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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1909, p. 2

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ment May E-aslly Cause a Lite of Sufterlng. A ol uoh as Dr. Willlama' Pink PMi t Needed to Banld Up thiEBlocd and Glive New Rtînflthe At no lime in ber lif, does a girl stand in greater need of pure red blood and tbe strength which 't alene can give her, than when abe is developiug into womanhood. It la then that any inheritcd tenden- cy te anaemîa or caiisumpl.i0I needa only the. slightest encourage- ment ta rapidly develop. This danger is especially threatcning to rlrs who are confined long heurs 'r uidoore, in stores, offices a.nd Lac- taries-girls depressed by worry and cares. AIl theso conditbons quickly impoverish the bl=oda nd are among the. moat conîmon catis- cl' of aickneea among growing girls and young women. If at any tînie a girl finds that her strength ie failing and she is becomnîng pale and nervons, has no ambition and is languîd, it la a certain aigu that ber blood is failing te meet the de- ciande upon xl, because itLaislm- miue a.nd thin. It is at a time lake tuas that Dr. Wa'll1aani' Pink Pills are invalu- scD ov kte&7Sâ able taeyoung women and growîng ,r' ',ý-à ,girls. They build tup the.blood, 10 ciako it nîch, red and pure, tone t'l i erves an'd give new heaith and trength te every part ef the body. Thcy have cured so many case-s of thus kind that they may truly ho called a specifle for the r'cmmon diseasos of girl'hood. Mise Minn«ie Smitb, Creighton etreet, Hlifax, sâys :-"I have proed tha t 1Dr.Waims Pink Pilla are ail that ie claimned for them in cases *ilar to m-ne. About thre.e yeaia's &go 1 audd enly began tb run gcown. 1 gnew su wcak that I could bardly attend le nsy school studies. I suf- fened frn hea.dachee, my he.art i'ould palpilate vioiently at lhe htast exertien, and my app&tîte N-,a.s very fickle. 1 tried doctars med.icune and emulsions, but the trealment did net help me. Then I &itarted taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla and after taking seven -or cight boxes I wau atronger than ever befone. I feel that 1 owe mny f resent geod health be Dr. Xul- it ama' Pink Pilla, and gratefully I recommeud them tae ther a.îling î'---~~~' girlsa." D.Williams' Pink Pille are sold Dr llmodicine dealers or wîll be cent by mail at 50 cents a box or Ont. AMTSCH RFÎNBELEIDIG -NG Josef BaI r, a near Qratz Styria, hans - tenced to tht ce mefl.ths' ha* labor for the appa'ently terrible offense -of "amtachrenbeileidigung." This crime, which ls a moat henious oe in Austria, means ineulting the personal ho-nom of an ogWiial per- Bonage. In Aust7ia achool teachers rank as officiai pereonages a su con- Sequently when Josef went to fetch his chiid home from school and found that she ha d been kept after ebool hours for sonie trifing of- fense, he feli into the <lutehes of the law by puahing &aide the. tes&- cher who triecl ta prevent the child's departure, and carried off the youngster in triumph. The Employer-' Young mani, 1 dont soe how, with your saiarj, you can afford to amoke such ex- pensive cigars." The Empicye -- "You're ight., ir-I catit. I cught ta baro a bigger salary." w. r? Lihby'e .ust iry entvaCma»d h Sl ewto~ k e aried at freqvmtlasmnrls. affl uitsts iim suu. fi" efoS lunthem 0" eu t dhsnp or supper. , 14 »&U1 IbI ood Pradbets khl cr. fnlly eooked SMd pI"Mpard, Wbta