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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1909, p. 5

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IBassett's Watch es are unlike other watcbes, because o(t he care taiton te regulate and adjuat them before they are pas. ed over the counter te you. The> are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in style, appearance and finish and their time keeplng qualitie are phenomenal. We aise seil RAILROAI) move- ments in ail miakes, and watches te sut every purse. Our Ladies' solud gold, eighueen carat watch at $6o.oo, is as gocd value ini proportion te quality as oui- Ladies' gun metal au $2. 5o. Oui Gernts' $500o Waltham ïs a winner, and oui- Ladies' and Gents' presenuatien watches,rang. ing ini price, in gold fillesi, frein $ io up for a guod watch, are ractu and every one what wr dlaim for thein, extra good value for the money, and cannot tue beaten in value.1 Wr weuld be pleased te quete yeu pnices and rxplain Oui- meth- ods. lvery Watcb Ouaranteed Bassett's New Store 1 W Hi l i ONTARIO Opposite Nr'w Post office Local Happe ig 1 - . i i r 'r i rbli-gb andI tJy,~ 1'i f0 lu ,- lia 1 ucruis&tfuelpun bi r i I ti r iu.r 'U s t G epu ru. 1 r ,r, . rd(, r i ear t y iusider lt-. rdi i". lit- liudieau pt the IL- tcliLr-i a iî t i q etwîu park on 'i'ir~Ly '.uiii 2th, A goosi g ia iiTt,. esuiv -j f roinSte N NT ED. -GKed housekeeper for aunîl ral(y. Apply et Gastts ci. if y4eu are il, he marke.t for roof- ug, be sure and sec me bafoua plat- 4.ue )ouu aider. Gutta Percha htou.. Gem.~xent atopa leakA in rootf. We (R, tuO M. RiCE, Hatctu Block. Tt.Nartu, rMfg. (.o, ai lboldti telr mi,,til picnic 0t) Eaturuiuy atternoon tit lieyiuboi-ePr. R..-wc'uber the gardon perty tindse qile ausjiem.s ff 1 1*'ladies et the P. ( 'luti-ch au the athietiri <rouisSe on Tii.iduyAuguAat 12mb. A5 NTED. Twe grl@ sA geaseailaamta.A tiiy at Ossette Offite. A &ble C laâ «rummisbas beeui w R£tlui.e.d lu the Whiu.hy TabergAWio téw vicea commauscîngu &t hait pait «»t evmnay @itunday s-teruueen. Entrase . ulierth east dourof tahuroh. . Norubirote an Englie b@UIÎsali, wf aliig for un neIL Sunday, JUM EL IEv..rybedy welcern. Corns OïM but UTi Nor (boett. I It.Iafr,.&é *iL~.1.2 ~ ha.... ~ WW ~A - 86MW ~vq'uaug ILZX6 Ierawnrnerm!sêsê»,. Ot Who beW. C Ir. V. sr raulg o cato.Umteél. Fresb Air ieS., u tblzag ln the "'" eoclthlng etPro.. 'rlslomu MillI b. aotabls.' lîin Sled a rge nutaber wlll ,betpin thila Mwtby canas. Kindly wl,aos. nwtlenaat m Cro*bym @tom qoeurs.. daày or Irly oft bis wreek. Thbe regular meeting of the W. (Z MÀ C. MjI be bold at th. eroe ef JMms Dehart on Wedhesday gifLer.. Doon, Anguat 11té, et 8.80 0101o0k. làA good mttndance i la uetd Cet your bicyclea snd laivo nmowera overbauled balore the suring rush. et W. J. Luke's rapair ah"p. The foilew.ung candidates firein te W. G I. were scceesefui in ps.ssing thoix Normal Pehool Entrance Exarn- insu ion: Mqias F. Anniia, B, M. Ornai. Lorth. A. àk Johuiston, M. Keenç- thorne. L. B. Pirie. W. PL Ttnk, (honove ) If yoiu uvant a net of B89yc'e Tir"a ot the hast qnality, or anytbing etse (n the BiecsslIcUe. you aan get theun freinW. 