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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1911, p. 2

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8oId On)y in Ait tight Paoka~os. ++++++++++ ++ -I, ALOOK >11 %ilr i nfUit RTO TIff IAST E 'I CHAPTER V.--(Cont'd) the. doge, dispenang pats et vol- Aftm tattheval hme as e-corne ail round, and h. had not Aftr ha te al hme-a d-seen the. change that lied corne over ijghtfulb ne funtiier mention vas the Éirl's laughing, happy f aco, nom made cf the mai who hac inîsulted tii, expression -of something akin knd fightcoed ber, or of the lock- to agony vhich iiad ftaahed untc it, though Darnley haci net forgot- her eyes. H.eiiad net seen the sud- ton it; and the sky sbove vas net don terrer. the. exquisite foin, icarer than Na1"cy's minci vien which haci ovorviielmoci ler at the iii, re-entene.d Ripetone Hall, noV intelligence that hem dreadeci tee i-von âvare of fatigue, heat, or dis- vas net oily-actuaiiy close at hanýci, econfort in ony shape or form. but vouici be near hem ever>' day -te A ver>' emart-rdither toc emnt- torment aid trouble lier. 'ýIog-c&rV vas waitiig outside tue Ail tht Darnnley haci seen vas treat entrance viien tiiey arrived. hem hasty nuijah up uic staina, vitlit l-jrrick Darnley frovued tsiight- an eagernesa thati as ho rmenmben-t ly as h. sid : ed it sent a carions pans to bis ."Tii. millionaine has lest ne time. heart, vhich grev deeper.-and Mn. C'aweiiaw is here, I sec." deeper as 11e vaiked acrous e Nalcy amiieci. grounds. rn't vou jeaious 1' she asked, "My jucigment lias been uttemi>' 1tti laugli, as she tiinev off at fault, it soemns," ho said, bitter- ly, te himseef, -kickang savagely at ire ubout money V" a littie dais>' tut vas rcaming its lanne reply, put innocent aid pnetty head te gneet oningiy. the summer sun, "and sho je ne - laugiied back, better than the reet. What vas .dieci avay, aid that se.saidut nov, 'I adiore 1 look came in hermomey J' Eh. said it laughungiy, but it vas the truth se uttemeci, ±,Lu-wlo is that speaki g V' ail the same. )ruoney !-money 1- iii. nekeci, hurniedi>'. moîey !-and tuis brute, because "Those refi»ýd 6ccnts," Demriick ho cmi bomt of a gigantie banking Derie>' repliéV, "creiessy-he vas mceunt, je set up and worslijped!', bendiîg over Od"_ f the. many dogO g. tumieci asiaà moodiy as ho tht came te gr"bt iim-"ýbeoog îeamed-tii. tennis court, forgetful te Mn. Crawahad, or, to give uiof peer Lord Menreffeici, who vaS al- bis full ititl; Mir. Thomas Mess mcml reducoci te a buneéIe cf age CrawghaWî, i&te ëimber foroman, of froim tue affectionate vigor cf hie thei EasL Endi, London, but nov partuer, the Hlon.-Bila, aid, maci- ovuier of spworal estiVes, aid oc- ing a siiady and lonel>' cornet, flaangJ cu pierpj'ïie Miner Bouse, situat- .huisieif on the. gratsaid gave way u6.' &WU41 two miles f nom hem." tIohbistiougiite.9 - "*iiy do I lot tiài girl vex me CHAPTER 'VI.asnelie dose 1" he--etied, impatient- 1>', to hlmself; "in IL net suffcient "Oh, there ouen re, Dery-bmck tht 1 shouici have 'heen foolii aimady-mrtd what have yen deno :euough to have beon b.wltcliod byî witli Nancy', pra>' t, lionface Lthe ver>' instant I »,w t Thon. vas a decideci t.,)uch et -Liait in one -morjitt*te heoulci peevlshness lu Domothy Leioester'à8 hîvO ecattcmed. &Il ni>'prudence sud Prete>' roice. vomidiy viedoni Vo the four vioda,' Dariley vas sulent for a rnomq9t -, vthout weMnig mYtt o vo "er lo acid beera standing staring -up liti thizug conooniuag li, s i have- at the. broaci staircase lui a fixeci, donc tues. lait Vs-o dayal Wouid ai1most vexod vay, viien hie cou- any ânnlui laisteous. do Wasea sin camne eut of tii. large draving- deÎut y 1 -- jecm- nd 4ut, the aboe .query te He puled a, Jow easy garderacair "uiclose te laina idftuntuai inlf té, 11.voIe f rozn"'Iais re-veniçi witla a iL. eaat anci lookeci gowa at Dorotla>. "l'lça m ooko, t vIlicla "Iass'Hamilton te an lier cvi nMy brain; I vautt o pon loéiatis voom, 1 I1cle,' h auîwercd, ina mattorrelt, I; vonltcoîdmu A cunicusi>' short .auie.hon toc quickyr -"In"hêr romp; ,then I expect the:. 80,uains, -ho pullhc out lhiesail- is tired ont, aid neovonder, tarLiDe Vqr cai*"agi tfmm - »QrtW -off, te waIk to the village'an tiafi andîhaving lit a cigar, .îék1fo tacot. lattesa 'Io -seolci lier veli. lis arme a&U beçan te th1nla. Are you geins lu te 5mi '110W 4'Yèe ootiaedI by the fwa*t et the fra- dô o t h.egeat millonaire >. -grani s-ed, hi. ,auod soitadod. ry 1 Yod bues it is yc;ur dutyt4 Nancy* - te,vwitth ios vom<lb pay court te a*1lis waltl." oYeu and t. muoiuà,swoot wr'.4 - Dcotiy's face lb"d lest. its cloud, roturned to hagàti ,1:iWU.els4êm, and vas as sunny aad 1loel>' as, torncot hip. uîuti; ciao labo alittie"ved 11&s gi. ahi» ho eset il 64 ,ibat Derrik ihueIs'have kft hem .1an4 w a uddn 4 tu o alter Naey:j' but nov be i sbom etsvalievs tr 4* *3 ýS641 reèciy ànd e1oqUeIIeeasr,' -hàturally 'noithox the tûme nilt thé -kàowledge necessary to,e, pare meny>og thi.epeohes )w eha; to de- Ii'ver Take, for examhple, the. openiùng cf a new wing to, & lios- pital, 1or' whieh h jeineceseary to 9 Be history of the hospitai andi its work, to refer te the disting- ,Uished -men it bas given to the. vorld'anci tO the p3art it has played in t.dvancing médical and surgicai These are rnattere whi h cail for expert knowledge, anc of which the. King is naturaiiy as ignorant je forzned , the records of the hou- as the average layman. Here the hospital, authoraties corne galiant- ly te hie assistance anid practically prepare hie speech for hirn. A cOmMittee of the principal officiais pital are oarefuiiy aearched, andi the. resuit of the commttee'e work je embodieci in a, speech. of perbape an hour's duration. The. speech,1 orf statement, is thon carefuliy re- vised andi eut dovn te thi erequired compase o# about a quarter of an hour at the. outaide and inveuted with as much interest andi iiterary merit as the committes can put >n- to it. PURPLE LETTERS ON VELLUM. Four typewitten copies of the. finisheci speech are then made, and, armeci with these, the committee arrange a confereno. with the. King's secretary, who rnakes such suggestions and amenciments as he thinka advieable. The reviseci proof je then submitted te, him Mai- esty, who frequently re-writee it to Satisfy his individuai tpite, and when it has thus receivèd the royal approvai the. manuecript is -sent to the. printers and reproduoe'd in pur- pie letters on veiium, in which ger- geous fonun it àe sent to hie Maj- easty. Ini hie eariier days King Edward useci to iearn -these prepared speeche by heart; and, aided by an excellent memory,, vas abl. te deliver tbem with ail the natural effeet cf impromptu utterances. On oe- occasion it in said-tlt, .speech wae te be deiivered -at the. Royal Academy banquet--he had omitted this precaution, andi fur. thon foundi te bis dismay that te had- forgotten to take the, oopy wiV hin4r-.