Woh#s. m ûw KJbb7lPmt.Foosd#-ut: RUSH WoIK O - ÂUR#ÂD NORTH* FR031 ALBERTA& Edmonton Board of Trade Bas Mapped Ont thé. Paek and River Tras. What some mon believe tb b. a new El Doradeo! commerce in now- beckoning through the hall openhêi iratewaya of the. real north-land ci Canada. The necent action e! ,the Alberta government in securing rai lways that are to be huilt injte the north country in the. next five years marks th. latent and ' mont significant etep, writes tue Edmon- ton, Alberta, correspondent o! the New York Sun. On. of these rail-roada will pene- trate the. broad fertile valley' ot the Peace River, whie another tape thbe immense waterways of the Mac- kenizie, upon which there wil be- fore long be estabiished a touriBt steamaship service to tb. Anctic. \Vork je begun upon the railws.y te connect E.dmonton with Fort Me- Murray. .The reason for tbe delay in open- ing thia territary, s0 at least west- ern Canadians agreejis that tbis north is the greateat fur beating country left in the. world and tiie fur trade dieu in a "iountry wiiose gates are flung open te settlement. It je so obvious it scaroely needa retelling that the. whole policy ef the Hudson's Bay Compauy ws planned to netain the~ west as an ummense game preserve for their own benefit, for thse Company of Gentlemen Adventuners trading iu- ta the Hudson Bay and for its mod- ern successon. Even after thse for- mal transfer of itas holding had been miade ta Canada strcng, tracsa ef thse cempany' e policy lingered IN RIG01 PLACES AND LOW. Monoe than twenty yeans ago- whule scheol cbildren lu eastern Canada were imbibing inaccurate( knowledge o! tise Mackenzie River,à peeplxng its valley tisrougiscut witis9 Esquimaux and wolves alane- sturdy Scotch factors cf the cern- pany and cultured ifrencis mission- ani were navigating o-ver 1,000 ruiles of tisat river in their own steamers. Still tise mapa made by these nmen tien consisted mainly of dats for a fort home and anotiser tiser., witis a lcng tnati or a river between. Alneady a new order bas inter- vened as regards tie geognapiiy of tb. country, and witis multiplyiug numbers of frmee traders and sel- lera, nailnoad and land surveyons tise map Las undergone radical changes. Tise important atep juzt taken loy the. Goverumeut lu guaranteeing hundreds e! miles o! mailways imb te nerti wae foreahadowed last vérb i fli e te Fon- 'tln Boar îo7Tade iocernîig the outland trails o! thua regiou. This work, begun for local use, bas bad resuIte outside ot Alberta. N umerous inquinies receired in E.dniononn about tise posibilitiea of the Edmonton route ta the Finlay River gehd fields, togetben with tise incrsing number of poople geiug mbt tie north- country, last year roused membera o! the Board of Tna<de ho a senaee!oftiseir rospensubi- lities as-resudents et a city liaI will always b. tie meeting place of uont-hern and wo*tern trails. They 9elected. J. K. Cornwahlland H. M. E. Evans, two moin te wbom thse outiand traila are open books, to make a report, and titis wheu cens- pheted waa pronounced tis. moat striking document yet.publisbed by any western bodyi. The lime table ta a unique affair--a conciseand accu rate ahowing of every main trail and route ; THE MODE 0F TRAVEL,4 by steamer or scow, wagon, pack train or dog train; tise meals, freighh, lime sehedule sud-sh'eeîpmg Tise report combines lbe primi- tive, thse (routier-the stops at Johanie Stony's, at Shsgmappi and