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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1909, p. 3

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j v ~ - - -, ~ -c. -- -. c i ~ - THIE CASTE IsYk'IEM. rODN OK WONDERSI <'" Agola, abena antehi youngII Benugali otteoupeelteobroasinqtk4- Sur Andrsw Friaeer, Lieutenant- A10S IO i Goveruer et Bengai, il ýwis thej ALUA.BLE,, AGE IFO Maharajah of Bundwae, 1rme ALL PARTS 0F TUIE.:i!OD. 01 noble of onz.an d a.u5- 4.,,O x asa sassin. -Il the piso>bâi, e 000,0W Billes et Sheeps Woel, and C. sailed tu go off, hie would oeriainly 56 Mles of Wlne Casks A TALK ON QATS. bave patd for hies plendid pîonc Udrrud notgri emd pQ W %vitls is lite.Unegon.A etgri-emaeuf w cart.-ý The caste systemlein ndia le an- In the enormous. storehouses main parte; thse outeide,, or bull, tho the ba tolb. mitur, nt oly hic li jul blow the-Toerand the inside or cerneI. Another % th thr br t themixure ne onl whch ie ust elo th -Twername commonlo, applied te thse ker- vruIe -' white. and coloed, but o! tIse bridge in London, England, 600,000 nol ie the méat. It jisia.the. ker- c, in native racee omong themeelvea. bale& sit wool are handied ie a nre! that we are mainly intereetedi This 10riginally, thora were only fourver ahwih 40 oùsbcueti stenuihngpt diwv cafte. Now, owing ta inter-mal- yed o acls tih 0 one eas Ii eteuuihn at a tho niage, and otl.er causes, thèro are l ot itIe letcos of 60,000 nI the grain. Thse chiot lis,.ofthtIe e. scores. Ees thse 'porioh," or sheep. The price of the wool aver- bull je ta. protecI. the tiny oat plan# were outcaste, have castes anong thosu- ages a shilling a pound. Theretore within and te proservo thse stoed tru suilves. In Travancore, with a PO- the value ot a year'e trade in wool iii food mterial for its toture Use. 6 Iu- pulation ut only two and s, hait aI London docks reache £1o,ouo, - As tood for stock and sas an ar- thse millions, thora are aaid te o c 40 0». And all this, or very nearly tic!e ot human diet, oote toke a ;uth castos 1ail, le a pnrely British trade. high rank. Since tIse value et the Must As je well known, no mouiler oti DoWu et the Victoria and Albert grain dopenda 50 much upon therff noard une caste Msay est food preparod Docks yen ses the ships ahicli oins a low pereuntogeofethtIe part by e membler ut another. Ho may brin& the wool frein Victoria, New wich je ut littîn use tor food, con.- said aven he dellled hy these haolow et Zealand, New SoucIsals South sumos-s ot oats in any formn what- Con a mon of anoîher caste tglling up- Australie, West AWtale, te5ver shouisi holnt.srested in tIsa ro- thon On hi... Cape aId Natal. Over tIse aide hlaind hipexis-to .twn b hikEnglish people in Indis bave te go the bales into berges .(or light- bulheandtberinme awt. grw okep manj servants. The man wh eors, sa they are more gnnerallîy TIeetganjalasrw Ltics oWIeeie yeur roem will on lit>oié-nalled), which curry te p for its Méat; the bull je generally Test ceot, ash Iseteacp3;yourrivr totIs warheu e HstIse p regarded as a neceseery evil by the Ves- cun, wahthetecup; ourrivr a te areoues.Hee testonkasan and thé- miller. Thse 4A cati croom weuld let tIseIorees sterve buyers coine et sale times te am-rneo ull5et stoutoê ro ather ti an mow a little grea; asnd pie the sacke, and the whole place te tfortyroight per