ý, H.proved, hovever, m:are th;; ecijialto thei. enrgenoy,try-, ing, Sste ii at-4te an inexper ,iened speakeran4deliverïed 'on. tof tii bout apech.eof bis hj:fç, tothe au.re. prise and dellght cf iB*iauditoris, tù 'wiom b. niessod bis predica- In, later Ye&ràs,ý'wkea oxperienc 1had-iegotte confidencéý,% ue Ma*- eefY -vas'Content toe master . the 'tacWts and îfiuR o etsa pe"b, and ' o'trutý t thc inspiration of the niý oment for its delivery. How hayv- py this unvariablyws-ow at- ai 'snd reUlly expneseed-thoe .whd' werè priviicged te hear lima weil kuow. 4<Kiug Edward'e iiap-, Lord Rose-lAr , 1-%îr7 thy wer, ho which v ere r ~TII~ -£ive sifaction sud Ceai jxý F. W. CILLM ?00g L7T.go Winnipegs. Tosonto, Ont. *ontrflJ ed' theni. They ouglit -to' eel thït -the despisesl them nov, tl4at 'slhe will pover need -'thoir help, Thaak, Reaventa he*1 ovromt want them no*. 11ev happy %be is 1 er face is like a flower batheci in perpetuai sunshhne; it je the ne- flection of her minci. Who couid help, ioving lber?1 it je ne vonder Dorotiy bas flot grown tireci cf ber, for se is as sweet and rare as se Le beautifid 1" And here hie nhapsodical musinge .Were broken by the. arrivai of Lord- Lierefielci in a very badi-temâper. IrYou are a nien:. feiiow, Derry11' h. vçomnàienced, flinging iiimself on the. grass, vi'ciousiy. "'I think you rnigiit have given nme a hand." '<You have tour much ai. eones nea n in those posseeseci by Misses Maude and Elia, that 1 don't think you can have needed mine."~ Darnley lit nuiother cigarette, and amiled whiie the young eari venteci -bis teelings f reeiy on hie f niend. "I believe they wouid have gene on piaying tili doomsday if Fairfax hadn't suddenly espieci Ctawshaw about te depart, aid the cube, cf course, fleci to greet him. I hope to goodness he wiii carry one of them off-the two tegether are toc mucli for me!" 11S«. what it ha w have a coronet at- your back," iaughed the. otiier mana. "Tii. coronet may go dcvi te the. buttom eoftthe sea, for ail Il car. !" obeerved iord Merefieid, gloomiiy; then, with an assumptien cf indifference, "What have- yen done with Dollyt 1" "Oh,' vo parted eompany heure ago. I fancy, she us witli: the. -mii.- iionaire. Are yen going in '1 Take cape, Mercflold, the. cuba may seizeý yen again."1 But Lord Merefielci vas out cf earshet, and Danley laughed soit-. ly, to himeoif. "What, a case that ie; poor boy, centainly love je flot aitogetiier a paradiste ohlm." And then, -ieft alone in the, cool,] sooéiid - by the. fragnant scent cf hit tebacco, h. gave himef up >te 'aie tliouglteof Nancy and bler f a- ,cinatite ; êIahe she, up ina the. e- ci hr cir dainty ýl>edro om vas. standing gazua-g, out, cf -tii. Win4dov v-onderWin -a hlatlkýàËÙè',sûrt cf vey if -herýhappinesis sUd' content-_, mîntb",d gne for e-ïr, and vbat la.j for lier irathe f utue,'now that Thpm ke Mehît lad cMs ler path 'It - 11Jke tme -hideont dreazu 1h vas rigiit viion I telc myseif leare amethÎag migit Core te trcýabje me, I ueverthoqÏhtlithi ts ",e- ntotlIde#t.mix inaVhs venld, and aiow ho-Ibas CoMes ,»tpo quWtlye but loudIy sUd osmteutai, ,ticsaly. Wliy lias ot Dir. Giantley tol; me. about ths l if, I lb"d lic warzued, 1. ili- but tbOn. N~ancy sopped. Warned r et, Vhsb» diuotnfont, lthe horror 'of!,metipg this omiiouid bn io uiê CHARACTER' IN THUMBS A WRITER sAYS THEY ARE AN. INDEX TO TUE MIND. Facts About Fingen Printes anè Pecullarities cf the .Nails. 