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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1911, p. 8

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hima neyer weuave a wncu tdieJ euiernu, 6ce. 'If tuere was pat n t le ýj8il; y6u ha r44lere every et' whatsoeu onor, itb11 is M liuke s ceci- al l be terribly difficuli Io Ould, b. viti wih w. bave -to WQUldhale etter ve cazinol .teOp itr t*es da.' auy rpus.dies, for we ýh* canueot îloep st hem Vo SPPly.!" Dot &el nerv' sing& or 0' viens. 1 ices ý it jnl UG IlsOLA 8 co4ca JURIR Veoilrs200 Vears Oli az' Bec. scueine-vii nbe exteuoea iu AiD;t& sudý Britlihcoiuubls.' The Quehcme C0over irent m4'htake action 'iti a vieW« Ic e isuppÉeg-' mlons of 1h.e iô e« vii. STiree. big damae arc -being ereeted on'lin Oltava River tlecon#'rveý aud *egilate lie fiôof gat'r. Ala. Lovejofo! auiln viun some et Luitaxes vere in arrman. Smr Alan A4leiîwertb, peaking aI' Ottaw, .peatd ocmelioda et apelling' sud callod for adierenoce IthAas le 0. P. R i ; *à s- .tabiais a iteamibip lin.e ImSt. Floin. sud B-alifax ho Vie Wtal 1 dieu, calling aIBe aI Boshon. - Fond Teeples snd Johpu McCoy, Ivwo Vsapprt 'neï riniln, have been misilng for t:ve 'vee, aud il i5 -feaned tomne disster kas over- taken lieus. "Sbeniff Lemieux, vuie wandering about Vie excavations ofthie Mont- neal jili, itumbled on an Oic! aec- tion et lh. building tuaI iad been ie sdforgolten.It centaine s number of cella where lie prison- ena*'Of '37 vere oonfined under sen- tence of dealli. GREAT BRITAIN. British LUionisecanuol sgree as le hune o! action in regard l eoe Brillihtrac!, is sailiicneaaing,,- Eani Cawdon, a prominent mem-' ber efthVe Unioniat parîy, lsýa'd- UNITED STATES. President Taft opened his necipro-- city campaigu on Friday at Colum- bus, Ohio. President Taft le pressing for vote on trade agreement during tie. preseut session. GENERAL. $larvatiou Ibreatena <vo million Ciuese unles mmediately. relier- ed. Two more aviators have beeis kiiled in France. BIIOT PRIE ND ID EII LF. ,Xurdor aud Suloldo j .Vancoa- w laor. A'desp*lci troup aowrm. O., may a ore-s aon'yet onez- leevSd lu a- cAbuz ie* »x ba t# eedneaday inoI'=U. Smi Norrs, a wvo .,4ibggepi vit Follet bien #hot bÏei 1a., 'wnil rused 10 the -bqi7pt**h«" e_14b liered uithlil lte atr0i~o ho also riéd . Wlien i -o hlêd don.ue e hoeliag, à a. ë u te artioulit, ho ucKodecflied tSiq Amtive* Rot =enI va8ft a boat-boathve" 4 C oi. SlY, -and added te iueit ,sn anu usd.rtone, Ilta s veny poor eue.", 1 The, next day Lzzio was going by the -pond. wben ah. 85w Chanle working -at bis boat. "Tiy, Char- li" asi! ie, ««I thougit you told me &esterday yen hadn't au ice- boati"1 "W.eii; 1 havent got a nice boat," sud i. vent on. with bis wenk, witiseit takiugt any more -notice -of Sic went off, tiinking te herseîf !"I do bellotte tiat Chanlie is gel- tiug quen. I wonder wiat ho 'mesua t"I Tbey did net -have m uch - t say to oacchier for some dpan d Vie lucher notlced il, sudsked Là.