cent., tbirtyý per 1 [e se0 caste affects every servent, hume wth activity. As masy as cent. beiscg tIseavorage. OsOs m- TIse Jesv is not morp.porticular 1,200 men arn ensployed. having the largeet peroentagb etf dis- about the préparatien ut bis tfood Underneatb the 'wool warehouses huIl te Mst dpnelreyue thl hnti ih-et in e are thse vaults for the storage eft he verioty. For example, tse tetu beL etheEihe, hr wine. In ail there are 28 miles et Joanette eat gennrelly averages Dgh# cade te ho procurod t o - amside wlth caske. Even this dons every huudred pounide of grain; I egt nbd tilked by a u me roi et tIse ,net lclude the rom veults et tise while the Banner giiess hif Feut princiles ownasuie herforetherWest India Dock, where spir it le peunds et bull, aned tho Ftty Pnne .g al osas -r cejld cnjoy a meeal. ened te tIse velue et twe and as llack terty peunde. This aisnplr. tee!halt million sterling. Raeoin the moans tIsaI ly pnrchasing one husa- neal Londondocks thcro are f eracrs dreel pounide e oficanotte Oste, th- len ofe brandy oellars, but meel et tIse buyer gots seventeen posnda moro bis smoallsst Number on Record le Len- epace je occupisd by port, sherry, ofthtIe met vaînablo part etUs dien For Ânj Oas Year. and Msadeia. Every visiter munit et groin thhUn hiewGuld gel, were Issuo n carry o littîs cil lamp on tIse sud ho e urchase tIse saine wesght et Aie examinetien of the British et a stick. Loolning up oe can ses'Fi Iy K'und Black-a gain suredy llegistrar-Generalea returne for thse e4traordinary afetetsfethlIe sorth censidération. te tIse 52 wseks endesi Dec. 20 shows thick black and white tungus on Tbis differenoeain lIse prepor- g od chat 1908 lied tewer duaths in Lon- 1he valted rootf naussd by tIsetion et the twe main parts efthle U.L. rd.don thon ausy proviens year on ro- vinons atmospbore. sofri ceodn, foc 4 lss bias inras t tis gesl pae, ane bservosi by taoe t~ sf~ as-c cur, allwing for tIse ice f I sa goty Olca ie ilI ofbon de as weilion lhreepecka houpoplaton. he ota deaWi ur-vault, dimly ligbter by ints'equentofuevrtyaunorpkaf ma ing the yar wre 68,635,which je jets et gos, which yen aso glimu 5 ns, aritAs ug nor peekeie On0.14.3 per 1,0ù() ot persone iinandi .ering far wy.One militeiîy h aeAa orns, ogra i i la .9 ar1,W feerthon lu 1907, get loit dean hors.' SaiemePoIplO e iblo cuvering thon Ihoselea la to a hich np te that lime lisd thse lew- would, prhape. cotIser lnko il I1hil1, aitI tIs restit that tIse nutrl- Usa est record. TIse de-tIse dnring tIse But thse lite lampe ara préciaution lmet they do posseos la ntot se j3a pas t tan yeAa are about 70,000 against that. TIse man lu charge ly oxtracted by tIse animaIs. lewer thon tIse average, and this et them et tIs a ntrane keeps a TIse relative proportion ofbudll b, in aon tair- agreement ltIs tIse total strict accounitofthtIe numbetr lent sunel oin l ny oat conla doter- punmber ut deaths for o elegle year. .ont. Ifloeawsre nissing, tIsa mineel roughly by romeving tIsebull e> TIse quarter Jnly te, Sepbosuhmer w4o vanîts wonld be searclsesd t once. Iresu Slee or twonty representa- StIse ieoithjeet, thse de alI rate bei'ng QUEEREST LIQUL» IN THE lias grains, and thi o esptring Tu-En.fly 125 par 1,000. Tere was no the omount oI bull witb tIse meat. eto week :tIsat ended aller May 2 with WOOILD. Varieties, aIse, -&Y be compared tIse eath rate in exceesaofthtIe avec- Ail sortset th.lngs hesidesa ines le ibis waY. nMaga.