Levis sa hall var bouse. Tise ter- titory covered sa frIm Edmaonton aorth bly thse Atiaasca and tise Meekeaxie to Fort Macpherson near the Arceish&ores-I,9t miles frons Edmonton-aud froin Edmonton northweat tirougs the Peace River c*ountrY to Fors Orabsuain thse Plalsy district-7US uiles. Uwvas suggest. in tb4 report tIc -tise nortisera trits by river, mn Who kn o e rtain Ploais M e Velii oSultisao! bae oa tri ýtravell lu. * tCt, Wb" latitude uO openbagen or {l4gow,, but, ,with thse added -advatae that they are-awept.always by tlsewarzn winds drifttsg through -the RockiearO' Fort Churchill, which a Hudson B3ay railwa.y wilI some day connect with the Peace River pons, lies about seventy miles south, o! St. Petersburg. York Factory, on the shore of the Hudson Bay, and 1ke Fort Churchill, at the mouth ef a fine river, lies, evezi more than 200 miles aouth o! St. Petersburg.. Sibera, which wa.s once popularly believed te be a barren succession of irub-Arctic steppes, bas proved ho b. a land cf great agricultural wealth. Its wheat and its dainies are alike noted. The heart of the great dairy region there is Tobolak, which is in the same latitude as Fort Vermilion. Yet in ail northern Europe there se no place Bo favored as the western bal of the Peace River country, where the warm chinooke corne through the moun- tain passez-from the Paciflo and kecp the. climate su mild that cattie fe.d on the open range ahl winter. It is in this region that an immense ranch bas reeently been secured by Williams, the. cattleman, who &uc- oeeded ox-President Roosevelt in the ownership of his Weetérn ranch. Already ai, Fort Vermilion, which lies 50M miles north o! Edmonten and railwayp, Sheridan Lawrence threshes each year with hie awn steam threeher from 9,000 to 10,000 bushels o!f âne wheat. CULTIVATION 0F RUBBER. The Artiflelal Article Does Net Compare With the Natural. The' rubber age le dawning. Il would be bard te exiasant lie lisI o! articles fer whioh mulober la used aI tise present limes, and eill more difficult le complet. a liat for wiîo il might b. ùsed were not ils pi-e- sont prie prohibitive. Tiseme la no' reason te expect an immediate fal :n thse price, because arlificial muis- ber do.. ual in any way compare witi the original and rubiser culti- vallon is stili au infant industry. Tise uew plantations, says lbe Ciii cage Tribune, cannot influence thse output fer sanie years, ho cerne. Ruiben la the preducote soo- agulation et a milky juice wbicb cati be oblained from ertain trees growing mostly iu tropical climates. Many vanieties ot treos yield Ibis mulky juice or latex when thse ex- herhai bai-k le damaged or eut. Sanieare tercet I-ea gro.wing ln wild luxuriance La tropical torests. Some favor moist, damp -climnatos as tise planta of l'ow-lying valleys and, uplasocf hl A'mazàndlitot,, whi6i y'IeI4e tise celei 1r para rubber, wisile Saatilîca clatica cf Mexico and Central Amenica aI- thougis tavoning a hsot, molet cli- maIe, is able 10 withsland a dry season if not tbe prolonged. To colleet the. latex lu tise Ama- zen districts tucieins are made loy means o! a amaîl axe lu tise bark cf lise hree. Wisen properly tapped tise tree can b., bled aI intervals, yielding a good aupply ef latex without permanently damaging it. Tise colieclora have te penotrate int tise tropical foresl, which lu tise valleye o! tise Amazon lsa a limes a fever-nldden swamp, but yields tise iuccmnparable Para rus- ber. Wien nubiser trots are cull- vahed lu accessible districts tise co- aguiat.