'f you believe that a person ii ng ta deceive you vatch ii mbs;. They are an uncrriig in- . 4> the mmnd asets a vniter ini ndon Answers. houlci h. b. teiling trie truth, thumbs will relax, andl point 'ay from the. palm. In the otheà ýe, -the.>' iii be invariably cirawn andi hiciden b>' the bacic Of the nd. rho thumb is- an indisputable s-teiler. 1h iit a guide to the in- ligence, and a foret-eller of par- iss. Mentally weak persone, in. iety-nine cases eut cf a hundrecir ve thuunhe whicii are undersiz-eci aracterloee, aid ding ciosely te. ezid. of thehaici. Prominent. fli-developeci thumba are signa et Bitai aid physicai strngtii.- if there is a tndency tovard par. 'sis in a patient, tii. physiciai Lices it in the, thumbe long be. oe tiiedisease siiove itef oie.. here.. An 0 eratien te avent thel launit> is fyequ-ent>' performec ithat part etftth. brain viiich à1 movi as tiie "TIIUMB CENTR£," ~~1 t 'l NEW DISHES, galion cf vater over ten mediumn Deiicious Winter Jam.-Here is sizeci red corn cobe that are clean a suggestion for . nepî.nishing the. aid hoi for oie hour. A&I more if fruit sheif vith a vinter jani viiich vater as, they houl -dovi. <Two tryii je inexpenaive and very gocd: pounde of hickory bark may be euh- thur Thre. pint cans pineapple, one titueci for the cobe if desired) dex poknd of dried apricots, six cups erboiiing for an heur rem5ve Lunr sugar, juice cf tvo binons. Soak the cobe, or bark-, frein the w ater 1 apricete over night and cook veli and strain. Have ready four or the in the. monng vithout sugan viien five pounde of Iight brown engan, awa dn;ptthrough scive. Drain off vhich ha, been dissolved In boilixig case thejuce ndtiuoroughîy chiop the. vater. Add te this the water un in pineapplos. Acici tue andice td hich the cobs or barkwere boiled be the. apricots aid houl for several andd hou the whoie down te proper TI minutes before adding sugar and tiiickness. tale lemon uice.. Cook until it je de- Buckwheat Hint.-Owing te tthe tel]i sireci thickîoe; pour iuvto tumbiers baci effecte which the. oid fashioneci alys and cov-er with parafi. Cane buckv heat gricdile cakes cf ten n shouici he taken net te al-evth have on tho blooci and sain cf havi jam te hum or stick whie boiii.n many people a great many bave te cha: aid the. rosuit viilbesa pretty aun4 forego the. pleaeu me of thîs break- thei delicate, jan. Tii. bleîded fia-ver fast dish. The baci effecte viii ail wel cf theii. ppeand apricet je he overcome if a -gooci-sizeci piîcii met pirs peapie c f Epsom saits is put in the batter i Colci Meat Relieh.-Two quartsert eniti sait aid soda ie added in ahy of cranhemnies, thiree aid oie-bal the morniîg, aid even the m-est fin- ne. pounde et sugar, on. Pound cf icai couici net detect it in the taste. fon seeded raisins, the nd 'cf tvo ___Whd ornyges ciiopped fine, the juiceocf BKE DSHS.o oie orange, oie cup cf vinegar, kn one, toaspooul' each et- ginger, Beàne Baked in Furnice-Pre- ~ cioves, a.nd cinnalnon (ground>. pane boane ju8t as you vouici for Cook ail te a tVii mush 1ke. jeily baking in the o-ven. Thon place ant and put intc emall jars., Delicieuls. pan just inside furuace door. Cook anas Oyster Sandwiche.-?ound 'the ail day. 'Place in o-von hait heur su] cysters vith ienicln juice and cay- before aer-ving to brovu theni. Capa eune, iay' thoni betveen tue gsuces hoe ooked in a granite pan or jar. an of bread anad butter and Ceut into Turn pan arounci tvo or thre. timos lu range on ail'ver plate ou. e-ver the. isakeci Macaroni and Oysters.