- ie- vil- -'wam tue malter, anc! mie hl er. ien lie kind teacior 4new ber upelose te ber, and said:- "ii.dear, do't you kuow an ie-boat *10 mot a Ivays a nice boat, and'.a uic.boat is seldom an ice- boali"p Lizzie laugiod atheo mialake and made fnieuds vîtu Ciarlie at once, for aie' aaw the difference belveen au ice-boat sud a nice boat. - Touli' s Companion. CÂBtLOAb 0OF LIQUOR SEIZED. Constables ou Rand Wben Gooda Arrive at Coehnanc. -~A despatci from Toronto Baya: A canload et wiiskey aud',béee- lhé langeaIquantity of liquor evér, amuggied juite tih e nti oh t vas aeied at Cochrane earlIy on Yniy morning by Provincial -con- a'tïbleg, *l'h ic been waleiing fo r il Iôtr libuns. Tli te car the oo-- -etabhoasfound 150canes of whiakçky, Ïnough le supply, the blirsd piggersi iu Coo-Jirane- and tie aurrondng construction' camps for .s'e'vonal veeksï. The ?revincial Pol11ice De- paImp,Imýged c word liaItih dar Mh~efm eitson Toronto i T emikamilug & -NrenenOntario Raiiroad. Constaâbles LoIsire'. u R+.etw elte otiwi* . nd 'ahI.m ithe trsck, _toronto. BYf, 1.1, ~ypot8 o. 2 North- Orn, 98e,0 y rtsdNo0. 3 at 96c) ïsy; -' s; carring Wintor. lotorage at Godoii tiüextra. Ontario-WMh4t-Nio, 2 wite, 85u, sud No.- 2 nec! sud mix.d at 48c. BarIoy-Maiting qualities, Ci lu 62e outaide, sud teed, 6e to 55e eut. aide. Oas-O)utarie 'grades. No. 2 vile 35 bo 353,qc,, ou track, Torento, snd 32Y2 le SU outaide ; No. 2 W. O. cals, 37c, Bsy porta, and, No. 2 at 3534e, Psy ponta. Corn-sîy4 te 52e, prompt sbip- ment, Toronte f neigita. Peas-.-No6. 2 &bL 82 ho 84o out"id. Rye-_65 to 66e, outaide. Buckwheat.-No. i at 49yle out- aide. Brnu--Manitobaa, $29, ln bàgs, Toronto'-sud shorts, $24, inu ba et Toronto, sud' bran, $22,; uin-sck Torouto';sud shorts $24. COUNTRY s'RODUCZ. Apples-Spys, $s.so te $6-0Bald-1 vina, $4 le -$5; Greeninga, *4 te 84.50; ,No. 2 aaotd,*3 $l 4.- ,50 pen barre]. Beans-Car loti, $1.70 le *1.75, snd amali lotst, 1.85 te *$1.90. Honey-Fetiactedý, in ina, 1OYs te lie pcv lb. Ne. .1 comb, viole- sale, *2 le *$2.50 per dozen;'No. 2 lomh, violesale,*1--'M ta *2 per' dozen. 13aIed traw-Niu. i at *12.50 ho :M on lrack, sud -No.,2 Lt' 8.0 BEaIed" Slnaw-$7 le- *7.W0, "on Idreaaod peultry.--Chkckens, 15 te 16e per lb.;-fovi, 1 Ila er- vlb.; ducea, 16 te 18c erclb.; tuncys 1s te 21,c per lb., sud geese, 12 te 13y/,c per hi. Live, 1i tgoe 2e i THI PDAIRY MAIIuTS. <A 'deapatèh trous Fort William, wnild of d~iIen thle- New:f Ontnlo ti~elwhich ave.*been bis sole- companions for the past four yeara, 'John Beck, about 40 yeas ofe troagrbed in crudoly fshieued coat and trousen etfakidns, vas tak- ,en: thrýoUgh Fort William from' Ver- miion.Bsay, about a, hundnod miles, uerth-wea1t ia city, to Kenora, on 'Weduesday, wbero ho *will ho comnmittod Vo an institution for the violely insane. Since the winter of 1907, when he lest part et 'bis bauds vii' dyniamiting for fiai, Beck bs ived ilu the wildernent near Vermullion Bay, a new station of Grand Trunk Pacifie. Altbough hie identity and place et abode, a creviCe in s rock twenty miles f rom Tenonte, Feb. 14.-A price liat vas paid for -3 gond many 'caIlle1 vas *6.10, but liat vas as higi as1 liey 'vent. Even cannera vene9 quoted as higi as $3.25. Lamisq vere up' ta $6.60, and sieep vere firus aI 84.25 to $4.75 loir ewes sand "*Ua.o l $4 fer buoksansd culis.