*on and extraction ef lb. cmude rubiser frem tise latex eau b. don. on the spot. ITise collecter, barnrng penetratod sufficienthy far iute thse foreat sud aelected his field of operations, makes incisions iu tise bark o! tise trees and allowes the latex t. ýco!- ledt in #Maul cupe. Tii. latex la emptied iml a large disit and thse operator dipit a vooden paddle-inte thse disis aud so;ds il in tise emoke issuing fions a oouical-Siaped ves. sel opened at bots endstaDd pîserd over a smaUl £re. Tise beat u eMX" ScagulaIte 4latexdrv off thse moisture, and leare, a I layer o! crude rubber on tse s-*ur- face o! thse pallet. Tise opertk» ià reated anti thç> rubb<tr tb".', euis xi arounded blo&k Oeuam a 11<' INIIter Eu- îl*ppd sol. - -TMi p allp TU ~vg I>ALI3, LNUbGRLS IOI>ENINO'III> EW Murdered Bey Who Iilhled Bird ln Sehoolreom. A Buddhist prieit bas been an- reeled at Kadoung, in the Hantha- waddy district o! Burmab, on a charge of__the murder, committed under peeuliar cincumatances, o! a Burmese lad, aged thinteen, wbo was -a novice for the pniesthood. Tii. police and Bunmans wbo bnougbt the lad to lie Rangoon hospitai, tcid lhe authonities tisat tise dead boy had caugist a bird ý tise schoolroom and Lad killied il. Hie tutar, after abuaiug bina (on 'taking the lite cf a bird, struck hlm, and ho feIl down. Tii. priest i,% said ta -have called the attentlion eftocher novices to the boy's con- dition, telling tbem that, as he bad taken lfe, so he muet die, and b.- fore the astonished pupile could gir. the. alarm, he had seized a billet et wood and beaten the un- orlunato lad's brame lun, Tii. boys fled in hernor, and notifled the. villag.ers, wbo surnounded lb. monastery and tried ta arrest tise priest. Re, howevcr, had procur- &d a dahshe and made a desperale figist betone being suhdued and an- nested, injuring a number o!thie villagers. A GREA.T BANK. Taianv ocales,- nadia e~es ba ly hardîy ies- lized haîf a céntuiy aga. wiat a service they were rendering le Qanada's future in stanhlug forth tise young uniled Dominion with th-e fotîndation of a Banking Syvstem wfiihbas been developed mbinthe greateet lu tise wonld wîhh ne ex- c eptions. The Sysheni bas tanîts, but Ibese are more academic than practical, aud if pasl progresa 15 auy cnitemion thie faulte tisat now tuaIt will disappear in tb. future. Tise services wicb aur bauking System bas rendered te tthe Domin- ion a a whole, and te individual Canadians, shouhd be more tiser- ougisly appreciated loy tbe Canadian people. One ofthtie strongest nuits in our Banking System i s tise Dominion, Bank, wbicis presouted ils semi-an- nual statement tiste public a few days ago. Deapite tise fart tisat Ibis stahemeul 'covemed 'a peniod, part osf wisicis vas csara'chernd ly ex- treme finaucial'stress sbud tise bal- anceisy very bs oîi'bpy rate«> the profits o! Ibis great Institution -for tise hait yesr, allhoisgl nome., Four- tcen Thousand Dollars leu titan thse pyfflous bal! yeari , are ctliiat tise rate- o! -15% P. -c Thse cireulion has lncreaW. about a q1uter of a -illion dollars; deposits have Wu-1 ,creaîcd nealy, at muillionansd balvé nov reaehed thse total of Cver fQrty.ý m os.et naely -'ie ansd a bal! -uMiilkmand tbIls. 