-ge TIse highest death rste.ie any and spirite are steree je tIse vossts. Aside, trom tIse queston Of vart-I rery- weok sas 19.8 In thé week ondesi TIseajl one, for instance, 0Usld et> , thse tan, principal factors ises, Jan. 18, ansi tIse lueet, 10.8, intlIe with iron hettis ot quiekeilver. whlch influence lIse reortion ot iquai twe consécsutive wseks snded June Have yen ever seen o l-pound tIse parts under consideration, are 2- 7 TIse État qurtr-Ja , uary te aih otn bu nopl thtIe time. et which tIsecoats are biniè- aBbyfac-bIse most lun- qsick - r ti s s el se-sen, and tUselime they are bar- Od .~lt;:tbqogg~e~ato tio bo udipb oi!old.l~jtj,> eetd. ot aie are usuol- - <I etis- %I't.f)5 e -yo be urprope 2 t; ibiIulbod - s 055etho tes- oas. te Pneasdo rire t 1 5 fI«rey jorgans ewari >responsibIe tise surf ace wit bnî baud. I- Leet'parO5 cent.i for 4,ffl doab L edn~ igeasemathsk & ei ubt~e mlk etage rau fç t eièbtp ce, ser tse ir t ,br o oea bu t Is ysrnË Y ts "ea tie r s odar b -a . o~ r t ull; W bh l an 'à os ing lot et ae e ts sm ar q a t r ru s a u tse ea -varioty h b a dh Isees i st.i ,e st mbe - er ur t e ro- , Dock c hamb rs a St. K atharine hand l l lan cxa ly tIse saune w Y i JuytO e abbr-hr er n Dc, ers £7Q0,t100 orthet roIs- ecstig that il basi béeon, lae mii l 1 597 deths due to this cause. ber is storesi. There ars craies eftate npes pertetiy belote euttiin, ýhm Th death rates le tIse 76 great il in ite roughest étate, mixes ithlI rau only twentor-oighb par cent. tIse teaus et Eàgland andi Wales wae bark and srti, jost as It fioaed Any unetvorahie condition ot s041 heir n aexcesa eft hose toc Lendon, tIse freim tIsaIres, Iu ibis condition or season, ahich tende te. tunt tise Beruis---- itloks like mers ruhhish. Yen plant or retord Use proPer fihing rit- - - wudnyrtnkiaa worth Dtts grain, will aIse cause SENTENCE SERMONS. £3w0 a ton. Other cases conlain ighor per cent. et bull. Kou, Proctcesje.tIse eue préservative the rubiser in o pucer state, and Fnom tIse foe-going il Meay a5>- and ut' rsligion. finally ae comle te boxes et ibis. peon bIst tIsa idéal Ost weui-d he a )r .strt e be sn eiec ot, which are reund flot pieces bll-les, one. But we bave nôead vie- etofneî thtIe rnbber et commerce as as thtIsahéIseull serves te preteot ts ayde of ts h!is.lasts moat y.kuow il in bicycle tires. As yen future plant and tils ulPy oetfood ~ rying situation in lite. comen p rmlhs abls ottice sîcra. latiOs linsee ln tIa- '~When love liées il isbitter thae tIse narbîs treen al aotts hn eareainiphleapr sa. bn stei el alts to h sndsome pillered qooys, ahici centege et bull andi lengli ef oenk Love bas a languege tIse deat ca reminsioeef eti coiumned or- sraw-alw protg tbl lors hear and tIse dumb con epeak. cades doan hy tIse port et Genea. gcrally gi on t io fn emwek sept TIsebhast evidence oeta- '". yThere isa showroom clseb" tr onsra ticntetionseemf te's vs- soul le t tne oc werk te do tho dieplay eft ombestenes, grave-Jont, but tIse hes-vy huiles! ve- Evecy mou mus1 bu y tIse riches et yard angels, sud se on. ThOY ans Fifty Peundl Black in toune te bave il' expérience aitIs bis oan coin. shippesi bers trem ltaiy. Weuld traa which is soit- assd bnittie. We Delv- No man eau ean ony more thon