- Calvea vo wre quol-ed as blgh as 88.- 76 for lie beal veati.*pd rnelever han $3.75 for the '-poresl. There yvas noebange in bhe situation vith regard -le boga. Tien. 'voro a 1ev milcis cove on the market, but $60 vwas lie best figure recorded. The tiade for milkern s pigens han heen off celer ton some lime-. SALARIES RAJSED.. Wiluulpeg Teachers to Get as lNueh as Auy Others on Cou'tlmext. A clcatc f nom Winnipeg says: The salariés et altteacieri, viti thse exception o! the prncnipale, l in c Pub lie achoola et Winnipeg havo beou voluntsnily nased. Tise mwý iciedule places lie sehools cof bis City eu s bais aas biihas lia lu' ,any' obhicil>' m 'Aunenice. Ti Msin imum forinexpien.ied leseher bas -benrased1 -trom *460 le $600. Rogular huàchera viii be paid $050 to *80 fon t ie final ear,-isoco $ê75 te -.$725. 1TIic taximum l 'te4' b. reacicd at lie end oethtise igiti year instead et lennia êoe suId il vil! rtange f nom *80010 81,000 instesd tnom*80o*8. 7M FOR OOEOXANTIOII the 'neareat dweliUùg, ver. us kncyn,-unfitilaT~ asgb.a teirè4 '-b>' con -strution -,es A ~th fev, lumbermnwho vstdteda ,tnict. eeV 0f foot sud, as i wsry A au 'untameid beasl, he nonver ailôvý od ies tellewmomn -te approach hlmn. At tb. aigit et a humin being hoin.is vsniabiy vaniahed in? the dense bush. Ro waszfnally' captured, atter a des penate slrugglet by Canadian Pool. fie Raîiway Constable Bailofet blo cty, sund a Domizùeu Constabléet FIg.ace. Hac! existed during thse four years on raw fiai, rabblhs sud tfowl, wbici he Suaned.on kiliad viti atonesà or club&. In lie bouse na- ture bac! taahiened for hlm- won fouud ouiy a pile of dry leaves, t"~ or linos dries kineansd a pi1eet a8tones. SEEN IN PARIS 530P8.. Silven favu hi a nev celer. Coiffure bandeaux are jeveled. Gauntiel culs &ppear - lb. ansart coata. Diasuond sisped panels are ssu lu brafidlung. Draped lace la seen on usa>'e- eing dresses. ar ' ' SusarI toques a fe askioùed o.1 changeable veivel. A.À touci of cerise isnow 1eiu macle le- dsnk bine. Chapeaux are- noticeable fer lie slmplieiby oet tnuming. Coala arc shonter lian ever sud, buttqn- down tee centre. The bodices et mostevri gowut are eut square on ýposnt64,' Jet fringe l4 faibonabI, fer -tin ,Min$ Ntape sud nowa Bglue, is scoler thl iavibl c~ tiiucd ile hie ny prn eapphmire blie e cisly im et lUn sud velvet, vi b.fvoie- t.rimng. Sati n sd velv.t are efeéâtive<'y oouibiuciu oi thle nov stocka and y-okes.; T e*v ighua ro conusidsz. ai lilghtiterinueigisI' lin the 'veavea é as éfo Plidozùed m ip5 Sgmn r )LneuO eald :iu.u1lmlu.U "I WElÂRNo INITATIOIi. Y~A ~ Âb*nWiStateient Ab:ut Queens -H ] iA L T H Il QI'th. mau.y absiurd et&oIementsý published abiout Roeyalty on.eof the wwýeMost ridiculous je now gounLg h« S round of Lon.don, and je b lb.'et- FRESH AIR IN PNEIJMQWIA., , éted tat bat1h Queen Mary and, in talkiug et pueumemas to, peo- QiI>S1 Alexandra have exact re-. Pie, in generai, 'it je uecogîsary >te plicas of their more v*luàblo *e t #&y ýand repeat many' tu*4es tht eOISmade ct imitation stonese w ich ,pneumonia is not a badold ru they wear on uxany ocaîilons. 