14Wtý avail- alIe e ns.aniuiOt*S ëit PtAIl 18hÂ--ibu voit:011SrVFfIME8 Coi'nljr of the. shra Wh.re Foin- fromn Af r1 bug "dréésed anopon lette j4 Mlle. Laloe..nd. to the. wo- fl~ Octor Mme. P0lte h getadvocates of women's rights, &dvizing thpni b leavei at once for the Sahara, or rather to that- dis- trict inhabited bY tho ,ribo ale Tuarega. f The Tuarega, says the. explorer, -are crafty, cruel and treacherous. but they are ardent apoat1e8 of feminism. The. Tuareg women are inedprivileged beings. They have cam2els of their own, which their husbands are not allowed v), [foul3t, and their household duties are, 60 to Bay, nil. They are allowed to have an ad- mirer who saddies ther cainels and us errands for them. According to the Gertlewoxnan, the attitude of this admirer mnust remain strict- ,y platonic, for if he starts making love to the lady the husband flie8 into a temper, and an angry Tuareg becom.>esaa dangerx>us creature. According to the laws of the country the Tuareg woman need not follow her husband unless she wants to do so, nor is she compelled to serve her spouse. She is edu- cat<ed, for she cari read, and this accomplishment, not shared by the otrier sex,&ives her a privileged position ?E"so far that 8he acte as judge or arbitrator in ail difficuit cases. PRIEST'S HORRIBLE CRIME. PU I!uMATISM-it la net neoesary toge te Dot Springs. Jui ose '"'ihe D1). " t. enthol i>iaaters and result% wlil be satisfa.ctory. 25e & drugglsts. Davis à Lawrence Compatiy, mana- Lacturers. SEL I SH. «Tise womau tisat maketi 'a good pudding nsimoas<Weto~ se whô niakefis a tai-t re'ly. k Holloway'a Corn Cure is the. niedicine ta reniove ail kinde o! cans and warts, and only coste tth. smahl sum o! lwenty-five cents. NO LONGER POSSIBLE. "Young mati," *said thie success- fnl aid guy, "I started as a clerk 4)n 13 a week aud to-day I owu my cwn business." "I know," ,%nswered the Yeung Chap, "but lhey bave casis regis- toms lu all tise stores new." .The microscope In the bands o! experts employed by te United States Goverument lias revealed tho laet tisat a bomse fty sonietlsues car. ries thonsaxids of dieasie geins attaebed to [ts halry boêy. Tii. eontlavus nsueof Wllsou's Fîl' l'aie will prevent ail danger of tu* feon tfrointhat soarce b> IdiiUm Lotis lhe germeansd the Ilies. "«You.r daugiter'Ile la poj.sibl Wisy, you' look Moreliko tin *is$- sesseda-barbed&tnge.,'; a&Ure you, aise h nyonydaui- ter," repiied t 1-eased mtIon. And tiJ ldyre t, rk4, ý ,well8, s ertainly look,: old easougli to e SHE OBEYBD ORDERS. Carelesaness in tb. use o! langu- age ia quite as repreohensib la as care- lessnes in cookery,, a'Od with alift-. eral-xnind servant in thke case, it' may accomplish the_ name reauits. A writer tells of a Southerti wo- mnan who was leaving ber home in a burry and wanted 10 rem.ind ber negro maid o! some apples baking in the aven. "Watcb when tbe apple's burn, Chloe l"' sh-e called, as she waa leaving the. bouse'. When she returned there was a pan o! bui'rned and charred apples on the kitchen table, but Cbloe wae placid and happy. "Dem apples burned a.t just eleven o'clock thie m.orning, ma'am,"p said Chioe, complacently, "for I uoticed ie timoe particular." A BOY'S HOLIDAYS. The ardent controversy which Treutnnt lf., lui Alimenta a1 WISES Or US took FnIIy O:xlI&nej in 0 *oult Mliti«d fou8 orequest. Addr6es Th, VOterlnarY Uomnety, . CARET YENQ goRiTISH AMERIOAN OVEINO CO. @Md p«UtAcuarb7 POut &aWear@ sure 0oa/e,.'Tî Tt~VI~1rÀHLgAGENTS "".. kMake 83 à,D.a d 'l a Our aVLU' ** otae o.e af. U0.40 Up and ,, dors CmmelAUfà-. u,ve