflgld-Urneý air aPpeilillg to oiels. artist.c sense, W-as nev'erihe dLi. shabby and- quiet. At lest eone evening an-o"pnult C ratrred of addres;sing NI. S , N ng the tact tliat Ne were voatpelled* tabare acorner oý bis, Uttle table becaus cf thie numerous eus-torneris wlîch bad oae li. After sýo7e ýdesuItcry conversation, in whicW as one o!i is subiecis. figured 'an ,s-xtraordinary case of the% dlscovery o1 tha -double life ted by awe&-<fo in - habitant of the Boulevard s.Germinq NI XS- said, soniewhftt sudd-1i1y- "Thore arc ny people wowo 'be surpnised. te ka'ow e t nh er of dubie lives there are ta Ibis. City of: Paris&My busmiesin l past. years miore than noxva- days 4rouùglil me mb contact viiÜ N- MANV'0F TIIES'-E PEOPLE. ",You are net old eaoiugh." lie coq inf-_ LIed, af ter a pause, "to reniewber (Ife cas.e. oif 111e Conîte d'A-. Fer nîeny years lî'.euse.d to go out ievery miirntflg, or al- irost every m9grniiig, frein his liou56 elijeai' wbat- is now the Avenue du Bois de, SBo)u legn e,' a ii returnt î te ifeitr atIluch lils lime, butHie serijants,ý had Soie! idea Stt teé- va zenga ged t la speculatien s _on 111e Bourse. B ut naccidcîît' ne day bis secret w-aýms given - nway. "la theise dnys lucre 'used te, be mu gainbling saloo is in, the aeigliborho9d oci thic Palais R3oyal, and on. a c'ertainniera-, .inl. onie of! Uicpropriet .or- o!tifaàgamibliîig (en was fatally stabbed byonee o! Is v'ictimis, alïi upon being takeii te a ig- bcrni hspital lie assrcegnized, wlwn hizs taIse beerd liad lecn tah-een off 1lin, is Uic well-lcnowfl Com-te, d'A- Fer upwý,ards o! fitt e yarSa thîe Comte d'.-. _-ad been ita 11e- habilt ef speaidiing his lime ith 1e gambling Saloon wlîich leadanetiier. less dist, gicd 1 lýbut net, more henest individual ran ta one o! ùf1te buildi.ngs o! 11e Palais Rloyal. And. from th1e profits they made by,* the clever and -elaborate systent o! cheating, and pluckin g et 'pigeons,' lhe kxpï tî p n>1onlyý bus beautiful nmesien îinParis ani a fine st. d ef hersas,- but aIse a ctueteau an Tour aine, and 'report said, %as generous- ýte many, a 'star' O lhe theâtnicat firmament, or th1e, ime. But for tbis attack made by -Me oc. 1 Lis'gernbling:victinis, tie Comte dMA- glil thave lied tisdoû4ile. 111e -for years longer xwithout dlscolvery. Nôt .na %Vr " HilS DISGUISE EXCELLENT ct ly m r, to IE 0. el A ff it ADVA1~INTGSAW? N iiaz SW ~A "t' 1Prof. H. M. Rainer o e wh.Cow Agrîcult;ural Collega lidiaeuefiui advantages o! lb. tan4 ream %Pa lor Àqs.Authortieson the Subitu tarin darymng ailiagre. hat - tai-mer woxilr 1.cows ofin and is elth£er seffmtg the crearlu tl iag but!rei--o tI, needsa a oenbrifu liand cl'eaz earIrk>sW-1ù Th adcreziir 'e)aratol& worl, ,4nd'r favQrale coafditioui, d005 beave Mmre lix n 0nleh pQulul ef huttka fat i 100 Paunde ýSldîmÎed-iîuulk.The gravaity sj--4 and diluLko seýparator inebh0tof curîng the buIlter fat will léaile Ul tavoiab-ecoUWitine, f re n e4ml tic-unr.