yen like ta choeee a monument may concluda that tIse muet désir- e ho cout carry in bis ewu Issart. ahile yon wOt 1 ahble at, othor Ihinge haing equal, nesi No man eau tlbe iniquity jute, lus LEMONS AND ORANGES. s- tIse one with tIse !owest Par Cnt- t ,ecreesi and kecp il ont ot bis char- Furîber on thece Is a Inuit sbip aMoofunlillegaof . S ln -fin Ncerayrmein lngeogsunloading ten tbonaand cases of McoadClae qe bINode nraerectin e longenmaretoronges andilaemons trono snnssy TUE UNKINDIIOT dUT.s Jocid place.a anhtotemaktSicily. Il only came je Ibis re- o-t TIetplaycely n erusg. ansiliseore to-mnrrow'o day- fibo Germast EmparrMuet Now are reacalie Ibehse 1ou run lighti iali bc gene. There ise5an Psy au Iscome Tax. rCF. aller. almosphere et erderly quiet about B oeo orent hren 'hare neyer ls eculomea the top these docks for tIsé muat pot, bottheByianvteetBiltoriesleinofte Sfor tIse mon aIse hinkn il vas they con 'gel a meve One ahen iltRiho taFina e i C osso utIe Iich hiill enly toc ose. je necessary. Pilesi upuer tIsetReistag basfdeciemio n arogat ?"al. Ths manonasent tise sigor tc, oronges are cases etfecrants freimtatisnprias erto exoeptionto ansi he vicieus nuolaly prides lhfmseif Creece, ansi ot dates trot Totilot Kaxieondhoîerbes ofoe tIe IlsOn hie vituen. or Bueserah. Here, toc, are a iai seonr eznd ebae.e thrGr 1 F16 TIs efafre cftIhe aurîsi may de- sorts et spices-sutmega, clove min reigguspraes. ro saépend porlly on aIsetIser you canon m D Smt rao rec v idesi the Reichstag confirme lbhe QUs abistle in lie rein. Muiis cinnamon trom CeY-ion- ,commisaion'a action, ilîl bencs- is Muetusiers ofsrcaem think moes e- forth ha ohl ed te pay oxactly tIse hbou et ite sounsi thanonfthle service il TOO MUCE ROOM. sasse direct Uxon as are collecees frmprivate citizens, includin.g tIse s tmghl cendeIr. vcie îuî nessi At finit sigIsI il aulelses. that i- mata, inheritasco dutise. h f Some o et rie fOU red tmuet ho on unreasonable mon n r e taimetanibeso tangrea out of the graves abere was aIse aulîsifinsi fouit ait, a boussaiisopoucn cpry rng bave buniesi tleir feuls. becanse itlisasi one more cou. thon hm Sda npra ectr ,ou Tee many aben tbey attempi te a e motionesi in tIse advertise- te lie Treasnry, ples-des iIn vain boaa isove tiseir sine moke thse mistoke ment; bst fret igbt is eut lways tIsaI exemption treo tatos vos on hil, oI holding toreacîl meetings. bet siglît. An esaI agent ent historical privilege of creanos! eOsre xemple vIson as are on a custusser te look at a five-roemed 'eaoand aIse tIsaI the conselîu- parade bas ne influence aI ail cern- boutse, tIsaI heieg juet tIse sire ho linede loîoa frrylpr bol, paredsito tIse offet et ouc oeveryday profesed to want. Tiseboise msonate sevalthemeeives ut exomp- ek, living. -provesi e o 4as-dly cio utofrepir, tion. The argument Ihat tha civil mret ove serrowve, but sou have no iglilteck to tIse ogent's office, rm tIse usa conditiono, are treely uses! andi te Ibrea tisir ibadowe lu antiûrr 1 dudu*t vent a osixooesi fur public purpeses aIse canriesi se aseed ay. h tslte. he saisi 5-nvictios vilIs tIse nsoity, abicle are- Wsen oanMau mekes a cditinction - Thist Ia six-ruossesiheuse," oste ofRdclaSoiit, .*..- ,bta-en 1ils-creesi -As bs; oniqtanswrd tIse agent. Ntea-LbrlPolos ânsiCatIs- -7w

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