3. Luke et ceanonable prices. Cet your etric tiglut lampe andi fixturea frei W J. Luike. Wirlng In- -- Dry 1béeaond maple corrdwood at R. G. Oke'ài luinher yard. THE IiEEJ' WORRYING OCASE. Tube spplcatiouitour a uuewi triai re itoma nd Luek ceuum Vl'tors Jusige alolntyrre reSnutly. ansi the JudLge rejfuae'd mo grant a new trial. lMr. Buu.ciay ippeared for tibe appiloint, auid Mr. Nort.hcote rep'rrantlng Mrn. M'enk" qs apeaureutLe eppoëe, TE GOLUMIUSI GARIIEN PARITY. & ernual igarden pa.unýy o.1 the tu 1 ena. 'OMO aLuging eof(miet 8tducy NSorhte waoesoutILSaMost plaae.. tmg incidents. -Again tiai tted vo. celilat whom Whitdby la ge fortunate Lin hing oniSm&âied i ber citizen.. shlp cermes i ais itreâco audience w1th bisg.a.ti.tl singiug. Indee&i se deligubteut oaa-e the good cburcb par.. pie of tliat vey Engliatu commaunity that be bas been iuvLtued, te ong et sun eriya«te un tbe c nuurcb ai c0. A H-ANDSOME AUTO. ,By the isurch.uaeoft .uandaimur tourluq cou Mesura. lu'rsuk Dort Mes- ure gndu Fred Vs.lverley Vive, sueotuer erideuie et their Ittrenn ci ujoy. Asug te tbe ntmest the amemonal te- sikwtram bues fl crem-t Chey 3kt. Mesure ài. ree@guls ai uee t tbe hast kue.wn publlity exporto on the goontneaut, sud. bis hlghstanading sa s ugosung twriter eulsidL ua S oomuau.d bis mtfigures fer hie nuea lttOsM Md aMe u tosis.Tbse ame M~.< otw Utrs wie o=rn b. anmeutbauthiiogi. k In aise s plnsssa.toemm ha tisaheb. inn ven-. tuwm et aMem. moneu 4ad C~Vey bave boss ves'y ius.emful. tbelr re. 0at (mim of (ksW (anda le"Ue nsLteê thom )*udaeaalitue1ansid the tSmOutiais.2eut liida w»O ens of tuile' staAg'. t 1VAa akeu oyte uad seki by th b varnmu'nt. utia divlded-iirltb om lb. P900»"dsPt the rissent mleajs< towam lots. In ths C»Wat Cs*mpthir mine hofl»gs I , vem ab>le. 21 (i $psssuM te hamutbLer w.».pnsdla **WI IA*&iE iM41"tOt i8'5 fria. m im ain» M~* ie siffl00 t"'01 be su41k.er las FIyo _______________________ I~*UMb~A*, Ât». ~tb. £U~. F-I The (XIuÊLy Quinejcil au. Qwan Sound cbeaed itds June éaion on Ss.eturday borenoon, an4d by une of ita lait en- atiiits expresed itseîf as cf the ceýinien tiiot uklm milk waa groo4 ean- PuWh îmourinniates of theu Hotu. of Refuge, end tie staiement lvae made fLueat unauy (of the farinera-ot -the Stunly, end soane aven of the mein- bers themnsevea useil a' parated milk on thair porridge. Trhe matteir camne ulp inci ernnection wyitb a motion by (Dr. Htershey that the ivmatej of the RieuRe o! Ripfuýge»hotid net ha aup- PILed with a pporer quality ut milk tharu was r"eiukrd by the boards of healîtu, ani that the manager ba In- MUr.