*ers io. &Poundi of butter Aecording W zlieSe figures, e fer w-ho uses -a band asýeator, and in tell wSn-, xhicàImua6.0 of milh a yca&r % would lserubh unilk but.30 pofunds cf buttrj oà the total amiount .o! ,r, other ne osho w-eul ioaej te 45Q. pounds a year,- Figur fa.el2docents apoiuZid ran annuat tossi of fr0 4to 1w%-eau liehé baud epara and the o miethols. ' A d v e u l ea g es ef t le p r t r' f dow.stblie îaehia- e ü praCticatiY tb(- butter fat, b it delivers tic sI Piilk ia, swcc .warn and undil, ceadition ready o ho ted to IW ça] Very f W da.lrýyu sisare uc tiom ibe eow, ane4 lie skiUu.iuilk ih àt, once. - b - Les-Work la equied.haniî mîlk. ln tuas nîanie'r Ib*un witi 111e Tic <jean iellve-red fi--ni tb lia bon- la ef imîfoun iclas-î a11t 111< fibrous auud for&rgil nmzlte>2 'rnoed. he mlk as notabsorbed flavors and odeý.rsAfrein sandIng irc a.nd: t l1e cream'is li excelent c foi- iipenlng..Tms- thera- sa gain j> qual;ty e-nd quahtlty e uIrel -_MA cnly isth 1e cutrbifugaýl ,k-Lpar o! udvenitage M;u 111e produclion eA bule>',. but iA is, cqüaliy adNaila jri> 1he purification of! mulk and Cr for drc humin. ooasumptien. Du iiipimie be qualikýy of 1cr ialk nutucli hy iî*un4nlîxg il Iliroughl he &s mi-ain befe botling. The &Verage ta imer'cannot. attoar han! ic wioe milk te tiai ean jeçen if 11e >51 ithin hauliuig distance 1 the roeds aeg .The sl4iinmilk onies -baek i a od, lhal!-sour ec-naiaiha-e.te ondition, W'iiidi 15 for feed.*ng purlji-ecs. Even if il Çcoebeck fa gooýd condition, itl i fpossible :W teod it regula-rly, and - tfa-r tîcun being equel lîebad -saLpa 5- nutilk. TOO. mueh lime la riequir- Shaul ilte ý.thb e eemery coônipared t leiigth et lime require-dite seLpani et ionie-by baud. Thie baad sepa e- reoin, bY careful trandllng, ned b-, hauled 'to tlee crearperiy oftener àevery ofirýr day. during, the sunïniei sperhsrsnt oftener tiianonce tin edays duriag fite wiuter mxnuhs ,A- tarimer whé milks ten ooi t taining fra,un .sa IW -OUpeur- niilk a day, or.150>Éouiidse t ech d ing, $40h'uld bh-abele to separate flftsen m iinutes. Tis vill nequirei yerator etf000 pounds capacity an 'e ihoaverage separatur of statida d re ltable meke sbhould lest, wilb ,cane, forý tw-elva or- filteen -yea-rs, vcery'- fcw repaira. - - lm LS V:- 13 RaýyaI wvandrobe, Mu-. ChnlmJa ay cxnapleatcd uties lbcKing dob a.u-if4 ' uton a etuxnny figure by Mi-. Caersai- tants, ant isltheu carefuil>' j. cte. y- île Suemtedn f Wardboe, Whohb o àe tlleterY - band, strap, anti rlbbon ae I lxW rrii pl a«es--a . plae ffwork rtequr iga uMosta t acuae aad.oenx n aedg c.f a hlghiy iutnicate $uJ,13 lobe- par- foumeti efli.enlanti y.- InaMU d thlb er M't- e!t-ho Vardrn&,e Q asto know h o place ta-In kw- ocn Ithi&bj ect -Mi-. Ctîan&er la saltito ha awil a rival ia Euî-oPe. with the. t Klui Edward hiraseif, w -the. gr'eakcal 1liviiL on oine eccasicîn tlé"u te! STAR 0F THE INDA. < ipIE over, Insteed cf undr, -1bd tar oftia- die on 0-ie of bis Majest "uni' forma,. 111e latter ltaking plover t-be tfiLmer oeier. Hi ma4,8j eat mean1ly tictectedth -le slip-wic itbie rintenti-. ent o et icWerdi-ohe ha'-atie,àanti dnew bits attentin t-ori wit-hSalebu 'hits la lIe cnlly miis.ake raeoord against . ÏNr. Chandkra. - W.linmu -e Kiung -riers ia.ne uniiorun a desigancf it afst inIsent- e upr untan<kml cf th-eWar-drohe. n bas- W 92taiLcorrj - - - fore. -i asuunittd lits t -fer final eppTVal. 'Mts Majesiy's uniforme are-apluhia long rew 0f mahegan>' warâd s. There. are cier a hunduredtimc-hs does, oaci oitai nlng ta- f ,uni! a~ uaudube là numbeicd', andi full de- lailed staetmenit'et I s cnt uis set eutbu le -orl'ee-ook,. page- nuxaber heftng the se-une 8.9 I nuaiher et lb. wartirobe.-.-Lonticn cr THEIII FAVORITE EXPL VES. JAIIL FOR TAKING LOAN.'

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