- of other in ring like cutiete.', Take 5 cents' wortii ef macaroni, e Escallojeed Cubbage-To one cup houl until tender; butter thie bot-j ot cahbage take one cup etfvwhite tomai fethtei. balte dih; sauce, three tabloapoons of breaci put«in layer et macaroni,1 thon laY co -orumbe (butteneci), eut off outside or et cystore, p ukle vitii émt, 1eaves-of cabbage,, washcut in pepper, -andemaiEbits otf butter; bl ernail pieces, -anc cook in,- b0ifig- tlien add another layer of Macan- isilted vater until -tender; leavîng oii, thçn more cysterei, and oontaa- 80 lici off se ai te hleacii cabbage. *ue alteruating until bako diehii je Piaca alternat. haysons f cookeci neany ft., Co-ver tue top layer7 c&b4ffle, white ilauce, suad -bUtter- witli crackeor crumýba, dotted vitiip odcr umba inibutteneci 11k. uaabitse t- butter. Po>ur èver enougiige udov.v vinth ,butterod cruumna. mulk or thin ceam te cerne te top. sel Bak ouil hit ea.. ubble&--up, Balco (rom <nie-haiftotethnee-qumr- a ar4 ruîrtaka .ar* goldn boy.terc ofan heuir. VWiito Sauce : On, up =Bk, oine -- stbepoen hutteri,-.on., ishi»Oon USEFUL HINTS. d îlour, one- rdfapoon slIt, lieat -o meikaadmghtir ob.bie' Badly stained liuives may h inako paste of ,botter, fleur anJMÏd. Vo i0ok -as good asnev b47j Sait ..Put paste ii n milk> ad J tir rubbiug on chancoal. 'vigoroueùly ututil St thick-ens* If S a. si peo'a hiê ab cool eidowJyl.or t enty,,;mn Utes, bsradle rubbed on a-' scorcb conm ~~B:REAKF~&8T tirely., viitk B M-Rlonger te conI., REA "B. leto >lt'il b. mlevi oot1su44 _1ý 'L a i,_ __ ', eiatý - :É' il uneonter Go r If - : Live A despate Befoire givit the arrangiE Fielding, Thursdav whu lad e reciprjy retilts fair Pei-s i iaded, gentlemen tom, ior ilu strùng gruq d:d nût giv( well -conside to them tO Thc charact, ýts wide sec appreciate<i the rediicti, amount-i to 'leSsions ar States. Ti cal free t: cats, hay, duets, Iive eggs andi the utmiost * cultural cl to the exte an nu aly. * ai implemet and mowéi a haif per )f seventec id valorem * per cent. plows, thnî cf agriculi tion ise r2 namely. f r valoreito Io rem. On ta .reduceci cent. ad va a haif per r reductioni cf special There j cents per. None of t excite Sori An imp-C cf free i the Mait *it isf'l il lumber w - - u osa but of Iiints for Busy Ilousekeepers. Realpes and Other Valuable lmtwrmatlom et Particular lImereat to Woui.u Folk&. a' - '~ - o veu 80 0 it' d the. tiumb itseif is vateheci foi. ay sigu of favorable oro..àer re- iLsa cf the. opérati. Tii. groat différence the hand cý n ape aid a mai lies ini thé thumb. nthe. humai hanci the.thumo cau emade to teuch an>' of the fingeri. f Vie ame hand. This the. monk- yis unible te de. The. reason viiy the palme cf the- aide mand the soies of the feet are oriposed cf cushiens ef fat is in ,der tliât--ulWedn jerks aid 'violent- ov'ew ni>' b. uccessfully resietei, à t aW ne 'injtay l doue Vo Vhs- iuscios- Wnci bounes immediately bh. ýeath 'then.- Tiie nais,, -sunllarlqx serve asa ýrotection W tô e -tipe .o et ii.n- ýe, whsre the hhigbest zdogmes ot perion, oet. h.ieaith tii.finger i1 greva atthuirate -e about one- îxteeuth.-of au inch ai,. week; but- tnIïng u4nes,or-;tter au accident aê grcawth à is rtàrdedboth iun ThO là , ">ouuar 1faete "Il 1~ raus,ý2L!OEe on the. sut bud a~>rêrapa4-ly dieu IoÉi on la efthee-vr Vi 1 1

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