-i. C. Hartt, of Qui-ucev. .111, apent ea few days wiib bie parents, Dr. anid Tra. LRare, at the Coluiege laet week. The twu familles latt on TuebJay (or Fair Haven. M(akoka. atd twill apensi the tunouu-t.o«! Anguat &t a aumq1utr cottage there. I&fA. Frank H.are andt the twu cblldran, %pent a 'weurk at the Lollege during the C;ý>ouenne.1 MIr. and Mira,. Ch&% . uueh and son, of Toronto, et lUlr. :ras. NizhoLn-s. Mr. an-d Mr&. Ro.bdeui, Mr. Lawrpiece MlbIntyre, and fthe Mi&wes Mc[ntyre, oft Torento, wilth Mir. and Mrs. J. 31r. Quinn, o! Torontu, v lLt- rienute Mr. anid Mura. iank Mit-hiaun and cbild, t, Tuuwoàito, with Me. undsir. J. T. Masthison. (MLM IWhitmora. of Mouroaut% With Mwi. andi liresu.FxreKLJonua Me. Eppit, of T-aroeito. iWit.h Mîr. andi Mrs. Wuii. Epiett. MT.-. and Mra. Thurtie, cf OisbawAs. witb Murs. Jattrey.1 laer. George, !Fur'ansd James L eaMW. Was. ieard& misa Katle' Lcuýwens. (mm aB. Phullîpa. ansiUM1 L. Latab, uIt Teronto, at Mie. A MiT. id Utlra. Luuw.raticeand daugrh- tee, lNururrnto. etat M. Wmn- Taaker&a Mr. saisiMr@a. George Gray, 01 New- coestie, 'w'tb MWr . am Mira.tofflpr. Murs. .Webster ta rimitin.g ber daugb. teorle. ilàwmanrille. Mra. YèlloIoe e 1minenetta, 'Mail., la vWiarg 'wlth Mîa Borrowmau. Mia. MRntgoaasry. ofuitTrante, la vaitting othe ms .BelL M.I. ad lMr&. Jas. 8epbenariu are M»r. Kewbgrsim noni, cf lWoodâtock, ,wtb Mr&. George Rebb. MWa. Leo Coftey. ! felt VockO wih bis ossmduother,lUma.Cottay. meaum Rosa Buitb, Lin Cormack. ci&. cd.lre. Dfflald BArslay ansi JO"hn s'ky, eofTpp'ente Werb lies. for thebe oliy. àumesÇuunie andI haggis Eean, ansi 3b. j. Carletonu, Toronte.,set MUr. A. JlrOMI&. ,Mr. sim Ur& . F.C. aimità, eit mm- runta. uW"Ui M. anil.U . m al, Porwt Iwhabu. Mr&. flsvey, ot New York. wlth Orbeada Ln town.1 Ur. I)eug:as a mwie.oetToron"to. la viaitiug 111. Xor, Port Wlmtby. lèra..James Ditb anim s U. fktor "ath arebolUislne la Lym. Ont. ar. sam a. Win1 Awim , si4 me, t Port erry. bars bernaVlett Igla iiwus. Mr. Fuwdl ?riangw a or~la baIldslngst bs ho«»s u.. Ows en ad »r Lbe peut son w Mbhave auturoasi te s~ jâ - beV, AnpA -f ~ i0. uuII~Ot Biatisi, -Ji, bis i O)M . t. Ceffej , yi t IMr 1ViPrle, 01 Part jkloprs, t* àwt.sa irs I. ,Wlinn âandi ohilut treun a~~M, C«me a4 Murû&<mrge WaLterssuld cubid.ren, and Um E khel f»oa4ihweit T~PCOe »i Wth hk.QB &.a¶u Lizale MowM'tapant the 4ieli. dar Sw" b eurur aenabere. Ulm aiY A lexauder, eot o.h&p, qfflt the hoeîuajwith lMr.,and ir Deo. Umowag. Mr. Inglen, ef Toroute, q>ent tâhe uholadjaw. wth 1Cr. sud lia. Ceorge (Mir. Mderick Mqwat Bient the holi- day iii Port Pe.rry with àMr- and Mrîs. iTObn Roacb. 31ýfflMarjnret lober-tson han se- cured a pusition ili the Miodel Depart. <ienti of!