cr. /u.? (~ITAlftà~ioe Tp, 'M j ?T (e lia ben wgin inL nlan neo lar , Amenica concerning the best way u~ro ItrOi'y j (Ie ta dispose ot echool boys inte TMEAC ST., TORONTo, CAN long summer vacation has pr')flpt-- stabluhed 1882,ta<.,ov$r by the Prov ncig cd lhe Grand Tnîînk Railway Sys- Ooenmoîo n~.., 1cmn to issue a specual publication Afflisteil witbthe . îlîîer, j of T-n h giving suggestions and practicai c"nlrotof oc epu.ni gri-n bîntis taparents, as ta what ta do a70u01h3coaIteâ r>. jRo '* v ith 'the ,'publîc and preparalory IL.XA. ANIGE, V . S i.IM ,S .whool bdy during the monthe of July and Auguet. Th-e vacation ______________ camp is one of the solutions and the publication enlitled, "What' I E C 1T shahI a Boy do with hie Vacation" INSLL1..INC~ thoroughly covers th. ground andE solves the problem of the beýt wayTM '"' for a scboolboy bo enjoy bis holi- I I'VES, ALlA days. A copy may beo blained for tho aaking by applying ta Mn. J. INCLUDE SOME BONDS D. McDonahd. ____________ Stanîdard Coaa,7iiii 1 Colieclon (warmiy): 'TIve been have long bpeîv";e(n .st bore a dozen limes, sir, and I posi- Of aur iacalI.u,, îiveiy won't, cali again " Mn. of large FE--faIr8s and aiot'udt- Poorpay (chcertuliy):- "Oh, corme viduals of iweali/.. now, my man, don't b.. se superstiti- is orgynjânpo ous about makiug the tsirteenh tlyiret AIrly adson oa caîl nothing will happen, I assure prtfcîmni f t j1' 'r YO.for;.î /ti mpo ' .~of you.li',iÎted rmeaiu. Tl'a iay, a7l Faul-tîess in Preparation.-Un- MoeLofbondsis nag ,,itIlell un- like &ny other stoma-ch regulator, e8od Parmelee'e Vegetable Pille are the . To-day such i'n?.stor3, k~ result of long study of vegetable.' ing Me 'neriti 'If 07r (a'011itan compounds calcîîlated to stimulate bondz4, knouing Mhai Iýeycre the etomachic functions and main- froactional nr'g'- tain lhem atthe normal condition.*- ing a larger 7)iartgc'f vurn Years of use have proved their through a Trwu (anî-a/ar,- faultiesa character and establisbe'd mak-ing a dis/ribuito?,o ai dth,- themr excellent reputation. And inleresis. Anl'aduin of thie neputation they have main- euirp!nsfjutdsi, Ue nigt~'rs tained for years and will continue u-culd be---a ?noi yaji' o-a"7,i m- bo rnaiutain, for Ihese pille muet ai- iaderhr- at!,,,lo î'ays stand at the head of the lust plc iai dbetrea ih' of standard preparations. L hcty/ijbond(i- na., 'ýpio-o ed bond of a iaî!'urn <di cern. Mî'ke had only recently been. made foreman, bit he knew lin re- spect due ho uis rank. 'Finnegan,' ho said ta an argiîmentative assist- ant, 'il have nawthîîng out et yc but siiemoe-and mighty itlel o' liaI V" ,.Dn't epcnrmnt wiith si Pads kill i any times nirehIl - files than any other known article. Tise Heiress "But wby should I marry you. I dont love you." 11eT Suitar: "Oh, that's all nighl. I sban't be at home very mucb, yon know. " A Uomestlo lys Ba1mody. Afurtue A-lords Retiable Relief tSu KysthMS iod ~ise Try Murine Bye Remedy ln Your R:y.a 6 oMes eBye Pail. "Wisat ia il, madam 1" asked tiie man behiud tise desk lu a serivants' reglstry office. "«I wanl a cook,' explaiued tise lady, "and I want ber bail." " Quit. simple, ma'dam," tise clerk assured ber.