1V ,uadfor his cn~rition ppea s aadded that it e is mittor :»f the )Oe invincibly l,ýdgod in the loy mid. utuiost iut ttellthé' real Pueurnonia l finI, lait, and al t romthb. imitation Jewels .Wben the time an acute local disease oft hey are placed aide by aide. the lungs, which, according tute AS; a matter et tact tien. is xiotý ;ravity of the case, become more. fl 510151 of truth ini 1he statemeiit.- ~pr leas cunkolidated or çhoked UP.i Néither of the Queens possesses ap, The more of the lung tissue liat imitation jewei et auy kind. Non -thus chok-,-d, the e lie lungs je hereauy reasen why aie should.. swbic Vo breathe. Tbë,,fint cn In< . uach of the Royal palaces tiere ~oqe~eI bishepicsuea u tseare burgiar ançi firepreet atrong C-fef ii n . laILbthe art rooma Atted up fthe brnqSption ct taî ga 1t 'a-lbr egthVe Qucen a jewelry, and only a t ugbl<>dte keep thinga oigtvery few of those about the court, and this la why we see the distres- are evOYI aware efthVe position cf lng rapid *and sliallow breathiùug so these rooms. obracteriedic of the disease. Queen Mary'a sale eau oly b. ~Wih al Ve har ca doit onope»ed ln ber presence, sud the ý,1Wih a lthehertcauno t yeau beys te them nover,,leave bar. Que«u 'Jýy pump blood, it Aexadr, oot. oiie budon it-that la 1th. function of the ruAlenda ne t er hw e n-'t n»gs. PrcsonVl>, Lherefore, th on.ussChear of e e lls Z holoe stream becoxues more and o.CalteKôyswhâ1n te impure, owiug Vo lack of o>y-poeseti.ky -and inu houe cases endiug in RSEIOSNWFUDAI iloe ecostwo suings nappons- er the heant gives ont eutirely, Ths e Resue Surplus la Grfater ble tê, stand--the atraîd put up-ThuEe fo. li; or ie e .System i&4eveneome TsaEe eoe t<>xium, iaI te aî$y, by Vthe iÈ- A despalci f roui 'St. John's, ,ixduced by Vhe lack of oxy- Nfid.,oasys: Declariug liaI Vie Panýt lIon. year bac! beeu the. mont îuccessfui ~as long been recognired that and empbasiuing bis astatomeul by ;se pneumunia patient uceda figures showiug thse-revenue sar- ', and w r o sure p lus te have been groater than even la iéi bout aupiîd' by a. directhoefore, the Colonial Goyorner, Sir t of, freshah sr 'fsuo<utaideO, Z O.William,, ~ I a c f *11 tIv ment frein thse reis aho o*ing seasoaof the ~cgiw~ig..Legisataîre ow Wedilesday. . Tihe 4ften ha# lUfe been lIôt 1yaostlok for lhe,:futuie, ,Goveraer teýt 1ruaiz hisg Iruth, Oit Williams doclated,-wa never lielt hat1 us ingin cauued bnigiter. S. spoke partieulsnly ef n~tu e lait moment 'woiild 'the su=cea wicbbas, béen attisned. a cure, There je lois pneu- in tie pulp aud! piper industry. akg country <lweilers biais Following the Gornio'a remanka, g dty peopie. There je less ýtle 1Leg*)ature, on the motion et1 lekinva--1jPrmirSir Edwsnd -Morris, tbte ~lu thea vinton. boausoIe rge. ,gazini ho roc V K I JFashion Hints "d-mu -AIL -IÇ migit ol th*o me. deoeund by sett- 'able an. horizon. n iilca 3 eau5 ai- 'a, *ttolie ihll &uqý hem. "c on tbi jýjàf, &&ý i d out -,

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