-the NtbrtLBoy Normal iVehooi. M.Wm Pym, of LInudiay, and Mira& Wilter JR~UpIW1, 0f OatUWe,' Were Yb. Ïkirg witt N ra%. J. 'Rowe,>con Hickor'y HIL. Leat week. fleet quia'tz Youghiogrbeny tbreah. iuug ouel. Fresll lrom mines, ait Jt4]. Oke's. (Mir. FergLls Ferguamn atinu bis cous. i, àmI M. Tebias. oZ tiornto, mawse çwith the tormer'u parenteshaire over the holIduy. àIire. james lCuor, a retsurn'ed Mission.. a-y frei china, Miffl Meryl Fox. o1 Ol lmda, its(race Fox, of Toironta, were guseata or Murs. W. G. Ructtas av- dit.e holiday. .Mr. and àMrb. Chgu.s.Kang andi Miea B3ertha King, of! Toronto, are ce-. ruling lMT. Wbit-fiald'scottage et Hleydushora ,Mîm ies t,rob,aui, fBoston, tuas been ,t'ho guee toftMisa. Julu O'Conuupr. NER'v Y CHIJiDULEN. À remnarkable &tory "sa r-cen.tly tola by a irndlt ut Agincourt. The eveat ±happeaed some tImnaago. Geo. Che.ne.ry a ciie ftbtat pro- grealve l'urgi&ma t.wa chilérea, a boy aged 6 and a glil twe yesrs younger. Tihey lime aear the (,.P.R. oroaning. One day, as the Lttie boy expremesi it, they wgLnLed **to tec wbat the under aide of à train looked like.*, Tbey laid themmeives dcwn on the track Petween the rails ln the faine et an approsohing freijlit trainý The enginoer .whlstled al: Le1w purpome. The pair laid stili uiotil the train paased compietely aver Ithew, thgn tbe7 spracg up a"4 ran mway. A brakoman hurried tu the tsar et the train, expeetlng te seq Ltwemangltb bodies, but -w«aoverjeyïad do 550 then uninjured. 1Cr. ProMit, a sc tien band, ateo wooa a.witnus et the strangze erliericace. M'flI ltie boy tic)d bis liter te keep bar berné diwtn, ami the.ne doubtfflorVented *ttes*wda eard te etaa tbq OOUlânt ses tÉe7 bo4tenwt the train on aeourit of thé dust Wbloh tilleul their 'Ires. HOM~E FOR SALI. rl-wo steeybrick houam on Contre street Mauth. APPI.Wto W.. Rds-, &ird CWUlna-ti. !WàxTSD. MIw» girls £rLot meal work. AV- VlY -Boume t 0R.toug.-ti. FOR BAILE-A 2 asted l Olidio armIags, aImot Su Loo4 Si nomlaB. tme.tly meuphostered and patod. hp.9 ply te Mr. Robert Wlliano W, " lu . ?l'iwelvstares, part et ltl18, con. 1, Whltby imwaâblp. souu.b sice rIlbu Ea isde Appir te Mes. lM. A. Thommu, O.bwtu et te e I Pre- pFlet b àir bs ,tutnIiat« opnut. .lux afi<ssk lhtb risda lu -Plohet. Ul Itust turgeM yjited lantme. lait lweaik. Mr. s@ad fl.. F,..4MoCari, oc Sot. rotot, «mmla £w ba » bre. tMA nweek. Mrt. John àMoCeri tisiteut svthjbi d.aughte hi n ninutouz oves'Ihe beol. Mr. a"d Mira J. E. eterUog, et Bien. belon, vWateul bia sister. Wb-s. eorgia HLeulen ut jw.eck. Mm lLsaaBedges aà b hu" frei Toroenuto over the hOlidy. Mis Tuby.Tome bas r&ttitn'd boe atter a lothuresweks' riait Nith rela- tires ln Terorato, aceouqnnedlb7 ber ceuMa, Mre. snd lre. E£kaaon, whaén tubai qent the hoIlIda at tba home of 3fr. andUtlr&. John. 1TeUI& Mr. am es Mr. R,1B. MowliCSY, etLU. can, are viiing with Uie. aul lMr L. gà.ehardaon. Umis Marion Jeznînga, rof Toron to. ina a gueot at *The Impies." MUrs. Lowne Cota, of Toronto, and uIM A,'dia Fergusan, bave been vie-. ltlng wilth tue foruuler's ilter, Mire. Fred 1raper for the pant >veek. For an up.Lo-date ahoe an~d the price thbe ioweat tri Peel. .