- "Wl. haye tic 'olier kind." -Used aceording b directions, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysenlery Cordial will afford relief luthlis et acuhe form o!fs#=mer compîsmul. Wheu- ever lthe attaek manifeste ilsoîf ne lime should b. lest ln seeking tise laid o!fVite'Cordial, Il will sot im- merdiatoly oni 1h. stomachisand in- 'toïtines and sll&y tie irritation Î6s --d ' pin. A trÏia o! il wil con- vince snyone of tise truth oltiser.' Wben tIthe police get a man's -W s-' It Conca iei mb th* -bra'nches o! bis !anailytreet, Bonds aflurd a vini4 imîportant adeanlaqr r- gages. amony ?w/,rl toitbe - safmtyArsues recommonrfed byu n pus-ehaseci only aftr rlg lettgaton by experts. Oxt and rogular paymisnt coupions wll b at your bankers. -Le ftment - bonds rîsn tromons e t t ,."pars, -No expense for fi»setaion. - Readily markatable. -Gan bo used as ban%% eollateral. IV'e cffer(lin services q0< 00w orgaiil:atîîu î fr assi stuîn"e jm selechng your 1,ii'nitnieuld. Som. Raitroad bond& yield S te 5êS ore Utiti bond@ ylid4 to 51% lacme aparovod mende 01 ManuÏaoturing omOilt myiold ô te 0%. iDOM IMON SECURITIESI CORPRATION, LIMITED 26e JNO8TURET EAST. TORONTOj A DREARY LAND. The ccuntry from Jerusalein to the Jordan Valley is as dreary ard' desoîste as eould be imagined. The. bille 1I'ook like great banke -of rock and uand. Not even the Sahari itel loo;ke more forbidding. It is Ibe "loountry not inhabited," the wiiderness jute wbich the scapegoat was'driven. We are aIl glad we 'wënt, but noue of us could be in- dUrfde goaap Tis XâMtvelloiis Thing.-Whefl *jIO O~ijl<# .~eoted loy I.TO E<x Crw 'i re consldered, the tpéedy an& permainent relief it hais Ibioug'U t t ti. uftering wherev'r ba-.~ been uSedt it muet' be re- prdcd s- 8 narvo1ous vhv g tha* po ýten4 a nwediçine sbo'ufd resul-- 4cmi, tb1: u"it sÎmple iangredcnt- y,ýh4cW-ý«t' mbpits composition-,' [ÀII&fi¶a1t ivine the most skep- 1 ýtoalý ?,hid , l44ig virtues. t a!ctSofI¶.i When àtrou*hhdwlth.sun- hur, blisters pt surgs soi fet, r hitrashes, apy Zam-Buk.! SïtrprlshM bcwqspck1y Ik eases the amorting sud sl1h8 Cures &ores on young bible due to chating. Zam-Buk Is =de frotu pure berbailessences. No i> ai fats- " ierai peoos. inai eu e - Dreto oUigt and Sow.aglr A BARRACK-ROOM STOILY. Som@ ieme ago a certain regi- ment had an officer with a craze for gymnastics, who taught bis brother subalterne to walk round the bul- liard-table on thtear hands. One evening while thue engaged the cloor opened, and the colonel, a martinet, appeared. Gazing attentively aI, the company for a f'ew seconde, ha shook his head gravely, and, ta the surprise of ail present, departed without uttering a word. On the following morning the~ gymnastic offleer approacbed the colonel, ex- pecting a verbal castagation. "Wath regard tW last niglt-" he began. "Rush, my dear feilow 1" the colonel iaterrupted. "I would not let anybody know for the worid! The fact is, I was dining out with an old brother officer, a.nd, 'pon my word, I bad no idea the win8 oould have such au effeot upon me, but whein I gla.nced in ta see bow things were going on it seemed to me tba.t I eaw you'ail upside down 1" There is nothing equal to Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator for destroying worms. No article <f its kind has given such satis- faction. A SLziM. "Would you believe it, my wife is jealous of me?" t'No, I'd hardly believe it." a t ha. Xc n M ai decl At ne U( c: U-C ingu T Bar Ci n Ad cfd t he dem ful in f and A su to t h é 1 tab tac Geic N thu TiU lar tha aee isite wuti out] pub inu Ti tise at bein ice. pea' erna the. SP& TI sa mac tiai the .0 ý 1 1 116 il

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