-d GMeSOLUTION 0F PA.RTNERSHIP The par tnershWp hreWoore autbist - ng between -the unde.raigncd sas deal- ers ini appiee, vinegar, cider, etc. unider the naine. style and firm rf The Whitkhy Frii and Vinegar Coin. panW, Lap this day been, diseolved by inutual conseyut. AIl dbta o'wing te thbe partnersbip are te be paid to the unxderailued A. M RoSsà and ail claimna againet the partneurship nr" to ha preeentd 'te, unud wlll be settlod iuy bim.i Dted et Wii;tby the Sth day of Witnea.-L. T. Berelay. DRAYING and T!AMING Joseph Heard & Sons beg te anneunce te the public that they bave purchased a New Dray, and are prepared te do any business required by the public such as moving heusehold furniture, movmng bellers er any heavy machinery, raising or meving barns or buildings, hauling freight frem qr te the depet.; aise build- ingý cernent walks, cernent walls, silos, ara maklug cernent ewer-p-IPes. M.Lywoslt entrutéit br -llb exctdpronptly adtecagswI be moderate. "Phone o l<'s8 and 74 ARGYLI STEAMSIP Co. Fi' Nt FARMOR~1 E LT. - 350 *am trat-ouaamiluee- ient± soladitinorn 0e ts ouath 0£fti- et Osbe.war. iuasing uater amdw. 1 .ruoka, 0.*" rbas udge Ox WWb. il p£**bi 0W.»,uWlm,7' , te Wým Oe &* e lb. o ste 6.eàabUt iSOG0f h 9"a! mausAàIa Asbt te fee# t.. bi. 1» 4»Wfl TIME TABLE Steamer Argyle j commeninuTeda.ny 51 toyTuesdy asFrldyBba a rwcuote 6.30 a.&MRoer tre70C utarle7.0M -70C ibv 8-45 60c jarvia nTornto iu.îç a. m. DrY (ordwood- à g.ed beuctu ad iapte. *TOM cou I fer thureahlnq. - R. 0. ber ysru.-.tt eRE11H AIR FUND. Oui. FarewtIi M wV4 0 tram a brather luiWWer. uMf *sCullough of! SL toIt dollr, ln aid et tlisf" This Lathue Mso"d*I*uMr Mtcuiiriugb lues e.*OO tue uel ga. lb. ý«q etaiijC.to taSUWIlthem îwth wbcle milk. The motion wA» vcted Ïikwn alter the argument bad bee~n advan- ced that the creain wïs needed toz mnuke butter for the Instittution, and itbat- if they drank the u'rein witlu thel.r miik <bey culd not have the butter un their bread. One mt'mlxýr re. marked thamt the Qouneil of GTpy weig going on record oui a iukim rnik ocuneiI. Mr. Arthur Kean, of Toronto, v'sited at his home over the holiday. lie brought with him a silvez cup won for racing at the McLean Pub. Co. 's pici ic held at Niagara recently. C REAM Tu£W]ST FLOUR r When your neighbor tells "Cream cf the Wt a" ostyorl you of her "wonderful" iuck a few cents more per bag-but it is on baking-day don't imagrine made of the highest grade of hard it's a "fairy.tale" More than likely she uses "Cream ef the West" fleur-and '"good fortune" is certain te follow the use cf this superior flour. wnea-ana us more expensive te Mili than the usual grades of Manitoba flour. For better biscuits and bread, better baklng-day luck, use "Creain ef the West" fleur. THs CAMPBELL MILLING CO. LIMiTED WEsT TORONTO Ir Dealets Ererywhere Supplied. 1U j PETWAN KITIrENS By IzE.. WIXNNLNG PARENTEl. L BOgIfUIu browa La.bby kîttena, by MY Uny Orgousl merked .Kinug Ka, - main, ex laueen Ilonea by etrong., Iheurt. frbe kits ail Inherit Karman'a Clearl7 deuiuiasi na.rklngs, iatubby Laul asd boeoad heaut and M»rnoea extra long cst. Write for particuisire andi podigree., and i Vit the Exhibition Clat 8Oiw um d 'se beai. tf. (L. A.. Paxton, King Karman i<attery, 2 Brioliard Street, Toront e. TENDER$,WàNrED. Irenxders Mill be received by the underalgned up te August 5, 1909, Lwr the ahlngiing ut the Miedel Eutbool, Wbitby. Oblngles andt warkzanship ta e of et st quaity. Work to be rfm lecteut by Auguat 20. Luw-st or any tender net n.-qweanurily accept. eut. JOHN FEROUSON. Cobturman oft & P. Coin. FINE RESIDENCE FORt SALE. . Mwo atooey ted briek hous,weM st m- ea, w1th large front veranudab fae- Ing thbe esit, tan minutes wulk frein Pott offie. All modern senvenlencea -double seller, geesi furnece, bath rooin wétb bot ansi ooid water at- taebdants, fine layrn, large garden, wLb abolce fruit tees, also good stable andi drlrlng houae. kpplY to W. E. O'SR[IEN. Oahawa, Ont. I TheDg n Yen romember the fable ef the dot who dropped a real bons fer Its shadow whioh ho saw la the watsr. ',Ourln mind that al la not Oold Dust that glittens under the naine of wishig pewder. Don't-accept a. shadowy substitut.; gsi the rosi wltb the Gold ust Twins on the package." nuw gi FOR mpuf uu t P &lom t sseL elsnI . c Por t rSt beit e te à NT. of Cholce (itc -1 aoid ln Whitby l'y MikTHM~N BROS. &LeS au.61OLD Re WNd oawk The Womnan's Auxillary ef AIl Saints Church held their annul picnic at Kenips Peint on Wednesday aflernoon. Ali taum rfoit.wear tri ha nid et the ioeat possible frice at Peel'sq. Everyvbody came 4Lu eydnahore, ma Trhi.y evening and eUsJoy s tew heuirs dancing. Be ure te attend the 'L'bur.ay or. euuin.g dancese& t ieydcuusbore. 9 The Hamilton Y.ALC.A. oruiaers on boawd the M(aple Leaf, under Ca.pt. Ghoidring arriveci et Port Wbitby on Fridsy inat, after rine ut the meest de. ligblful tTipe aroun.d the lake. (ai.. ling et 'harlotte, Kingston, 1000 isian, Belleville and Cabotourg. Am-. ong the pasengera was Mir.. C. N. B4umt, wv.ho sp)ent conaidarable lime lui town rpnewiuig acqueinteuces. but hasi murb difficulty in dodging the cruisersA vth hi.'.girl. XMv.- Alex. Sleghtholmu. cf Ibis to'wn. accompan. mifd this joliy troavd, eft er lu'in« oiver ulie aime finp with the johnstown, PenneylvanLa Y.JILC.A. -4- 1 1, itn

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